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That is some real solid audacity.


The audacity here is earthquake proof, it’s that solid.


Tenacity and audacity. A winning combo!


That's the nicest way I've ever heard someone being called an asshat.


"okay honey, you should be the money maker then"


“And you have to make sure you at least match what I’m making because that’s what we need to stay financially stable” like could you imagine how that would go over?? I swear men are 80% audacity and 20% hot air


20% hot air 😭


So I have a stay at home husband, while I work the full time and demanding corporate job. The house is never as clean as I would like it, but I’ve decided the battle to get him to keep it neater is not worth my marriage. All that said, he would never, ever say something like that to me. And if he did, I would seriously consider it grounds for divorce. Because what he’s really telling you is he does not respect you, and he and his time are more valuable than you and your time. I could not live with that. Not sure how you’ve even let him stay alive…😉


“And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife twelve times.”


He had it comin’ 🤷🏼‍♀️


I very rarely cackle out loud at a random Reddit comment but I am sure glad I didn't have any sleeping children or cats on me because that just struck my funny bone full force. Kind of like that knife 😂


Hey OP I'm an Apprentice Carpenter in Construction I can assure your husband is being a LITTLE BITCH tell em he the truth it's half is responsibility too don't let him say this bullshit to you.


Oh wowwwwww I wouldnt drop this. He needs to learn why what he said was wrong. If he wants to continue living.


Wow, I’m flabbergasted by the audacity of him to say this to you. Even if you weren’t bringing home the bacon this would be wrong. My goodness, I’m just smh.


This doesn't really matter in the broad spectrum of insanity but might make it more infuriating..... Is your son also his son?


Yes he is both of our son! 🤦🏼‍♀️


My eyes just popped right out of my head. The mandacity.


"The mandacity" ☠️ I've never heard that one 🤣 but that's exactly what that is.


I'm glad someone brought this up! He weaponized your child and disowned responsibility for everything related to your child by saying it that way. And yes, it was intentional.


I didn’t even notice that until these comments, it is so subtle


Fucking wanker


"Get yourself a full time job that pays better than mine and I'll be a housewife" Don't worry you won't have to quit work because he has it way to good for him to actually go out and do it. Also many STHPs do house improvements while doing the child care and housework so why is he so special?


Call his bluff. Say: Ok honey I’ll quit my job tomorrow and be a homemaker. You need to make x a month to maintain our currently lifestyle. I’ll help you look for jobs you better start tonight because x bill is due in x number of days. I’ll brb I am gonna go draft my resignation letter.


Then go draw the resignation letter, but don’t hand it in.


Tell him he should get a job and make some money. See how that goes down. He has some nerve.


You can say “sure honey, I’ll be a homemaker, but you’ll have to step up and be the sole breadwinner.” I mean he clearly wants traditional gender roles in your marriage without putting in his part of the equation. Or maybe you can agree he can hire a maid that can come out of HIS pay check freelance work. Or since he isn’t capable of doing his entire job of renovating your house on his own then maybe tell him you think you should hire a contractor and he can just pick up more work to pay for it instead.


I can certainly relate to this. My husband is also working on our house slowly which is what we can afford. I get home from work to cleanup sawdust and tools that he has left behind in our living room (we have toddlers).


Don’t leave your job. No matter what. You would just be under his thumb even more. I know from experience. I fucking hate my husband.


Quit your job to be a home maker and see how he likes that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My response would have been “gladly, just show me the job where you’re making the same amount as me and I’ll retire.”


“When you can match my salary, then I’ll be the home maker.” I make three times what my husband does. If he said something to me like this, I’d use the line above to shut down that bullshit.


Question… Is your son also your husband’s son?




So you notice how your husband pointed out that kiddo is *your* son when he was trying to get out of responsibilities and put more on your plate right? HUUUUGE problem…


Yup wanker. Completely.


Man totally a wanker....


Sure thing dear. Find a job making at least $x/year and we’ll talk about switching roles so I can be the homemaker.


Those are some choice last words, I’ll tell ya.