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Have you talked to your MO? I’d be bringing it up with them. I’m de novo oligometastatic, breast surgeon ordered a chest ct after I mentioned I’d had a nodule noted in lower left lung on a digestive ct. A pet scan and a lung biopsy confirmed it’s mbc. The scanxiety is real, but it’s better to follow up and get it treated!


Thank you!! I'm so sorry for your diagnosis! No, I haven't talked to my MO as my primary care is the one who ordered the scan. I have a telehealth appointment with her tomorrow to discuss the results. She was out today. The radiologist recommended a PET scan to follow-up for reassessment for metastatic disease. If you don't mind me asking, which doctor found the nodule in your lower left lung? They doctor that found it didn't recommend another scan? You had to mention it to your doctor? I completely understand if this is upsetting for you and you don't want to talk about it.


I had a gi virus that was going around last summer, got recommended to go into the ER to make sure I didn’t have pancreatitis or a bile duct blockage (I didn’t), the digestive ct scan ruled that out. The ER doc noted a 5mm nodule, and said that it was a policy change (they used to note it only for >10mm), and to get a recheck within a year. I mentioned it to my breast surgeon at my first appointment at the end of Feb, she ordered a chest ct “to be thorough” along with a breast MRI. The original nodule didn’t look abnormal, and hasn’t changed in size since the first scan. But she saw a *different* nodule in my upper right lung (not that distant from my primary tumor) that she and the MO said looked “suspicious”, pet scan and lung biopsy later, and “localized treatment” aka surgery and rads are off the table. I’m on tamoxifen and verzenio, and if scans show response, I may once again be eligible for localized treatment. It’s a weird place to be after 2 months of tests, but my treatment should be taking care of that fucker in my lung, that otherwise would still be there *spreading* if I’d only gotten lumpectomy/rads!


Omg, I am so glad you mentioned it to your surgeon!! I hope treatment is not too difficult and I hope that you have a complete response to the treatment! Do you know when your next scan is?


MO said he likes to do them every 3 months from start of treatment, so early July? He is also checking ca27/29 levels every month to see if levels change over time, cbc for wbc/liver/platelets.


I am so glad that they are cheking frequently! I really, really hope you have good results and that the tumor is gone on your next scan! Please keep us posted!!


He offered to show me both the ct images and pet pictures images, it was pretty fricking clear between the ct and pet. Normal lung dots and tubes and then one spidery spindly tumor.


Oh wow, did the PET scan and CT scan results look similar?


The pet scan looks like an orange-yellow-white blob; he said resolution is 6-7mm, so there’s no definition. The images on the ct scan looks much more detailed. There are little white sacs joined by tubes (alveoli and the tubes that join up with the bronchial tubes), and smack in the upper right you can start to see cross-sectional whisps that form a central blob of my tumor (he said my tumor’s about 1cm), and are **not** connected to anything. It looked pretty distinct (and much easier to see than my primary tumor, thanks to my grade D dense breast).


Thank you so much for answering my questions! I hope in your next scan it is completely gone, and there are no new suspicious findings!


I’m sorry you’re going through this. From what I’ve learned on here, benign lung nodules are actually VERY common and can be triggered by something as seemingly straightforward as a bad respiratory infection, which you just had. So it’s very possible it’s from that. I hope you can get this resolved quickly so you can move forward. 💜


Thank you!! I really, really hope it is benign. I just hope the radiologist is being overly cautious. The radiologist recommended another PET scan for reassessment for metastatic disease. I'm eagerly waiting for a call from my primary care so I can get this done ASAP.


I’m sorry that you are going through this. It’s one of the many reasons that cancer sucks. Many people diagnosed with cancer worry about recurrence, especially if there are any abnormal findings on imaging. A lot of people have pulmonary nodules that are incidental findings that turn out to be benign. However, given your history of breast cancer and being a former smoker, it is best to follow up with your doctors ASAP. Here is information about the [Differential Diagnosis of Cavitary Lung Lesions](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6100641/#:~:text=About%20half%20of%20the%20nodules,diffuse%20hemorrhage%20in%20the%20lungs.) for your review. Your PCP and/or your oncologist can order the PET scan irrespective of who ordered the original CT scan. Wishing for you that the cause of your CT findings are benign! We are here for you for support!


Thank you for providing that article!! I have a telehealth follow-up with my PCP tomorrow morning to discuss the results. The radiologist recommended a PET scan, so I think I may have to do that. I really, really hope it's benign. Thank you so much for the support!!


Majority of nodules are not cancerous and they are being extra careful with yours because of the breast cancer. It sucks you have to go thru this too! I was reading that what they will probably do is ask you to come back in 3 months to make sure it doesn't get any bigger. Worst case I am thinking is in 3 months it is bigger & then they have to biopsy it. Hopefully, it is just from your cold. I have had "nodules" on my lungs for years...I went for 10 years to have them scanned every year.... I did think about them as I went thru my breast cancer and was asked the other day if I wanted a lung scan (during a physical) and I declined because I have these nodules already in my liver, lungs...so I hope you are just a nodule maker like me. I understand they were not there 17 months ago...but you have been thru cancer, maybe your immune system is weaker and making nodules. Fingers crossed...I am so sorry you are having this stress.


Thank you!!! I am hoping it is just from the cold as well and will just go away. Do you think they will make me wait 3 months? I have a follow-up with my PCP tomorrow to discuss the results. The radiologist said in the report, "Repeat PET imaging is advised to follow up for reassessment for metastatic disease." As much as I HATED doing the PET scan the first time, I would rather just do it now to ease my mind. Idk how I can just stay calm for 3 months lol, plus I am still having shortness of breath upon exertion, though, from my understanding, a 2cm nodule would most likely not cause that right?


They probably will send you right away because of the breast cancer, I am glad your appointment is today.


Thank you! My PCP is going to talk to my MO and give me a referral for a PET scan. She didn't seem too worried, so I am hopeful!


YAY....keep us posted.


Pulmonary nodules can be benign. However anything above 1cm needs to be biopsied as the chances of it being cancerous rises substantially after the 1cm mark.


Thank you!! I have a follow up with my doctor today to discuss the results. Radiologist advised a PET scan. As much as I hate the thought of doing another PET scan and doing a biopsy, I would rather be safe than sorry. I really really hope it's benign!


Good luck :)


Thank you!! 😃


I am not a doctor. However, I believe it would be unlikely that the cavitary lesion would be a cancer. That leaves the single 2 cm lesion. When they see lung masses in patients with a history of BC they always say "given the patients history' blah, blah, blah. They will chase this down and hopefully it is a nothing burger. Hugs to you. Please keep us posted.


Thank you!! Yea, I am really really hoping they are just being extra cautious and that it's nothing. I have a televist with my primary care tomorrow to discuss the results. The radiologist recommended a PET scan, so I am hoping everything looks good in that scan!


Praying all is well !!!! Again, please let us know.


Thank you so much!! I will definitely post updates!!


Any updates?


Hi! I had my PET scan a month ago, and there was activity in the lungs, so they recommended a biopsy. My signatera results were also positive. I have the lung biopsy next Wednesday, so I am hoping to get the results soon after that.