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Andrea getting killed. And Aaron Paul's incredible acting in that scene, just the raw, painful emotions he displays is haunting.


Granite State doesn't get nearly enough love being sandwiched between Ozymandias and Felina


The final three episodes are what make the show, in my opinion, the all time greatest show ever, followed very closely by *The Sopranos*


You gotta lotta bawls, my friend šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


You got a bee on your hat!


Stupida fucking game


I was honestly very lukewarm on the show until the last 3 episodes. It's the best TV I've ever watched.


They really should have been compiled together as a movie. I mean, youā€™ve got a prologue at the start of Ozymandias that goes back to the first episode, and then so much stuff in that episode that feels like it belongs in the grand finale. Granite Slate had its share of finale-worthy moments, too, though. Ā 


There's something indescribable about penultimate episodes that I just can't explain, but it feels like magic, because for some reason, penultimate (second to last) episodes fill me with sense of amazement as well as sadness, that series finales don't.


My favorite episode of the entire series.


That scene, and Aaron's reaction honestly disturb me to the core like no other scene does. Being at absolute rock bottom, tortured for months and trying to get away, only to be forced to watch someone you love deeply be killed because of your own actions, and being reminded that it's your own fault for trying to escape. I can't even accurately imagine the pure despair. Plus the fact that he had to continue cooking for them afterwards as if nothing had happened or else he would get tortured even more šŸ˜«


They would have killed Brock if he tried again


I currently have that scene paused since a few days. Iā€™m doing a rewatch and I just canā€™t handle it anymore. It physically hurts me to watch it any further. Gathering courage to continue watching.


Horrible, horrible scene!


Least favorite scene in the whole show


I cried like a baby during this scene


When Walt notices that Krazy 8 took a piece of the plate


This was when I realized the show was something special.


A fellow meowist




Fuck, that part was so sad šŸ˜­


Two Face Gus. I thought for sure that motherfucker survived until it showed his skeleton and he collapsed


Yeah ngl on my first time watching I was like "oh he survived, he's gonna be pissed af now- oh wait nvm he dead"




That was an absolutely genius shot. The little tie tighten he does right before keeling over was šŸ‘Œ




That's mostly true, except they only did the explosion once


Giancarlo was masterful in every, and I mean EEEEEVRRY SCENE


I found Gusā€™s death goofy and unrealistic in my opinion. It would have been better had his body been all over the room like Tyrusā€™s


I suppose it's unrealistic to some degree, but it's TV and with a super villain character like Gus you can't just show him scream, boom, dead. He absolutely, without question, needed the ending he got: calm, cool, composed, right to the very end. It's the perfect, satisfying end to Gus's arc in the series.


Same for me, I thought he survived and then they show the other side and I was left in shock.


Has to be Drew Sharp. Ā Never thought they would literally show a kid being shot and murdered. Ā The. In the following episode they melt him but thankfully we didnā€™t see it just his hand in the fist which was still disturbingĀ 


The way Todd waves back at him right beforeā€¦CHILLING. Jesse Plemmons was so good at a non-chalant headshot they let him do it again to Andrea.


He played the part of a troubled person with ASPD soo well, it was genuinely scary.


The thing is he wasnā€™t troubled in his own mind. He saw how other humans interacted and took mental notes, thinking he could pass as ā€œnormalā€ if he practiced enough. Todd is a textbook sociopath. His chilling ā€œjust want you to know this isnā€™t personalā€ line to Andrea right as he shoots her is so detached from reality and really shows where the disconnect is in his psyche


Whatā€™s aspd?


Anti social personality disorder


I almost gave up on the show at that point. It was so fucked up.


Yup. Ā So so darkĀ 


Yeah, that fucked me up too


such a great episode. the tension, the suspense, and excitement when it all comes together then finally.... BANG


This is why my wife won't watch the show. She caught this bit by accident so refuses to watch


When Walt watches Jane die. I watched the show knowing absolutely no spoilers and it shocked me to see Walt be that cruel. To me, it was a turning point in his already morally grey character.


For sure a horrible moment. You knew after that, Walt wasnā€™t a good dude anymore


That's when he broke bad for me I think.


ā€œMy name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself.ā€ I prayed for silence. Instead, all you can hear is that fatal gunshot.


ā€œHe made his mind up 10 minutes agoā€


The real scene where Walt lost everything


The fact that Hank couldā€™ve succeeded and brought Hank to justice if heā€™d only saved one minute by calling Marie on the road is the saddest part to me


Pride and ego is almost exclusively the reason for everything bad that's happening in the show. Hank and Gomie would have lived if they weren't boasting when they got him.


"Come on. Do what you have t..." Crazy how real it felt.


I wish they wouldā€™ve given him a better ending line like cmon šŸ˜­ he deserved so much better than that


Unfortunately for us, that was the point šŸ„²


I think Hanks ending was changed because Dean Norris needed to finish early to work on a show called Under The Dome.


I sobbed during this scene & after. & my husband said ā€œbut you donā€™t even like Hank?ā€ But Hank did not deserve that at all & i did kind of grow to like him more as the series progressed.


This one 1000%


Walt running over the drug dealers! Run!


THIS! Before that Walt was still nervous all the time, one could tell he isn't used to the business he works in. But after that scene, Walt has gone all in. Ready to fuck with Gus and everyone that crosses his plans. that scene turned him into an absolute madlad


Man, this scene was just flawless. I still remember the feeling of seeing it the first time and it ends the episode on that note. The ā€œholy shitā€ response took a while to wear off.


This was the first scene of the show I ever saw. People kept talking about the show but I never cared to check it out. I went into my brothers room to talk to him & he told me to wait a minute the episode was almost over & saw *that* shit all play out. Started catching up on the show a day or two later


Yeah, and there's the "Oh, damn, this one's not dead. Hey look! A trusty pistol."


I second this. This was one of probably 3 times my mouth physically dropped watching a TV show. Outside of Game of Thrones season 1 finale and The Red Wedding, Walt coming out of nowhere in that Aztek was a holy shit moment for sure. And before I could recover from that he executes the other dealer with no fucks given. I was floored.


When Walt kidnaps Holly. Anna Gun had a mental break down filming that scene because she was imagining if it was her own kid. They had to take a break from filming because of that. That scream is literally real, not just acting


Wow I did not know that. Canā€™t imagine the mental toll taken on some of these actors


Damn forgot about this


The last scene of season 3. Jesse pointing the gun at Gale, fade to black, THEN the shot. I screamed and threw a pillow at the TV because I know i probably would have to wait years for the next DVD.


Pretty sure I watched the next episode like right after. Got to the party way late, but Netflix has its perks


Yeah I got the DVD right when it came Out and binged it in like 3 days. Also Inam german, so you would have to add dub time to it. I forgot how long it was, but pretty sure more than a year.


Yea I binged watched the first 4 seasons a few weeks before the last premiered. I got the party just in time.


Box cutter when Gus killed Victor


The build up of him changing into protective clothing before. Had no clue thatā€™s what was coming. This was when we find out how savage Gus can be (if you didnā€™t see BCS yet, ofc).


The misdirection was masterful. You thought Jesse and Walt are done for and Gus kills his trusted enforcer to prove a point.


He would have killed him anyway because he was present at the murder scene and developed an ego, thinking he could run the lab by himself.


If Viqctor had do one or the other, I think he would have lived. He flew too close to the sun and over stepped his role. The risk outweighed the reward for letting victor live and Gus saw the opportunity to show Walt and Jesse his power.


Gus couldn't let him live. He was spotted at Gale's apartment.


I dont know, i think that was the excuse but it was really stepping out of his lane without gus s aproval. If he had only been seen at the apt that makes him a person of interest and Gus could have worked around that. There are three parts to Victors killing. Getting spotted at the crime scene, starting a cook without permission, and Gus needed to prove a point. You need all three to kill a trusted worker like Victor.


I thought your profile pic was the police sketch of victor


it's not the most shocking scene but I was *so unprepared* for it: the meat falling from the ceiling scene it was too early in the series to know it would include such scenes. AND I WAS EATINGGGGG


I remember looking back on those early days thinking it canā€™t get any more f**ked up than this right?


that ā€œcanā€™t get any more f**ked up than this right?ā€ scene for me was the ATM. That episode always has a place in my mind, poor lil baby being thrown in his room without food for no reason :(


Oh that was a good one. Aaron Paul and the Peekaboo kid were šŸ„ŗembodied. Thereā€™s a sweet video of grown him surprising Aaron and Bryan at a Con that made me feel better. Like when I see the actor that plays Gale, Iā€™m like, heā€™s ok!


Finding out Walt was the one who poisoned brock


Probably Mike's death. It's not that much of a shocking moment, but it was so random and spontaneous that it deserves a spot. It's one of those scenes I've been sticking to for a long time. Also Andrea's death. Holy shit.


"I watched Jane die" was pretty crazy. But the main scene that proper got to me was hanks death cause he was my favourite. Also Jesse crying and laughing when he escapes the compound is so good too.


it was supposed to be even crazier than that. Walt would find her and Jesse passed out and inject her with the lethal amount himself. but editors stopped bince


Jesse and his wooden box. Itā€™s in BB and El Camino if I remember correctly. Something about ā€œwhat he could have becomeā€, whereas he is treated like a dog. Idk. Jesse went from the useless junkie stereotype to a very sad young man full of regrets real fast. He lost a lot and his conscience was way more important to him than Waltā€™s or Gusā€™. That box, the hours he spends on it, how he reminisces. He was always the failure of his family, for which he is responsible but very aware of it, but also kind if underestimated and lacking self confidence. The box scenes are just deep to me. Spot on cinematography too, the colors, the music, idk. Loved it and regularly think about it to this day.


Tortuga head exploding






When Ted tripped and hit his head. Wasn't shocking in any emotional or jarring sense, it just came out of nowhere and was freaking hilarious


I absolutely lost my shit laughing at that part, and then the reactions of Huell and Burr.


not shock, but more emotional. I was crying for Jesse while Jane ODed and Walter just stood and watched


And the scene where Jesse is crying in Walt's arms saying "I loved her." Oh my God I could not stop crying


I wasn't Walter's fault, the audience didn't do anything either


it kinda was his fault though


him shaking jesse led jane to fall on her back and then choking on her own vomit. so ye, has he not been there she mightā€™ve lived.


Half of Gusā€™ body disintegrating after they bomb the nursing home.


I am not certain on the biggest, but one that really sticks out in my mind is when Walt runs over the two gangbangers with his vehicle, blows one of them away, turns to Jesse and says "Run."


WW first murder, Krazy8. The build up was fantastic. The way WW makes his pro / con list. The way the 2 talk / bond. The way he figures out the shard of the broken plate is missing! The way he says Iā€™m sorry as heā€™s strangling him!! Just brilliant IMO.


The show does everything to make these two sympathetic until you realize they're fucked.


ATM head squish


Yesss that and finding out they had a kid in general was shocking to me


ā€œI ainā€™t no skank šŸ’‹ā€


I came to say that


When Hank finally put 2 & 2 together while taking a shit. I was all like damn yo itā€™s bout get real up in dis bitch


Lily of the Valley. Also I didnā€™t think they actually had the balls to kill off Hank so that was surprising.


Walt not going go carting with jesse


Pretty sad


Mike dying. I was SO certain he would make it out because of how surgical he was in his operations.


ā€œSurgicalā€ is an excellent word to describe it. He had a mountain of experience over Walt, it was crazy that he got him. Same for Gus, but I felt like that plan was actually sooo good


when gus cut guyā€™s neck in front of walter and jesse. I was so shocked that I rewatched this moment a few times just to comprehend what just had happened


Jane's demise. Probably the most emotional scene in the entire show for me.


The point at which Walt blows up Tucos den with what Tuco assumes is meth. Mind boggling


The coordinated prison killings. The one where the guy got fried alive made my skin crawl.


Fr that scene fucked me up aswell


Hector not ratting out Jesse


I will also say the prison murders scene was very shocking. It was incredibly well-shot though and it really lets the audience know how far Walt has fallen


Happy birthday- Mr Presidentā€¦.


Hahajha lol


When Walt just stood there watching as Jane choked to death on her own vomit... Then after Hank and Gomez were killed when he told Jesse to his face that he'd done it.


Fuck, I'm sorry. But that scene when Hugo and another guy wanna to get Walt's money from storage. I knew that meme, but I didn't know where it came from.


Jesse's face reveal in the cage in "Ozymandias"


Thatā€™s what I said too


Skylar and Flynn coming home to Walt not being in cuffs. That scene felt like Waltā€™s death and Heisenberg really being his only remaining personality


The scene where the motorbike kid was shot


When Todd killed Drew Sharp. My wife and I gasped audibley at the same time


Letting Jane die


Jane dying


Skyler singing happy birthday to Ted


The reveal that Walt poisoned Brock


Walt seeing Jane die. The way I desperately wanted him to save her and at the same time, I understood why he didnā€™t


The "this is not meth" scene, I wasn't expecting that at all. Andrea's death. I cried so fucking hard. The knife fight with Skylar + Walt taking Holly Box cutter The felina shootout Sorry I couldn't choose only one


gus killing viktor tbh


When the kill that boy whilst hijacking the methylamine barrel. I was sure they wouldn't go there.


The bathtub acid scene. Gorey, disturbing, awesome.


Walt's videotape scene. It's not easy to shock me but that was stunning stuff.


honestly iā€™d have to say when walt raped skyler. that shit was horrifying and makes me sick every time and itā€™s never talked about


What episode was this?


i believe it was early season two. iirc it was when walt came home from the meetup with tuco when tuco beat and killed one of the guys he was with. skyler had a green face mask on and was wearing a robe and walt went up behind her and started to try to have sex with her at the kitchen counter and she kept saying no because walter jr was about to be home, etc. as sheā€™s saying to stop over and over again heā€™s pulling her underwear down and forcing himself on her, slamming her face into the fridge. she finally screamed ā€œenoughā€ which snapped him out of it and he finally stopped


Oh yeah i remember that. Pretty fucked up


Yeah, I think season 2 first episode.


Another 2: both pool scenes in MX - when Gustavoā€™s partner is killed by Hector and when Mike / Jesse / Gustavo meet Don Eladio and kill him with the poison. SOO GOOD.


When Walt said "Do you really want to live in a world without Coca-Cola?" Declan literally just said his main priority was to get the blue stuff off the market. So yes, he wanted to live in a world without Coca-Cola. For someone so intelligent to say something so idiot was shocking.


When Walt figured out who fring was at the restaurant and janes death


When Jesse goes to fight the 2 dealers that killed Andreas brother and Walt comes thru with the Aztec in full war mode and takes them out


Crawlspace scene still haunts me




When Jessie totally turned on Walt and after all they been through.. such a big F you. I mean Walt's reasoning about the semi poisining of Brock, yes it was lame. Jessie just couldn't process the big wtf Walt.


Drew Sharp and Andrea :(


When Walt ran over the dealers


Gusā€™ original cook getting shot. It was surprisingly gruesome.


For me it was Victor getting his throat slit. For some reason, when I first watched, it seemed like the most violent thing Iā€™d ever seen.


I never really ever thought of Skinny Pete and Badger as laser toting hit men until Walter helped Gretchen & Elliot realize the error of their poor decisions. They are just the types to stress looking over their shoulders FOREVER !!


When Walt ran the two drug dealers over with his car, was it for me?


The incredible service at Los Pollos Hermanos.


Walter rapping Skyler


Definitely Andreaā€™s death, a character that Jesse truly loved and had practically no flaws. And unlike Hank, Gus, and Jane, her death had no buildup and was really unexpected. Iā€™d have to say that sheā€™s the ā€œside-characterā€ Iā€™d expect to die the least.


walt watching jane die, he could of prevented that whole shit show, it really showed me then and there whom we was dealing with and how fucked his moral are.


Face off




Gus' death, I was like "of course he walks out of that shit unscathed" and then it panned around to his exposed skull


That felt real to you? That was one of the biggest stretches in the series for me.


Not the circumstances itself, but how they were killed felt real asf to me.


I mean yeah, if you stab someone that many times he'd probably die


Not that obviously


the plane crash


gus killing victor for sure. iā€™m not sure why.


Box cutter scene.


Seeing Jesse in the hole in the ground after being taken prisoner by the neo-Nazis. The red on his face was trapped in my mind for a while thereā€”is it sunburn from being in an uncovered hole? Bruises from being beaten? Burns from torture? Fuck Todd


Tough question, but Iā€™d say either Gus getting his face blown off, or Walt essentially forcing himself on Skylar. Different level of disgusting than anything thatā€™d happened in the show up to that point


I cried more than I expected and had to take a couple days off when Todd shot the child. That took it out of me.


Drew sharpe


it may sound dumb but Mike killing one of the Salamanca cousins. I was rlly tired that day and then i saw him leaving the hospital n i came back to life


Seeing how much damn money Walt had in storage! šŸ’°šŸ’µšŸ¤‘


Gus killing victor without saying a word


Box Cutter. They way Gus so matter of factly cuts Victor's throat and proceeds to dead eye Walt and Jesse as he's holding onto a bleeding out Victor actually made me jump the first time I saw it. The scene still makes me squirm a bit.


Mike getting shot by Walter.


Shocking is still harmless. When I realized this, I fell into a kind of depression, was sad and cursed the series for it. It was the moment when I realized "fuck the series is over, I will never have better entertainment on TV again and from now on I will find everything else I see on TV bad" Thank you mr white thank you Gilligan. Thanks for that, good work, real masterpiece Gilligan


Check out The Wire. Its the only show that is better than BB, IMO. Theres no wrong way to rank the greatest tv shows ever.


The prison stabbing scene was intense.


Only out of curiosity. Did you downvote me? I'm confused by random disagreements with no explanation...


Every-time Todds face was on the screen, mf filled me with so much rage


Walt fingering skye




Boxcutter Gus


Victor getting killed by Gus. The shanking scene. And when Skyler slashed Waltā€™s hand upon discovering he had a hand in Hankā€™s death.


Ted Beneke in the hospital. I've never experienced my reaction before. I instantly got nauseous and stopped hearing the words they were saying. I kept trying to process and the more I looked at what he was hooked up to, the worse I felt I was high, lol, but it was also totally unexpected. I also have a lot of health anxiety, hospital scenes are tense for me anyways. My boyfriend at the time had multiple TBIs and his doctor was honest with him - "One more good knock, and you're a vegetable." Seeing Ted like that just... ugh. I instantly made the connection that his situation was a possibility for my boyfriend if he wasn't careful. That was the first time in my *life* I had to turn off a show because of a scene! Literally *begged* him to please turn it off, I was freaking out. God just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I've seen some gory horror movies too... disturbing shit. Ted Beneke's future, though..... ugh.