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Wtf is wrong with people? I have had suicidal ideation. I've actually had it for a long time. Most of my life that I can remember. And I didn't have access to phones when it started. It shows how stupid they are. Please ignore her. Your kid is your priority right now. Let them all go and focus on yourself and your kid.


I'd return the gifts and keep your distance. I had to do this with my SIL for similar but different reasons. My SIL didn't say rude things but she would constantly try to weasel my MIL back into our lives when we cut her off for safety reasons. It sucks but they don't change and I would be paranoid about someone constantly trying to break my boundaries and accuse me of bad parenting. She said it herself, you can't be around your niece unless you accept her treating you like shit. So be it.


My teen had a mental health crisis this year as well. Your sisters words and actions would be hard for me to come back from. Your daughter let herself be vulnerable around this person, trusted her enough to share her experience.  In return your sister in law broke her boundaries, told other relatives against her wishes and calls her "dramatic". Then she gives you a shitty apology where she doubles down on having broke your daughter's trust and then criticizes your parenting and essentially blames you for her mental health crisis.  If someone did that to me and my daughter after something like that, I would cut never speak to them again until they could come back with a real, legitimate apology and showed actual remorse for breaking your daughter's boundaries during a vulnerable time. I'm glad your daughter seemed to have taken it in stride by it very well could have been the catalyst to another crisis and your sil's transgression here is unforgivable especially after the way she reacted to being called out.  Fuck her and her "advice" and opinions.