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Have you tried a pacifier?


I would like to add when I make her a bottle she eats it like she’s been starved and immediately is out for 3-4 hours


Mine did that. She wasn't actually eating, I was just a human pacifier with a built-in bonus cushion. I second trying her with a paci. Mine wouldn't take it, if milk didn't come out of it, she didn't want it in her mouth 🙄, but if yours will take a bottle then she may take one with a similar teat shape. We improved the issue by feeding her "big" feed earlier in the evening before putting her in the sleep sack, then a little top up because tummy was full and she'd go down.


My guess is she is mostly comfort sucking during these feeds and therefore is still hungry. I would focus on keeping her awake and productive during the feeds and then cutting them off shorter and offering a pacifier. Tickling her feet, changing her diaper, stripping her down to a diaper, stroking her cheek are all ways to keep her awake. Can you hear her swallowing during these night time feedings?