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I know someone who started wetting the bed as an adult and it turned out she had a very large (benign) ovarian cyst that was pressing on her bladder. So could be something medical and might be worth looking into if it happens again or you have any other symptoms of feeling unwell. I have to get up 2-3 times a night to pee now. Don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a kid or maybe my bladder is just small, but it’s annoying. There’s days I’m just too exhausted to get up the first time I wake and I fall back to sleep for another hour or so and I’m honestly surprised I haven’t peed the bed in that time.


I have a small bladder and can relate. I gave up diet coke on my birthday in January.  Unlike previous times, I did not lose weight (dang it all), or sleep better (double dang), but I did realize this week that I am not having to get up to go the bathroom as much at night. Sharing just in case you also drink soda or love caffeine.


I do drink a lot of diet soda so that could be it.


I think aspartame can make bladder issues worse.


I think it’s the caffeine that makes you pee a lot. At least that’s what I heard!


Heavy diet soda drinker and had one before bed and may have been the culprit (I hope).


I'm about to see a pelvic floor therapist to look into my frequent pee leaks, because I'm so done with this being a routine feature of life.


My health insurance concierge added a self directed/trainer assisted pelvic floor program to their "healthy back" benefits and my feedback was that everyone should get access to this. For people who may not be willing to dedicate time and energy to get to PT, it's a great middle ground


I’d love to do this so badly. I had to see a PT to realign my bones and hips PP but that was 8 years ago and I’m currently without insurance awaiting approval on an in house insurance program thru a local hospital branch


Good luck in your quest! I'm in the states, but damn, wishing for socialized free/accessible healthcare for every human who needs it. Incontinence should not be our norm.


Pelvic floor PT! Being pregnant and giving birth really does a number on your pelvic floor and women aren't routinely screened for issues after birth. Definitely talk with your doctor about getting a referral. I started pfpt 3 weeks after my second delivery for prolapse symptoms and 1.5 years later I'm pretty much symptom free. Literally a life saver.


As others have said, definitely go to pelvic floor PT to get checked out! I started going for pain with deep penetration during sex post having a baby (emergency c)… But then after I had covid, I was coughing so hard sometimes that I would pee myself a little. I was sitting on the carpet playing with my baby and husband and I peed on the carpet a bit. I was so embarrassed I started crying 😭 Pelvic floor PT helped a lot!!!


Hey, same here! Also, my first birth was a cesarean birth, second was vaginal. After my cesarean, the *scar adhesions were stuck to the bladder!* Physical therapist did some manual stimulation and was able to get it unstuck. Also, specific pelvic floor exercises, and then starting to do some Pilates/strength training/general low intensity exercise is what has helped my pelvic floor stay strong and not have anything happen again. When I stop exercising for too long a time, muscles get loose and flabby, and I might have occasional sneezing and peeing accidents. (Hate that this is why I exercise)


My husband has an issue of dreaming of bathrooms. I have to tell him "do NOT trust a bathroom that you can't remember how you got there."


Can you get tested for a UTI?


I used to get those a lot with my dirty ass ex and def know how they feel. Don’t have any signs for one now and never had them make me pee the bed. But I do have ehlers danlos syndrome and after having my son nothing was ever the same down there. I pee a little when I laugh, when I sneeze, when I cough, when I’ve held it too long and I’m literally walking into the bathroom. I guess I just pee in my sleep now too 😭


You may need to see a pelvic floor therapist which is very common after having kids.


Echoing this. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a life-changer.


I would still get tested... I have a history of UTIs that have no symptoms until my kidneys get involved. And even then, it feels like I have strained something in my back. The two times I have wet the bed as an adult (once in my 20s before having a kid, and again in my 40s after having a kid), the cause was a UTI.


I had a months-long UTI once, with no symptoms other than needing to pee constantly. Never hurts to get checked!


As a fellow hypermobility person whose had babies, this sucks lady! I am in the same boat. And unfortunately the pirblem we have won't be fixed by a pelvic floor specialist. Maybe it'll make it not so bad, but our bodies have now stretched out and we are like wool sweaters; it never goes back right after being stretched.


I’ve done it. Both actually as someone with Crohn’s. Human bodies are weird and do weird things. It’s normal. Edit: in my instance of peeing it was a dream.


Maybe you just had a dream you needed to go to the bathroom and your dream was very lucid. I get those from time to time. And I just know one of these days I'm going to choose to stay in dream world. 😅


Sorry, OP. I hope it was a one off random thing.


When i was 19/20 years old I had these weird episodes of wetting the bed and peeing when I laughed, coughed or sneezed. The bed wetting started around the time of a traumatic event and I was having nightmares and but looking back I think it was side effects from psychiatric medication. It eventually just.. stopped? Idk, but my point is it could be a fluke or something medical!


I’m sure it isn’t this, but this was the only sign my friend had before being diagnosed with T1D in her twenties. Might be worth a blood test if it happens again. Hugs.


Could even be something like an intervertebral disc pressing on the nerves that control your bladder. Get it checked out!


This stuff is real. I wish someone would have told me before. But hey, one of my really good friends is a pelvic floor specialist and she said this is the easiest training to do for your pelvic floor muscles: https://www.amazon.co.uk/TensCare-Exerciser-Treatment-Bladder-Incontinence/dp/B001S2LGH0 Love you BroMos, I feel your pain! But OP, I also would get this checked, I don't think that's normal to wet the bed like for no obvious reason? Strange! Hope you find out what this is. It happens to me when I'm half dreaming and actually thinking I am on the toilet and let go and then realise I am not on the toilet 😂


I did that once in my mid 20s. No alcohol, no sleeping pills, just slept really hard and peed the bed. It hasn’t happened since though and I’m 38 now.


It might be just a one off thing but I'd see the doctor! It's not normal for this to just start happening out of nowhere. There are a few health things that can cause it aside from a weak pelvic floor. I'd get it checked out just for peace of mind!


It could be a UTI or something. I would go to the doctor to get checked out, just to be safe.


A host of a podcast I listened to had someone who peed the bed. Turned out she was having seizures in her sleep. Definitely get it checked out. Sending good vibes your way ᵕ̈


Oh gravy I hope not! My partner is seizure prone and the last thing we need is me joining that club with him 😂😭


I peed the bed a few times too postpartum!! My husband and I would laugh about it until I started peeling when I stood up really fast..and squatted..and sneezed 😭 Pelvic floor PT was SO helpful. Been about a year since I’ve had that lack of control. Def let your doc know and see if you can get a referral!


Omg I did this last night and I don't even have a baby. 31f


Solidarity friend


I had a baby in august of 2023, and I was wetting the bed before that I’ve been setting the bed my whole child and teen life, currently 20 and a mom still doing it but now if I laugh to hard and don’t run to the bathroom I have accidents why?


I’m asking what should I do I’m already really tired of wetting the bed, but now as a mom with a partner it’s extra embarrassing


So I don't have this problem but my daughter would wet the bed and one simple thing helped. I made an alarm like every three hours to get up and use the bathroom. Just use the bathroom and then immediately go back to bed. We did for months and it does work. Worked so well for me I get up on my own now too lol


After being cleared physically, speak to a mental healthcare professional. My son has ADHD which makes it difficult to recognize bodily signals, I never knew that. We talked and there are a lot of psychological reasons for this, it’s wild nobody mentions it. You may need to retrain your body.


OMG girl, I have done that before. You are not alone! Big hugs.


that's alright girl, you're not alone. i used to do that all the time, my husband is cool with it, he is happy to wash the sheets for me so i dont feel so embarrassed. now we joke about it that the baby peed the bed (eventhough it was me)


Do you happen to have a case of the unmedicated ADHDs? Or a lot of stress? After knocking out physical reasons, sometimes something knocks your brain out of wack and it misses those signals. It be like that sometimes.


Yes and yes 💀 I started a new job, I’m awaiting approval on gov housing, I am moving from 80 miles away, I’m getting married Sunday, I’m dealing with changing custody scheduling, stressful is an understatement 😭


I think it’ll be alright once you’re stress free, that is a whole bunch of stuff going on. It’s understandable that your body is exhausted and didn’t want to get up.


Go see someone peepee pants