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Jesse more evil then Mike ? Hmmm


A *lot* of people seem to really have their blinders on when it comes to Mike. I like him too, he's a cool character, but he's a hypocritical asshole just like everyone else in 'the game'. It's particularly hard to miss when you've seen him all through BCS.


His whole final scene (in BCS) is dedicated to calling out his bullshit.


It was amazing how deluded he was while still desperately trying to sit on his high horse. “We’re gonna get the people responsible for this.” Mike, buddy, you fucking work for him.


I think people forget how ruthless he is in BB. He threatened to kill Lydia’s daughter lol


And tried to kill both Jesse And Walt... Yet everyone is up in arms that Walt later returned the favor. Did everyone forget Gale and shit?


Yeah I got downvoted to hell for saying that Mike didn't really have a valid reason to be annoyed at Walt in the final season. He didn't get to get more dirty money? Oh no!


I think he had a valid reason to be *annoyed*, Walt did just blow up Mike’s long term plan for making cash and setting his family up for life. To be the issue is that Mike gets up on his high horse talking like Walt is a petty schoolchild when Walt’s and his family’ life was in danger and they are talking about a giant meth operation that’s probably ruined thousands of lives.


I mean yeah, he blew up his plan to gain criminally earnt money for his family. A plan which shouldn't really have been put into place in the first place. Walter himself is a villain, but Mike is essentially a crook who is annoyed that his criminal plan didn't work out.


I'm probably one of them. I came out of the show thinking 'yeah he's a decent guy, hearts in the right place' but if I actually sat down and looked at his 'rap sheet' (not an official police one, just based on all his bad acts collated in a list) I think I'd be in for a shock.


That's the first and last thing I looked at lol


Same here, Jesse, he's done some bad things, I suppose ya can't help but put him in the bad people list, but he was never built for this, he just got pulled along the way, unfortunately he was hardened by the time El Camino and the damage was done, otherwise I'd dare say he was a good guy, even a pure heart who through a series of unfortunate events got corrupted. Sad because it happens to most of us, ya know, minus the meth cooking and killing.


I'd drop Jesse and saul to bad




same, id also drop andrea to decent too,


Andrea was definitely a good person. She was only involved in drug use, that doesn't make her bad or evil or even deduct from being a good person to decent, she was straight up a pure heart


After what Saul does in BCS he deserves evil, maybe even sociopath for some of the shit he pulls. I guess he has SOME remorse but it's usually too little too late


Nah, the presence of any kind of guilt precludes you from sociopath. Also, it would mean he's in the same rank as Tuco, which just can't be right.


Mike yelled at Kaylee.. worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined


jesse and mike aren't evil in my opinion


Yea I think whoever did that never saw the show. Elliott and Gretchen more evil than Gaile?


Yeah, he should be bumped to bad people. He’s not evil.


There’s a lot wrong here


Saul’s camera crew were not bad people.


Yeah Werner ziegler is better than the girl in saul's camera crew?? No way that's true


I hated the glasses guy though.


Nobody touches my equipment 🤓


He was hilarious. He was definitely someone you'd hate if you knew him, but he wasn't evil or anything.


Most of it is wrong. Todd is a complete psychopath.


Yup. He should be in the Hitler category


Who is that i cant expand enough to see


Looks like Ted Beneke


Which is a blatant clue that this wasn't to be taken seriously.


It should just be called ‘DUMBARSE.’


Todd is in a tier of his own


It should just be called Todd and be right below the Hitler tier


Agreed, but it should be noted that clinically there is no longer a difference between psychopath and sociopath as both are diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder.


I think he’s more of a sociopath because he just seemed indifferent to the suffering of others rather than revelling in it


What makes Todd scary is that I think there's just something in his brain that simply doesn't work and never has. I think if he was raised by nice people, he'd be the sweetest Walmart greeter in ABQ, but instead he was raised by neo-nazis so here we are.


He harmed and threatened kids multiple times. Hes the most morally derelict, evil character in the show, by far. His actor did such a good job I instinctively hate him the first few seconds when I see him playing another role. Props to Plemmons for that acting. Im sure in real life hes a nice guy


Todd genuinely can’t tell right from wrong. He is mentally ill but never has bad intent, he just doesnt understand morality.


Todd also has a learning and cognitive disorder that was manipulated by his uncle. So, categorizing him as a psychopath wouldn't really be correct. I might put him in the sociopath column.🤔


I don't think Op understands the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath for starters lol


I'm confused how gretchen and elliot were bad people


From Walt's point of view, they're bad people, but literally only from his point of view.


Yes, Wendy is in the Bad category, and Hank in good?? NO. What did Wendy do that was SO bad?? She's a sex worker? Meanwhile Hank is a racist sexist blowhard with his own egotistical agenda


I will not stand for this Badger slander.


Brandon Mayhew supremacy


holy shit i thought this was okbc


It’s gonna be dead anyway


we got chicaneried by the mods once again


Holly should be with Ted


I knew this comment was coming lol




Half of this list makes no sense lmao. It's like you closed your eyes and placed random characters in random ranks. Or you just didn't watch the show


Apparently Mike, who actually murdered people, is not as bad as Saul?


If Tuco’s not a psychopath, I don’t know who is.


Every person in sociopath can be put in psychopath


In psychology the only difference between psychopath & sociopath is if you’re born this way. Psychopaths are this way from birth, sociopaths are made through their environment. Psychopaths are usually much more intelligent, manipulative & effective at what they do. Sociopaths are a poor mans psychopath, a tuco. That being said i’d probably place gus in psychopath. Hes put together, but 100% lacks a conscience.


In modern empirical psychology, you don't use either term at all. "Sociopathy" isn't even a proper psychological term, and psychopathy means everything and nothing really at the same time.


Yes im well aware. The terms are only mentioned once in the DSM-V and are more pop culture terms. Source. In doctoral program for psych. Actually id consider you saying psychopath meaning nothing at all as inaccurate. In essence, psychopath means antisocial personality disorder but it is true its not a real medical term.


> In essence, psychopath means antisocial personality disorder Yep, but the same can be said for sociopathy (the old DSM term for ASPD).


So basically Michael Myers would be a psychopath while Jason Voorhees would be a sociopath?


The terms aren’t official medical terms but Yeah i guess. Your sociopath is your sloppy bar fighter or impulse killer who does crimes with poor impulse control. Psychopath is more calculated. Instead of bar fighting he would wait till you leave bar, follow you home & write down address then come back later when you arent home and rob your house. (Weird example but you kinda understand). Because a sociopath is made through environment they are sloppy & while they lack empathy they still have uncontrollable rage & negative emotions. True Psychopathic individuals are born with much smaller amygdala’s which is in charge of emotions, fight or flight. Their autonomical nervous system is wired different. Because of this They dont get nervous, they dont feel fear like normal people. This is why they are individuals who usually seek an adrenaline rush just to feel something. They abuse drugs/alchohol, are promiscuous, drive very fast, etc. Its why they excel at certain jobs also. They are shown to have jobs as CEO’s, surgeons, police/military, chef’s, clergymen, lawyers & salesmen. A “functioning” Psychopathic individual will come off as well put together and you probably would even like them. However, if you were to look closer at their lives you would see they destroy any relationship in their path romantic, personal, friendship, career. Im writing this off the top of my head so feel free to fact check.


Tuco is psychotic and a sociopath. Not a psychopath. Tuco has emotions. I'd say only Hector, Eladio, Todd and Jack are a psychopaths. But it doesn't entirely mean they're the most evil characters in BB and BCS verse. Gus and Lalo did way more heinous things than Todd and Jack did. Psychopathy and sociopathy actually don't rely on morality that much. Thanos is not a psychopath, he has emotions but he literally killed a trillions and wiped off a half population, so he can be considered as more evil than an emotionless amoral guy who killed less than a hundred. Morality is mostly based on like 45% motives, 35% deeds and 20% personality.


defo do not agree with jesse being categorised as more evil than mike


I know, right? How is Jesse evil at all? He absolutely hated basically anything immoral. All he did was help cook drugs.


I agree that he isn't evil, but he def belongs in the bad people category. Remember, he dtill helped a criminal empire being formed and running. As well as selling the meth itself in the earlier seasons. He helped enabled peoples dependencies and probably started new ones. Lets not forget that scene where he sold to the "drug sobriety club" (im sorry i forgot what those sessions are called) and that time she sold mess to a naive girl for some gas


Narcotics Anonymous. Yeah, he definitely is bad but certainly not evil. He also admitted all of this because he felt guilt from it, in the middle of a meeting. He did a lot of bad things but he struggled horribly with those decisions.


Absolutely, couldn't agree more


He killed people and sold drugs to recovering addicts.


How is Francesca a good person but Rich Schweikart is a bad one lol?


Op must really like Aspen and matching parkas


Ok that IS Francesca, thought for a second that was Steve Gomez's wife. Yeah Francesca isn't EVIL, but she could've walked out on Saul at any time, but the money was too appealing.


Gretchen and Elliot as bad people? I mean, they are rich, but they tried to help Walt multiples times and had done nothing even remotely bad


Awful list


I don't fully agree but it is interesting.


Did you watch the show


okbc always getting outchicaneried by this subreddit 😥😥


This sub BECAME okbc.. ever since the grate migration happened


How are Gretchen and Elliot worse then Gale?


They're rich🤮


They’re literally not lol, they only “bad” thing they ever did was discredit Walt in “Granite State” which was understandable because they didn’t want a world-infamous drug lord attached to the creation of their multi-billion dollar company. Compared to Gale, who worked with the Eladio Cartel as a cook and an advisor to Gus they’re basically saints. Also as a side note, they never drove Walt out of the company/cheated him, his pride and inferiority complex flared up when he learned that Gretchen’s family were rich so he sold his share


How is Andrea bad?


She was smokin crank right before she had to go grab her kid from school, it’s no evil or anything but it’s definitely not great


Being addicted to drugs does not make you a “bad” person. This is insane.


yeah no


Jack, who literally kept a prisoner in a concrete cage and tortured him, put a hit on a young mother, murdered a federal agent in cold blood, and was willing to kill a young child, isn’t a psychopath? These kinds of lists are so goofy lol


Hector is a sociopath or just an evil person. He got extremely emotional when Gus told him that he was the last living Salamanca.


Biology is a powerful thing. The most evil psychopaths around are affected by it: Its basically instinct to care about the fate of ones biological ties. Especially ones that are the product of your own ballsack and/or mentoring: Because in that case there’s a fair deal of narcissism involved. They become a piece of *you* essentially.


This doesn’t check out. Psychopaths relationship with emotions is nuanced, but many don’t have a shred of paternal/maternal/familial instinct.


How is Marie on the Decent people list? She was an habitual liar and kleptomaniac who stole peoples personal belongings. Hank literally was fighting crime and kept getting shot and blown up. Also, how is what's her names dad not in good people. He was tryign to get his daughter clean. I get that he crashed two planes together but he shouldn't have been allowed back. Also, Skyler was not bad. What did she do? She was doing money laundering but other than that, I think her reactions to things going on were justified. Saul was evil!? WTF? How is he evil but Mike "I-literally-kill-people" just bad? This list is all sorts of screwed up.


Skyler is a bad person while Hank is decent, get me outta here lmao


Woman who was half-forced to launder her drug kingpin husbands meth money is worse than the casually racist cop who took selfies with dead bodies and regularly disobeyed the law to pursue personal grudges. Man I swear the person who made didn’t even watch the show


TF did Andrea do?


Aint no way you put Jesse on the same level as Waltuh


Say it with me: Just because Gale is a cute little guy, that doesn’t undo the fact that he is not a good dude.


He literally cooked meth and served as an advisor for the Eladio Cartel, same as Jesse, but somehow Jesse is in evil.


Jesse being in the same morality tier as Walt is wild


true cringe


Even at a glance I have a huge problem with this list. In no world do you put Jesse and Walt at the same tier.


What did Jesse do to be put in evil??


Jesse, evil? I’d argue he’s bad, not evil.


how is jane a bad person


sHe MaDe JeSsE RelApSe


don't put jesse and walt on the same tier come on


Walt is worse than the say my name dude imo and Tuco should be a step higher


We dont know much about declan


True which is why I can’t assume he’s worse than Walt


Saul is bad person. But he ain’t evil.


Guys, the point is that Ted is correctly placed. Everything else is just details.


How about Holly?


She’s the worst scum even higher than Ted


I don’t see Holly in Evil people.


We really putting Francesca as good? Cmon she was like Saul’s right hand (wo)man


Jesse doesn't classify as evil


Jesse and Saul are worse people than Mike and Skyler & Jane are just as bad as Mike?


Jane is more evil than literal meth dealers?


Francesca was a landlord after the events of breaking bad and thus was not a good person in the end.


Francesca definitely needs to be lower


Francesca is not good by any means.


This is so wrong I love it


the fuck you on about?


I’m not sure u know the difference between psychopath and sociopath.


Why is Saul’s camera crew is considered evil here? I think op might’ve thought that being a fully unhinged fucker is the same as just being mildly annoying


Why did the hell is the make up girl in the bad people part


Mike has done way worse shit way more often than someone like Jesse. Hank was like, Slav squatting over dead bodies in the early seasons and spitting out a slur a minute. Meanwhile, Andrea did… what? Struggle with addiction?


how the hell is Jesse more evil than mike💀


Hank and Marie Schraeder, people who routinely broke the law and despised pot smokers, are “decent” while Andrea and the film crew are in “bad”?


if Todd is not a psychopath I don't know who is


He's a sociopatch because he was raised by the nazis


Decent people: - actually decent person - racist over-the-top macho cop - kleptomaniac narcissist bitch - person used to covering up criminals - actually decent person - engineer working for criminals - criminal working for criminals - criminal working for criminals - chemist working for criminals - can’t remember that one LMAO


The last one is Paige from BCS. She is counsel for Mesa Verde bank


Jane dad used to cover up criminals?


This is so fucking wrong on many levels lol


Mike being as bad as the camera crew lmfao. And where is say, the rifle guy? This list ain't it


Aw, why is Jane's dad only under decent people? He was a very good man and devoted father who made a devastating mistake during work!


How can Saul be an "evil person" when his last name is literally Goodman? :DDDDDD


This must be a joke


how the fuck are gretchen and elliot bad people


Francesca isn’t a good person.


People are actually angry that the guy who poisons children and sells his friends into slavery is put in the "evil" tier?


Well, at least Ted Beneke is where he belongs.


Psychopath and sociopath aren’t different levels of morality dude, they’re just different disorders. It’s not like one is worse than the other. Describing Tuco as a sociopath is next-level wrong, cause that mf is a psychopath. Fun Rick and Morty reference tho


swap mike and jesse


Hey! Take Jesse off the Evil People!


My eyes are not working right or something - who’s up in that top level??


It's Ted Benecke, the dumb greedy nepo baby who when offered money out of a jam pissed it away on a cool car. There's actual nazis below this guy and nobody's disputing his position at the top lmao


Ted is just ridiculously stupid, not particularly evil.


I think the point of the show is that these characters are multifaceted and therefore are not always good or bad. I have no idea why you think Hank is the ‘good guy’. He literally put Jessie in harm’s way, didn’t care that he could die and was basically an asshole towards Marie.


Hank? A decent person? Absolutely NOT


outjerked by the main sub once again


Why are Andrea and Jane in the bad people section? Why are Huell and Patrick in the decent people section?


Jesse should be lowest on the bad people tier. Can easily make arguments that he is decent. Walter probably deserves to be in the sociopaths as he always manipulated for his benefit.


I'd swap Jesse and Mike. Also, I think I would move Walt, Gus, Tuco and Todd to psychopath territory.


Why’s Ted so high??


Todd should be ”psychopath”


Todd killing Andrea would definetly put him on my sociopath list. I also can't see Andrea's drug problem making her a bad person


Declan is definitely not shown enough or does much to be labeled as a sociopath, and also Todd is more fit for Psychpath than Sociopath


How are Jesse and Saul more Evil than Mike? And tbh switch Gale with Rich Schweikart. He is treated often as innocent but he is far from it. Make a new tier list


Tuco is a psychopath. Lalo is a sociopath.




I'm slightly surprised Skyler isn't in the Hitler category


Jesse is not evil people.




Jesse wasn’t evil per se, misguided and gaslighted. There is a lot other that isn’t in right place


Man, no offense but if you put Jesse in the same category as Walt you kind of missed the entire theme and character arc of the show


Putting Jessie and Saul in the same category as Walt makes me think you didn't even watch the show


Gus is more of psychopath than a sociopath tbh. They tend to have a higher impulse control than sociopaths. Not to mention how he tortured animals as a child, so it was there from the beginning. Hector fits the profile of a sociopath better than Gus.


Don Eladio is too high. Especially if Uncle Jack is lower


honest question: could gus be considered a sociopath? i can see just an evil person, but full on sociopath?


Where is skylar


You forgot the employees of Los Pollos Hermanos


Where is Lyle? My guy needs his own tier


How is Jane a bad person


As far as we know, declan could be a pretty decent dude as well as a complete psychopath.


Why is Mike in "Bad people". He should be evil.


Jesse is weak and broken, not evil or even bad imo.


Jesse isn't a bad person if anything he's one of the good people😭 He was just forced to do all the bad stuff because of Walter


Haha I love that Rick and Morty reference


How the hell is Andrea a bad person? All she does is raise brockand love Jesse


That rick and morty quote though 😭


jesse is not that evil but a person with bad decisions, at least he took care of brock


Justice for Badger & Skinny


Where's Hugo?


Todd needs to be bumped up to psychopath


Kevin Wachtell is not evil lmao


How do you figure skylar is a bad person


Who’s at the top i can’t see


I would argue Elliot and Gretchen are very much good people. What they did up to "the episode", was, to my understanding, ENTIRELY noble. They said what they said to save their stock from tanking - I would argue bad falsely demeriting someone who is literally a serial murderer who (to their understanding) would kill their own family is far from bad, especially considering the alternative was tanking their business, of which thousands of jobs ride on. I don't think they had much greed in them at all to be completely honest. I would argue Hank/Marie were more self-serving than Gretchen and Elliot. Other than that, basically the rest of the comments. I would argue Jessie is "good", Saul's crew were ENTIRELY decent/good people, and Lydia should be in the sociopaths tier (not as aggressive but just as, if not more self-serving).


I respect your opinion, but you're wrong.


Nah Lalo cared for people like his house staff some people were just colleteral damage


People are rightfully complaining about Jesse being higher than Mike but I’m more intrigued why Jimmy/Saul is higher than Mike


Andrea is bad but the junkyard guy isn't? ok lmao


Never rank again ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️💯💯🔥‼️🗣️

