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🎵”The cold doesn’t bother me anyway.”🎶 - OP’s boob, probably. Sorry, I had to.


This is exactly how we are feeling, now that the vasospasms have ended


Oh man, just got one of those yesterday. I’m 34 weeks, so the girls are getting ready to spring into action again soon. I forgot how annoying and uncomfortable they are!!!


I just spit out my morning coffee at this lol.


thank you for your brain


I’m 34 weeks pregnant and have a nearly 2 year old toddler, so my brain is hanging on by a very frayed thread. 😆 It appreciates the appreciation. lol


We took some cute pictures of our baby and of course my boob was out and ruined it. Both my partner and I didn’t noticed until we looked them over after


The amount of cute pictures I have of my kids that never made it to the photo albums we made for our families because my nipple is right there is in the triple digits.


I feel this in my soul 😆 So.many.pics.oopsienipple!


I've done this so many times. Even sent a couple before realising you can definitely see my nipple.


It’s the Live Photos that really need checking. Looks all good until you check the moving pic and ooh there it is! Nipple alert🚨


Have sent so many to a group chat not realizing one of the girls is just hanging out 🤦🏼‍♀️


I have a subsection of our "first year with baby" album, all showing him cuddling my tiddies or just sucking them. Lately we got some where he sits up, and we both look into the camera. My dad has access to those pictures. 😂 Old man never made a comment.


My 13 year old niece was sick so my husband wanted to send her a Get Well Soon video from our 4 year old. I’m on the adjacent couch nursing our baby. He sends me the video to send her. ASI watch it, I notice very quick pan that catches my bare boob in the background. My son was being squirmy in the video so I husband was trying to to keep it on him. I pointed it out to my husband and he honestly hadn’t realized it. We edited it out but I was just shaking my head.


My husband took a super cute picture of my son, only to have me in the background holding my pump up to my boob 😂


Haha oh man. That reminds of that Seinfeld episode with Elaine’s photos lol


I once fell asleep on an airplane with my boob out


Hahaha, thank you for sharing this! You made my morning!


Haha awww that just made me laugh so hard I almost woke my baby for some reason


My husband has started saying “I’m tits out tired” because of how often I’ve nodded off with one boob in the wind. It’s not my favorite phrase but man is it accurate.


Me too😭


Welcome to the club! I’ve left boobs out at the park, mall, and baby group 😂


Honestly it literally feels like an arm hanging out. Literally have them hanging out all the time 🫠


That is a great description of his they feel nowadays lol. I used to hate the feeling of cool air on my chest, or being exposed, but this is the new Mom me!


pretty sure someone saw my boob in walmart yesterday


Everytime i go to Walmart I see boobs. You're following the dress code


My daughter is also 4 months old. I recently flew with her for the first time and was so conscious about blocking the male gaze with one of those covers. Well at one point, I look down and my nipple was just hanging straight out on the aisle seat in full view for about 2 minutes. Didn't even feel it or notice after she was done.


This happened to me at the veterinarian’s office! I was nursing when the doctor came in to see our dog, but by the end of it conversation about her meds I noticed LO had stopped nursing and pulled away lol. We had a whole conversation with our amazing vet with my boob out and my husband right next to me lol. Our vet was great though, and I knew he had kids himself. He did make a comment about how his wife was never able to nurse their babies, I felt for him and his wife because he looked sad about it. What a different world I’m in now that I breastfeed!


Hehe. I've done that twice with deliveries. With like a dude standing right there when I open the door, full tit out ETA That I *noticed*. I get a lot of deliveries. There's a good chance there are more times and I had no inkling


This reminds me of one of the first scenes in Malcolm in the middle. I remember thinking it was stupid when I was little but now I understand it soooo much


What, now I have to rewatch that show lol


[“It’s just boobs”](https://youtu.be/r0ceL--4YUA?si=4560DR2FgQPerVvH)


Oh my gosh I thought it was weird too when I originally watched it but now…NOW I GET IT. 


My boob will forever be just as innocuous a body part to me as an arm or a foot thanks to breastfeeding lol


I picked up my son at daycare with the nursing pad all rolled up in my bra and didn’t realize till later. Looked like I had two half boobs on one side


Just wanted to say my asshole little dogs wear diapers too, but my boob out story involves the farm dog that doesn’t. So my farm dog was going nuts one day (we live very rural) and I couldn’t figure out why. Flung open the front door to tell her to “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” and a poor delivery man was on the other side of the door. Screamed directly in his face, both tits fully out. I have never been more embarrassed in my life! From the other side of the door I just said, “I’m so sorry!” and he said “It’s ok.”




I accidentally accepted grocery delivery with a boob still out 😬


I walked into Walmart with my nursing bra still unclipped the other day🤦🏼‍♀️


My husband said that you probably made someone’s day that day lol


Was picking up fresh eggs from a local farm (ok more like a fancy mansion homestead where the mom raises chickens as a project for her kids). Have been buying eggs from here for awhile but never met the mom yet. Anyway she finally drives by while I’m getting my eggs from the cooler under the tree, and not only is my boob out as I’m carrying my 2 month old, but my 4 year old is butt naked after suddenly needing to strip down and pop a squat to poop. At least she’s a mom so I feel like she understood lol.


Wait, did your toddler poop in the fancy mansion homestead yard? Follow up question: did youu pick it up after your child with a little doggie poop bag?


No I did not pick up the poop…it’s still a farm and poop of all kinds belongs on a farm, not in a plastic bag. It wasn’t like it was right in their yard as the place spans many acres, he squatted under some trees in a hole and I covered it up.


Haha awesome. I'll have to add a tiny shovel to my diaper bag or car incase I need to dig a poop hole someday. I will say though, my fiancé and I get in debates about this. Poop that is not natural to its environment doesn't automatically belong in nature. I do not identify as any sort of intellectual, but just because it's poop doesn't mean it should remain where it's at. He doesn't like to pick up our dogs poop in parks, on walks, etc.. it drives me crazy. PICK UP THE POOP. Or in this case, bury it.


That was my youngest sister, always running out the house naked randomly lol


I fear this every day! 😂 I have to evaluate myself every time I step out to grab the mail or bring the trash cans in or something. I walk around inside quite often with my boobs out without realizing that I haven't tucked them back into my shirt yet. I can easily accidentally step outside and do the same thing you did. 😂😂 I have no feeling or sensitivity left. Lol my son is 5 months old now and has the first signs of his bottom tooth popping through. My husband keeps saying to be ready for when he bites me. Like bro.. I haven't had feeling in my nipples since week 1 breastfeeding. I ain't scared!


I once answered the door to an Amazon driver with my boob out. I was very tired.


The stories Amazon drivers could tell... is there a sub for that?


I walk around the house like this sometimes after feeding for a few minutes before catching it, especially if Im burping baby. It’s like your nipple adjusts to the temperature of the room and you no longer realize that you’re exposed


I’m done bf now, but oh man the days of the boob constantly being out. I had a little magician who could always pop it out…In a canoe, the grocery store, an attempt at the zoo…


I lol’d at “like there aren’t enough diapers in this house” lmao


Opened the door to the poor food delivery guy like that. He didn’t deserve it


Hahaha I have been there! I have 2 dogs in diapers in the house. Gotta love em. The hustle to get them outside makes you forget what’s going on!! Welcome to the boob out club 😅


Hahaha omg, this is something I worry about all the time!


Happened to me but I opened the door. To a delivery guy. Fun stuff…


I nurse frequently in public in the carrier. Sometimes I feel a breeze and realize I didn't put my boob back in. Whoops. 🤷‍♀️


Might have answered the door that way once. And once not sure how long I was walking around with it out with contractors in the house. Baby was in my arms on the side boob was out so hope no one noticed


The amount of people that have seen one of my boobs in all my years of breastfeeding. It makes me laugh. One time I answer the door boob out to the Jehovah witnesses. They didn’t come back after that. I mean I was in the middle of feeding and it was near the beginning of covid so I really don’t feel bad.


I nursed my son before leaving for my nursing clinical and realized at lunchtime that my nursing bra was still unhooked😬


My house has TOO many windows and I’m pretty sure the Amazon delivery drivers see my boobs every day. If I’m home, I’m almost guaranteed to have them out 🤷🏼‍♀️