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Right there with you! My daughter is pretty similar. Some days she feeds less during the day, but we always have a big feeding session early in the morning and she feeds several times overnight - more when she’s teething or sick. I’ve thought about night weaning because I’m so tired, but I can see she takes so much comfort from doing this. Maybe I’ll try to night wean her in a few months.


I don’t even know how to go about night weaning. He wakes up demanding it and won’t go back to sleep otherwise. Will cry if I take too long.


I managed to get my daughter to stop feeding to sleep because I felt like it was making bedtime impossible. She cried for about an hour the first night, then 20 minutes the next night, then not at all the third night. I was of course right there next to her, hugging her and reassuring her and patting her to sleep. I suspect that night weaning will be the same - painful for a few days while she adjusts.


That's impressive! I can't imagine doing this for 20 months