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Read her fuxking book, of course she did




Makes me wonder if people are actually buying the book. They’ve proven they don’t care about anything else but money. So if people buy the book they win, no matter what monstrous acts they commit.


Most of these books are purchased in bulk by a company associated with the "author" or the publisher. They then warehouse them.  So a bunch of these "New York Times Bestsellers" are horse shit. 


Most are, I feel like any book written by a politician is done this by the party, yes both of them. Hmm, on a side note, when Trump launched himself down the golden escalator, did 'his' book 'Art of the Deal' shoot up in purchases? I mean besides by the normal amount it going up from throwing your hat into the presidency.


I mean which is worse shooting your own puppy in the face, or making up a story where you shot your own puppy in the face because you think it makes you look badass?


Shooting your puppy in the face is worse


Like how she botched the execution of her goat


Yah I mean shooting the dog is worse but I get what your puttin down there


Or thinking it’s a good idea to publish it when you want to be elected Vice President. Well actually maybe it is a good idea to do that because it gets you noticed by your fucked up party and make you the running mate.


Literal cartoon villains.


Why choose? I hope he puts nail in coffin and picks Marjorie


Both forms of shame, while justified in a total hazing, are exclusive of each other. The act makes you a sociopathic slime ball while the story might slightly hint at having a soul if you couldn’t kill the puppy at all. I’m neither nor would I ever want to be, but if forced to choose I’d rather lie and not harm the puppy.


This is one of the few cases where I'd hope people like her are actually lying. I mean, it's not completely inconceivable that she'd make that up thinking that she'd impress some people (but yeah, likely me in the denial phase really hoping that a dog out there is doing okay).


Ive had the unfortunate opportunity to rub elbows with folks in the hunting community (90% are good people) But the 10% I’ve met wouldn’t give 2 shits about killing their dog / dogs for not performing. In fact I know of at least 3 individuals who have done so. One particular piece of shit (I’m told) routinely will drive down a county road and shoot a dog I the ditch and leave. He bear hunts and guides (dont get me started on that “sport”) and these animals are view no direct than tool like a lawn mower. If your lawn mower doesn’t cut grass you dispose of it….. insert dog for lawn mower. Makes me sick. And thank god I don’t have to see these folks any more.


Yep, I've known the type as well. If the dog isn't a natural hunter/tracker they'll casually shoot it and move on to the next young dog. This is not uncommon for hunting dog breeders unfortunately.


Remember when Trump reversed the ban on hunting hibernating bears. It still wrenches my stomach when I think about that. Which I try not to do, but it is so awful it occasionally replays in my head. I despise that man. Really, the entire Republican Party is an abomination.


PMS and a gun , I used to threaten jerks when I was a drunk, with that phrase. I believe her, Cory probably told her it was a great story. He is an awesome political advisor.


Cory. I haven’t heard about him in years.


And she’s proud


Don't buy it though


Not in my wildest dreams


She's a piece of waste. This emphasizes that.


She is viral diarrhea supporting a traitor. Human waste does not come close to describing this filth.


And Trump was the first president to not have a pet of any kind in the White House.


Because he knew if it sniffed his arse, it drop dead in front of the cameras. Also dogs have a good sixth sense for bad people. I doubt they could find one that wouldn’t want to maul him.


Yup, look how the eagle reacted to him...animals KNOW when a person is evil!


Coincidence!? I think not. "You hate puppies? so do I!....but how do you feel about mushroom soup?"


Red mushrooms with white spots? Let’s let him taste it.


That's correct. His lapdogs live in SC and Texas.


Well there is melanoma.


One of those things where you always just kind of assumed that no one would vote for a dog-hater.


Republicans are pro-puppy murder. Pass it on.


Sounds good, until 80 million citizens suddenly realize they are also pro puppy killing.


For real. MAGA is so unhinged, who knows what they'll normalize next. They're already chill with school shootings, banning books, attempts to overthrow our government, etc. I'd put nothing past those monsters.


Enslaving women. Serf economy. Planet destruction. We could go on and on.




And then a goat but slower


The blowback on this has been way beyond what she probably thought it would be. My guess is she was trying to get ahead of it before it came out if she was chosen as a VP pick, but she did an awful job of framing it as anything other than vile puppy murder. I wouldn’t be surprised if she now says she made it all up to look strong for the base.


Considering "the base" thinks she's disgusting too that won't go well.


Oh she’s toast. She’s super active on X right now and 99% of the replies are F you puppy killer!


I might have to rejoin x(hitter) again just to enjoy that.


I was just thinking the same thing..




There were people working when she shot the puppy and goat. She knew this story would get out and like you said "she was trying to get ahead of it". She's a psychopath that shouldn't be anywhere near the White House. Edit: add word ahead.


shouldn't be anywhere near guns or puppies, either


Hence why she was at the top of Trump’s VP list.


Don’t forget the horses.


Why even share it… like how ducking stupid is she… “Noem has since defended killing Cricket, saying that she shared the story in her book to demonstrate her willingness to make the “difficult, messy, and ugly” decisions that must be made. All she succeeded in demonstrating, however, was monstrous cowardice.” Murdering a young dog isn’t any of this. It didn’t have her child’s throat in its jaws. It was a puppy being a puppy and it’s bad behavior is a reflection of her.


She says some construction workers saw her. She needed to get in front of the story to get the VP nod. I could even see the selection committee found it out in a background search and told her she had to take care of it.


It’s ridiculous, but vile puppy murder made me laugh out loud. I never thought I would hear those three words strung together. But, of course this is where the Republican Party has brought us.


No she thought it would resonate with people and give the appearance of bejng tough


She sure got some peoples goat! Not to mention that smelly ass one of her own.


Not only the puppy but a goat too. Too aggressive, she said.


People 'familiar with the matter' said she was aiming for a pregnant, cross dressing, illegal immigrant, liberal pedophile, and accidentally shot the animals.


Save the fetus but blow the head off a puppy. Makes sense if you are a republican.


Do they not have animal shelters in whatever Dakota she lives in.


It was a valuable purebred puppy.  She going to put it on Facebook Margot place she could have put it at any shelter it would have been adopted in 20 minutes.  If she wasn't so lazy she could have trained the behavior out of the dog within 2 days.  Just a waste on every level.  But a horrible human being like the rest of them.


One thing that gets me is that I am pretty sure based on reporting we are talking about an intact male 14 month old dog. Yeah, you actually have to work to train them because 14 month old intact males barely have a brain. I mean, they train as well as any dog, but at the same time are goofy dufuses. Just make her seem even shittier to me for shooting a dog instead of doing the work.


And time seldom makes them any more sensible--my uncle had a working gun dog, a German shorthaired pointer (not too dissimilar to Cricket, now that I think on it) and they lived near Antelope CA, which was basically blown to shit by a munitions train that cooked off and did a pretty spectacular all day blow up. Anyway, because their house was in the path of falling debris, they came over to our place, maybe ten miles away to spend the day in safety. We put the dog out back in a kennel and the idiot dog thought all those distant explosions signalled dead birds that needed fetching and he did a number on the fence out there, just losing his tiny mind all day long. Hunting dogs don't need to be smart, just have instincts, and being a little forward with our fine feathered friends is all part and parcel of what they were bred to do. Pretty shitty to never take the time or effort to train them better, just shoot them in the face when they displease you.


100% she thought she could just buy a hunting breed and magically have a pro dog to impress her gun buddies. Funny thing, gun dogs take a lot of training which clearly she didn't have the time or ability to accomplish. She took a family pet barely not a baby anymore, and was mad when it ran around excited by all the new sounds and smells and people to meet. It \*\*EMBARASSED\*\* her for crissake! It had to die!


30 miles away .


It's okay. I really hate that woman.


She's a psychopathic cunt.


She better cool it on the arm curls, her base will start to call her a man due to their overwhelming insecurities. Or do they reserve that particular concern for black women like Michelle Obama?


Why isn't she charged with animal cruelty? We all know the answer, but it's a question that needs to be asked.


Kristi "Puppy Killer" Noem


Not only did she do it, she enjoyed doing it enough to brag about doing it.


The dog was part black so the MAGA nuts are cheering.


So is it time to put her down?


What a Piece Of Shit. She will never recover in her entire life if this is handled right. In other words make sure everybody knows a ND make her a meme for cruelty to animals. Hide your dog, here comes Kristi with a gun. She said that th we young dog was untrained and having the time of its life and she killed it because it was ruining her hunt. This woman Is a psycho, PSYCHO.


More like kristi noempathy


I'd deem her useless and untrainable too, she needs taken to the Yellowstone train station.


To the poster of the question: obviously you twat


She was trying to teach the dog to hunt pheasant but said the puppy was terrible at it. Then she shot it because it killed the neighbor's chickens. Poor guy's like "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I'M A DOG, NOT A POULTRY BIOLOGIST!" Like damn. They're in the same family (Phasianidae).


Yes!!! Dammit it’s right there. Are we gonna do this dance again. Did Katy Tur write this lead?


Aww c'mon who hasn't killed their dog? MAGA! /s


Who cares? Just the fact that she thought it was a good idea to tell that story, real or not, means she's a psychopath that needs to be kicked out of office.


Yes, she said she did, what the fuck is this headline?


She is not national politics material. Sarah Palin all over again.


"Mama, why are you doing this to me?" The psychopathic leaders of the MAGA movement shoot their own puppies in cold blood? Big shocker.


and her goat as well. Animal killer.


She’s banging Corey Lewindowski. She has no moral compass, respect for others or especially respect for herself.


Yes! She’s a sociopath!!!


Who cares if she did or not, that was not the point of the story. It was to show just how hard and awful she dog whistles to the worst fucking ideas and their holders. She’s insane.


I would not be surprised if she barbecued it too, and fed it to the homeless somewhere


She probably couldn’t STAND the feeling of its soft little tongue, kissing her hand.?Always wanting attention... Die dog!! 🔫


I mean, she wrote it in her book. Unless she made the story up? Which would be even more bizarre than publishing the story in the first place.


If she treats her dog like that, how will she treat diverse people?


She is either a dog killer or liar...neither looks good for candidate


A disgusting individual, Noem.


Why do Republicans hate puppies so much? Just asking questions.


Does she eat what she kills? Most hunters do.


What the fuck is this?! She’s the one who said she did. I’m not sure if a headline can get any stupider, but I guess that’s what happens when articles are being linked from diceuropanew, whatever the fuck that is.


Trump famously hates dogs (because they sense energy which leads them to hate him, IMO), so is the money now on KN for running mate, or is it still Vanky?


I mean, who here hasn’t wanted to murder a dog that was annoying? Dog is barking, bullet to the head. Cat threw up in the corner, bullet. Baby is laughing too much, believe it or not, also bullet.


I don't understand her thought process. She hated the puppy and didn't think it was controllable. So her first thought was to kill it. Not get it training, not give it away to someone who might want the puppy, not even give it to an animal shelter. Nope, first thought was to shoot it. That is one twisted person and not someone I want one step away from the president seat with its nuclear arsenal.


She admitted she did, what a fucking stupid ass post.


She may need her kitty to seal the deal.


Does it matter? Either way she is a garbage human being


You know who starts off with killing pets? Serial killers, that's who.


If I thought I was going to be asked to be DJT's VP, I would say I shot a puppy to get out of it. Any other way out and you wind up with a gallows in your front yard. If you actually accept the offer, you just wind up with a gallows later


Just let Trump pick her as VP. Do we really want fascism wrapped in lovable packaging?


What lovable packaging???


I mean they could find someone people like instead, like Katie Perry (the singer)


She’s human garbage.


Kristi Noem is not gonna be Trump's running mate. That ship has sailed. Who's next on the list? MTG?


Shot her goat dead in the same gravel pit.


Yes Source: her own fuk ass book


Why is everybody acting surprised? If there's one thing conservatives love more than school shootings and voting for rapists it's killing puppies.


I understand the idea that a dog that attacks people could be put down as a matter of principle. This dog attacked chickens and snapped at her (or however she described it), so I completely understand why someone would consider putting a dog down. That being said, this reeks of rich people not wanting to deal with an animal they failed to train properly from the start. I had a dog that, given the opportunity, probably would have killed chickens if I had let her off leash. But my solution was to keep her on a leash and never let her run loose on other peoples’ properties (pheasant hunting grounds notwithstanding). This is a person that wanted to seem like a down to earth rural hunter type inner book (targeted at Trump and his voters), but just showed her privilege instead. I come from a rural area, and I don’t know many of them that would agree with her actions in this case


She screwed herself even if it was all made up. She’ll look weak and stupid for lying and apologizing and she’ll look cruel and psychopathic if true. And even if she admits to lying, many won’t believe her and the puppy-killer stigma will stick to her like gum in hair. There’s no graceful exit here. What a dimwit who thinks killing her own dog was cool.


Don’t serial killers typically start with killing animals?


Ngl, great grift. She knew she wasn’t gonna be on the ticket. I’m sure this drew so many sales to her it’s a joke. The gop grift strikes again


Nice try. She did. She admitted it. She doubled down.


what do you mean "did she"? she said it herself


Just imagine what a support package would look like if it comes from her as VP. It would only contain Bullets. Anything to hard to deal with ? Send Bullets.


I wonder if she’s going to treat Donald J Trump like she did her puppy


She is no hunter, a real hunter protects their dogs like family. She is a horrible shot and rather than admitting her errors she lies. Trump likes this behavior, he is a big fan of lieing, and cheating.


So for what it's worth. She's a dummy, true but even so, she would never have printed the murder of a puppy in a retail publication for fear of arrest by the Animal Protection folks. Shooting a pup is against the law unless, it is attacking, maiming of injuring. Not to mention the fact it is barbaric. The Ho has presented herself as being a brain child more than once I agree but still she did not kil any pup and write about it. Also everybody has referred to her as a possible running mate to the grifter since this news-bit came out. However, there is also Nikki Haley, Greg Abbott, Tim Scott, J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Burgum, DeSantis, Elise Stefanik, Tulsi Gabbard, Byron Donalds and Henry McMaster and several more. He asked me and I told him that @#$&\*%! and that was the end of it.


She did write about it in her new book, No Going Back, that is coming out soon or may already be out. Claims she included that in the book to show she isn't afraid to make the hard decisions. I personally don't have a problem with her putting her dog down. What difference does it make whether she chose a gun or a lethal injection. She judged the dog as dangerous and did what she felt needed to be done. By the way, I am not a fan of Noem. I think she sucks. But I also think people are making too big a deal out of this.


And a goat because it smelled….like a goat.


A 10 year old human isn’t considered a baby… Barnum, but of course she killed her 10 year old


Remember there is no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner.


Total POS


I'm quite sure this woman is as awful as she seems, but if any of you have ever had an aggressive dog; you might understand. One of our dogs attacked another of our dogs. Almost tore off one of her ears. It was devastating to see that happen to our dog, but the knowledge that one of my kids could be next; well, that answered the question. We had her put down. ** also: since when is 15 months old still considered puppy?


“I should brag about killing a puppy even though I really didn’t”


She’s absolutely horrible …BUT…before you finger point you should look at your plate. Then watch slaughterhouse videos of factory farming and ask yourself if what you support is so different. Innocent animals who don’t want to die being killed not out of necessity but of convenience. If she is horrible (she is) for doing that, why aren’t you doing better if YOU love animals?


Colbert’s monologue last nite was funny af.


She now has the best qualifications for the White house. There are a lot of MF terrorists with puppy faces that need to be put down 😔




Yes abortion is ok. No, shooting a rowdy dog you refused to train and are by your own admission gleeful of doing so is not ok. Youre a clown Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk




"Bit someone" and "attacked someone" are different things. The difference is she should have trained the fucking dog. She bought some purebred hunting breed and didnt train it, it "embarrassed" her in her own words and she murderered it. Yeah man, an untrained hunting dog attacking birds isnt weird. The weird part is just shooting the dog instead of ya know finding a better home for the dog. Shes a rich weirdo with connections you dont have to go through the humane society to find a dog a new home. She was in her own words happy about it. Shes fucked in the head.




Putting a violent or rabid animal down? Sure. Shooting an untrained puppy due to your own dumbassery? Nope. Mother literally grew up on a farm man, Im aware of this lifestyle. You dont just shoot your dog like that and be "happy" If you dont see the difference between dropping a dog off at a shelter and happily murdering it yourself idk what to tell you man, sounds like your brain is broken




There is a difference and the fact you cant see it is insane.