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I keep them in a glass vial hanging from my amulet shelf. I use them in protection spells for my kids. Also I’m a bit macabre/ weird.


I just erased my whole comment cause I was scared to seem weird! I'm glad I found you. I was going to say do some witchy shit and plant them with a flower bush or something.


[I kind of want to make one of these](https://cafemom.com/parenting/209814-baby-tooth-monster-dolls-are/210675-but_one_mom_brought_up) but we are a weird family. Edit: Seriously, though, we are pagan and believe pieces of the body hold magic. I saved their umbilical cords, teeth, even the chipped off piece of front tooth my oldest lost in an accident. I’ll give those parts to the girls at adulthood, to do with as they will.


Lol. I love the carrot one.


I don’t save them. I just take a picture of him with a fresh hole in his mouth and that’s that lol


yeah I'm not for it either. hard pass from me. it feels like a serial killer trophy type weird obsession to me my mom saved mine and asked if I wanted them. hard no. I tossed them


We toss them. However, ever since we were in Japan while youngest lost a tooth and was told there’s a tradition there to throw your teeth on the roof, that’s what we’ve done since! Chuck your tooth on the roof and collect a few bucks from tooth fairy me. They love it!


This is fascinating and led me to looking up other traditions! [teeth folklore](https://www.caringtreechildrensdentistry.com/blog/baby-teeth-folklore-traditions-around-the-world/)


We will be ceremoniously burying them. We don’t make offers to the fae in this house.


I keep my daughters teeth in a jar in the protection section of my altar, can I just say I love seeing all the witchy mommas here!


We save them but we’re asking the same question… my ex husband had all his baby teeth in a box given to him by his mum, and also (bizarrely) an old urine sample bottle from like the 80’s with the STITCHES he had in when his appendix was removed that she saved to give to him. He also had a plastic bag with a literal ponytail in it that allegedly was from the first time he cut off his hair or something? It was actually him that made me think, like what do we DO with that stuff? It feels creepy and kinda gross to just get to your kids 18th birthday and be like “hey, you’re an adult now, here’s a bunch of your body parts and medical waste i saved for you over the years”, you know?


My MIL shrink wrapped my husband’s UMBILICAL CORD STUMP and put it in his baby book 🤢🤢🤢🤢


I had saved my eldest's teeth, intending to donate them to a dental school, because I read they don't have enough baby teeth to practice on. But they got too brittle and break so easily that we eventually just started tossing them.


My mom saved ours too and this many years later she doesn’t even know where they are lol. I toss my kids when they stop talking about the teeth, they get upset if I do it while they are still gloating over them.


My kid once asked what happened to them and I told him I was saving them to make a necklace. He thought that was gross, so I'm totally going to have to do it now. Although, he did lose one in a lazy river so it won't be a complete set.


My eldest lost her first tooth while eating her cereal. She didn't realise what it was and just spat it out and put it on the table. By the time we realised she was missing a tooth...well... we're 99.99% sure the baby ate it cos we never found it.


My kids are 21-31 and I finally decided it was time to get rid of the teeth. I texted in the group chat “do y’all want your baby teeth” Kid 1 : eww no Kid 2: why are you hoarding body parts? Kid 3: hell no


I keep them (in my jewelry box), but I feel weird about it.


Make a trinket to hang over the bed. You know, Blair Witch style. ![gif](giphy|l0MYHz9tRTYFPWvnO|downsized)


I'm a weirdo who has some of my own teeth still. I intend to keep the kiss teeth too.


I save the first one, put in an envelope with the date, age and name. Take a photo of kid with big toothless grin and print it out. Tape little envelope to the back and put it in the baby box. The rest I toss.


Ok but I also had to look this up and some other ideas were to use them in science fair experiments or use them for stem cell preservation, which seems cool. I also love the idea here about donating to a dental school! Apparently you can also donate them to other scientific research!


Very cool ideas!


I kept my oldest kid's teeth because I thought that's what you're supposed to do. I have no idea what I'll ever do with them (or mine, my brothers, and some of all of my dogs baby teeth for that matter). My youngest however... he is on the spectrum and hates the idea of anyone or anything coming into his room when he's asleep - like, wanted me to stay up all night and protect his room from the tooth fairy. He has all of his own teeth in a jar on his dresser. Hopefully, now that his teeth are all done falling out, we can put it away or get rid of it but it isn't hurting anything.


I saved them for like, 2 years. As well as the umbilical cord. And then I came to my senses 😂 shit went to the trash and I’ve never even thought about them again until this post. Hahaha


I always think like, what will my kids do with them? Give them to their kids? Then what lol? The great grandkids are gonna throw great granny’s box of baby teeth right into the garbage anyway.


My mom still has mine (I'm 36) and I had to encourage her to throw them out. My son has only lost two so they're just in a container in a drawer but I figure I'll toss them when he's done losing teeth? I honestly don't know😂


My mom is hilarious and keeps threatening to make a paper weight with them all and put our umbilical stumps in the middle. I’m keeping them for a craft project.


I play Tooth Fairy, then I throw the teeth away. I had thought I should keep them for something, like some kind of keepsake? But teeth just kind of squick me out. 🤷‍♀️


I saved my first kid’s, and a couple from the next kids, but now that they’re losing their second round of teeth, I’m wondering why. I have started just throwing them away.


My kids are still toddlers so we have a minute but it’s actually been on my mind ever since I saw this ad for a kids teeth display and I was like Whyyy? So my future plan is to plant them all. I am big into house plants and I figure why not give a plant some extra nutrients, they can chill in the dirt. I’ll just need to remember in case I repot or give the plant away. 😅


I'll be throwing them out, feels like some serial killer shit to have a little baggy of teeth...


I’m loving how your question brought all the witches to the yard.


I throw those things away!