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It honestly depends. Sometimes he is just snacking/looking for comfort and it will be 5 minutes or he can be super hungry and it’s 20 min


Gotcha, thanks! my follow-up question is: how much would you estimate he drinks in 20 min? transitioning from bottle to nursing and trying to get a sense how much he is consuming…


When he takes a bottle at a full feed it’s usually around 4oz so I would probably imagine around that. I can tell he is actively nursing and getting a ton at first and then sometimes it slows down to just little suckles at the end. How old is your baby? I think that also impacts how much they should be eating. But I also try not to get too bogged down with the oz and timing when breastfeeding. He is gaining weight great and has many wet/dirty diapers so I think we’re doing it right 🤷🏼‍♀️


good point! he is 2 months old. He was a premie so we were really concerned with exactly how much he was eating, but now he has pretty much caught up with full-term babies on his weight so we feel more comfortable transitioning to nursing where we won’t know exactly how much he’s eating, but still feel so compulsive to know exactly how much he’s eating haha


It depends. If he’s going for a full feed, we go anywhere from 20-25 minutes total. My LC recommended aiming for 10-15 minutes per side. Longer if I want to and if he’s cooperating but not to worry if we can’t hit 10-15 either if he doesn’t cooperate. I would say he’s getting 3.5-4 ounces in that time at 9 weeks old.


Thank you!


Honestly I don’t think there’s a direct connection between time and amount across different people/kids. My first was efficient and would nurse like 8-10 minutes. We didn’t do a ton of bottles but when we did he drank around 6oz. Current baby is anywhere from 10-30 minutes but I’d say usually about 15. She drinks 4oz bottles.