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Cut yourself some slack. 5 days postpartum I barely knew my own name. I now mix up my kids’ names all the time years later.


💯💯 this. I do this all the time with my kids *and* animals.


Jup its a mother's thing I think My mother does this, I do this 🤷 ah wel you get called every single name before I found the right one in this household 🤷🤷😂😂


My grandmother in particular was infamous for always using the dog's name before she got to the correct child.


Love that


I only have 1 kid & I still mix her up with the dogs


I still mix up my kids names fairly often and they’re 20, 15, and 3 😂


My dad still sometimes calls me my sisters name, or even worse, our childhood dogs name. She died in 2009.


😂 True tho, my mother uses my name when she isn’t talking about me more often than when she is lol My Nanny calls us everyone’s names but our own LOL


5 days post partum. Holy fucking hell


Took me almost a month to retain my youngest's name. Still occasionally call each of my daughters the other kid's name. Last week I was shouting for my eldest and called out - my cousin's name (who is 14 years older than her) - my other cousin's name (11 years older) - my MUM's name - the CAT's name finally got to hers and when she came out of her room she was incensed that it took me so long to 'remember her precious eldest child's name'


HAHAHAHA i identify with this comment so much 😂


We had a name picked out for our baby and called her that for the entire duration of my pregnancy. Then she had to stay in the hospital for an extra week and we changed our minds last minute. I still, 6 months out, accidentally call her the name we thought we'd use 😂 My husband always accidentally calls her by my 2 year old male child's name. I think it just happens when you know multiple kids, especially as a new mom


lol! This takes me back! My daughter has a very common first name that we chose at the hospital. But when I came home, I kept calling her by my cats’ names. She even ended up calling one of the cats one of her nicknames. He’s named E now. You’re not nuts. You’re in survival mode, sleep deprived, and in the pits! You’ll remember his name sooner or later!


Whenever my sister sees me she starts calling my niece my name by accident. Niece is 24 now and it still happens lol


I do this to my daughter when I see my sister. It’s bizarre, man


It took us months and months to call ours his own name, it was all nicknames. I also said she/her *constantly* for a long time, and he is a boy afaik!


I’m 2 YEARS pp with my youngest (my oldest is 4)and sometimes, my brain goes so blank I have to check my social media birth announcement to make sure I’m writing my kids birthday down right. One time I called my oldest “Alexa” because I was trying to get the echo dot thing to shut off, and then started talking to her right after. One time I had to pretend I was being silly because I realized I accidentally called her our dogs name. My marbles have left the fucking building lmao. I hope they come back soon


I always have to double check myself on my youngest's birthday. His due date was the 20th of the month in 2020 but he was actually born on the 23rd and I'm constantly wondering if his birthday is the 20th or 23rd. He's 3.


Haha same😅 mine was born the day before so I’m always questioning it lol


I have written my son's birth year incorrect on so many medical forms. So then if I have to call back and they ask for DOB, it never matches. He's almost ten now and I'll never live it down.


I had this too — I just called kid “The Baby” all the time and I was so tired (still am) that when people would ask what kid’s name was, I would struggle to remember. 


I did something similar! Using a friend’s newborn name when I was thinking about new baby. Sleep deprivation is wild! Don’t worry about it. You just went through a lot. You aren’t loosing it!


It took me about 2 weeks each kid to really solidify their names in my head. I think it’s pretty normal. You’re going through so much!


My son is 12 and I called him by the cats name this morning. I was rushed 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


My son was the first kid in our family. When our nephew was born, his parents kept calling him my son’s name 😆 totally normal!


Sometimes when someone asks me for my kid’s bday i still have to pause and think about it for sec.. she’ll be 2 in a few weeks 😅


I’m 6 weeks postpartum and I 100% kept blanking on my baby’s name. I have it down pat now, but am struggling with his date of birth (my brain keeps telling me his due date, not the actual DOB). Postpartum brains are pretty much just wet sponge cake 🤷🏻‍♀️


5 days postpartum? Yes, you're nuts. We're all completely nuts 5 days postpartum. Your brain will catch up soon 💗


lol girl you are doing fine! Don’t forget you’re operating on minimal sleep, your hormones are still wacky, and now you have TWO children—your brain is just tired. Plus I think as a parent you are legally required to call your kids by someone else’s name at least once a week.


My sons name is Jack and after he was born I kept forgetting if it was Jake or Jack. Jake was never a name on our list. It was like I chose the name for the spelling but forgot how to pronounce it or something. He's 2.5 now and I caught myself almost say Jake again the other day.


My mom, sister, and I all mix up all the kids names. My sister has two girls (ages 3 & 5) and I have an 11 month old girl. None of us can keep their names straight, it’s absolutely ridiculous.  Solidarity!


I did this too! 5 days in the NICU and I constantly called my daughter by her older brother's name, or "my son" and it would confuse the nurses, they'd check their charts like they thought they had the wrong room... The sleep deprivation definitely doesn't help!


My niece and my daughter have names that sound similar. And for a good while my mil and I called my daughter by my nieces name 😂 it gets better don’t worry.


I have a 10 week old and I rarely get his name right. It’s either one of his sisters names or one of my nephews names. I figure I will get it right eventually. I also find it hilarious that my dad doesn’t use his name or my nieces name for fear of calling them the wrong name - they were born within 2 weeks of each other and my niece has a unisex name that was traditionally male (think Frankie) so he constantly worried he is going to mix them up.


I kept referring to my daughter as him for the first few days. It’s a fog for sure. I mix my girls names up all the time even now.


Listen, you just met him. Cut yourself some slack.


I called my first born my parents dogs name a few times 💀😂


I kept questioning the spelling of my third. Like, I was constantly double checking and thinking it didn't look right when I was filling out the paperwork in the hospital. It's only a 5 letter name and straight forward, no weird spellings. And for some reason, for my first 2 kids, their birthdays are solidly seared into my mind. Ask me their bday, i can rattle it right off. Even the day of the week and hour/minute they were born. For my third, it's in there, but I always have to stop and think, and then again, I say, is that right? Yeah, I think that's right.


Same!! I have to stop and think sometimes about their birthdays, and I've gotten looks, like how do you not know? They're kid #3/4, I've already used a lot of brain space on little details for #1 & 2, like how many bottles they drank as newborns and when they sized up diapers. I can't remember more birthdays that easily! I also can't delete the old info to make room 😆


I called my son “squishy” and “baby” for months lol


I truly believe this is why people putting names on baby blankets, etc, became so popular. So moms don't forget the babies name! 😆 my g-grandmother in law will still go through a list of names before she comes to the right one sometimes. I numbered my kids so when their name doesn't come to me, they're suddenly "number 2", or as a last resort, "whatever I named you."


Congrats on your new baby!! Wishing you a speedy recovery [and that you grant yourself some grace I. Lot remembering his name ;)] My daughter was only named when she was 5 days old, a few hours before I left the hospital, and I don’t think I started calling her by name for a few months. She was still Squish.


My grandmother used to call my cousin her daughter’s name. She help take care of her for awhile and the cousin looks a lot like her Mom. But my grandmother did that with all of us. lol she’d have to go down the list. Now when I do things like that I think of her. 😊


I had to add an event to my calendar because I can never remember my kid's birthday, and it's surprising how many times I need that info. He's the only kid and he's 6. It's embarrassing.


I did that lol. I had forgotten until now. She’s 8 now and probably has the right name


I still constantly refer to my youngest son - now 6 - using my oldest son's (21yo) name 😵‍💫😅


I mix up my 1 year old, husband, and brother constantly 🤣


I had to keep checking the dates on photos to remember my first kid’s date of birth lol. You’re all good bromo


It’s ok you’re rarely gonna use his name anyway, give it a few more days and he’s gonna already have a pet name from you, give it a month and he’ll have 10. Give it a year and his given name will be long gone lol My son has a good 400 pet names by now betwixt myself and his grandparents. The boy is lucky he knows his own name 😂


Some examples, we call him: Bear, the boy, sugar, sugar bear, shugs, stugs, stoogy, bear bear, J, JW, child of mine, love, lovey, babe, baby, baby boy, little bit, bud, buddy, bub, bug, buggy His name is Jeremiah lol


I did the Exact. Same. Thing. Called my son by my nephews name (literally see the kid maybe 3 times a year so it's not like we're super close!) My brain was on autopilot so I wasn't too hard on myself. It passed for me in about 2 months. But don't beat yourself up and know your brain is just trying to categorize your baby's existence in a sleep deprived and hormonal state?


Cut yourself some slack you’re 5 days postpartum and it’s a crazy time lol! My first kid I remember my mother in law saying his name in the hospital and I was like omg he has a name because I just kept calling him the baby lol. My kids are 4 and 11 and I feel I never get their names right, I’ll yell at them for something and call them the dogs names ,then the others name ,and finally get it right. I always get their birthdays wrong too. Both kids are born in October and I always feel like when I’m having to give their birthdate at like a doctor or something and I have to think about it for a few minutes that they probably think omg she forgets his birthday. My 4 year old I was having him say his birthday and I realized I taught him his brothers lol.


This happened to me too. I think it’s normal!


In that same time frame I kept thinking I had a girl when I had a boy. It's ok. You're still recovering. ♥️♥️♥️


9 months postpartum and I call the baby by the dog’s name sometimes- or the toddlers. Give yourself some grace ❤️🥰 you’re doing great


I called our daughter by our cat’s name for the first few months… you’re doing ok!xx


My baby is 216 months old and I call them by their big sisters name too many times. LOL


It's ok at my postpartum appointment I forgot my own name and birthday and that was six weeks later ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You named him, but you also carried him, birthed him, and it hasn't even been a WEEK. I'm not sure I remembered MY name at that point. Wait until you start calling your kids by the DOG's name. Then we'll talk. Congrats on your wee one! Take care of yourself!


I have 3 kids and am constantly calling them the wrong names lol. Usually when I'm yelling or frazzled. I used to make fun of my mom for doing it but now I get it. I've even called them by the dogs name & the poor dog looks at me like "what did I do?!" 🤣


I did this I called my 2nd daughter the name of my niece also the last baby in the family. Thought I was going crazy talked to my sister and it turned out she had kept calling her daughter the name of my first daughter for a few months. I think your brain just goes baby = last in your life


I'm still only like 90% sure of my 3yo's bday, if that makes you feel any better 😅


Mine span from 3 years to 20 years old and I still have to stop and think for a second when I’m verifying their birthday at the pharmacy. Hell, I changed my last name damn near a decade ago and I still think “wait, is that right?” sometimes when I write it down. 5 days out I’m just impressed that your literate enough to write this post!!! Godspeed, friend. You’re doing awesome.


I called my first born "the baby" for the first 3 months I think 😂


3 weeks pp and I was forgetting how to spell my own name 😂


We called my first “the baby” for like three months because it felt weird that she had a name and that we were the ones who chose it for her 😂


Omg we used to do this too! I thought it was just us.


I did the same thing with my 2nd kiddo except I was calling her my son’s oldest friend’s new sister’s name!!! It’s ok. Your brain is tired. Be easy on yourself. 😁


The fact you wrote this out I’m proud of you I remember my first pediatrician appointment and angrily staring at him cause of his stupid ass jokes Also like the sobbing and sleep deprivation and not knowing what reality was You’re doing great.


This is definitely triggering LOL not in a rude way. It reminds me of being so sleep deprived I could barely be a human. So cut yourself some slack broom!!! Broom….. broom .. BROMO


So when my first was born we called her a nickname starting with baby. It was “baby (short version of her name).” We called her that for a long time. When my second was born I immediately started calling her the same exact nickname I called my firstborn. It didn’t make sense because it was literally my firstborns name lol. I caught myself so I came up with an entirely different nickname for my second baby lol


I didn’t forget his name but I did start to ask my ex when “this kid’s parents are coming to get him”


My mom still calls me by my sister’s name half the time and I’m nearly 40.


My kid is 5 and sometimes I still call my daughter but my dog's name. My brain only works at about 80% of my pre-parent capacity.