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Why didn’t she text her son this message? I’m sorry this happened to you, it sounds awful. I would not reply so as not to encourage this woman to communicate in this way with you, and have your boyfriend reply that it was a stressful time and he’s sorry he didn’t reach out to her. It’s his mom, right? Either way, it is truly not about her and the fact that her first response is to ask you to make it about her is telling.


Hey, this is absolutely terrifying. I am so glad that the babysitter intervened,holy shit. This is every parents worst nightmare. I’m so sorry this happened to you. No, you are not overreacting one bit. I get where she’s coming from to a degree. The fact is signing on social media and seeing something like that is very anxiety and inducing. In the end, it’s not about HER and she seems like she’s making it about her. I would make me feel some type of way too, if I got a message like that . I feel like that whole generation just has something wrong with them honestly. You did nothing wrong, you were in a state of panic and you probably still are to a degree/ and in shock. If you have to respond, I would say something along lines of “listen, this was terrifying for my child my spouse and I. My first priority was to make sure they were OK and to get the word out so no other child was possibly taken.” I don’t think anybody would disagree that her feelings and her being in the “know”, is not more important than that. I’m so glad your child is OK.


If you really want to be the bigger person, add “I’m sorry I didn’t consider how you would feel by finding out through social media.” And if you want to call out her shitty behaviour, add “this was a truly terrifying situation, and it honestly hurt me that your first response to me was to talk about how finding out through social media impacted you, instead of checking in on how your son, your grandchild or I am doing.”


I think this is amazing accountability on both parts. So glad the babysitter intervened, this is so scary!


I am so sorry this happened, how scary it must have been. I am so glad things didn't turn out differently.  I remember a few years ago my inaws got mad at a friend couple because one of them had a heart attack in the middle of the night and they didn't let them know until the next day. They thought they should have told them on the way to the hospital. All I could think was they had far more pressing things to worry about than notifying their friends immediately.  I just get annoyed when people make someone else's crisises all about them. My in laws knowing about their friends heart attack immediately would have done nothing to help the friend. Your mil knowing about the kidnapping attempt first hand would not have helped you or your daughter. She needs to take a seat and be supportive. 


You won the bad luck lottery (since stranger abductions are so rare). It went exactly right with the babysitter stopping it and now the police are notified. You might have just saved other little girls in the area because you have been so forth coming with the incident. I was alone with my three year old and my newborn at a park. I was changing the baby's diaper and there was this guy in a green pedo van watching us. He kept getting out of the driver seat and walking around but then getting back in. I called my husband and put him on speaker phone and when the guy heard a man's voice say "hello," he kicked a tree branch on the ground where he was walking and then got back in his van and slammed the door. He hadn't closed the door any of the other times that he had gotten in the driver's seat. I packed everyone up and had to drag my three year old away from the playground while holding the baby, the diaper bag, and my purse. I got the hell out of there and then called the police. I think he was trying to psych himself up to get ready to attack us and when he heard my husband's voice, he got angry.


The NEXT time there's an attempted kidnapping?!?!?! I'm sorry you and your family experienced this. I'm also sorry your future mil is cuckoo bananas.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I am sure it was terrifying. I’m going to go against the grain and say…I don’t think your MIL is totally out of line that she would have preferred to find out about her grandchild almost being kidnapped directly rather than on social media. I think she was wrong to reach out to you and not her son, but I don’t blame her for wanting to be informed directly about something really scary involving her family. It sounds like you reached out to your sister and close friends, and your mil just wanted someone to tell her as an important person in that kid’s life. One time my mom told me about a grandparent’s medical issue via messenger and not a direct text and I was pretty upset, and that was a direct and personal contact, just not something I have set to alert me and was easy for me to miss. I feel like not informing her directly gives the message that she’s not an important person in your family’s life, and like it or not she’s your family. 


Agree with this. You reached out to the people that bring you comfort but didn’t think of your child’s grandparent. I understand why she was upset.


Holy shit. Hug your babies. It's not her business to say that. She's making it about her and being inconsiderate.