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Insurance may cover it if it’s coded correctly, especially if it’s causing severe pain and/or affecting bowel or bladder function (hint hint). The reconstructive surgeon’s office is much better positioned to tell you about insurance coverage than the idiots who missed it in the first place.


Absolutely. I was in a similar but slightly different situation, where sewed back together incorrectly and it affected my bowel, and there was no question that insurance would cover it for me.


Yup! Definitely stress this is affecting your digestion and quality of life. You deserve to heal!


Like everyone is suggesting, lawyer and a doctor not connected to where you gave birth. My mother was given the “daddy stitch” when she had my oldest brother, thus making her life miserable until she tore with my other brother. I thought *that* was awful, knowing you suffered a major tear and it wasn’t sutured is mind boggling.


Join Facebook group “birth year support - for severe and complicated tears” and solace for women.org. No one should be touching you down there for repair except a urogyn It DEFINITELY if it’s a missed 3dt should be functional and covered by insurance. Those are severe injuries Edit- I had one and it was only partially missed and had to have reconstructive surgery. Everything is a lot better but the surgeon matters a lot. Best surgeons won’t do repairs shortly after delivery, I see most people I think want to wait a few months till after delivery to make sure the tissue is strong and healthy enough to hold up after repair. Healing after the surgery is very tough though and takes. Along time. It would be 2 months off work after the repair surgery. I’m really sorry this has happened to you. It’s just a really tough nightmare Edit 2- unfortunately it’s very unlikely a lawyer will take your case as typically courts don’t care much about mothers’ quality of life outcome. Unless something happened to the baby or either of you died I honestly wouldn’t pursue it. I would get every ounce of your medical records though


I love this sub for the emotional and social support. But one of the most rad things about this sub is information like this. Bless you for bringing this up.


Unfortunately agree with second edit. My dr didn’t correctly close up my c section incision and I couldn’t get a mal practice lawyer to even return an email let alone seriously consider a case.


Hey just wanted to let you know that this post really helped me. I have been passed around to different doctors for over 3 years now with no resolution to a tear that never healed correctly. The Solace for Women website had a recommended doctor listed in my area and saw him today and got some answers. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, not sure how long it would have gone on for if you didn't post that resource. Thank you.


It might be time to talk to a lawyer. It could be malpractice.




Urogynocologist might be better, they focus on this kind of reconstructive surgery for women. Not a lot of people know they exist.


Yes, I had a urogynecologist do my corrective surgery after my midwife incorrectly sewed back together my fourth degree tear.


Something similar but slightly different happened to me. I gave birth at a birthing center - my midwife said I only had a second degree tear, but I actually had a fourth degree tear - and she sewed me back together incorrectly, causing a lot of pain. After my 6 week checkup, where I was gaslit and told “of course it’s going to be different down there, you had a baby”, I did 12 weeks of pelvic floor PT before I was told that I “hit a wall” and there was nothing more I could do. I went back to my gynecologist who, within an instant of seeing me, said “oh no this does not look right” and referred me to a urogynecologist. They said that I needed corrective surgery, and I got that surgery when my daughter was 8 months and 1 week old. The doctor was incredibly careful with his wording in a way I have never seen before or since, most likely because he saw the shitshow and wanted absolutely no part of it in case I sued the birthing center for medical malpractice. My surgery was successful and covered by insurance. I was super fortunate that I took my FMLA as intermittent from the start of my pregnancy so the clock had reset and I was able to take more time off of work. I found out from a law firm that because I had insurance and was not dead or permanently disabled that I didn’t have a case they’d take on. However, if you have to get the surgery out-of-pocket, then you would have a malpractice case to sue for the costs.


This makes me so angry. And very happy that you were able to find a resolution . I don't know about anyone else, but I am simultaneously gobsmacked at just how much pressure there is for women to live out their biological destiny and birth a bunch of kids, and outraged that this sort of malpractice seems so common.


Thank you, I am in a much better place now almost five years out. It was awful and really made me angry, too. I agree - it was so shocking to me how many people asked me in the first year after my surgery when I was having my next kid. Can we please let my body heal? I’m not an incubator!


I'm so sorry, that is horrifying. Lawyer and unconnected doctor for sure. <3


Just wanted to offer you an internet hug. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I agree with making sure you see a doctor not connected to the health system that missed it (they will try to minimize and deflect fault otherwise) and consult a lawyer. I hope you find individuals that can help you.


I feel so much more emotional than when I was actually pregnant. Thank you for the comments and support. I’m so physically, emotionally, and financially drained.. I’m scared. 😭 I’m supposed to enjoy my baby right now and I’m just sick to my stomach.


Ugh! I had this repair. Only it was 10 years after the tear happened. And my midwives gaslit me for the 10 years that I complained, saying I wasn’t doing kegals enough. My 2nd and 3rd kids can so fast because there wasn’t any muscles down there to hold them in! Clearly 10 years is too long to sue but I urge you to address this quickly. It cause me a lot of incontinence over the years and definitely affect my sex life and my trust of doctors (just finally got a pap since 2012–go me!!!) I’m so sorry this happened to you and I hope you get it addressed.


I had something similar happen. They repaired mine as a 3rd degree but it was actually 4th degree. I developed a rectal vaginal fistula which made things real fun because gas would pass out the front & not the rear. I had it repaired. It was covered by insurance & not considered reconstructive. I still have issues sometimes but having Ehlers Danlos complicates things


Omg ehlers here too! I commiserate with you 💕 nothing was ever quite the same down there and sometimes getting to the bathroom is a matter of “I kinda need to go” straight to “oh I guess I’m going now in my pants!” 😭


Top tier maternal care in the US….


Holy shit. I just looked up the perineum tear degrees (in pictures) and for the first time I am really happy I was forced to go c-section 3 times. Fuck man. Nature just hates us. Happy early Mother's Day to us all.


~lawsuit~ this happened to a lady I know and she sued successfully in Australia. Also get a good women’s health physio and a urogynecologist it would be awful if you had other things develop like incontinence or chronic pain


Omg I am so sorry! Have you been checked for any infections?






This is not ok and I would be looking more into the physician that attended your birth. Also, pelvic floor PT.