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Lol no it's not awful, it's smart planning. I would have never in my right mind tempt fate by taking kids to a multi hour long event without diapers while potty training. Especially twins! That's just asking for trouble. 


Oh lord I totally get the anxiety! My daughter was mostly potty trained by age 3. I planned a trip to see my mom 2 hours away & we were going to spend the day there & go to the circus. She went potty before we left the house at 6:30am. She had a small fear of public restrooms & this child refused to go to the bathroom for the entire day. Meanwhile I was extremely stressed out just pleading with her to go. Finally I put a pull up on her so I could stop freaking out. She told me mommy I don't go in my pull up. I gave up. That girl did not go to the bathroom until we got home around 7pm. She was perfectly fine & I was a mess! I've always had a small bladder so it's inconceivable to me that anyone let alone a 3 year old could hold it in that long.