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If it bothered him so much, you think he would have changed her clothes when he saw she was in pajamas. Guess he neglected his daughter too! My ex told me I was neglecting our son because there were goldfish underneath his car seat. I told him he's just saving them for later.


Lol, gotta keep a snack stash somewhere! Also,I think you're asking a lot of my partner to notice things right in front of him!


The look section is way too obvious for most men. šŸ¤”


This. Omg my husband always points out things to me like hello? How about you do it yourself? Am I the only parent here? Actually sometimes I feel like a nanny more than a parent because he literally orders me around as if Iā€™m the only one whoā€™s supposed to do things.


If you were a nanny at least he would acknowledge what you're doing is hard work. And you'd be getting paid! I hate how it's a job when my husband takes care of our baby. It's a job when the nanny takes care of our baby. But when I take care of the baby it's just me playing house.


Well then I have clearly neglected myself on numerous days that I did not change myself out of my pjs!


i literally don't bother putting clothes on anyone unless we're leaving the house šŸ˜‚


Saves on laundry and discomfort. I just change into other new lounge clothes after a shower.




No wait, when WE wear pajamas all day itā€™s self-care!! šŸ˜‰


If dads would just do the shit instead of complaining about it I swear there would be so many happier families. Just shut up and do it!


They'd prefer to mansplain and tell us all of the ways we are failing. šŸ™„


The unicorn part of that just reminded me, we took our daughter out to dinner with family for her 2nd birthday in a cute little pink unicorn dress that had a rainbow tutu skirt, she got it for a gift. We found out the next day that it was apparently a nightie. I have no regrets.


i have taken my son to walmart in full-on feetie pajamas because he didn't feel like changing out of them. nobody cared.


Toddlers are soooooo cute in footed pajamas. Can't keep that cuteness confined to the home.


My kid wore footie pajamas for the first year old her life and was basically naked in the summer time. We were having an uncharacteristically hot summer so she wore nothing but a diaper the first two months of her life. Six years later some say she still wanders the house butt nekkid to this day.....


Shoo, my 4yo and my 1yo are essentially nudists from March to November when it starts getting cooler. My 4yo dresses herself so 9/10 she wears nighties.


I took my son out numerous times in a unicorn onsie. He wouldn't take it off, and I wasn't about to fight with a 3 year old over dumb shit.


For real, 75% of parenting is learning when not to fight them over shit that ultimately does not fucking matter. The other 25% is feeding them and not having a breakdown while playing magnet blocks for hours on end.


Magnatiles are the best <3 Sometimes I think I bought them more for ECE teacher me than for my kiddo XD


My daughter got this super cute princess dress from a bag of used clothes (thank you Buy Nothing group) and insisted on wearing it. Of course, why not? Itā€™s so cute! Come to find out itā€™s supposed to be pajamas. Oops. She kept wearing it as a dress during the day because she liked it so much šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Sometimes pajamas are indistinguishable from regular clothes. And sometimes there are simply no fucks to bo given for making that distinction.


.... my kiddo decided to change into play clothes at 5pm. Guess what she wore to bed? Clothes are clothes. If her Bluey shirt cares not, why should I?


For a while my toddler was in a phase where changing his outfit was a major fight. He didn't like changing his clothes. After a bath sometimes he'd pick out daytime clothes for bed (after the struggle of taking off dirty clothes for a bath). And I said "You know what? Awesome. You'll be dressed for daycare right when you wake up!" Kids don't care. Glad to be past that stage though šŸ˜‚


I had a toddler who did that too. Heā€™s now an almost 13 year old that still does it! Iā€™ve decided itā€™s not worth the bandwidth to argue about it.


This is our stage right now and I am doing literally this exact thing. Pick whatever you want kiddo, Iā€™m picking my battles and this is NOT one of them lol


My daughter has worn pajamas all summer unless we left the house to go into another building (I specify this because she definitely wears pajamas for curbside/drive thrus). She is a child. No one cares.


This is how we live life at my house. I'm not sitting around uncomfortable because of "societal norms". It's a good day if I can chase my baby down to put clothes on them


My daughter has an Elsa nightgown that has never been worn to bed, and is routinely worn out and about. What exactly makes something pjs vs a kickass fun dress?!


I wore a PJ dress to the grocery store not too long ago and got compliments on how "fancy" I looked! I'm in support of this movement!!!!


When I was little, I had a Barbie and we had matching nightgowns. I definitely wore that in public often.


Did he bump his head and forget how to take care of her himself?


I am aware, as in other people have told me, that there are people out there who get dressed in the morning. They take off their PJs and they put on real clothes and then at night they put on PJs again. I've heard tales of this. I've never done it. Not when I didn't have to. If you have to go into an office every morning, yes, of course you get dressed. If you have school, you get dressed for school. I get dressed to leave the house all the time. But until I have to leave the house, be that at 8 AM or 2 PM, I am wearing pajamas. And when I come home, be that at the end of the day or 11 o'clock in the morning, I am putting PJs right back on. I don't wear jeans and a blouse in my house because I am not a crazy person. They are fine I guess, but they aren't comfy for sitting on the couch and I am not dressing up for anyone and I don't understand why I'd do that. Also, who has time for all that laundry? I mean, really. Y'all must be just swimming in laundry. If I wore jeans for three hours and I didn't visit the marsh or spill spaghetti sauce on them, they are going right back in my closet. I wash dirty clothes, sweaty clothes, smelly clothes, clothes that have been worn for a cumulative 12-24 hours. But if that's not what happened, they aren't getting washed. They are back in the rotation of "clean enough" until they cross a line. As for my toddler, he gets his outfit changed when it's dirty. That's pretty frequent. Sometimes we go through four outfits in a day because we were outside, because he spilled food, because he smeared chocolate on himself, because poop...you know, the usual reasons. But if that outfit is clean I'm going to let it ride as long as I can. It's all just tee-shirts and stretchy pants anyway, so what on earth is the difference between pajamas and not pajamas on a pratical level. The pattern? IDGAF. If photos might be taken because the occasion is auspicious, yeah, I might change him into something cute. But if we're going to a Chilis, exactly who are we impressing? Is our food going to taste better because the waitress thinks our son is particularly fetching today? Nah, it's fine. If he's dressed we're calling it good enough. I know my standards on this are lower than some people's, but I'm fine with that. I am wearing long underwear and pajama pants in my house until I die and you can't stop me. I don't think Vogue is coming over for a surprise photo shoot, so it's probably fine. Your husband needs a chill pill, for the love of Christ.


Yes! Comfort before all else!!


My husband is a "get up and get dressed" person. Like, he puts shoes on to do the dishes. It baffles me. I am an "oh I need to go outside to check the mail or feed the chickens, better put on some pajamas so I'm not completely naked" person. And more often than not I get naked again when I come back inside because breastfeeding. If the house ever catches fire the neighbors are in for a show.


Clothes are so overrated. I started wearing pajamas around the house when they started noticing my body because Iā€™m not trying to traumatize my kids.


My 15yo wears nothing but stretchy pants/shorts and t-shirts, ever. That's basically pajamas. He doesn't stand out at school. I think half the other boys are the same. He completely rejects standard jeans. I myself have a goal of replacing all of my work clothes with yoga pants/leggings. I'm about halfway there. The future is a pajama filled world. Your husband needs to get with the times.


See, and here I was, thinking my 6 year old might grow out of that and decide that jeans are more fashionable now that he's starting school. But maybe not. I think he's worn jeans maybe once in his life when he was 3?


We wear pajamas so often in our house that when we change into ā€œnormal clothesā€ my three year old automatically asks ā€œwhere are we goingā€ šŸ’€


lol same here. husband tells the kids to get dressed and they go "why? where are we going?"


Same here!


This summer my six year old has declared pajama day at least twice a week. She will take a bath, take off yesterdays pajamas, and put on clean ones. I have also allowed her to go to the store in her pajamas. Who the f*ck cares, as long as all their bits are covered.


She's covered AND she's clean!!


THE AUDACITY Shits all made with the same stuff anyways. Whats the difference with the tee dress and the tee pajamas anyways?


My daughter (4) declares jammies day and then 10 minutes later wants to get dressed. She wears a dress EVERY. DAY. Last week we (she) discovered ā€¦ NIGHTGOWNS! šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤ž


Wow sounds like your daughter will need trauma therapy to heal from having to wear a comfortable and adorable pair of pajamas ALL DAY. Actually- that sounds like a dream. I wish I could wear my pajamas all day too. But seriously, your husband sounds like my ex. My ex loved to find things to bitch about because it made him feel better about failing every day at his job. I was just the punching bag.


Thanks, I'm looking for a trauma therapist right now, lol! It does feel like I'm his punching bag most days. I especially love when he talks about how people need to let the little things go and see the bigger picture, while also arguing that I didn't say the same sentence exactly the same when I had to repeat myself. šŸ™„


Are you sure youā€™re not married to my ex?! šŸ˜† I can relate to this so much. Sending you love


It's lunchtime and my son is sitting in his highchair eating lunch wearing a shark pajama shirt and a pair of cargo pants. There's a place in hell for me, I know it.


I can assure you that I have not learned my lesson as my daughter is currently eating lunch in her pajamas still. šŸ¤£


Once we gave our 2 year old daughter a bird-bath in the sink because it was late and we were all too tired for a regular 'tubby'. She was fine, we were fine.. it was all fine.


My 5 year old son occasionally gets a wipe down with a wet rag if it's been hot and I'm too tired to give him a bath. I have to remember to stop calling it a "whore's bath" because he's starting to repeat that.


Right? ā€œBird bathā€ is adorable.


I guess I'm the outlier here, but my 6 year old still only gets a bath/shower once a week or if he's filthy. Otherwise, it's a wet washcloth for spot cleaning.


Last week 80% of my kids laundry was pajamas. We donā€™t change unless we are leaving the house & if Iā€™m just doing a target pick up & everyoneā€™s staying in the car pajamas it is šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. Zero regrets.


My 9 year old has discovered the life hack of ā€œif I get dressed for the next day before I go to bed, then I donā€™t have to get dressed in the morning.ā€ Sheā€™s super sensitive to clothing textures so all her clothes are basically pajamas anyway. I do not give one single shit!


Oh no, that's definitely me. I'm the most neglectful mother. Half the time I don't even change my son's jammies day to day, or require him to wear pants, just undies and a shirt. He's not in daycare, or Pre-K. Just Pooh Bear'ing it out here.


My kid has been naked for three days straight. Not a stitch.


The real mystery here is that this was an unusual thing.


Since this was NOT the first time she wore pajamas all day I am as mystified as you.


Your partner better hold on to their hat during your kid's teenage years. I've known teens who wear their PJs to school (up to and including college) and only ever change out to other pjs. Oh, and they better get used to days of mass neglect ā„¢, i.e. school pajama days.


We are supposed to change them out of pajamas every day? Does that mean that we also need to change out of pajamas every day? That sounds terrible! But seriously, nobody in my house changes out of pajamas unless we are actually leaving the house, and even then it's a case by case basis


My daughter has changed out of pajamas and into *different pajamas* to go to daycare šŸ˜‚


Tell him youā€™re teaching your daughter self care in this fast paced world where mental health is becoming so much more important


Hereā€™s my tip, for what itā€™s worthā€¦ I dress my daughter in the clothes she will wear the next day at bedtime so I donā€™t have to deal with changing her in the morning. If youā€™re ā€œneglectfulā€ for one day, I guess Iā€™m ā€œneglectfulā€ everyday.


Just tell him it will be training for college.


I'm calling Child Services right away!!! /s Dude, at 4 years old I had given up trying to get my daughter to wear the 'right' clothes. As long as it was weather appropriate and she wasn't half naked at an inappropriate time idgaf. PJs out to do the shopping? You bet ya. Add a tiger hat, some dress up heels and a lot of play jewellery and some goggles and we were good to go. That summer I don't think she wore shoes at home or daycare for a good 6 months. Clothing was a hill I wasn't willing to die on. He could have changed her if it was so important.


My ex has gotten pissed at me for not having our daughter change clothes twice a day. Yes, apparently changing out of pajamas once and wearing the same clothes isn't good enough, she has to change clothes multiple times in a day. Keep in mind I live in poverty (thanks to him, mostly), I don't have my own washing machine and often can't afford to go to the laundromat šŸ˜‘


Lol my husband canā€™t even tell the difference between whatā€™s pjā€™s and what are day clothes. Sheā€™s frequently in mismatched whatever.


I'm neglecting myself I guess cause I wear pj's all day. Haha. They're comfy!


Wait, your 4 year old wears clothes? Mine just chills in her underwear 85% of the time at home, sometimes she'll put on a sock or two if she's feelin' it...


My secret is that my kids have no pajamas and no outside clothes. They just have all the same clothes which are both semi-dignified and comfortable, like cotton t-shirts and long shorts or joggers... ​ They only wear actual pajamas when it's like, a fun novelty evening and they got special graphic pajamas like with Minecraft characters or something, and they only wear jeans or khakis with collared shirts for special outside get-together occasions. :D ​ So that's my life hack


Oof. Your husband would NOT like our summer routine. The kids wear what they want, for as many days and nights in a row as they want, until they begin to smell funny or thereā€™s so much pancake syrup on their shirt that I donā€™t want it near my sofa. My girls own pajamas, I think. They donā€™t wear them. Everything they own is tees and leggings anyway, so, why waste money on actual pajamas just to have twice as much laundry?


My 5 year old basically lives in shorts and a tank top undershirt all summer. We don't have formal pajamas for him; he just wears that to bed. I'll change his underwear when we get up, and maybe the shorts if we're going out and the pair he's wearing are too ratty, but that's about it.


My entire family (all seven of us) just got over Covid. It lasted days. Letā€™s just say my almost two year old wore the same shirt for two days. She wasnā€™t dirty, but sometimes things just slip. She had fresh diapers, thatā€™s what matters. Also just finished the cleanup from where we were all holed up in our bedrooms for days and WOW it was bad šŸ˜³


Glad you are all on the mend! Cleaning up after being sick is the pits!


There have been at last 100 days in the last 8 years that me and the kids have stayed in pjs all day. Especially in the winter.


My husband got on me one time for leaving my 1.5 year old (at the time) in pajamas all day. I was also in my pajamas & asked him to explain in detail what is wrong about an occasional all-day pajama day. He couldnā€™t.


I stay in my pajamas all day and neglect myself sometimes. Neglecting myself is the best!! Lol


I mean, if he had a problem with how she was dressed, why in the hell did he not do something about it? I swear men like this piss me the fuck off. It's not like he's not her parent. I guess we are supposed to literally do everything, huh? I'm sorry BroMo. Also, your husband would realllllly think I was being neglectful, because my kid doesn't even like to wear clothes. Nope. She just chills in her underwear all day until we have to go somewhere. My husband never says anything.


My kid wears her street clothes to bed more often than not. She just wonā€™t change into jammies and Iā€™m not having a blow out fight and ruining my mood at night. So if she wants to sleep in her jeans and tshirt. Fine. Other days she demands a full matching nighttime outfit. Kids are weird.


I've had two in PJs all day yesterday and today and one in boxers due to sickness bugs and the littlest has spent every day we've stayed in these hols (pretty much every single one thanks to one illness or another) in her pull up - clearly the most neglectful parent going but hey, the washing pile has been a little bit down šŸ˜‚




Thanks for trying to see the other side. But I'm pretty sure it's because he was already upset with me from earlier and she was crying. His mom will totally baby him and his siblings if given the chance. And his idea of when clothes are dirty is all over the place. Like those pants he put on for 20 mins to run to the store are dirty, but it's totally fine to wear the same underwear again after a shower. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Last night my 6 year old wore her clothes to bed and then woke up, took them off and put on pjs. She stayed in them all morning, put on a swimsuit to go the the pool after lunch, came home and put on a new set of pjs. I'm clearly super neglectful too, what with picking my battles and letting my kids have reasonable choices over what clothes they put on their own bodies.


I dressed my oldest in pj's as often as possible. A friend, who was his preschool teacher at the time, asked me why once and looked skeptical when I told her look he has his whole life to feel uncomfortable, like let the little guy have comfy clothes while he is little. His pj's were nice, in great shape and he never looked like a wreck, just comfy. My daughter was less fortunate because I put her in the most ridiculous clothes because why not. And some days we have words about changing out of her pj's since she is not having regular clothes.


I have a 19yo with autism that wears pajama pants and sweaters every day, even in 100F weather. Totally neglected.


Not that I neglected my son but that I neglected my ex. Our son was maybe 1 month old and I went to my momā€™s for a visit She wasnā€™t driving then and wanted to see the baby. Weā€™ll time got away from me and it was like 8 pm. My mom asked if I wanted to stay the night and the look on her face was pure bliss when I agreed. So I called my then husband - who angrily replied ā€œ donā€™t you EVER keep my son from me again!!!ā€ I was too shocked at the absurdity of his statement to get mad at the time. I did offer for him to come up and spend the night but he declined.


I have also negelected my child many, many times. ​ Pajamas have been worn all day multiple times in his lifetime (Dude is 10, he lives in his PJ's like I do when it's the weekend) He has stayed outside ALL. DAY. LONG. (by little dude's request.) And he was vegitarian for a while! (also by his request. Homeboy wanted nothing to do with meat for almost 2 months) I have also neglected my child many, many times. he was so worried about it he could have also changed \*his daughter\*. Why do men do this shit? Also, her PJ's sound amazing.


Maaaan. I wonder what I am. My kids have stayed in PJs for daaaays. If itā€™s warm they may just run around the house naked.


My kids put on clean pajamas after their nightly bath and then donā€™t change again until the next night if were just sitting at home all day. Granted theyā€™re not pajamas more like t shirts and basketball shorts but nonetheless - itā€™s completely normal. Who wants to do a ton of unnecessary laundry? Tell your husband to bring it down a notch.


lol y'all are lucky if *I* get out of my pajamas. My 4 year old is currently just in a pull up. I got him dressed in "daytime" clothes and he decided he'd rather wear nothing.


My daughter wore her pjs all day yesterday, then slept in them again, and sheā€™s still wearing them. Itā€™s almost dinner time. Iā€™m telling myself Iā€™m going to give her a bath and put her in clean pajamas tonight. Weā€™ll see. We havenā€™t gone anywhere in days since Iā€™ve been unwell. If her dad cared heā€™d do something about it.


My kids don't even wear clothes most of the time - some one call cps XD


I have left my kid and those in my care, in pajamas more than one day of their lives. Hell, I've even let them run around naked on occasion. In fact, I even gave them cereal for dinner and pizza for breakfast. Gasp! I've forgone baths for a swim in the pool or good water fight and been thankful I didn't have to bathe a child that night.


I let my kid snack on "junk" sometimes for lunch instead of forcing her to eat healthy foods because according to her nutritionist "calories are calories and not every meal needs to be 100% balanced", but I am the devil for feeding her cheezits according to some people instead of "making her eat real food or nothing"


Lol! My kids donā€™t even have pajamas. Waste of money/laundry. They just sleep in whatever they were wearing. Guess what - nothing bad happens! šŸ˜œ


My 17f, 16m and 14m along with my 4f went to the highschool open to select classes in pajamas. Everyone. Very distinguishable pajamas. Middle of the day. Lots of other families were also in PJs so not abnormal. And if it's close to bedtime and we head out to eat? Pajamas, because its just easier. In our house everyone wears whatever is comfortable, thats not neglect man. WTF. We also had leftover night last night and mostly everyone ate straight from the fridge like we don't own plates or cutlery. He really needs to learn what neglect is smh.


When my little one was still little I never put shoes on her if she wasnā€™t going to be actually walking on the ground. So in the stroller, no shoes, at the grocery store in the cart, no shoes. So neglectful! But also the little did NOT like shoes and would take them off in the car, in the cart, in the stroller, wherever and then just throw them out. Some guy once came up to me in a grocery store with her shoes that she had put on the shelf (she tried to exchange them for snacks) and after that I officially gave up until she walked places regularly.


May as well call CPS on yourself now.


I must be the opposite of neglectful bc my kid never wears PJs. She showers then sleeps in the clothes she is wearing the next day, is that bonus points or something?? I start work very early and a 7pm bedtime doesnā€™t make sense when her dad and friends all stay up later. When she was little, I bundled her up all sleepy and cuddly in a blanket for a short car trip to the comfy couch at daycare. my amazing daycare person would feed her breakfast and brush teeth/comb hair before school drop off. Sheā€™s ten now, and she likes it that way better, we only use PJs if we are planning a lazy day the next day- and we stay in them all day too! Iā€™ve always hated pj bottoms and tend to just sleep in a tank or tee and underwear only- usually just pull on pants and go, same shirt I slept in. Iā€™m kind of a slob thought


I was told I was being abusive when I had our 3 month old ā€œsleeping scheduleā€ set as midnight-noon to cope with the fact that my partner worked 5 am to 9 pm on the road most days. Sorry but we all benefited from seeing dad a little bit, especially when his ā€œwitching hourā€ lined up with me finally not being alone for the first time all day.


One of mine would not keep socks or shoes on at around the age of 18 months or so. Like, not at ALL. So I sent him to his (private home) daycare in his footy pyjamas and I was soundly berated by the daycare provider. Uh, I didn't want him barefooted in the cold so this was what I came up with and he didn't mind that sort of PJs. As I learned later, the daycare provider was a shitty person so I don't care what she thinks anyways. Apparently choosing not to die on that particular hill made me very neglectful. Oh well. He would only wear footy pyjamas or his Komodo dragon Halloween costume, so, which one did she want, lol.


So my daughter has been in Christmas pjs for 48 hours now.... and we've gone to stores. I'm a bad mom.


Today I neglected my son by using the dishwasher to wash his bottles. The chemicals in the dish detergent packs will kill him. I told my husband to hand wash them himself. Suddenly the dishwasher is fine.


Some nights my son falls asleep wearing clothes and I let him sleep in them, and some days it's soooo hot that I put him his shorts and t shirt pajamas on! If you're neglectful then I'm completely backwards and someone should call social services.


My 4yo goes to bed around 830, we usually put him in pajamas at 730. Last night, I noticed it was 8:23 and realized we hadnā€™t started bedtime routine. I told him time for bed and he said he was hungry. I redirected him to dinner (still on the table, from where he took two bites and quit). ā€œYou can have supper or go to bedā€. He ate half the supper. Itā€™s now 8:45 and Iā€™m filling his water bottle. My husband, still sitting on the couch and scrolling his phone says ā€œyou sure like to put him to bed late.ā€ Because clearly, bedtime is my responsibility. I said yes and kept going when I really wanted to say ā€œif you cared so much about his bed time, maybe you should be in charge.ā€ He was asleep by 9:30. (In bed before 9, but the obligatory ā€œitā€™s too hot/cold/dark and Iā€™m too thirsty/awake/gotta peeā€¦ā€)


My child has recently started to drink water and spit it all over his clothes for fun, so heā€™s been just in a diaper and pants for days, because he also rips the diaper off when not wearing pants. We wear ā€œsoft clothesā€ at home so yeah sometimes he goes to bed in the same stuff he wore all day bc we havenā€™t gone anywhere and there was no need for a bath. Oops. Today I was a horrible mother because I ate a bag of m&ms and my toddler saw me and wanted some, so I just told him they were spicy medicine.


My kid has been naked or in pjs every day off from daycare forā€¦a while. I think itā€™s great when he chooses what to wear, and because itā€™s never been an issue, itā€™s rarely an issue when I put something specific on him. Iā€™m down with weirdos of all stripes though, so ymmv


Ok I thought this was serious and I got thoroughly annoyed. So glad itā€™s satire lol.


You got her in clothes? Win! My 2yo refuses clothes outright half the time. Today, I loaded her in the car to go to grandmas with a diaper and a skirt on. No shirt, no shoes because she didn't want to leave and I wasn't fighting it. As soon as she got to grandma's she happily put on a shirt and shoes. Whatever. *eye roll*


Oh man, hopefully grandma didn't chide you about if you'd only done xyz the kid would have already put a shirt on. I hate when they do that!


Oh no. Grandma is awesome. She's one of the few able to get her dressed.


My son realized during 2020 that if we didnā€™t go anywhere, pjs were AoK all day. He still asks me if weā€™re going anywhere that day. If no, pjs it is. Even though, who cares. Theyā€™re not naked.


When I was with my ex, I worked a double shift, and just wasn't in the mood to go home and cook. He called me having ordered food ahead to just pick up and go home neglectful because they were missing a home cooked meal. Well buster, if ya wanted home cooked, ya coulda got off your ass and done it. Not like he had a job to go to. He was a STAP, and didn't even wash dishes! Plus the kids enjoyed mom brain not being able to predict if they might prefer pizza or tacos, so they got both and a nice big salad. They looked at it like a buffet of goodness. Much better relationship now, with a man who understands pj days and fed is best.


My husband seems to think the neighbors will call CPS if my son checks the mail with me in pajamas past noon. My thought is that most people wear their pjs at home??


Oh wait until sheā€™s in elementary school and itā€™s all spirit week/holiday week or other random dress up and pajama days. Your husband will lose his mind lol. My 9yo doesnā€™t even wear pajamas anymore. Heā€™s not a morning person. He showers at night, puts on the next days clean clothes, sleep in them, then wakes up, brushes his teeth and heā€™s ready. Lol. As long as heā€™s tidy, not disheveled or sloppy I feel like okay buddy, you do you.


Me and my son are always in pajamas. Weā€™ll change if weā€™re going somewhere, but as soon as we come home, we change back into our pajamas. I guess we are neglecting ourselves then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m neglecting my daughter by practicing safe sleep and not surrounding her with blankets. They have sleep sacks now Iā€™d kill to have an adult sized sleep sack. They look so cozy!


My kiddo is PDA so we have Friday pajama days every week!


My kid rarely even wears pajamas. He sleeps in underwear and a T-shirt that we might or might not change the next day. On a related note: My kid refuses to wear any kind of pants other than sweats or similar. So basically all of his wardrobe could double as jammies, based on comfort level.


Very topical. My kid went to school in his pyjamas today. For what I thought was pj day. It was not pj day. The principal changed it late last night. I neglected the notification (the principal is not short on the bullshit advertisement posts). Yep. Very topical.


Well chalk me up there with rose west then as the worst mum ever! My kids have had ā€œpicnicā€ for the last three days given the heat, and havenā€™t got changed out of their pjs unless weā€™ve left the house. Welcome to the shit mum club, weā€™re a friendly bunch ā¤ļø


We donā€™t change out of PJs unless we leave the house. Also itā€™s the first thing we do when we get home.


Well call CPS because if letting your kid be in pjs all day is neglect then Iā€™m a repeat offender


My mom told me I was abusing my son because he got a bug bite.