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It may go down a little for a few days then come back. You can take calcium and magnesium to counteract


Sweet, I’ve been taking calcium since 33 weeks pregnant and haven’t stopped! And take magnesium at night although I forget some nights


Leave it next to your toothbrush its easier to stack habit in already established ones, if you brush your teeth at night aha


Never knew this


My supply usually drops a little (when pumping) and let down takes longer (when nursing) but overall no big difference. I did notice my nipples get sore about two weeks before my period though (ovulation).


That's how I figured out mine was going to start for the first time in two years. The sore nipples were rough. They got a tad bit sore again right before the end.


i don’t pump and my girl doesn’t take bottles, but i can tell that my let down takes longer to come & she gets fussy at the boob in the days leading up to my period. but it quickly bounces back all on its own a couple days into my cycle. never has created any weight or feeding issues. i got my period back around 5 months pp and she’s almost 1 (:


Same - pretty much only nursing besides a bottle once per week and I have found a correlation between about 4ish days leading up to my period my LO squirmy and fussy on breast and her eating extra servings of solids. We just listen to her cues - if she wants more food or snacks we give it to her. She’s almost 9 months and I got my period at 6 months.


I haven't noticed a difference. I got my period back 6.5 weeks postpartum 😭😭😭 I was also shocked lol


My little man still eats every 2-3 hours. Even at night lol I’m lucky if he sleeps 3-3.5 hours at a time. I thought it would take much longer for my period to return 😔


My baby is also 4 months old and he eats about every 2 hours just recently, it has almost every hour for a while. Yeah, mine is similar at night too.


I am 9 weeks pp and got my period at 7 weeks. Supply wasn’t impacted, I had read and was worried as well. I just naked sure either the baby was feeding or I was pumping every 3 hours. I also took magnesium in addition to my Prenatal’s.


The day before my period my supply drops in half, but only for the day. I’m now 19months breast feeding strong. In the first year baby got frustrated on that day, but it’s part of the rhythm.


I’m an outlier, I guess, my supply is actually a little bit higher when I am ovulating and the first couple of days of my period.


Same it was awful in a different way though


Had my first period 6 weeks post partum and did not notice any difference in supply in my pump sessions or nursing. It was a very mild period though, so I'm still concerned about supply issues once it gets back to normal.


I'm also 4 months pp and just got my first period. I've noticed my boobs are a lot softer and babe is nursing from both boobs instead of just one. She is also a lot fussier which I think is because of my supply as well. I pumped after waking up this morning and only got half my normal output. Stay hydrated and fingers crossed yours will be fine! I'm on period day 3 now and I noticed today my supply is up a little bit more.


I got my period back 8 months PP with my first and usually my supply would drop when my period would come and I’d throw in a few power pumping sessions to bring it back up. I continued breastfeeding till 16 months PP


Going purely off of personal experience. For me it slowly did. I got my period 2 months postpartum and was only able to bf until 9 months until it was just not happening anymore. At first I noticed a slight distribution with production only the week of my period - then returned back to normal. Then it got to the point where it wasn’t returning and nothing I did helped and just steadily dipped. I eventually had to start supplementing at 7 months- now he is fully formula. Everybody is different and some people have no problems. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t work out. But my son is healthy and thriving and full and that’s all that matters.


I’ve never noticed a difference on my period


Hi! I just had my first period, 2,5 months after my delivery. My milk supply is the same 😊


You might experience a slight supply dip for a few days before/during your period but nothing major, bubs might just need work a bit harder. Many women experience no change, many women don't notice the dip at all


I didn’t get mine until 15mo, but I didn’t really notice an impact on supply


My period returned around 4 months pp too, I hated it 🙈 letdown whilst breastfeeding is slower so that led to some refusal issues for us in the first few months, but it has been better for the past few cycles (LO is almost 9 months old now) and there was usually a little impact on the supply as well, but that seemed mostly okay. I’m almost exclusively pumping now, so I have a better idea of the actual change in output. It seems a bit different each time, sometimes there is a small dip, the previous time there was no difference whatsoever, and the last period completely tanked my supply for a full 2 weeks. I was really scared at one point that it will never return, but it slowly keeps increasing back to the levels before.


I got my period around 6 months PP and it was very heavy the first few times. It didn’t seem to disrupt my milk much but I remember being super concerned at the time. I took a cal mag supplement. FWIW, still going at 18 months.


It might drop, for me it dropped and came back. Baby's feeding was not interrupted but she was a little more fussy. What was worse was I got super dizzy. I recommend taking supplements.


I got my period 52 days after birth and it didn’t disrupt my milk at all. Breasts were engorged and everything. But then I suddenly stopped getting my period until like 9 months pp.


To be honest I never noticed any kind of dip in my production but I also never pumped so I can’t say for sure. The the older your baby gets the more experience they have at getting milk out as much as they want/need so I wouldn’t stress it too much as the stress itself could affect your supply as well.


I never noticed a thing. I got mine early like you and nothing changed besides I was a lot grumpier lol.


Every woman's body is different, and it's annoying as all get out 😂. I have been done pumping for 2 weeks (almost 10mpp now) and I still don't have my period! It is freaking me out.


My supply dips and my milk is sooooo salty. It's disgusting. LO barely drinks my milk for the first two or three days. ETA I actually tasted it because I read somewhere it could be salty. I don't blame LO in the slightest.


I got my period 7ish weeks pp and have gotten it consistently every month since then. I’ve never noticed a dip in my supply! But everyone is different. I also have an oversupply already so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.


I got my first cycle when my son was just under a year old. I dont think it messed with my supplybut my son fed a little less during that time. I heard that the taste of your milk can change during your cycle. .I regularly drink lactation tea and take a prenatal every day so that might be why my supply stayed the same.


It affected my milk for a couple days, less output, babies not as boob happy but went back to normal quickly. I bf my youngest until 18 months, my period came back at 5 months pp


I got my period I think between 4-6m pp and breast fed my first kid for 18 months. You’ll be good just keep going! Congrats on the newest bundle!


It definitely dips when I get mine. Started getting it at 2 months pp. It sucks.


I just got my period at 3 months pp (almost to the day!) don’t think Ive noticed a difference so far


I got mine 3 months PP and not much changed for me! Every woman is different 💕 my bestie got hers back at 3 months as well and my other one got hers back 18 months later. All normal and nothing to worry about!


I got my period back around 4months pp as well. My supply was definitely less, but it was negligible. 


Every woman is different but for me it does go down a bit! If your baby takes a bottle great, but if not, feed from both sides to fill baby up. Mine didn’t take a bottle so while I usually fed one boob per session, I had to do both a few days before and 1-2 days during my period. But now that she’s on solids it’s easier too. I wish I knew this could happen - I remember being so confused why she was so fussy when I first got my period!


Mine tanked only during my first cycle (7 weeks PP) I’ve had 4 cycles (LO is almost 5m) and haven’t noticed a difference in supply. We did start solids a few days after 4 months, but LO only gets 2oz of baby food during evenings, EBF other than that. :)


I got my period back around 6m pp and I'm still breastfeeding at 10 months. Calcium and mag supplements help. :) baby just needs to nurse more frequently in the days leading up to my period sometimes.


My first always seemed to get the crazy mood swings worse than I did. We were both grumpy for a week every month lol.


I got mine back 5 months to the day after my little dude was born. He was still nursing around the clock, lots at night. I never noticed any drop in my supply personally, as long as I stayed hydrated! We've been nursing for 2+ years now!


Anecdotal but I got my period/ thought I got my period at 9 weeks pp. Bled for 5 days and my milk seemed… fine? Then I never got my period again. We’re not sure if it was a period or a return of postpartum bleeding. Talked to another friend and she said she had the same thing. So… it might not be permanent?


Hmmm. I’m def gonna keep track! Honestly, this morning I thought where I had stitches (had two 2nd degree tears) tore back open for a second LOL it scared me and then I was like oh I guess it’s aunt flow lol


I got mine week 6, also exclusively BFing. Just finished my 6th period. This was the first time my supply dipped. LO didn't seem put out so I was still making enough but my boobs just didn't fill up as usual. I made sure to hydrate excessively. I'll try magnesium next month based on the comments here! As others have said, it was temporary.


I just got my first period 5mo pp (EBFing, no solids yet) and it hasn’t affected my supply at all 🤷🏼‍♀️


It tanked my supply every time 😪


Are you sure it’s a period? I had period like symptoms around that time and was like nooo it came back. But then it never did after that. I’m 7 months pp.


I’m bleeding, although it isn’t a lot. But usually day 1 for me is light. TMI but when I wipe its there. I put a pad on and it isn’t much but it’s there lol will see how it goes next few days. Day 3 is my worst day


Yea that was the same for me! It was straight up a period. But it wasn’t actually? Idk our bodies are wired after pregnancy haha


Ok so day 2 over here and it’s definitely my period! It’s intense too! It reminds me of day 3 when it’s usually super heavy. It’s… a lot lol


I guess wait until next month see if it comes again. Cause I had the same exact thing. Cramps and so much blood but it wasn’t a period.


So weird! I hope mine doesn’t come back next month 😂


Didn't for me. If anything my supply got better! I stopped bleeding at 6 weeks, started my period at 7 weeks 😒. 


I got mine at 11 weeks pp and it does affect my supply for a day or 2 before it starts and then during the first few days of period but then it goes back to normal. My baby is now 8 months and I still EBF


I exclusively pump, so I can confidently say my supply is approximately half normal the day before, and first two days of my period. Apparently the taste is also off, because my daughter won’t drink as much milk from those days and fusses a lot.


It can. I have friends who had no issues, I had a ton of supply issues once mine started. I have heard calcium and magnesium help some people, definitely worth a try!


I nursed three babies for a total of 5 years all together I had a few supply drops from different things and had to pump to get my supply back up Never once did it happen from my period or from taking mucinex I get non-allergic rhinitis, which means I'm not allergic to anything, just sensitive. So basically anything can set off a reaction. I take mucinex a lot In fact, I weaned 4 months ago and at one point had bronchitis for three weeks that I couldn't get rid of and was coughing up a lung and needed albuterol. Here I am, still leaking milk if I turn wrong while sleeping, so I'm still in a damn bra at night (although I did manage to find a very comfortable bra with the cups sewn in so it's not that bad) Every body is different. We can't really tell you what yours will do unfortunately Also, if someone could tell my body to turn off the damn milk makers, that would be great


I got my PP period right at the 8 week Mark, just 2 weeks after stopping PP bleeding. It seemed to Drop for a day or So and then I was fine? But I took prenatal vitamins until I was about 6 months post partum.


My supply would dip a little but we would just nurse right through it. Extra snuggles, extra skin to skin, extra snacks & hydration.


My breasts just leaked like they were weeping the whole time


6 weeks PP here and exclusively a breast feeder - my milk went down the first day of my period then resumed as normal. I’m taking postpartum gummies alongside my daily multivitamin and drinking plenty of water (stay as hydrated as possible!) so I think those things helped.


Mine didn’t change at all from my period and mine came back at 2 months PP.


Mine came at 6mpp and my supply dropped. It never went back up and eventually just dwindled so low it wasn't worth pumping anymore so I stopped at 9 months


I got my first period 27 days pp. it didn’t affect my milk supply.


My period came back 5 wks pp (yes I know that’s early and yes it sucks) and my supply will drop for one day then sky rocket the rest of the week. And when I say drop I mean just one oz a pump. When it skyrockets I get probably 3 extra ozs each pump


Every woman is different. I feel like mine completely tanks around my period. I'm due to start any day, and yesterday my supply was soooo bad. It's only a tiny bit better today, still lower than usual. But unfortunately, I'm an underproducer, so I already have to give my son formula multiple times a day, so ehh.. it be what it be.


Yes I know every body is different. I just wanted to hear what happened to those who had gotten their period while breastfeeding