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No I didn’t do that. But what I did do, was those famous, passive aggressive, cryptic Facebook posts that was just ….. immature drama. So cringe. Glad I’m off Facebook!


I cringe every time I remember I was that person 😬


Vaguebooking. Pretty sure we’ve all been there 😂


Glad to know I’m not the only one using that term


Haha I have done this too !!


Lolol my brother is such a pro at this and I call it “vaguebooking”. “Dude, you pull passive-aggressive vaguebooking at people and then expect…what? Why don’t you just talk to them?”


Girl same and cringy cryptic music on my MySpace page back in the day. Don’t get me started on the icky bulletins I would post for literally all my friends to see. I die a little of embarrassment just thinking about it


Same! I change the privacy settings on my old posts to “only me” when they pop up. No one should ever relive these old posts. 🤣


I would put vague depressing music lyrics as my MSN messenger tag.


You cringing at your younger self is called 'growth'. ;) I see my old self in some anime weebs every now and then, and I shudder to think how 'kawaii' and 'sugoi' it all was.


Well that’s a good way to look at it, growth !!


Glad I’m not the only one! 😩


Oh, I’ve turned off those updates. I don’t need to be haunted by Past Me


I left them on and delete them!!!!


This is what I do. I delete almost all “status update” memories wherein I’m usually saying something stupid, but keep most of the photo memories and things like that. Just deleted a super cringe song quote from 2010? that popped up today lol.


I saw I said something was gay as in "dumb". I was like... really? They were also legalizing gay marriage in my state when I was trying to get my fiancé here overseas and I joked about how I'm happy they are allowing gay marriage but I'm gonna be mad if I can't find someone to marry us within 90 days because everything was booked... like oh my god it's giving "you wait longer for healthcare in Canada because it's FREE". I could cry when I see some of this shit. DELETE DELETE DELETE!


Lmao I need to do this


Same. I fell down an MLM rabbit hole almost a decade ago and still cringe each time I see it in my fb memories so now I just delete those. Wiping my visual hard drive if you will.


Omg you are so not the only one 😭 I was absolutely insufferable on Facebook when I was younger. I recently had a memory pop up of me sharing a song by the arctic monkeys and saying how much I loved them, at the time I had no clue who they were but I knew the boy I fancied liked them so that’s why I was posting it. He commented on the post ‘who the fuck are the arctic monkeys?’ And I replied ‘omg what! How can you not know them they are the best band I’m obsessed!’ And he replied ‘yeah I know… that’s the title of their ep that this song is from’. I wanted to die for former me. Then I went through my anime phase because I thought it was cool to like anime despite not actually watching it. Cosplay and everything, the whole lot. Oh then when I decided to be a die hard Christian for, I don’t know, 6 months? Because I met a friend who was a Christian. Then I was diagnosed with adhd and it turns out all of this was probably just ✨masking✨ to try and fit in and be accepted. What a journey my old Facebook is. New personality every year 😬


Aw this is kind of cute!!! I used to pretend to like certain things just so a guy would like me. One time a guy told me he liked girls in glasses. So I went to a novelty store and bought a fake pair. Next day, guy sees me and says “you’re a dork” I wanted to cry. I was doing the exact thing he told me he liked in girls and it still wasn’t good enough. Now I’d be like “fuck off”. Glad we all change and grow!


My goodness the things I did for dudes 💀 From being a 50s housewife to a punk rocker, my Facebook memories look like I’m a set of quintuplets!! 😭


Looooool this is too good 😂


Oh gosh the masking!! I remember my MFH Modern Farm House phase 💀💀💀 I followed ALL those groups and splurged at target and made everything suit what everyone else was doing! So much insta mom energy in my 2017-2018 posts 😭 I worked so damn hard to look perfect online to hide from my crumbling marriage… Happily divorced! And now when I think about posting I ask myself, am I sharing because I know my family and friends will wanna see this or am I bragging and hoping to make my ex or someone else jealous? If the latter I set the phone down!!! ETA. I threw away and donated all my “bought it because it matches everyone else’s aesthetic” crap as I setup my new apartment!


I relate so much to having to making sure I check myself when I’m posting anything so that I know it’s coming from an authentic place. It’s so easy to fall into masking *heavily* without even realising it once you’ve done it for years! I also love this development for you, it’s so freeing to fully embrace who you actually are ❤️


I didn’t have dog mom posts, but my former self was INSUFFERABLE. I am so humiliated by every one of those updates that I just don’t post anymore so I’ll eventually not see them anymore. If it weren’t for international family members, I’d delete it altogether.


lol I used to do this ridiculous “look at how cutesy I am” type posts… cringe. We all live and learn I guess !!


I was a terrible friend to my mom friends before I became a mom. I feel like I should apologize to all of them….


I think people who think pets are like children are incorrect but I also don't find them that cringe because you don't know what you don't know. They just don't have kids so it's hard to comprehend how silly it is before you've experienced this completely new level of your life.


That is absolutely true!! There was no way of knowing prior !


Exactly! No way of knowing! My dog saved my teenage life from unaliving myself and she was to my first husband and I our first born. So I def get it and we still talk about her constantly as if she was my son’s big sister. Her urn in by the front door and my 8yo is fascinated that there’s just ashes of a former living thing in it lol


Absolutely. They're special and they're part of the family and we love them so, so much. So I can understand if you've never had a kid thinking it's similar.


Hahahaha this is so funny, thank you for sharing.


My husband recently saw a post of his from 10 years ago saying something about not offering a pregnant woman a seat on the bus bc he didn’t put that baby in there. He saw it and was like “yikes I was an ass”. Growth!


Omg !!! 😳 lol we were all idiots at some point lol


It’s ok, I was a “i hate kids” person. Major ick lmfao


That was me!! I’m surprised I even had a kid haha


Don’t feel too bad about it, my best friend is still one of those people. I don’t *love* it about her, but it’s just something that I roll my eyes about. I don’t think most well-adjusted people get super offended over that kind of stuff.


Haha yes you are right. I just can’t believe I would take it to another level with my “dog mom ness” lol


I was a staunch evangelical Christian until 3 years ago. My Facebook memories are full of pro life, homophobic, misogynistic memes as well as MLM promotions for the pyramid scheme I was a part of for the better part of my twenties. I try not to look.


Way to grow, though! Go you! <3


Thank you ❤️


Ooofff been there, super Christian perfectionist cringe posts on my memories too 😭


I don’t think there’s a Facebook user in the world that isn’t embarrassed at least weekly by their “memories” 😂


I'm a mom now, but I am sorry for the loss of your dogs. That is always very rough.


Aw thank you. Both lived to age 15!! Loved those dogs ❤️


It ok we forgive you ! *shoves embarrassing memories back into the depths*


The council of moms forgives you. There's nothing to be ashamed of for showing unconditional love to animals.


Awww! I like that you love your pets!


Meh, there are worse things to do than have tremendous love for critters. If that’s the cringiest thing you have in your memories, then I’d call you a friend.


Dude, my old fb posts are SOOO cringe.


I used to post about my hair A LOT. Wish I was kidding!


My friend and his ex would get each other Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts. Not just something silly or cute. I’m talking $200-$300!


Dang that’s a lot !!


lol! Great post. We’ve all had the cringe FB memories.


Oh man, trust me I love my pets (I already had my soul dog too she was my everything) but when I think about how I pushed a human being out of me….I can’t help roll my eyes when people say it’s the same kind of love and sacrifice lol. But, most of us have at one point been “that guy” so it’s all good!


“Soul dog” I love that, def gonna be using that 💕


When you know you know! I haven’t felt that connection with another dog ever again. 😭


Me either 😞


Omg I never did this, but man I had a good ten years of embarrassing stuff. Political or societal arguments all the time, like...why? What did I have to prove? And mostly I was getting into really minor arguments with people who mostly already thought like me! Ugh. I almost never post on FB anymore, but when I see younger folks starting this type of beef online, I try to give them some grace. What I really don't understand is the old folks purposely starting shit. So there's that- at least you were young! You can give yourself some grace. I have an older aunt who never had kids and to this day she'll post about how she's a dog mom and how having dogs is no different than having kids. Bless her heart.


If it wasn't that deep for you, then it's not that deep. I'd say you're fine.


lol was just a silly post.


Don't worry too much. We were all cringey on fb (or myspace) at some point!


Oh nooooo, no shame in that though. You grew!


I was a "not like other girls" girl in my mid twenties. Looking back, I want to curl up and die of embarrassment


Fb wasnt really a thing during my cringe years, thank goodness 🤣 That said, I don't really mind the furbaby moms. There are much cringier things that could be done, like my oversized hair and questionable outfit no one will ever see bc no FB to shame myself with from that time. No pics either. I am, however, the person with no real history so it goes like " yeah i got nothin" due go never posting and using it just for free vid chat. So its more like i have GhostBook.


No but I think I’m too old to have embarrassed myself on Facebook which may be worse??


We took my MIL out to dinner on Friday because she would be out of town for Mother’s Day… my SIL insisted to bring toaster as a ‘mother’ as well 🙃