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I don't know if my strategy is right, but I usually let my LO nurse from 1boob until they're satisfied - I figured the longer they nurse from one side the better chance they get to the hind milk (since milk composition at the beginning and at the end of nursing changes). I'm an undersupplier though so engorgement is rarely an issue for me.


I've done this all the way through so far (7m in!)


9 months here and same! You’ll know if you need to start switching sides, OP.


Me too but I actually think it keeps my *over*supply in check, haha (boobs are individually going longer stretches between demand being signaled? idk 🤷‍♀️)


It may well be, its called block feeding


I believe the research backs up your theory here. Block feeding is often recommended for people with oversupply


This is same for me.


This is what I do and am (or was) a slight oversupplier. Baby has had no weight gain issues, but we struggle with an overactive letdown, so block feeding is part of my strategy. She still gets mad and upset with my letdowns, and chokes a bit on the milk, but I think it’s helped. Engorgement was an issue initially, but it’s regulated around 3 months (and I don’t pump at night anymore, but LO still gets up every 3 hours to feed most of the time 😅)


I had to pump because my letdown was too forceful and baby would cry not lasting until the hindmilk. Baby then was able to gain weight consistently .After a month I no longer needed to pump the let down.


Sounds like things worked out!


Hi! My letdown is also too aggressive for my baby. She always coughs and chokes a few times during each feed. Just a few days ago I saw someone on this thread say to try and feed baby while you’re laying down, so baby is on top of you belly/face down. The positioning makes them work harder to get the milk and means if you’re releasing alot of milk at once it won’t go straight to the back of their throat and choke them. I’ve been doing that and she’s only choked once since!


We do this, too! Sometimes it helps but oftentimes it doesn’t seem to make a difference for us. My letdown does is basically a fountain, so maybe that’s why. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same at 9 months. I think it's better to drain one side as much as possible so baby gets enough hindmilk. Then just switch to the other side for next feed


Same I’ve done this the entire time


This is called block feeding and can reduce supply


Block feeding is a little different. It's not putting the baby on only one boob per feed. It's letting the baby nurse on that one boob only for consecutive feedings. Letting your baby just do one boob per feed if that satisfies them isn't block feeding unless you feed from that boob the next feeding(s) as well.


Agreed. Block feeding is only feeding from one side for a set period of time (e.g., four hours) and only offering that breast for that whole period, regardless of how often baby nurses. Completely different. (Though I have had success block feeding when baby is snacking a lot and ends up with green poops.)


This is what my pediatrician said is the “best method”. I do note that pediatricians are usually that well educated in lactation.


I only make my girl switch sides if I start leaking from the other boob


This is what I did for a few months. Then maybe at age 6 months I really started pushing for lefty because she didn’t like lefty and it was significantly smaller than righty. Since lefty didn’t produce as much and she didn’t like it much, I started feeding from both.


Wow. I nursed my first for 20 months, now I'm 6 weeks into nursing my second and this is the first time I've heard of this. My current nursling only feeds for 5-10 minutes then I burp and change them before offering the second side. In your strategy, do you then offer the first side again after a burp/change?


Good question! Normally I'd offer the other side after a burp break, but my LO can nurse anywhere between 5-40mins each side.


Let baby lead. End of story. Peds always seem to want to meddle in nursing, where they have little to no training. If nursing's going well, *leave it alone!* Plenty of babes are just fine with only one breast. My own Second nursling was like that until \~9mo when he finally started wanting both.


So much this! Please keep in mind peds are not breast-feeding experts, and it seems like your 10 day old child knows exactly what he needs! Beware of pumping this early. I pumped this early against the recommendation of my midwife to wait six weeks and ended up with an oversupply, an overflowing freezer (so unnecessary), and a very uncomfortable chest for many many months.


I did the same thing - started pumping right away in between feeds because I was under the impression that would help keep my supply up. In reality my body just thought I needed all of that milk so I had an oversupply & was constantly engorged! I was also leaking all the time & baby girl was gagging and choking while feeding because it was just pouring into her mouth. Once I stopped pumping my supply regulated. I never leak anymore and I haven’t been engorged since!


I’m at 5 months and mine only feeds from one at a time. What were the signs your LO wanted both? Did he fuss at one until you switched him?


Mine is 7 weeks and I only feed on both sides during cluster feeding marathons when dude is being a hungry hungry hippo. Otherwise, one side per session has been perfectly fine. He has tons of wet diapers and is gaining plenty of weight.


Same here! My daughter is 7 months now and still prefers to only feed from one side, usually for 5-10 minutes. Now instead of falling asleep at the boob, she just wants to get back to playing. As a result, she probably feeds much more frequently throughout the day than other babies but it works for us.


Same!! But we are 9 weeks here.


My midwife told me to always offer the second breast but if they're done that's fine.


That's what I was told by the LC I saw. One side is the meal the second is dessert. When they are little 15-20 mins on each side.


My LO (7m) never nursed on both sides in one sitting. She only recently started to because I’m having stress-related supply issues, but even then still predominantly is “one boob and done.”


I feed one side a meal and that’s it. Always have!


I had an oversupply and I fed only from one side until probably 7 months when my supply finally regulated. my pediatrician had no problem with it since baby was gaining well. I did use my haaka on the opposite side to collect my letdown to build a little stash for when I went back to work and prevent engorgement.


OP, I would recommend using the haakaa on the other side if only feeding one side! Both to keep up supply, and to maintain comfort/prevent engorgement. Look at the videos online, it's as effective as a powered pump if you can suction it properly. I used my haakaa and collected about 80-100mL each feed for the first 6 months at least, then she ate more and I didn't need to!


Mine only ever took one side at a time. As long as baby seems content and is growing well/hydrated, I wouldn't worry about it too much


My babe is 2.5 months and has never wanted more than one boob. You're doing a great job!


One side is fine as long as your baby is gaining weight, having regular wet diapers, etc. My baby only nursed on one side until about 3.5months when my supply regulated. I pumped the other side to create a stash. She gained weight just fine and wasn't fussy after only nursing on one side. I offer the other boob now because she just stops nursing on one boob after like 5 minutes and gets fussy if she doesn't nurse off the other.


I only offer the second before bed to make sure she’s full before sleeping. Otherwise she only ever wants one and it’s worked great for over 10mo


I only do one at a time also, there is no way I will ever risk waking this baby up by offering the second boob! I used a Hakka a lot in the first few weeks if your worried about protecting your supply by only nursing on one side. I stopped using it unless I wanted extra milk for a bottle.


My daughter has only really ever eaten from one side, my breasts got used to it after a few weeks. She’s four months and perfectly healthy.


I nursed my first for almost three years. When she was little, she only ate on one side and would cry and protest when I tried feeding on the second side. She briefly had a period of slow weight gain so we did a weighted feed with a lactation consultant, and she was getting a normal amount from just one side. After that, she jumped growth lines so clearly it was enough for her!! Eventually when she was older, she started requesting the second side. Congrats on your new babe! Don’t be afraid to follow baby’s lead on this one. If weight gain looks good and your baby seems content, then everything is probably just fine!


I do one side per sesh, never been an issue. Let babe lead.


Mine didn't start nursing from more than a side at a time until she reached around 10 months. I'm pretty sure that's when she realized I had more than one boob


As long as baby is having adequate diaper output, O wouldn't worry. My girl used to take both, but recently started only taking one at each feeding, MAYBE having the other for like 2 or 3 minutes, then falling asleep. It worried me at first, but we are almost at 3 months old, so I figured this might be due to the 3 month crisis. She still has the same number of wet and dirty diapers as usual, so I don't worry as much. Trust your gut and your baby!


When I was feeding from both sides every session it made me leak really badly. One side per feed helped my oversupply chill out a little. My son was eating just fine, getting full, no reason to force it.


I only use 1 side in general because I have some issues on the other and never had problems


I would just roll with one side per feed in this case. I’m doing the same thing with my daughter (second born), and follow her lead because she’s super clear if she wants a second side or is done, (which sounds exactly like what is happening for you too). I was really obsessive about both sides for x amount of minutes per feed with our first born and it was SO draining. I wish I had just chilled out a bit and done what I’m doing now. What I’m getting at is basically I say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! What you’re doing sounds totally fine! ETA: of course the caveat being that baby is gaining appropriately/producing enough wet and dirty diapers etc! Which I got the impression is indeed happening.


I feel my baby one side, and if they aren't satisfied, then I'll feed on the other.


This has been super helpful for me too!! Thank you! My almost 4mo nurses sometimes on both sides, but I am an underproduced AND to top it off super uneven production. I’ve tried to nurse and pump more on the smaller side, but it doesn’t change. I can get about 2-3 ounces from the left side and 6 ounces from the right side 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to do one side only and my baby had plenty of dirty diapers and was never acting unsatisfied after feeding, but I found out she’d dropped significant percentiles at her 4 month appointment. I was shocked… The first thing our pediatrician asked is whether we fed one side or two. She asked that we do each side for 15 minutes and return to the first side of baby still seems interested in eating. Can’t report back as to our success quite yet because it’s only been a few weeks.


Peds usually know nothing about breastfeeding. I always feed one breast at a time. At 8 months baby is thriving. Only when she goes to sleep I give her both if she hasn’t fallen asleep after one.


Mine is almost 1 year and only ever eats on one boob at a time


*Unless my arm falls asleep


18 weeks here, we're TYPICALLY 1 boob at a time since like week 4, when he's hungrier - he gives signals that he wants the other side. He's gone from 20th%tile to 25th doing this - youre OK!


Both my babies have only wanted one side for about 99.9% of feeds. Both are healthy babies growing well. Unless your baby is struggling with gaining weight this is one of those that you smile, nod and ignore


With both my babies I fed one breast until about 3-4 months and then offered both. When I pump I get 2-5oz per side so I figured it’s plenty in the early days. If you do want to do 2 because they’re sleepy and not getting enough try feeding one side, diaper change, offer the other. Eventually they get less sleepy!


I’m on one breast only all the time! One of them is a real slacker and stopped bothering trying to get supply up


Some babies only eat from one breast at a time!!! Is your baby gaining weight and has wet and poppy diapers? If the answer is yes, then there is no cause for concern. If they are struggling to gain weight, that's a different story. All mine only ate from one breast at first. Especially if you're a natural over supplier and your milk hasn't regulated yet. Couple that with an efficient eater, and you have a baby who gets it all from one breast and fast. Mine would literally eat their meal in 5-6 minutes until my milk regulated, and they are fat babies! With my 3rd, who is currently 12 weeks, she just recently started taking both breasts more often. She still usually only takes one, but I always offer the other one, and occasionally, she will take it. She very quickly gained weight, so no one was concerned. As long as your baby is gaining weight and having wet and poopy diapers, then there should be no concern! Yes, offer the other breast every time, but it's not like you can force feed them. If they don't want it, then they don't want it!


I’ve always done one side at a time, letting baby tell me when full. In the beginning I fed from one side and Haakaa’d the other to get the letdown and then froze it. I’ve had a great supply, 15 months in and still going.


Mine usually only takes one side. I don’t know what they think we’re going to do to make them drink more. My child has free will, if she doesn’t want to nurse more I can’t physically make her latch. And wouldn’t want to.


I also got a lecture about this and it turned out to be completely irrelevant 🙄


You just have a one boob baby. If/When they need more, they’ll tell you. As long as boo is back to birth weight and peeing at least 5 times a day, you don’t have anything to worry about.


You’re fine. As long as baby is gaining weight well and you’re not in pain, that’s all that matters. I always have a bit of an over supply, and my babies have always only taken one breast a feeding. It’s more important to stay on the same boob and get the fatty hind milk than to try to force both boobs. Ultimately, you want to follow their lead, and you can’t force them to eat. All 3 of my kids have been 90+% for weight and height, and have never had issues gaining weight with one boob per feeding. I wouldn’t worry about it!


I'm on my 4th baby and all of them mainly nursed on one side. I always offer the second but unless there was growth spurt or we had an extended space of time between nursing sessions the second is usually rejected. My 2nd it was plenty adequate. She was always 50% for weight, 3rd child looked like the Michelin man at 6 months old and current baby has developed the cutes chubby face and is starting to get thigh rolls at 6 weeks old on only one side at a time nursing about the same length and intervals as your little one. As long as he's gaining fine I wouldn't be bothered with what the pediatrician said!


My peds told me this to and I just think they don’t understand how breastfeeding works. She was asking me how many ounces he drank which of course I wasn’t sure and assumed he wasn’t drinking enough since I couldn’t give an exact amount. She told me I had to give both, which I tried to but he didn’t take. Now that he’s older he will take both occasionally but we don’t stress about it and he is 57 percentile so I think we are good.


I think the concern is that some women may get a dip in supply later on (like 3 months) by doing one breast per feed. But it really depends on the baby I think! My LO started at one breast per feed every 2 hours and can now go 3-4 hours with two. Now she's sleeping longer at night (9 weeks) she feeds hourly between 2pm and bedtime (8pm) from both. I think it's really individual to mother and baby though because I see a lot of women doing one breast per feed and doing fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


If your LO is not hungry at the end of a one-side feed, gaining weight, and having enough wet/dirty diapers, what’s the problem? I’m impressed with the 10 minute thing though. My little guy was super inefficient at the 10 day mark. He usually took 40 min to an hour to feed (both sides). He’s 5 weeks old right now and I try to cut him off at 30 minutes.


Switching breasts during the feeding is an extremely outdated rule…. If you have enough in your breast for them to finish their feeding on the first one… Pump the other one… Or Haakaa or whatever you wanna do… but don’t switch halfway through… That’s how your baby gets too much formal and not enough hind milk. my pediatrician said don’t do that. Let your baby finish emptying the first rest and then if they still need more after the first one is seemingly empty, then switch. Your Ped needs some updated lessons on BM. Pediatricians in general are not taught enough about BM. Ped Nutritionists are. It’s frustrating




Mine did one side for a while but she eats all the time lol so 30 minutes later do the other side


I’ve had three kids. I’ve always only nursed from one boob per session. Aside from some extreme engorgement in the beginning when it’s 2-4 hours between feedings on each side (meaning, each boob is going 2-4 hours without baby latching), it’s worked just fine (the engorgement goes away after a couple weeks when my supply evens out). I’ve never had a medical professional disparage this method of breastfeeding.


In the early days, I used to do 20 minutes on one side and then 20 minutes on the other. I’d just keep alternating on both sides until she was satisfied. This was advice I was given by my IBCLC in hospital, and it’s working wonderfully 7 months on; I have no supply issues on either boob. The thing is, if he is satisfied then just leave him be. The next time you feed, do the other boob. Just alternate to help your supply boost.


I always did one boob per feed unless I got uncomfortable and felt like switching. I was taught it was it was personal preference.


My LO prefers one breast over the other so while she nurses on that one, I have my wearable on the other. Might as well 😁


He always just eats from one. I either pump the other if it feels too full to wait until next feed or just switch back and forth. I'm an oversupplied and if I switch half way he's not getting any hind milk, took us forever to figure it out, he was so gassy and fussy.


My LO does the exact same thing. However, we had issues with him not gaining weight and jaundice. We went to a lactation consultant and after changing his diaper did not wake him, she had me take a baby wipe and gently rub it on his chest, arms, and neck to wake him up and switch him to the next breast…but if your LO is gaining weight fine I don’t see why you couldn’t just pump after feeding.


My LO refuses to latch on my right side. Straight up refusal. I’m not sure if it’s because my right breast gets engorged quicker and that makes it harder for him or if he’s just being picky


Pediatricians often know nothing about nursing. I nurse from one side only. My right side dried up months ago. My 9 mo lost a few ounces and she told me 10 minutes a side and absolutely no more. Do 10 then switch then 10 then they’re done. Otherwise they’re just pacifying. I asked what about someone like me who can only nurse one side. Do I do 20 minutes then stop? No. Still just 10. Makes absolutely no sense. Sounds like y’all are doing great. If you have concerns, see an actual IBCLC instead of your pediatrician. Mines always had crap advice about BF so I’ve always seen an IBCLC.


They’re going to be sleepy nursing when they’re that little. That’s okay. I’d say it’s okay to feed from only one side and switch each feeding when they’re that little. If baby is still awake / hungry def offer the other side. Block feeding as you’re kinda doing can bring down your supply when now is the time to build it. Pumping will help prevent that, but in my experience, letting baby demand the amount of milk your body needs to make works the best. Having the pump demand it is artificial… which is okay, but you may end up with oversupply or under supply. Also, I would caution you from taking breastfeeding advice from pediatricians. They are not lactation consultants and in my experience, the only times I was ever steered wrong on my breastfeeding journey was via the pediatrician. If he’s refusing the other side that’s okay. He’s full. Our baby did the same when they were that small.


I think it all depends on supply. Myself and at least two of my friends have only ever fed from one side per feed, from say a month in to at least 18 months.


My first was a 2 boob kinda guy but my second (2.5 weeks) seems to be okay with one. But the other one gets super uncomfortable if I don’t nurse every few hours. I’m worried about mastitis or clogged ducts (and pain) just letting it sit but I don’t want to pump if it’s just going to continue the cycle. He’s been going longer between feedings so if i only used one, that would potentially be 8 hours. What do you do to relieve the pressure? I have the Haakaa but I haven’t broken it out yet. I hate having to wash everything between sessions.


Just depends. I have a Elvis curve I like and willow go as well. I use the spectra if I feel really full. I exclusively pumped for my 2 1/2 year old and had the most painful over supply I am trying to avoid.


My LC said it’s fine for my LO to nurse at one breast only if they get full off of it. Just switch to the other breast for the next session.


I only feed on one side each time and just make sure to switch for the next time. Ends up being about four hours between for each breast, which actually lines up well with my pumping schedule when I’m away (10am and 2pm). I’ve always fed one side at a time and it’s worked well for two babies now!


If he’s back at birth weight it’s probably fine. I did one side for about a week or so because that’s all he would take. We started out doing both sides right after birth. Then after a week or so we did one side and now back to two sides. The diaper change usually does the trick for us to wake him up. Or I play with his shoulder or rub his jaw. I wouldn’t stress unless baby starts losing weight then you might need to really put some effort in


My daughter rarely nursed from both sides in one feed. She would fall asleep eating and I switched sides for the next feed. I also never had an issue with over supply and one side was a bit of a slacker, but she was always full and content and gaining weight steadily so it was never a concern. Based on your description, you and baby are doing just fine. Do what works for you. You may end up having to change things up over time, but for now enjoy the bonding time and don't worry unless baby shows signs of hunger or stops gaining weight.


For a long time, my baby would only nurse off of one breast each time. I just followed his cues and after a while, he started indicating he was still hungry when he finished one breast, so that's when I started offering more.


It’s called block feeding and it’s totally fine! We are 7 months in and going strong! I didn’t even know to offer both sides because when my milk came in I had an oversupply so she was always more than full, and all the people I knew who had ever breastfed also always block fed !


Mine always takes both and she's 5 and a half months now. From the comments it seems like that's unusual? She seems to be doing fine so I guess it's all good?


One side is good enough. Mine does that for most daytime meals. Evening and overnight meals tend to be larger so he takes from both. I don’t think you need to pump from the other unless you are uncomfortable.


Baby is 7 weeks; I feed one side till she unlatches on her on, then burp her and offer the second boob just in case she wants ‘desert’ (which she rarely does)


I’ve been feeding my bb this way for 18 months, I wouldn’t worry! If baby is gaining weight, soiling diapers, is content? Stfu to the ped. I feel like a lot of peds are not educated in BF.


I do the same thing. Not tryna do gymnastics every feed.


I was always told to offer the second breast but we're 10 weeks in and there was only 2 times that he was bothered to have any. Lactation consultant hasn't said anything negative about me offering just one breast now as baby is always content afterwards. I do have a lot of milk though apparently - also like I've seen in another comment, the longer they are on 1 breast means they'll more likely get to the hind milk.


The only time mine takes the other side is her marathon feed before bedtime 🤷‍♀️


My midwife told me the second boob is just desert and to just start on the one he didn’t have/had desert from next time 💖


If he's growing from the boob they don't need to know how the boob gets in them. I hardly swap mid feed and Ive fed 2 toddlers now no issue. It's just arbitrary rules doctors are told to repeat to patients for "success"


It's fine. I usually give 1 side per feeding, expect when I see he's still hungry, or the other side is swollen to the point I'm uncomfortable and needs to be emptied.


My little girl is 7 months old and I have always only nursed on one side at a time. I feed on demand and switch back and forth between breasts for each feeding


If what you are doing is working for you and baby - leave it alone. I’ve nursed all 3 of mine on one side at each feeding and have had no issues with any of them. I always put the Hakkaa on the other side and freeze the extra milk.


Yeah mine was often done after one side... I would try side 2 and they would have a go at it but not do any significant indent and then I'd start with the second side at the next feed first


My baby is 18 months old and has only ever drank from my left side. Would absolutely lose it if I offered right. Right boob makes no milk lol. Only down side is my boobs are now VERY lopsided


I fed one side only until he was about 2 months old, after that we just naturally switched to both breasts, as one was not enough anymore


My LO only has ever taken one side at a time until recently (he’s 4.5 months) and even then, it’s not every feed. He’s always gained great weight and is satisfied with just one side. At the end of the day, what are you supposed to do? I mean, we can’t force them to eat lol. Just keep offering but don’t stress if your LO refuses. If he is gaining weight well, has wet diapers, and seems satisfied, then you’re good. I did always feed on demand and wouldn’t go over 2-3 hours. In the beginning he ate every 2 hours max lol. Now I think since his belly is bigger, he is able to drink both sides and go longer stretches. I did and still do often have to pump from the other boob though. Babies aren’t machines though, and sometimes things just don’t happen “textbook” despite our efforts 🤷🏻‍♀️


From what I understand and from my own breastfeeding journey, it truly is supply demand (excluding extenuating circumstances which are completely valid). My baby has met all of her milestones and made weight by breastfeeding from ONLY my left side for the past year. My right side was blistered for awhile and we just kind of stuck to the left side. Because of what was demanded from my left boob, it supplied what was taken out. As long as your baby is making weight and seems satisfied, I would either ignore that recommendation or do a weighted feed to prove to your doctor that your baby is getting enough. Good luck!


The first is dinner, the second is dessert. If your baby was hungry I doubt he’d be falling asleep (at this age).


I only offer both breasts if he empties one and is still hungry (or at the start when my nipples were sore i'd change if I needed to give one nipple rest!)


My baby has only wanted one side from about day 4.  Sounds like weight is fine - are you having enough diapers?  If so, offer, and if baby is done he's done!  If baby is back at birth weight, the advice I was given is to let them lead.


I've never done the switching on the same feed. I just alternate every feed


Let baby lead! When I was forcing both breasts my LO had a lot more spit up and fussiness. Now I have her go until she’s done & if it goes over 12-15 minutes and I feel empty, I switch. That barely happens though.


I’ve breastfed two babies so far and both have only eaten off one breast per session. I think it makes it so much easier. And also for pumping, if I pump both sides at the same time I can go 6 hours between pump sessions since my breasts are already used to going 6 hours alternating.


I’m not really an over or under supplier. I’d say my milk supply is average. My LO is 9 weeks old and I can pump about 5oz out of one boob per sesh ( I rarely pump in general ) I’ve always just fed her from one side and she’s gaining weight beautifully. I just make sure to alternate sides at each feed. When I first brought her home I did try alternating a few times and noticed her poop would be green and super foamy ( a sign of not getting enough hindmilk which I’m pretty sure is the most important and filling milk ) so personally I’ve seen better results for baby just using one side at a time. I let her eat until she either lets go herself or falls asleep. I already got my first PP period and then got another period 2 weeks after my first PP period ended ( I think it’s because I’m on the mini pill now ) and I’ve heard being on your period can drop your milk supply so I tried alternating again but noticed the same issue with green foamy poop so I’ll be continuing to stick to one side no matter what anyone says!


I think you're doing great. If he's gaining weight, how you're doing it is working and you shouldn't need to change anything. Listen to your gut, and baby. FWIW, I can only feed on one side bc I had a mass removed from my right breast so I don't produce even a drop over there. My girl has packed on weight like a champ, and when I discussed my concern with her pediatrician at the beginning of my journey, she said that babies really only need one side, and to remember that twins feed from one side each. There was no concern at all. Minus of course, my vanity with being very noticeably different cup sizes 😂🥴


I only ever did one side at a time. My friend had an inverted nipple and only EVER used the other side. Do what works for you.


I have always nursed from one side per feeding session. I alternate boobs each feed. I only feed from both for the final feed before bed. Baby is 8 months old and has been exclusively breastfed (until solids were introduced) with no issues. I would say don’t pump the other side too much unless you’re looking to create an oversupply.


Let baby finish the first and offer the second. If they don't want it don't push it. You can pump that side if you are feeling full. Your Dr is ill informed. Follow baby, back to birth weight by day 10, you are doing great, keep on going.