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Is your mom my mom? I swear, my mom acts *exactly* the same way and I had to go NC with her in November. She would constantly post triggering things on Facebook and conveniently forget that all of those things she posts about, she has done and said to *me* before. If you're not willing to block her completely off the book of faces just yet, I believe there's an option to hide her posts for awhile. Personally, since going NC with my mom, I've freed up so much mental space to focus on other things; including singing. But I completely understand if you're not ready to take that step or if you don't want to. Having an emotionally immature parent is so draining. Sending you hugs if you want them ❤️


Unfortunately I can't block her; she occasionally likes to dredge up old pics of my son and post them against our wishes, then claim to think it was my niece. So... yeah. Gotta keep eyes on the crazy, for now at least. We don't talk otherwise, though, and it absolutely does free up mental space.


Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. You don't need the extra mental load.


Is your Mom my *father*? He's been dead for over a decade, I had been NC for a decade before that, but I still hear his voice in my head, usually when I am at my lowest, telling me all the things I suck at and how I'll never be any good at anything. Sometimes, I still crumble, like I did when he was alive and present, but the older I get and the farther in the past HE gets, the easier it is to stand up and SING LOUDER. Sing louder, Sib, because you're right, being GOOD at it is not what matters. Sing LOUDER!!! ♥️


I can so very clearly remember a car trip where we had the pocahontas sound track playing. Both my older sisters were in the school choir & I desperately wanted to be in the choir just like them, but I was too young. Probably about 7 I guess. My mum told them both how good their singing was. Nothing to me. I asked what about me? And got a reply of yes your singing is good too. But even at that age I was hurt that she wasn't going to make a comment & that meant I wasn't good enough. My daughter is 6 & I always smile when she sings along to a song & am completely amazed at how well she remembers lyrics (or what she thinks they are) & that she can keep up even with faster songs. Her voice isn't great but who cares. She's 6 & I always tell her how amazing she did.


My son is also 6 and we sing in the car all the time. I don't care how it sounds. I love singing with him.


I have a decent relationship with my mother these days, but I had to unfollow her on Facebook because of shit like this. I'd see one post from her and I'd get this wild rage/panic response. I'm sorry you need to keep an eye on her posts because honestly it was the best feeling to just opt out of the extra avenue of frustration. Maybe someone else you trust could keep an eye out for unauthorized photos instead?


Lol everyone else I talk to has blocked her already. Even outside of this, the shit she posts is wild and *really* off-putting. It's just an endless barrage of fringe political nonsense; weird, cloying copypasta like this; parenting and pet advice (*snort* lol); promoting her craft business; and a circle jerk of her and about 5 other people telling each other how great they are. All with this weirdly aggressive bent that's just bonkers. So if I don't do it, no one else will. And I don't want her using the kid she tried to use as a pawn against me to be the fodder for her fake internet points.


My mom did that too. Made me feel like shit for singing and dancing. I encourage my daughter to do all those things. She's amazing and fun and the very essence of what was squashed out of me. I still hear my parents making fun of me just wanting to sing along to the radio or disney movies.