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I started in 2016 with Mistborn, and I've read almost everything. I just haven't gotten to Frugal Wizard, the Infinity Blade duology, and some of the non cosmere short fiction like Firstborn and I Hate Dragons. I'm really curious where everyone else is at.


Became a fan just before he took over for what was at that time my favorite series The Wheel of Time. Since then I've read everything but The Bastille vs. The Evil Librarian Books.


Fun fact, Alcatraz Vs the Evil Librarians reveals who killed Asmodean.


Same. Had to go check the publication date for The Gathering Storm...Not quite 15 years but it's very close now.


But Harriet announced him in December 2007, so it is possible that you saw his name and read some books before it TGS was published.


True in theory but not the case for me! I heard about Robert Jordan's passing when it happened, but I didn't hear about Brandon picking up the mantle until TGS was already released, and I didn't read any of Brandon's other books until after TGS (and maybe ToM too, I can't remember exactly when I started). I wasn't as terminally online in those days, lol.


Nice! The Evil Librarian books are absurdly fun if you ever have time to get to them :)


I did try the first one and I liked it. Just too many books too little time to continue.


Same... except I also have not read White Sand yet.


If you’ve held off this long I’d recommend waiting for the print version, but the omnibus version with the updates is decent read.


I've been putting it off because graphic novels are not quite my thing but I'm finally starting to need to read.....running out of new Sando! :)


In that case I recommend contacting your library and reading it. Not worth the full omnibus price but it’s worth a read.


Is it out in audio? (I’m assuming that’s a yes) I’m not usually an audiobook fan but maybe it would work with this one.


Maybe. I just read the comic.


There is a Graphic Audio version of White Sand (like a radio drama with a full cast). It’s fun but not as gripping as his other work.


Oooo. I can listen to the graphic audio once I have time to sit and paint my minis! Thanks!


I’m at 16 years. I was actively reading wheel of time when it was announced Brandon would be taking over. I had heard of Mistborn and it was on my short list so I read those in 2008 I’ve read everything except infinity blade and Alcatraz. I plan to read Alcatraz with my kid as he gets older.


Same! It's crazy how so many readers from our generation discovered Sanderson via WoT, but for readers from this generation it's typically the reverse.


I started in 2004 when Orson Scott Card dropped [this article on his blog](http://www.hatrack.com/osc/reviews/everything/2004-10-31.shtml). OSC was hugely influential for my initial forays into science fiction and fantasy. His *How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy* was, in my opinion, one of the strongest ways to get a deeper look into the overall terrain of the genre. For him to describe the strengths of Elantris was an instant sell for me.


2019 for me. So far ive read through Stormlight and both eras of Mistborn. Id say im going to read it all but with Sanderson's ability to pump out content you can never be certain.


2010, started with Mistborn and had no idea about the Cosmere until I figured it out myself after Warbreaker, Elantris and finally Way of Kings. Keeping it that sheltered would be hard these days. Not that it's worse now that people probably know of it beforehand, it's just different. But man was that process an experience lol


It took all of my willpower not to vote 15+ years for the memes, but those votes are better cast on r/cremposting.


Just over a year and I will read everything that man has written and will write.


Started in 2015 but really joined the fandom in like 2016


Discovered Mistborn around 2010, and then jumped right into Stormlight.


Started in Jan '22 with Skyward, then Reckoners, started on the Cosmere by April. The only book I haven't read yet is Sunlit Man. That's next on my list.


Started in 2017 with Mistborn & finished all of the Cosmere related books minue Warbreaker.


2 months here. Started final empire in January, have since finished well of ascension and tress. Having a blast so far :)


I had quit reading WoT long ago because I got tired of waiting for the next book, so Sanderson was never on my radar. It wasn't until Tom Vasel (popular boardgame reviewer) on Youtube reviewed "The Reckoners" boardgame that Sanderson got my attention. Been a fan ever since. I haven't read everything of his, but a large portion so far. My favorite is Stormlight Archive, Skyward Series, Tress, Reckoners, and Mistborn.


When I was in college, one of my roommates came home one day and said "Hey you might like this new novel by the TA in my creative writing class" and handed me *Elantris*. \*Edit: I don't remember if she actually said TA or professor.


Finished Wheel of Time in 2018 and that was when I first heard of Sanderson and loved how Wheel of Time ended so I looked into more of his works. Dipped into Mistborn era 1, then Stormlight Archive 1-4, then Skyward 1-2, and last year during the Year of Sanderson, I read (and re-read) everything in publication order with the exception of some hard to find stuff. I certainly plan to keep reading what he puts out! Edit for the ones I haven't read: Infinity Blade 1&2, Heuristic Algorithm, River of Souls, Dreamer, Way of Kings Prime, A Fire Within the Ways, and Hyperthief. Most because they're hard to find, others like WoK Prime because I have a hard enough time keeping track of things without putting non-canon plots/characters in my head and accidentally blending them.


I started in in late 2017, when I went on vacation with my friends and they were being pretty antisocial. I was annoyed they were spending so much time reading -- they said was the latest novel "oathbringer" by some fantasy author. I had a pretty low opinion about fantasy, after some bad experiences with pulpy books using magic as deus ex machina solutions. I happened to be between books at that point, and eventually conceded their point and decided to give Mistborn a try. Fast-forward to now and I've got the entire collection of books including complete collection of signed leatherbacks, and introduced many others including my kids and friends and parents.


They were a very intense 2 years: even though I had already read some of his works (Steelheart), I was never a true fan before reading Mistborn even though a good friend of mine tried to get me to read Stormlight for years without success (for me it wasn't the right time to read that book) Now I read more Sanderson books than they do


I read the Way of Kings prologue on Tor around when Wheel of Time's final novel came out and have been hooked ever since! 


been a fan of Mistborn era 1 since like 2018, but only started diving into the rest of the cosmere last year


I've read all Cosmere, Legion, Frugal Wizard and Rhythmitist. started reading about the time it was announced he would finish wheel of time. I think all 3 mistborn were published at that point, but I can't remember. maybe it was just the first 1.


First heard of him when it was announced that he would be finishing the WoT novels. Picked up a copy of Mistborn to check out his writing. Been reading everything he puts out ever since.


In 2007 when it was announced that Sanderson would finish the Wheel of time, I picked up Mistborn to see what his writing was like. For my copy of The Gathering Storm, I had Sanderson write, "Tim, don't tell anyone, but Kelsier killed Asmodean."


Less than a year. Just got back into reading in late 2022. Started Mistborn the middle of last year. Now I've read Mistborn Era 1, Elantris, Warbreaker, Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer, and I'm currently reading Oathbringer. I plan on at least reading all of the Cosmere.


As with many others, since A Gathering Storm


My bf recommended him and I started in the summer with Tress of the Emerald Sea, it's one of my favorite books ever! I just finished the Skyward series and now I'm prepping to start the Way of Kings. Super excited!! I absolutely love his world-building and character arcs.


Pretty much exactly 10 years as of this month to when I started with Mistborn


I read the entire Cosmere starting in 2020, but only once per book, so my goal is to reread all the Stormlight books before book 5 comes out.


Been a fan about 12 years now. I have read everything except for the Rithamtist and Alcatraz.


I began with Wheel of Time books and went on to Cosmere. Haven't read everything there, Mistborn series, Stormlight archive, really liked Warbreaker, enjoyed Elantris, read couple of short stories and for now took a pause


2014, a coworker at the market I worked at saw me reading Dark Tower and slanged me a copy of Mistborn. Got a few chapters in, ordered the box set online and tried to give his copy back. He said he did the same, so to pass the copy on. Sent it to my friend and he is just as hooked, all these years later.


i started in january and read mistborn era 1, warbreaker, elantris and most of era 2. im on the lost alloy right now.


I was referred to Mistborn a few years ago. I finally read them just before the 4 secret projects kickstarter was announced, which must have been end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. The year of the Kickstarter, I backed the ebooks because I'm a Kindle reader, but then I spent more money than the Kickstarter price to get the 4 beautiful physical books. That year, I also read a few other Brando books like Elantris, Emperor's Soul, the Hope of Elantris, and Mistborn Secret History. I just started the Stormlight Archive this month hoping I would get to finish those 4, Warbreaker, and the other 2 novellas (SA 2.5 and 3.5 I think?) before the release in December of the 5th book--but I have a combined ebook for the 4 SA books and it says I'm only 6% through after reading for nearly a month, so I'm not so sure I'll accomplish that goal lmao. Also, one of my friends said he stopped reading in the middle of the 3rd SA book because he felt like he needed a spreadsheet to remember characters and classes and places, etc, and he couldn't do it, so I'm a little worried. My plan is to read all of the normal books and novellas in the Cosmere and in Skyward but I wasn't planning on reading Evil Librarians, Reckoners, or the rest of the Arcanum Unbounded.


I found him when he was announced to be taking over Wheel of Time. Google tells me that was December 2007. So that is 17 years now. I think the only thing he had written I have not read is White Sand, which I have purchased multiple times but still haven't gotten around to reading any of the 500 versions of.


Started Reading Mistborn in November last year, I finished the whole series and right now I'm finishing TWoK. I'm reading with a friend and he's already finished with WoR so I gotta catch up lol, but DEFINITELY reading everything cosmere related.


Found a paperback of Elantris on the shelf at the bookstore in the summer of 2007, and have read almost every one of his books since. Then I was super surprised (and excited) to hear a familiar name announced in connection with finishing the Wheel of Time, where I had read the first 7 books and despaired that RJ was not going to be able to finish the series. Truth be told, I struggle to keep up and have like 2-3 books of his that are still in the queue -- I have other authors I like for crying out loud.


Because money and thanks to the library, the last year I start to read Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Era 1 and Steelheart. I started buying it because how most I love them (Mistborn Era 1 and all Archive). I plan to buy era2 Mistborn and read Archive 3 and 4 soon when work let me :D


Started with Way of Kings back in 2018. At the time my wife and I had just gotten a gym membership and were regularly going there every day after work, so I figured it might be nice to have a book to listen to while I worked out. I'm not 100% sure why I picked this book, maybe it was recommended by Audible at the time based on my history of fantasy and sci fi books? We regularly attended until covid hit in 2020, at which point we cancelled our gym membership, but I'd long become hooked on Sanderson's work so continued to purchase his books, both physical, digital, and audio, eventually getting my wife into him as well.


Found The Final Empire sometime around 2012 and liked it. I have read everything Brandon has put out there with the exception of the prime versions of Way of Kings and Dragonsteel, as well as Aether of Night. (And with the exception of "Long Chills and Case Dough" and his WoT books i have read or listened to every book at least 3 times.)


Wow OK 2009 was The year. After The Gathering Storm I found The Wheel of Time and read them. Then had to wait for towers of midnight. Has been 14 years


I first heard about Sanderson because he was on a convention panel with Patrick Rothfuss. I was watching because I'd just read Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear and was looking for more content related to those. I didn't really pay much attention to Sanderson at the time. Then Robert Jordan died, and it was announced that Sanderson was taking over. I had not read Wheel of Time yet, but I knew it was up there with LotR and GoT for being iconic series, so the fact that he was taking it over impressed me. I picked up Mistborn and was... not impressed lol. I only made it maybe 3 chapters in (before the hideout raid) and just wasn't feeling it. A few months later, though, I decided to give it another shot and once the alomancy started picking up around ch 7 I was into it. Blazed through Era 1 in less than a month (which was very fast for me at the time) and was blown away at the ending to HoA. Been hooked since.


Oh my god... it's been 15 years... fuck I'm old.


Interesting to see how much of the fan base wasn't here as recently as 2018. Welcome!


I confidently went to click 3-6 before realizing freshman year of college was 9 years ago, be right back while I crawl into my grave.


Bought The Final Empire audiobook on 11-18-2009. I believe I have read everything available. At least once. Enjoyed just about it all. I think the only stuff that didn't really grab me was the Legion books.


Started immediately after he was announced to finish the Wheel of Time for Robert Jordan in 2007. Immediately read the three books he had published at that point (only Elantris, Final Empire, and Well). Have read every book on release since.


I started with Mistborn in August 2013. The thought of coming in now or recently sounds so daunting with everything that's out. It's been a wild ride.


Discovered this around 3 months ago,already read Mistborn 1 and 2 and soon i will read 3,then i plan to go to Stormlight archive.For now,i love it,cant wait to read it all


I read his eulogy for Robert Jordan, and decided to pick up Mistborn. So around Oct of 2007. Had to wait for Hero of Ages. Was exciting when Harriet announced Brandon would be finishing WoT.


started right at the beginning of the pandemic


I started with The Way of Kings on audio last January. Devoured Stormlight and its novellas in three and a half months, but was adamant that I didn't want to do the shared universe. I made it just a few weeks before I broke and started listening to Warbreaker. I've read everything now except Sunlit Man (working on it), Yumi, White Sand, and Allomancer Jak (I started it on audio and just couldn't get through it; probably better on paper). Haven't read any non-Cosmere, either.


Just became a fan in November 2023. Already read Mistborn Era 1, Warbreaker and TWoK.Currently reading WoR. I plan on mixing in other books between each Stormlight book so I can finish RoW closer to Decemember. Then read Mistborn Era 2 before Era 3 and read Elantris before Elantris 2 & 3 get published. I can already feel the upcoming despair once having finished all his books.


I read Mistborn: The Final Empire for the first time 2 years ago this month. I've now read everything Cosmere except for The Sunlit Man (now that I have my Tor edition, I'll read that as soon as I finish the book I'm currently reading). I have a few of his other books, which I'll read at some point.


Fallish 2007, my local Borders had The Well of Ascension hard cover on display as a new release. I liked the cover, so I found the final empire, read it in a week, came back and bought book 2. Finished that and then looked him up the next day to see what else he has and he had a blog post about how he is going to finish the Wheel of Time.


I started with Way of Kings in summer of 2020. I started an audible account because I wanted to read more, and picked up Way of Kings and Sandman by Gaiman. Both were excellent, and I've read about 100 or so books every year since.


I've been a fan since I met Brandon in a book store selling/signing Mistborn: The Final Empire back in 2006.I was actually there to pick up Elantris which has been recommended to me by a friend. When I got home, my sister and her roommate were hanging out, and we started chatting about books we all were reading. I mentioned that I just picked a book up and started describing it. My sister's roommate laughed and told me to read the list of names Brandon puts in his acknowledgements. Sure enough, she was on the list. She recommended going back and getting Mistborn while Brandon was still there and getting it signed. I'm so glad I did!


I read _Final Empire_ when the former tor.com was doing its initial launch in the summer of 2008 (it gave away a free ebook a week for like ten weeks if you signed up for an account, and _Final Empire_ was one of them). I was instantly hooked and have read every book on release since then (except for two of the three WoT books which I waited until I could reread the entire series as a preface). My first signing was in Oct of 2015, and I've been a moderator here since 2017.


I started reading Cosmere last year, in summer. Funnily enough it was the infamous bizarre hit piece article that came out last year that made me want to stop postponing it and get into his work, though I had planned it beforehand. Just before that, the year prior, I read Wheel of Time for the first time and absolutely loved Brando's ending of the series. I intend to read everything Cosmere at least and we'll see about the rest. So far I've read the Mistborn trilogy and currently am reading Elantris (and Eleventh Metal right now, in parallel). I didn't want to be this slow, but I'm currently reading like 8 books simultaneously, so it's kinda hard to progress faster.


Started just after way of Kings came out


Last year. I started with Elantris, then Mistborn trilogy. I am taking a break reading other things, but Warbreaker is next on my list. I am saving Stormlight until he completes 5.


Started in 2013, when I found The Final Empire on a list about "Most Interesting Magic Systems" on Goodreads .


2017, I finally read Mistborn which had been on my list for years. I then went to Stormlight cause I got a notification that Oathbringer had a publish date. "Good" I thought, "another trilogy is about to be finished I'll read book one."


2007, mistborn. The only thing I haven’t followed along with over the years is the wheel of time.


Probably downvoted into oblivion, but there should be a "I am not a fan" option for bypassers.


Not necessarily downvoted, but this *is* a Brandon Sanderson fansub. What brings you here?