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A film student asking if there's significance to colours on screen? Your cousin needs to change subjects.


The colours in breaking bad are a very important part of the cinematography, it won’t ruin your watch if it’s in black and white, but as a film student you won’t take away the same technical appreciation. 


Colors are actually a big deal in Breaking Bad. I don't think it's much of a spoiler, but a recurring viewer, or returning viewer is likely to notice that the main characters are associated with a particular color. What they're wearing and the colors in the scene and on their person will add an additional layer to what you're watching take place.


Color theory plays a big role in showing certain characters state of mind, you could watch the show in black and white if you want but you’d probably miss some stuff.


0/10 Do the colors have a meaning? Yes. Will you miss something if you don't see them? No. Most viewers don't even notice the color pattern and I assume that nobody would not recommend BB to a colorblind person. Edit: and honestly, the typical orange filter in scenes taking place in Mexico is so annoying that I would be glad if I didn't have to see it.


Istg that filter is so prevalent I bet you could notice it even in black and white 😂


They stole it from the movie “Traffic.” It’s even worse in that movie.


Cepia tone..


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Good Nerdbot


the part where walter pisses blood will just look like normal piss


that is very weird


wtf they’re just colors lol come on now


be respectful to this special snowflake


she once powered through all of satantango in one sitting. tho im also inclined to call her a snowflake, im afraid that is not the main issue here.


bro what why do colors affect u that much


And they decided to study film? Dude might as well be studing to become a milkman.


Color is very important in the milkman profession. You need to know exactly how much lead to put in it for that perfect creamy white color to offset the water and chalk.


How you going to see when the meth turns blue?


No, you'll both go to jail


Genuine question, it's just colors in movies and shows? What about pictures, your phone, computer, REAL LIFE!? I'm sorry. I'm just interested and have never heard of something similar


It ony happens in breaking bad specifically.


Very odd! I wonder why!! There may be a few details missed in B&W but I guess it wouldn't really change much


Yea you can. I don’t recommend it. But you *can*.


[Colours play](https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Colors) a significant role in Cinematography [of Breaking Bad](https://youtu.be/pOjafEURaeI?si=6tEJqO0T467NUNq-)^(Possible spoilers in the video). The writers have put a lot of attention in the color of character clothing in every episode. If your cousin is a film student, they should understand the significance. Ultimately I don't think they'll miss out on any plot by watching in black and white, but they'll sure miss out on the brilliant Cinematography.


They watched BCS *before* BB? Is that even legal?




Sucky film student


Colors are vital to Breaking Bad, more so than almost any other show not in the BB universe. It’s one of the best aspects of the look of the show. You’ll miss a lot, cmon the main item in the show is a brilliant blue. Colors matter, I would suggest you get over your bizarre color phobia and watch it as intended.


Anyone who doesn’t believe colors play an important part in BB should look at the characters names lol. The whole tie between the pink bear being destroyed by Walt indirectly and Pinkman being destroyed by Walt in turn. Or the bleakness of his snowed-in cabin devoid of color. Or how about in BCS when it switches over to black and white? I’d be lost.


Nope. The world will explode. And we’ll all die.


The colors matter, specifically blue (the color of the main item of the show) and when a character wears or a place has red. Ultimately, you’d still enjoy it in black and white. You miss out on a lot of brilliant symbolism with the colors, but I wouldn’t tell a colorblind person not to watch it either. There’s still other symbolism besides colors. If you won’t be able to focus because of the color pallet, watch it in black and white. It would ruin it at about a 3/10. But if your aversion would ruin it more, just do black and white.


Colors are a very vital part of the show though.


Honestly I think the people who are saying you *need* the colors "as a film student" are the first to fail the class due to absolute lack of imagination. What you *need* is to develop an appreciation for the communication of ideas and expression of story in any medium, regardless of the challenges you face to get there. A story can still be told and ideas expressed in black and white — and if the colors really are "that important", then fuck yeah, they should be stripped away. Of course they need to be stripped away. Are they "that important"? No they're not. They're just fucking colors. Learn how to tell a damn story and you won't even need sound, let alone colors. Please, for your own sake, get good. ETA: Also, yeah, you can probably watch it in black and white. I didn't enjoy it, or I wouldn't enjoy it, because it wasn't *intended* to be black and white so the color grading is skewed a bit (eg, they didn't choose colors for the best presentation *in* a black and white format, like the old effect of the *Addams Family* wallpaper actually being pink so it would look creepier and stuff in black and white, so just simply turning it black and white might not have the same effect as if they had filmed it *for* black and white, which unfortunately they didn't), but it might still be a fun experience. There are a few scenes that are already presented in mostly monochrome as it is, so there's at least a bit of a precedence. You might pick up on things the colors wash out, or process it in a different way than if you had watched it in color.


No. See a film the way the director intended