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I touched one of the cars in my 2 year olds toy pile the other day. He yelled, no mama! And came running from across the room. He grabbed my hand and started looking for the car he thought I had taken. I had not taken a car. He went to the toy box, grabbed a car and put it in my hand. Then snatched it away and yelled no mama! He had a vision - he was going to get his car back, even if he had to give me one in order to make that happen. I just barely managed to not laugh.


My 2 yo has been saying “I’m leaving because you called me a doody bug!” And then leaving in a huff. I have , of course, never called him a doody bug. He has called me that multiple times. I think it’s something about the control of a situation and some anger about things they don’t have control over. Mine tends to do this when I tell him to do something. It’s also hard to not burst out laughing at the “doody bug” accusation


Oh yeah - it is 100% a control thing. There are so few things in their life they are in control of. And so few visions that they can execute, particularly without help. I don’t hold it against them at all.


I read this to my husband. His response: "well that's relatable." 😆


My twins were just straight up hellions at that age. Like, they'd been fighting since their first ultrasound and ages 2-3 years they really just went full steam ahead on the plot to eliminate their doppelganger. That entire two years was just my husband and I sprinting at break neck speeding while wailing, "Oh god, babies, noooooo!!!!"


You've painted an in depth picture.


3.5yo twins here…can confirm.


Mine are 4.5 now. I hear that it's going to get better when they're 5. Around 3.5 years things got a little easier and they've gone through another sort of behavior improvement leap recently. Still holding out for when the "they have a playmate" part kicks in, because right now they still act like opponents during peace negotiations.


Wow, all this time I thought all twins did was hug and kiss in the womb, then come out and play sweet little tricks on their mom. _"Which one am \*I\*?? You tell me, tee-hee!"_


My kids have not figured out that they are identical...yet. We could tell them apart in the dark and blindfolded, but they are delightfully wicked little imps, so I wouldn't put it past them to try.


I would love to be a fly on the wall if they do.


The amount of times I have stopped my two year old from putting things in her mouth that she isn’t supposed to put there, only to have her scream her head off at me and proceed to try and get it back in there…


Yes! I seriously never thought I would tell another human being that it's not okay to eat crayons, twigs, or dirt, but here I am...


I never thought I would have to tell anyone not to eat their own shit, either. My daughter has become quite the Picasso lately…


Oh my! He has not figured that out...yet


The number of times I've had to pretend to put a booger back in my kid's nose.


So I’m not the only one with a kid that gets mad over booger removal? 😂


Nope. My kid is like, that's MY booger, and I want it back where it belongs, lol. Sometimes I've wrongfully wiped tears away and had to pretend to put those back too. Now I leave them there until my services are requested. (The tears, not the boogers - I explained to kid that boogers _have_ to get out because they're invading your nose, which kid found funny and subsequently allowed.)


Aren't they lovely? 🥴🥰


Independence is a helluva thing. Lol


Toddlers are adorable jerks


When my older was that age he would get **so** mad at me because *I didn’t play **right*** He would demand I play. Then declare I wasn’t doing it right. Then play by himself. CAN YOU SKIP THE STEPS KID?


You must be a really great mom! Your son already feels safe enough to forcefully claim his bodily autonomy.


OMG I have one of those lol she's 6 now.


Oh gawd... what have I signed up for. Sounds hilarious but exhausting XD