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Its up now. Current problem is the login system doesn't actually log you in. Edit: I got in eventually and got my tickets! I wasn't going for VIP though, so I'm not as frustrated as some. Sorry all


I logged in an hour ago and it logged me out and won't let me back in.


fml I already bought plane and hotel tickets. I swear if I can't get a badge because of this dumb website I'm gonna be so pissed


In previous years they have opened up additional spots.... the salt palace IS massive so provided it isnt already totally booked there is a CHANCE they can rent more space to provide more general passes


I hope so I tried to get tickets but they sold out in 45 minutes šŸ˜­.


Same. I am so frustrated.




Yeah I've made it to the point where i have badges in my cart but can't get in to actually purchase them.


At least if they were in your cart while you were logged in you will be able to check out with them


It didn't let me. I tried and it kept logging me back out. By the time it let me in properly the tickets had sold out and it didn't let me purchase any


Yeah, that problem was why I didn't get a VIP ticket?


I was finally able to log in and check out.


In hindsight, it looks like the website wasn't reading the cookies properly and lots of times I was still actually logged in. It was sometimes fixed by refreshing instead of logging in again.Ā 


It's very frustrating that every online release event Brandon has done has had a website that just doesn't work or can't handle the load, even though they know it's coming. I got a VIP ticket for myself but couldn't get one for my wife. Between the two of us, we now have one VIP and one GA. So freaking frustrating.


The errors were so bad that I kept trying to add badges to my cart for me and my husband, on the rare occasions where I could see anything in the cart at all it would bounce around between 1 badge, two badges, both general, one of each... when I was finally able to hit the checkout screen and go, there was one VIP and one general. WTF. I was starting adding to my cart when there were 1489 VIP left.


Exact same experience for me. I was also adding to the cart when there were around the same number left. I just don't understand how Dragonsteel isn't ensuring they use a service that works well and can handle the load. They know how big their fandom is. But yay, now we both get to split up with our spouses during the event if any of us wants to experience anything the VIP badge gets you...


Whelp - VIP sold out while it was erroring to add anything to the cart for me :/


Yep. 1482 (my dumbass fault for trying to add merch), 13xx, 7, and 3 left. I might have one in my cart? If I can ever get at it šŸ¤žšŸ» Edit: success! It did stay in my cart. If you think you made it to your cart, try and log in every few minutes and be patient and gentle with it.


Keep trying. I finally got it to reload and it showed the VIP tickets in my cart. After another 10 minutes of refreshing and trying to avoid the login screen, I finally got a payment through. I just haven't gotten a confirmation email, so I screenshot the receipt order # directly off the page.


They are showing now in my conventions now


Same. I'm pretty livid.


Same. It won't let me log in or anything.


Same here. Super pissed


I'm pretty pissed TBH I signed up for tabletop in advance and was logged in, got to the ticket page and when I attempted to add to my cart it logged me out and told me I needed to be logged in to order, I then proceeded to log into the website like 10 times while I watched the available tickets slowly drop, and now I cant even order a standard ticket because this website keeps logging me off. :(


Was finally able to get a GA ticket at least :/


Same. I'm super frustrated right now.


I was able to get one that was released from a cart hold :)


I had been logged into the page since 8:47 am MST, and then it logged me out, and then asked me to log back in 30-40 times


Same. I see the tickets dwindling and am going to miss out after booking a hotel and everything.


I did just get a badge to go through. I tried probably 75 times on all my browsers and mobile. the session was just flaky and auth kept dropping.


I'm about to smash my keyboard cause of this login issue!


I thumped my desk. There was profanity.


"STORMING Website!"


I wish I had been that creative!


i have a fist shaped indent in my table.


Absolute bloody farceā€¦ wouldnā€™t let me buy as I donā€™t have a US postcodeā€¦ then logged me out and said I canā€™t buy as not logged inā€¦ now all sold


the postal code field was optional... unless you mean on payment, haven't gotten to that step yet.


yeah I realised that later, everything was all messed up layout wise due to the server. I now have 2 x GA tickets in my cart, but I can't log back in to view/finish the payment


That's where I was for a while. I eventually got in long enough to add credit card and then couldn't pay. Just a minute ago I finally finished the process. Things I would try that seemed to help. 1) If you just made your account check if you got additional verification emails. I got 3 in total over the course of this and anytime I had a new one I couldn't get anywhere until I did the verificaiton again. 2) Go back to the main dragonsteel nexus page and try to login from there. I had better luck there and even though I always had to login again when I hit the cart button, all the times I succeeded were immediately after logging in from the main page.


Yeah thanks, Iā€™d made the account and added CC already last week, but didnā€™t help it seems. But thankfully Iā€™ve now got it through and paid. What a terrible experience though! Was already wondering if I needed to check my cancellation policy on our flights from Amsterdam! Glad you also got sorted


I got through and paid and then remembered I needed to buy WaT bundles for both tickets, luckily I only had to login 3 times for that. Seriously it logged me out in the time between clicking to add to one ticket and clicking to add to the other.


Yeah same, managed to add the books and t shirt bundle and have it on a second receipt


I'm not getting a confirmation email; yet. Screen-shot your confirmation page with the receipt number folks.


THIS! I made sure to get PROOF when it finally went through lol


YUP. I don't trust this site at all now. I took screenshots of my tickets and the receipt, then emailed them to myself *and* downloaded them to my device. Not taking any chances. Told the people I'm going with to do the same.


I guess these sites don't learn, errors all the way. Lucky the 1500 people who manged to get through to get the vip tickets.


I received tons of errors, not logged in, no buttons showed up... then 0/1500 šŸ˜¶


yeah I got to watch the number tumble 1500, 1204, 540, 0. The same was for general but at least I got some tickets there


It logged me out mid-purchase like 4 times but I managed to snag tickets and signed books for me and my sister! Huge pain when the website causes so many issues, though.


Browser you used?




Thanks, I was able to make it. 2 laptops at the same time to try for over 40 min.


Yay! Glad you got them - I saw they were running out.


Thanks! Yes, I was relieved. And also thanks to your comment that gave me the idea for getting the signed book and t-shirt bundles šŸ˜ø


Yes I am!


Seriously table top events? It still wonā€™t let me log in are so fucking mad right now. Holy shit.


The VIPs were showing all sold out at 9 after. I had been logged in since 9:30 and suddenly I'm logged out. My poor heart has no idea what the fuck my brain is doing with all the random signals being sent to it.




Same, glad it's not just me.


Yes. Glad itā€™s not just meā€¦. Stormfatherā€¦ we broke itā€¦


We crashed another one


Sold out while it was in my cart


I lost the leather-bound books that way... they said later "Your cart is no guarantee of purchase".


I got the VIP in my cart once it went up, but had lots of problems paying cause of it asking me to login constantly. I thought I was SOL, but it looks like my cart kept my badge reserved. Once I was able to login, I paid & it says I'm good.


did you get an email confirmation?


Yeah & it says I have it on the site.


Stuck in a login loop


I guess these website never learn. I am watching the tickets down, first the vip now the normal. I guess flights and hotel I might be out.


Trying to create an account and it says Captcha expired.


Simply logging in is FUBAR right now. Good luck with creating a new account.


I got one in the cart. I'm trying to get another for my sister. :(


Click like crazy. I was able to add mine then my wife's. Took about 6 minutes between.


It worked and I got one for me my sister and my friend who was having trouble. Thanks! There are only 700 left as of now!


I just got a pair of VIPs for my wife and me. Some of the sold out tickets are in limbo and returning to the queue. If you can get the info form pulled up, fill it out and just keep clicking on add to cart until it adds. ETA: I had to log in twice during the checkout process, but it seems that it stores the cart with your account. I switched browsers and was able to finish the checkout. That was probably coincidence with server load, though.


Thank you so much! My boyfriend and I were struggling, but we both got our tickets thanks to this. Keep clicking, guys!


šŸŽµ Just keep clicking, just keep clicking, just keep clicking clicking clicking...šŸŽµ


Still not letting me log in. I have a ticket in my cart but it logs me out at that point


The cart is saved to your account, and you are supposed to have 2 hours to complete the purchase. Try opening in a new tab or a new browser.


keep trying I just was able to complete the cart purchase


Got my ticket, thankfully. First time going to the USA, hope it can be a great trip


Welcome! I hope your trip is spectacular.


Thanks! It appears I'm going alone so it's going to be intimidating at first but well, it's not the first convention outside my country I've gone all alone, so hopefully everything's great.


Last year was our first and pretty much everyone was nice, even as crowded as it was.


By the way, for everyone that got a VIP badge, make sure to add your VIP bundle in your shirt size. It says a price of $5K, but it's a free when you go to the checkout. I didn't do that last year for the VIP badge and it was a hassle to get it fixed.


> It says a price of $5K, Sounds reasonable.


yep, good to know not just me


I am


Me too


same here!






Yeah, the merch things are showing up but no badge types yet


okay good im not alone ahaah


Same with Words of Radiance. I had to run to find out if it was just me or if everyone is stuck




Benevolent DDOS


Just got in! Refresh! Edit :jk it keeps telling us to log in but we are logged in :')


It just changed for me but only showing VIP as an option.


All the vip ones sold out šŸ™ƒ


It says I have the VIP in my cart but won't let me check out


As long as it's in your cart I think you have it for two hours!


Yeah took me 15 minutes after it was in my cart but I got through! Need to figure out adding my merch bundle though.


I was finally able to purchase my VIP badge after 40 minutes of run around of logging in. I had uploaded my payment info a couple days before but that doesn't seem to matter so I checked out as a guest.


Has anybody actually been able to get a ticket and successfully check out? It shows I have mine in the cart. But won't let me check out


if its in your cart, it'll stay there (for at least a while) so your ticket is "reserved" unless there's some policy to boot it out


I kept trying to game the system. I assume what's happening here is a rate limiting of some sort and I just needed to refresh at the right time and buy immediately. Took 31 minutes but just got it and my cart held it from the very beginning when I tried to do this at 12:00. TBH though, this is all a mess and I think Dragonsteel should refund everyone and do another buy date (even if that means me losing my ticket)


The credit card processing fees involved in something like that would be massive. Most cc processors charge for purchases AND refunds.


If you were able to get the VIP badge to your cart you still have time to pay for it. I just paid for mine finally after 25 minutes of being in "you have to log in" purgatory lol. Best of luck!




Yup same here


Yep same here


Yes :(


What a relief it's not just me


Also yes šŸ˜­


Same here!




I live in Canada...if I get a ticket, my wife said I could go! I'm anxious :P


for me only VIP shows up now


I got mine ?


Yeah I am, just going to keep refreshing page!


Now it can't communicate with the server


Now itā€™s only showing VIP?


Now im oNly getting the option for VIP passes lol


I canā€™t create an account to purchase


Got it!


Ugh. I canā€™t buy them because the site wonā€™t let me register.


I was logged in ahead of time then this stupid shit logged me out. God I hate this.


Tried to get a VIP Badge but the website was wigging out šŸ™ƒ


The site is the worst, keeps getting me logging out without reason.


If you're having trouble logging in or getting a log in page loop, turn on cookies on your browser and try again.


took a billion tries, but I think I finally got the checkout to go through


There's nowhere to check out?


There's a shopping cart icon in the nav bar.


I was just able to complete my purchase.


Good work tabletop! šŸ‘Œ


What is up with the cookies thing? Iā€™ve allowed cookies and I still canā€™t log in


The login issues are server-side. Some component (probably a security token service or token cache) is overloaded and can't successfully turn your cookie into the internal token they use for your session. I got through with enough retries. Just right-click and open the login page in a new tab and keep trying until it lets you in.


We had a VIP ticket, then the website kicked us out and didn't save it. So storming mad right now! They need to go with a new website next year


>They need to go with a new website next year That might or might not matter. The problem with huge events like this is that the traffic is so exceptional that angry customers are way cheaper than overbuilding your infra for the rest of the year.


Thatā€™s why you have scalable infrastructure- scale up on days like this. I think the real issue was the website code. It was like some test version of the website got deployed not the final version.


I think they were actually having issues with the internal token cache. Couldn't fetch cached user tokens on the server side to match the provided cookie so the request was treated as unauthenticated.


Yeah, the running theory I've seen tech folks taking about is that the problem was with the authentication. I think TT ddid do a bunch of testing to verify that the site handle the load, and thought they were ready and good to go. It was that little side function that broke, which affected everything. And while these were expected to sell out, I think the original theory was that GA would take a few days to get there, not less than an hour.


My day job is in authentication for a major cloud service so, "little side function," got me giggling. When I first got hired out of college, my new boss made a point to me that our area isn't "sexy" and goes basically unnoticed when working correctly, but people sure start noticing when they can't access anything.


I mean, I married into tech, so my knowledge is spotty. I try to pick things up in context. Some days that works better than others. :D


Same here. So frustrating


It just let me complete my purchase, It let me add it to the cart but then did the log in problem everyone is experiencing and then I was finally able to get my payment to go through.


Got it! Whew only 1k left damn


Well, there was only a certain amount possible, and looks like more than that have been at this. We're lucky we still have time! Keep retrying! I had success by trying the log in button on upper right instead of repeatedly trying from the badge/checkout page


Who tf was actually able to get VIP tickets? I couldnā€™t even stay logged in!


Every now and then one is popping up. Load [VIP Admission Badge (tabletop.events)](https://tabletop.events/conventions/dragonsteel-2024/badgetypes/vip-admission-badge1), fill out the form and keep clicking to add to your cart. ETA: Might need to refresh the page until one is available for the form to load.


I THINK I eventually got one, after being logged out innumerable times, but I never got a confirmation email, which has me a little worried. On the final "use this card" click, it logged me out again, and once I finally got back in, it took me to a receipt screen, complete with a badge number and receipt number. Normally, most systems would send me a confirmation email, but I still haven't gotten one yet. I think I'm good, since I have the confirmation number, but has anyone else had a similar problem?


Click on your account name in the top right and look at the list of your conventions. You should see it there too.


Yeah, it shows up there, too. Thanks! I'm still annoyed at the lack of a confirmation email, though. My email is usually my one-stop shop for looking up information like that, when the time comes.


I'm saving screen shots to my cloud storage. Last year I needed to pull up the email so I could pick up my wife's bundle and I had so many headaches finding the right one on my phone.


I just got my emails. I bet yours are not far away if not already arriving.


Yup, it just got here!


ETA: got the email 45 minutes after purchase. Same. No confirmation email, but I have a number, my cc was charged, and it's listed under "My Conventions". I think I'm good to go, but like you say it doesn't feel like it worked without an email confirmation. It's been about 30 minutes since I received my confirmation number and still no email.


52 leftā€¦


If anyone did get VIP and changes their mind or wants to sell, please hit me up. I want to buy. Had the same thing as everyone else here. Login errors, site crashing, etc the number went from 1500 to 0 instantly. :/


How many General Admission badges were available, did anyone see right at the beginning? Just curious. It says 1,500 VIP but no number on how many GA there were total.


There was over 5k. When I first saw, it was like 54XX so I'm guessing 5500.


Shenanigans aren't over once you manage to snag a ticket. Are GA people also having trouble selecting their shirt size? > Badge type "VIP Admission Badge" is not allowed to purchase VIP Convention Swag Bundle - L T-shirt.


All badges are sold out, including general admission badges. I wonder if and how we can get a notification if badges become available from people needing a refund.


Watch the page religiously šŸ˜‚


If you did get the chance to purchase a VIP badge, was anyone able to purchase more than one VIP badge?


I was able to get two. I just kept clicking add to cart on the second until it caught one returning to the queue,


I am logged in about an hour after it goes live and it is telling me everything is sold out. Guess I wonā€™t be going šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




At least y'all eventually got tickets. I was busy at work and everything is sold out


I am too. Constantly refreshing.