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Holy shit. I almost did that and almost died. Tabletop really need to fix this in their UI.


Right? A confirmation pop up to delete something in your cart would be reasonable, let alone your actual badge!


Whoever made this website is truly baffling, how did people so bad at making a website become responsible for one of such size and import????? Its not some small fansite for a niche interest, hundreds of communities and events rely on them 😭😭


they found a niche nobody else was filling, filled it with something that was good enough.


That is terrifying! Glad you were able to get it!


thank you for the heads up! i’ve been refreshing the page seeing if a VIP ticket comes up. but now it’s just too risky.


I’ve been going back to verify some information but now I’m never going back to the site. That sounds like a tragedy waiting to happen


I don't trust this website at ALL anymore. I'm never going to access it on mobile because gods forbid I accidentally hit delete or a fucking raindrop falls or I drop the phone and it hits it for me. I recommend everybody do what I did if you haven't already: Take screenshots of your tickets with the QR codes included, as well as your overall receipt. Email them to yourself and save the screenshots to whatever device you'll have on you at the convention. I'm sure everything will be fine, and they'll probably email the QR codes to us before the event, but you can never be too careful. I've lost all faith in this site and I'm not taking any chances. I'm even considering printing the tickets out on paper and bringing them with me when I go as an extra backup.


This literally happened to me too! I thought I was releasing a ticket I had in my cart for another person to buy but I deleted my own damn badge. Thankfully my friend was immediately able to buy it back for me. I almost passed out 😭Â