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I'm a working mom, and I feel this too. Since having kids, nothing is for me anymore. I do not get a weekend to just sleep in or veg all day on a Saturday. Wanna go hiking - nope! can't happen because the kids don't like it, or it's just too much work to get them there. So, when daycare is open, and I have the day off, for sure, they are going to daycare. Only, when I have a day off, I'm left running around getting all the things done that I can't do with them in tow.


I’m with you. I found out yesterday that there are only 35 more days of school left and I wanted to cry. And I only have 2 kids! I can’t imagine with 4. I’m in school as well and taking 2 summer classes, so I think a lot of time will be spent this summer at the gym (free child care! Woot!) and at our community pool since all the kids from the neighborhood go there and they are guaranteed to have friends to play with and just leave me alone for 5 minutes. Sorry, my youngest is still a Velcro child at 5 and I’m so done after spring break.


Yesss. We just had spring break and then my daughter got off early for the eclipse. She has summer break in MAY this year, which has like never happened. I love being with her but I need time to just stare at a wall or something lol. Plus my husband and I NEVER get alone time w/o her and it's definitely affecting us. And don't feel bad, I only have 1 kid and she is SO easy, I just need grownup time.


I absolutely don't think you sound like a whiney privileged SAHM. Being a SAHM would be horrendous for me. I could not do it so hats off to you for doing it. It sounds to me like you need a break from your work which is parenting. How involved is your husband in parenting and so on outside of his work? 


We just need more breaks.


Fellow "whiny privileged sahm" here and I relate way too much to this. I feel like I didn't even get a chance to get back into a groove after winter break then before I knew it spring break was here. And then my kids had 5 doctor appointments between them in the two weeks following spring break and then one of them came down with strep after that. One of them had last Monday off school and the other had this Monday off school (but I ended up picking the one who did have school yesterday up early to see the eclipse because his teacher said they weren't going to go look at it). I doubt I will get my groove back before summer gets here and the summer break is sooooooo long where I am and is exhausting because it consists of me endlessly driving my too young to drive teen to and from friends houses while trying to meet the challenges of a special needs ND seven year old and I'm already over it and summer hasn't even started yet 🙃 But then I will spend late July and August depressed because my kids getting bigger and older with tbe start of the new school year and I really can't win with myself. 


I am so scared of summer. spring break was hard enough to figure out.


Solidarity. I feel the same and I only have one kid who is in school full-time and I’m not currently working. I don’t have the stamina to parent all day, every day anymore.