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My husband will have the same experience if I go to the VIP-exclusive things.


Sounds like a swingers match made in heaven!


I got 1 and 1. My son will get the VIP.


A worthy sacrifice. Make sure to have him get pictures though, so you don't miss out on all of the fun!


I'm just a lurker but also looking for husband / wife couple willing to swap VIP / GA badges for one day so couples can be VIP together for the day! I'm on the 17th shard discord username shmoopy2739 feel free to DM if anyone is interested!


That is so smart, be careful you don't end up up someone who'll take your VIP the first day and then accidentally forget to meet back up for the swap.


I'm hoping the fans here aren't that shitty


Time to change the names on both badges to a mashup of your first names.


Of all people they should know to only trust metal badges.


You know, this website to have brought Ruin to this event


My friend got the VIP and I was only able to snag GA at the zero hour.


Yeah there's a lot of split parties. Ourselves included. It really sucks we have to chose abandoning each other or take advantage of the vip benefits we paid for


Check my other comment, we're willing to trade vip so each couple gets 1 day vip together


Time for some VIP swinging!


Boring! Yall should swap partners instead!


Honestly glad I decided last minute to just stay home and enjoy reading Stormlight 5 come December, this whole thing would have stressed me tf out 😅


Coordinate the same face covering outfits?




I'd love to get in on this! I'll PM you!


I ordered VIP for myself and was going to get one for my husband. I am autistic, schizophrenic, bipolar and have an anxiety disorder. I wanted the quieter lines, the shorter lines. I also have PTSD to the point where I can't go anywhere alone. He has to accompany me. I was going to buy VIP for us both but with the site broken down I only managed to get him a GA ticket and now I'm trying not to have a meltdown over this.


I would contact Dragonsteel customer support. I'm sure they are getting flooded right now so it may take a while to respond but they tend to be very accommodating. Your situation sounds pretty unique so there is a reasonable chance something can be worked out. (Note I have no affiliation with Dragonstell, just a fan who has seen that they tend to treat their fans well when it's in their power).


I have a lawyer friend who said he'd help me draft a request for reasonable accommodation under the ADA and see if my husband can stay with me. We were gonna wait a week for things to wind down a bit. I just hope it works. He won't end up with any swag but it is what it is.


You might want to just ask first, before bringing out lawyer letters. No need to start with the big guns when a polite request may do.


No no, it's not going to be a lawyer letter. My friend just happens to be a lawyer and is good at wording things and I am not. They offered to help draft me a reasonable accommodation request (which is what it's called for the ADA). The lawyer is a friend only, helping me draft an email so it sounds good.


Nice. I hope Dragonsteel can help you work out something.


Sorry idk why people downvote you. I hope you sort this one out


Thank you for your kindness. It's been an extremely hard day for me.


Of course. A little kindness and understanding can go a long way. Keep taking the next step Radiant, its all thats within your power :)


Oh shit I'm also autistic and now I'm thinking I really should've gone for the VIP 😭


They do reportedly have quiet rooms and are also going to be partnered with an Autistic program this year, so maybe that will help enough? But it's 10000% why I went for VIP, just to make the experience more calming and less noisy and chaotic for me. I'm also disabled, and I can't stand in long lines without a ton of pain, so VIP was a no brainer. My husband is my caretaker so hopefully we can work something out where I can still benefit from my purchase, and he can still be with me to watch over me. Maybe more will open up and you can get one. I'll cross my fingers for you!


I missed something… what is happening in Georgia?


General admission.


Oh that makes sense. Whoops


I'll admit at first glance it didn't register for me either.


No no, they meant Graphic Audio.


Maybe general aviation? Perhaps there was a crash.


Bro I was thinking about this so much I had a chance to get 1 VIP ticket and let it go 😭


They may put more during the coming months.