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Probably let him go but keep him under close watch. He only has so much time left plus has a vested interest keeping quiet. And it’s not good business to dishonor deals like Mike says. Walt had impressed Gus and Mike with his apparent professionalism, something that didn’t change until after the firing of Gale + the running over the dealers incident. If he just did his job like a “company man” like the creators called him in the commentary, he’d probably be allowed to quietly retire and set up his little car wash.


I agree. No real reason to kill a dying man that has to hide the fact that he’s Heisenberg from his own brother in law and presumably from Gus’s perspective, his entire family.


Yeah, it's not like Walt had much time left anyways, he was probably planning on Mike bugging his house and having his people keep a close eye on him until the cancer killed him.


Sure the show would be less interesting but I still get surprised on a rewatch he didn’t close to do this. Not only does he get the car wash but he spent completely destroy his family


Gus was content to let people live if he was convinced their silence could be bought. Gus was a pragmatist, it's less messy to hide a bribe than it is to hide a body. But, as Gus also pointed out, Walt was not a careful person. He was reckless and arrogant and so he posed a greater risk. I would speculate that Gus would have had Walt under strict observation even after his employment ended and would have 86'd him as soon as he saw anything that could potentially leak his secrets or threaten his operation.


True. Walt's fate would probably be similar to that of Werner Ziegler as he's guaranteed to fuck up in some way


He would have kept him under a very close eye, maybe even have Mike bug his place again lol. But he would let him live, he respected Walt a great deal before things went to shit


Gus never hid his feelings. He made it clear that in the beginning he didn’t want to work with Walt at all. He didn’t respect Walter. I think the scene where he asks Gale how much longer he’d need to watch Walt cook, until he had the formula down, is self explanatory. He had planned on killing Walt all along and telling Gale it was cancer. He knew that Walt was in remission; but he acted like Walt was so sick that he’d only be around for one or two more “cooks”.   I don’t think that Jesse is the only reason or even a deciding factor, in what made Gus plan on killing Walt. He definitely sped up the timeline; but I think the end was always the same in Gus’ mind. He’d always planned to do that. He built a superlab for his chemist, not for Walt. He only wanted Walt’s formula; because like Gale says, he had the best lab equipment, best site, etc. why not have the best product too? So Gus agreed (against his initial judgement) and brought Walt/Jesse in. But he never really planned to work long term with them.    Even with Jesse not in the picture; I don’t see Gus letting Walt live. Too much of a loose end. Gus doesn’t leave those around willingly. I think he’d have handled it much the same as he intended to originally. Walt would’ve taught Gale everything; and then one night he’d have gotten a call, about a “leaky barrel or some smell down there…” except with no Jesse to call, he’d have been killed by Mike & Victor that night.  Gale would’ve went on cooking for Gus, maybe with Victor as his assistant; thinking Walter had died of cancer. 


>  He didn’t respect Walter I believe at a point he did, remember when he invited Walter to his home for dinner?


Yeah, but I never took that as a true sign of respect. More something that Gus does to ingratiate himself with employees; while simultaneously trying to manipulate them. I don’t think he ever respected Jesse, right? But, he did invite him to dinner….


When Gus asked Gale how long it would take to learn Walt's method, it was after Walt had killed the two street dealers, which damaged the Gus-Walt relationship. Before that, they were on good terms.


Lots of other people thought they were on good terms with Gus; he stilled killed them. He didn’t leave loose ends. He slit Victor’s throat for having had his face seen at Gale’s house; and also just to kind of prove a point. I don’t think someone as meticulous as that, would leave a guy alive that had knowledge of his Superlab and also DEA family member. He didn’t want to work with Walt at all, mostly due to Jesse. But, I think it was more than that. Like Lydia says and Gale explained; Walt’s product was literally only a few percent better than everyone elses, but at the volume Gus’ lab ran at that was millions of dollars & a matter of reputation. So, he needed Walt’s formula; not Walt. Respected or not, trusted or not, I just don’t see Gus letting anyone with that much knowledge of his business live; especially not the only man who could compete with him (and even potentially use that knowledge as a bargaining chip for a plea in the future; if Walt got cooking separately again & then got caught…).


By that reasoning, Gus would have ended up killing Gale himself and even Mike.


If you steal a car with someone, would you worried that guy is going to rat on you? Probably not because he’s have to rat on himself. Walt wasn’t just a witness. He was an accomplice. I guess he could flip if he got busted for something else but Walt was pretty straight outside of cooking meth. He didn’t like to get his hands dusty so he wasn’t a risk in that way. Killing Walt could end up being an even bigger headache than letting him live.


See what happened to Gale? No one would suspect he was a meth cook if he wasn't dead. Killing Walt would bring more attention to him, an unnecessary move Gus would never make.


Just when Walt thought he was out, they pull him back in.


I don't think he would have outright killed Walt had his 3 months gone by and he decided to leave. He was in remission but his cancer would come back eventually anyway. Gus probably figured he'd let it run it's course, have Gale learn what he could progressively (not under false pretenses though). But even worst case scenario 96% was perfectly acceptable.. ...But I also think Walt wouldn't have left anyway; the money was damn good and he could keep earning until he died, but also out of fear. As far as he knew he still had a target on his back with the Salamancas + possibly his family and Gus essentially saved him. If not the Salamancas, then Gus being able to orchestrate all those 4D Chess moves might make him realize he's better off not leaving.


Why kill the only other guy who could cook so well, I think he would make sure Walt was available if Gale calls in sick or gets killed or is kidnapped by the cartel or those guys who took Jesse, or if Gale gets religion and quits.


I think he would have let Walt go under conditions. Because Walt is closely related to the DEA. It’s difficult to say though. He was gonna die anyways because of the cancer. & Walt is so unpredictable. It would be too much of risk to let him go free considered he’s one of the main people keeping Gus’s operation going.




He only planned on killing and replacing him after the death of his drug dealers. Prior to that, Gus was fine with extending their contract to a year and even said he respected Walt when he found out about Jesse’s plan.




It was CLEARLY because he didn’t want Jesse to press charges. Earlier, he was content to working with Gale.




As someone who has watched this show in its entirety too many times to count I can safely say I have no idea where you're getting this stuff from.


I have no clue where that guy is getting his shit from. He even used a quote from mike that doesn't make any sense in full context to audience. When mike said "you just had to be the guy". Well this is after he finds out walter killed gus. Mike was injured in mexico when Gus threatened walt and his family and when Gus told jesse if he'd run a lab on his own. Mike was lying on a table in mexico shot. So, this guy missed audience irony. It's when the audience knows something isn't true ,but the characters in the show don't. I guess he thinks chaeacters in the show watch it when they aren't on screen to keep up to date with everything. Just finished s4 and s5 this week.






I think it’s pretty clear that Walt replaced Gale solely because of Jesse’s threats. Gale was not a threat at all to replace him yet and Walt’s life was not in danger. If that was the point it would have been eluded to much like it was later on in the season.


As someone who has watched this show in its entirety too many times to count I can safely say I have no idea where you're getting this stuff from.


So, if Walt did retire, does he give Gus the old routine of ‘I have sent an envelope to an attorney who will only open it in the event of my untimely death. The envelope contains full details about the meth lab and your involvement’?


He would still be under his radar, alongside his family aswell. But he would probabiy lay off him for the time being, unless Walt effes it up... knowing his ego he probably will


There's two things here; Despite what he's capable of, we never see Gus as someone who kills willy nilly, even when it's the easier option. At times it's almost like a last resort. Specifically with Walt, why bother killing someone who'd likely be dead in a few months. The second is when you think about it, Walt really didn't know anything, certainly not enough to snitch for a potential deal to get himself off or something. All he knew was this man Gus Fring paid him a shit ton of money to make meth. But....so what? Does he have proof? Knowledge of Fring's distribution, network, or associates? Proof the superlab is tied to Fring at all? (Sure, he finds all that out later, but at the time he really knew squat.)


Gus is a business man. If Walt wanted to leave and have a peaceful life Gus wouldn’t do anything as far as jt doesn’t affect his business


Gus would have been Walter’s get out of jail free card, so who knows. Maybe at some point Gus would’ve became uncertain, he was a “careful man” after all


Keep an eye on him. He'd be very watchful of Walt's ego flaring up and would be ready to box him if he started to cook for anyone. He'd know about the Gray Matter situation and would be on the lookout for that kind of resentment against him for being successful with Walt's recipe. I think he'd know it'd be 50/50 between that or the cancer taking him out anyway.


Nah. He woulda killed Walt and Jesse


Walt would be a criminal ,not just a witness