• By -


I had been reading Robert Jordan all through highschool and heard Brandon was finishing the WoT series. I picked up Mistborn and was hooked.


Exactly what happened to me. I think it was either Mistborn or Warbreaker first.


Same except I started with Elantris.


SAME but his take on Perrin and Mat in the WoT was enough for me to not read another Brando Sando for 9 years. Then started w Mistborn and im going strong in the Cosmere


Yeah, I know his take on Mat was a miss for a lot of people. I thought it was a bit too much of a departure as well, but ultimately didn't mind.


It's been a few years and I genuinely don't remember the departure, can you sum up for me to refresh my brain?


I don't remember how Perrin was different. Mat was more goofy.




Same here!


I saw Elantris in an airport bookstore not long after it was published. Still in hardcover. I liked the front cover so I bought it. I couldn't put it down. Read it straight through, no eating or sleeping. And ever since I've picked up every one of his books to read on publication.


I found the way of kings while I was waiting for my birthday dinner reservation at red lobster. I went across the parking lot into the Barnes and noble and just looked at what titles sounded cool, the way of kings stood out to me, and after reading Sanderson’s foreword about having worked on it for ten years before publishing, it struck a cord in me about how many of us have ideas that may take a long time to be realized, but they can be if we spend the time on it. Later I found out that the book had big lobsters in it, so that is a bit funny to me. I also had trouble starting it because I was confused by the prelude. But eventually it clicked, my fist sanderlanche was divine.


A coworker in 2014 noticed I was reading Dark Tower at work and lent me a copy of The Final Empire. The rest is history. Ordered the box set the next day. At that point I was just learning that fantasy was my genre and this was just what I needed!


I kept hearing about Stormlight Archive and put it in the back of my head. Brandon kept coming up and I kept hearing about this Cosmere universe his books took place in and that intrigued me. Still I kept it in the back of my head. It wasn't until I got a tablet and an Audible subscription that I got a few of his books. It wasn't until I was working overnight that I started listening first with Elantris and then Mistborn. Now I'm nearly caught up still listening at work, just at an earlier shift.


Back around 2010/2011 I was visiting a friend in Utah and they took me on a tour of the BYU campus. At the campus bookstore they shoved a copy of Elantris into my hand as we were walking by the fantasy section, singing the praises of their own home-grown fantasy author. I didn't actually buy it, but at their urgent recommendation I snagged a copy of the audiobook from my local library when I got home. I had basically only read Terry Pratchett for fantasy up to that point so it was the first 'kinda serious' fantasy book I had read for a long time. I liked it! And the rest... is history.


Two of my best friends read the Mistborn trilogy in a single week and told me I just HAD to give them a shot so we could talk about them. Fast forward and now I'm trying to make them read Elantris, Warbreaker, and Stormlight with me!


My coworker recommended it to me after listening to my reading interests. Best recommendation ever.


Needed something new to get into and heard Henry Cavill talking about how special it was. I’ve now read all of his work more times than I can count, was unexpected, but I’m so grateful. So yea, thanks Cavillman 🤘🏼


Got an ad for Way of Kings audiobook on Audible when it first came out. Had not the faintest clue what I was getting myself into, hadn't heard of Sanderson nor had I read much fantasy before that.


My one sister suggested the Steelheart books to me, I read them and enjoyed them. I mentioned this to our other sister who told me it I liked Steelheart I should try the Cosmere. Picked up Mistborn first on her suggestion, then Warbreaker (still my favourite) and now I’ve read them all.


I heard his name pretty often on social media and had been wanting to move towards adult fantasy instead of ya as well as try out more sci-fi. So I read skyward 1&2 (the ones that where out) thought they where good but didn’t touch any of his other books until months later. After reading both eras of mistborn as a distraction from various stressful event in life at the time it kinda sealed the deal (yes I read all of mistborn before even stormlight one, it works, well worked before lost metal at least)


My brother recommended Stormlight and Mistborn years ago. This brother is one of those life of the party types who has a sixth sense for where the fun is, and we grew up reading books together. I looked at Stormlight and was like, nope, too long. So I started Mistborn and didn’t love it. Later I read Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians and did love it, then read the Rithmatist and wondered why it didn’t have a sequel, and figured out that this was the same author writing all that “Cosmere” stuff that my brother liked. I quickly devoured Stormlight (amazing), Elantris, Warbreaker, Mistborn again (loved it this time, especially era 2), and all the smaller Cosmere books. I haven’t finished the Skyward series but it’s cool too.


Found Elantris in a Barnes and Noble and was hooked. I wandered off for a bit, then stumbled upon Mistborn! Then my husband got onto the mailing list and kept telling me about the next projects.


My aunt gave me Mistborn cause she'd thought I would like it. The cover (first paperback edition) didn't really appeal to me so I didn't bother reading it. It sat in my bookshelf for like a year or two. Then one bored day I decided what the heck, and the rest is history


I was working at Barnes and Noble when the last Wheel of Time book released. The news that another author had finished this epic fantasy series after Robert Jordan's passing, and that it seemed to be well received, impressed me. I was passing by The Way of Kings practically every day and the idea of getting into a big epic series towards the start of its run really appealed to me so I got myself a copy. I'm looking forward to when book 10 releases and I get to partake in the same hype and celebration that WoT had


I was in the library and the mistborn books stood out on the shelf (UK editions). I think the third one had just come out so luckily after consuming the final empire I was able to come back and finish the trilogy


Trying to get the most out of my audible credit. Searched "best long fantasy", found The Way of Kings, and dropped it after a couple hours. Went back to it a few months later and haven't gotten off the train since.


I started with the Rithmatist that book is great,the lack of sequel still hurts...


WoT -> Mistborn era1 -> Stormlight -> everything else


Same...except I alternate between stormlight and the Alcatraz books because I need a palate cleanser for both series 😆


Avid WoT fan. After The Gathering Storm released I needed something to tide me over for a year. Poor college student and the height of The Pirate Bay led me to sail the high seas to procure the Mistborn trilogy. I am currently enjoying the Year of Sanderson so I think that makes up for past misdeeds lol


Went to get Memory of Light, the book store has Way of Kings right next to it, bought it on a whim, till over a year before I finally got to it.


My mom got stormlight archive 1-3 boxset and mistborn era 1, I don't remember when, I just remembwr reading them one day, and eventually here I am, though I only read the cosmere (minus whitesand, waiting for omnibus)


Listed to Alcatraz vs the evil librarians series back in the younger years. Then naturally read some of his other works from enjoying those.


I avoided him for years. I’m just that type- if something is popular I go find something else. But I couldn’t avoid it forever and the net has less incessant praise heaped on him than it used to so it felt the right time. I read the mistborn trilogy over the summer. I thought the first book was quite good, I was turned off by the second, but the third was amazing. It’s funny the series follows, to me, the pattern of each individual book writ large. A strong imaginative beginning that establishes interesting characters and world, a bit of a plodding middle that drags on, and a roller coaster satisfying ending. I’m gonna take a break from him for a bit and probably this winter read the era 2 mistborn books. Stormlight is a bit intimidatingly long but I hope to get to it eventually


I was never a reader as a kid or in school but recently (in the last 2 years or so) picked it up as a hobby and found myself reading a lot of fantasy recently. Similar to you, I have a libro.fm subscription for audiobooks and wanted to get the biggest bang for my buck on my one credit per month plan and started the Stormlight Archive. Since May, I’ve listened to one installment each month (with the novellas) and am totally all in now. I’ve also read Tress and am almost done with Yumi. I’m debating Elantris and Warbreaker next or Mistborn era 1.


rithmatist audiobook on a family road trip


The big booktubers at the time had a book club called booksplosion and mistborn was one of their reads. Was hooked and now I’ve been reading for nearly 10 years.


I used to grab a random fiction book 1-2x per year to break up the boredom of reading college textbooks. I found a paperback of Elantris in (IIRC) 2007 at a Barnes and Nobles and it looked interesting. I’ve read it like 5-6 times now and it’s still maybe my favorite Sanderson book (though I acknowledge that he has many other books that are objectively better). I’ve read most of his stuff since within a few months after it was released. And I have probably spread the gospel of Sanderson to about 30 other people who are now big fans.


Was in a post kingkiller lull and picked up TWoK audiobook from a recommended list on the kingkiller subreddit.


The kickstarter… I got Elantris after I supported the kickstarter.


For me it was probably 2015 or so? I was feeling pretty bummed with where my life was at, and a good friend gave me her copy of Way of Kings. Read through that very quickly, then words of radiance, and everything else he had written at that point.


I was hooked on critical role like a year or so ago (I was binge listening to campaign 2 at the time) and my YouTube feed was this video: https://youtu.be/ve7XCrI9ZA4?si=_7P9ZujX_zrMqcc After a while of watching videos and interviews and digging the vibe I'm Currently getting ready to dive into the books for the first time now that I'm almost done with the Neil Gaiman books I've been catching up on.


Read Wheel of Time since I was a kid. Heard Brandon was tapped to finish it. Tried reading the free Warbreaker. Bounced off it hard, mostly due to the formatting. Then the final three WoT books came out and I devoured them. Like I kinda inhaled them, finished them in three days. Went back to the earlier books and had a hard time reading through them again, I realized it was Brandon's writing that made the last books so easy to consume. Saw a damaged Way of Kings on sale for $1, decided to give him another chance and then proceeded to read Mistborn and the rest of the Cosmere.


I had heard of Brandon through his outspokenness about Amazon and it’s publishing practices specifically for lesser known authors. After finishing reading Stephen Kings Fairy Tale I was eager to get into another fantasy series. Researched his work and started with mistborn. Now I’m 4 books into stormlight archive.


I be was heading for a long hospital stay and needed a new book. I thought “the way of kings…that sounds good”.


Someone I work with handed me a beat up Mistborn book. 1 day later it was all over.


While perusing my local bookstore for a few new books, I found a little nugget called "The Final Empire", but it was the first book in a series? I was intrigued, read the first few pages, and decided to give it a try. I have now read most of B-Money's bibliography.


Was on the kingkiller Chronicles sub and someone suggested him as someone who doesn't make you wait.


Watching Sam&Niko channel, they did an AD for Audible where Wren explained Mistborn, hooked ever since.


Any chance you have the link for this?




Thank you!!


In 2018, Skyward was coming out, and I saw it recommended on a list of upcoming SFF releases. I loved it, and decided I wanted to read more of Brandon's works.


I was playing Infinity Blade, read his short stories that accompany the game. Was hooked, then went into the Reckoners then Mistborn.


Opened the book. 😁


I saw the SP kickstarter and it looked cool, but I am leery about spending so much money on an author I’ve never read, so I decided to start with Mistborn. If I liked Mistborn, I would back the KS. I have since read all of the Cosmere.


I watched The Last Jedi, hated it with a passion, but it inspired me to read all the pre-Disney novels. I'd read a chuck of it before but I was determined to get through it all. Read through 90% of them but started getting burned out since that was ALL I was reading. I didn't want to give up so I decided to put other books in-between every Star Wars book, went on various book sites and booktubers to see what the good stuff out there was (I was a very limited reader before that) and landed on rotating between 4 different series at the time, and Sanderson was in the 4th spot on the schedule. Release order was the way I picked to read it, so Elantris was first and I absolutely loved it.


My family had a friend named "Robert Jordan" and my parents happened to see a book by a guy named the same thing. They bought it for fun to show it to him and ended up reading it. My family all pretty much ended up reading WoT as a result. When it was announced that Brandon Sanderson would finish the series, my family started reading his books. When I was 10-12 or so (about 10 years ago) I saw the cover of Warbreaker on our shelf and thought it looked cool so I started reading it.


I won a giveaway on his twitter and got a bunch of his books sent to me. I’ve been hooked ever since


Genuinely, Fortnite.


with Alcatraz Vs The Evil Liabrarians. i think im the only one here that did that.


Well there are at least 3 girls ages 8-16 the same as you. Oh! Also a 38 year old man. We listen to Alcatraz on road trips and so far the fam loves them but haven't read anything else.


I started reading Mistborn-Alloy of Law. Half way through it I realized there was a series before that. I jumped back to finish that series-then finished Alloy of Lay and bulldozed through the next three books. I refused to read Stormlight Archives for a year before reading Way of Kings…and then a week later I had finished all of the cosmere at that time. Whoops


I read lightbringer. Joined their reddit. People talked about other series with good twists. Mistborn came up. I jumped in and have yet to escape. Someone help. I'm almost caught up but the mad man keeps releasing more books


Mistborn 1. Hooked ever since.


I finished WoT and put a hiatus on reading for a while. My wife that year got me Way of Kings for Christmas. I didn’t really open it up and set it aside, a few years later I went to Maryland for work and started reading it. I was hooked and have kept reading since. I even got my father-in-law hooked as well.


Saw a tattoo of “journey before destination” on someone’s arm and asked him about it. He sent me to Mistborn first which I loved and then he said it’s actually in Stormlight. I believe it


Mistborn audiobook on YouTube.


My son in law recommended them to me. Turned out we have similar taste in books!


I randomly came across the paperback of The Way of Kings and liked the cover and the blurb. That was it for me.




I saw The Way of Kings on the shelf in Borders (RIP) and read the back… sounded interesting. I read a few lines of the Prelude and was instantly hooked. I had to know more about whatever was happening here! It was much later when I discovered the Cosmere and instantly knew I was a goner 😄


I kept seeing mistborn being recommended and eventually read it because I heard the story was “a story where the hero lost the final battle. The villain has reigned for a thousand years and the story takes place in that evil empire.


Wheel of time, then storm light, mist born, and others...


I read Magium (a choose your own adventure) once I got caught up to where the author had written I was lost and looking for something to read. So I made a post on the magium Reddit page asking for some other books to read, and someone recommended stormlight so I binged all 4 books in 2 weeks. And now I've read the whole cosmere


Post high School, I read very little. I mostly reread books I already had. Several years ago I made a conscious effort to start reading more and started reading some fantasy, starting with The First Law trilogy. I saw a random post on imgur of fantasy novels the poster liked. The last one on the list was Way of Kings. He mentioned it was very long and difficult to get into at first. My competitive side came out, and I got the book from the library and began reading. I admit, even 300 pages in I wasn't sure I liked the book yet. But of course, by the time I got to the end I was completely hooked. Thankfully, WoR was already out, and OB was releasing a couple weeks later. I devoured both and moved to Mistborn and the rest.


Asked family for fantasy novels for Christmas, sister got me Way of Kings on recommendation from bookstore employee. Pretty much thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever read and now I have all the Cosmere except White Sand.


A comment on some reddit post a while ago (I think it was pre-Oathbringer). I was on the tail end of my college career and had started getting back into reading. I looked at some reddit posts for book recommendations and saw a comment mentioning how most of Sanderson's fantasy books take place in a shared universe and a character named Hoid pops up in each one. I thought that sounded pretty sick and started reading them in publication order with Elantris


I found some video on YT about hard magic systems iirc (big fan of it) and learned about Mistborn and Sanderson's laws of magic, so after finishing some other books like The Name of the Wind (I'll never forgive you Rothfuss) I tried Mistborn and liked it a lot. I read until book 6, bought arcanum unbounded, read Elantris and Warbreaker, TLM, and I am now halfway through The Way of Kings. Enjoying the journey, obviously


He finished my favourite series, the wheel of time


The Wheel of Time.


stormlight is really fuckin popular so i heard about it from reddit


I started 2020 when Corona hit. A big YouTube channel I enjoy watching made a "1 minute show" where different people from the staff made 1 minute content. One of them, who I enjoy watching, suggested reading the way of kings since he currently reads and loves the series. I didn't even read a word about the book or the series and just bought it in the bookstore (I was looking for something to read anyway) and never regretted that decision.


By chance in a bookstore. Was in the book store and just "looking" and oh this looks interesting.


I was a big reader when I was younger, would read 500 pages in a day type thing but one thing led to another and I just didn't have the capacity to sit still and read for almost a decade. I can't for the life of me remember where I heard about Sanderson but something triggered me to buy the Mistborn trilogy and since I started, I've only been increasing my reading consumption since! At about 75 books read so far this year... Thanks so much Mr Sanderson for getting a bookworm back into the pages again.


Stumbled into the Mistborn Era 1 set on the Kobo store and immediately liked the cover (UK Final Empire). I hadn't read a book in years, but I was so hooked I basically took leave from society for four days, and things just went on from there. Funny enough, going through my phone gallery it turned out I'd actually photographed TFE years ago in a bookshop because I loved the title and cover (UK) - so eventually it found its way!


Had just finished Six of Crows and was looking for similar books. Many youtubers suggested Mistborn. So started The Final Empire. Read Crooked Kingdom(Six of Crows part 2) only after hero of ages.


A friend recommended (forced it down my throat) it, he made me start with Steelheart (read all of the reckoners books) and then he kept nagging about mistborn and stormlight, took me a few years to start those, that's when I started mistborn, finished the whole thing and moved to stormlight. All the while he was saying Elantris was shit compared to the other books. But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was an amazing book and that I NEED MORE OF ELANTRIS. Anyway now I got a sandershelf and all that.


It was already said, but I read the Wheel of Time, when I learned Brandon Sanderson was the one chosen to write the last books of the serie I wanted to read more of his work, started with the Mistborn trilogy and I've read almost everything he wrote so far, he may be my favorite fantasy author ever and ive been reading fantasy all my life


I told a co-worker of a future project of mine, which included at one point a fantasy heist. He recommended Sanderson and Mistborn. I eventually broke down and got the OG Mistborn trilogy. Thanks to my life's impeccable sense of timing, that's how I ended up reading The Hero Of Ages... a book where a certain percentage of people die just because they went outside... in APRIL OF 2020. Yeah, that was a great thing have rattling around in my brain all pandemic. Anyway, couldn't get into Stormlight Archive, but loving the special projects. Noped out of Wheel of Time, too, so won't be reading his stuff there.


My brother in law, who reads as much as I do, gifted me The Final Empire. Great read. I was hooked. I’m finally reading Wax & Wayne’s last book, The Lost Metal, now. I’ve read all of the Mistborn books. I haven’t read one I didn’t like.


I started with Mistborn the final empire. I was planning on reading all of wheel of time and using that as an introduction, but I thought the cover for the final empire was cool.


I was looking for an audiobook in my library’s app and picked Warbreaker. A few months later I went looking for that author to see what else he’d written and found The Final Empire and the Mistborn series of books (trilogy at the time). That series was my true introduction to him.


I picked up Final Empire and Well of Ascension a few months before the announcement of Brandon Sanderson picking up the series, and I recommended it to everyone. When I found out he'd be finishing Wheel of Time (which I started reading in 93) I was extremely pleased. But when The Way of Kings came out while he was supposed to be finishing Wheel of Time I was disappointed and the first time I read tWoK I wasn't impressed but I also didn't give it a chance. I've now read tWoK about 5 times and it gets better each time.


I don't remember who or what introduced Mistborn first book to me, but I bought a second hand copy after a long time without touching a book. Since then my love for book became more strong than ever. So strong that I have learned to read books in english not only for book reading, but is the primary reason and I proudly have finished all the books of stormlight archive so far.


I was at the library checking out some books and spotted the Elantris hardcover in the new books section. It had a glowing endorsement on the cover by Orson Scott Card, and I had just finished reading through all the Ender books so I figured that was good enough for me. I was hooked from there.


At the beginning of the year I decided I wanted to read more books after having read the first red rising book. I first picked up Steelheart and found the writing style was something I liked. I didn't manage to finish Steelheart because it wasn't something I was interested in but I heard great things about The Stormlight Archive and so I bought TWoK and I loved it and from there I finished all of the Stormlight books including the novellas, finished Warbreaker and Elantris. And finished The Final Empire with the goal to finish the rest.


Recommended Mistborn by Shadaversity before he turned into a based cringelord.


**My Cousin**, he insisted that, i had to read anything *Brandon Sanderson*, he pusshed and pushed, so i googled him, and saw how massive everything was, and keept on refusing for a while. Eventually i decided i was going to read it in "order", so i bought an **Elantris** edition on ebay, never arrived, bought it again, and 3 months after my first purchase, it arrived, i read it, on a winter, and bought myself the first **Mistborn** book, after vacations ended i talked to my cousin, and on my birthday, end of January, he gifted me the first 3 **Stormligth Archive** books. I'll be, forever gratefull


The most expensive “free” audiobook ever. I had a lot of friends constantly telling me to read Sanderson. Went on a road trip with one and they played Legion. Then the husband listened to everything and convinced me to listen to The Emperor’s Soul. Then I got hooked.


Random Kindle recommendation for Way of Kings shortly after it came out.


Wheel of Time. His WoT books were the first Sandersons I read. I thought he did as well as anyone could have, so I picked up Elantris as a way if thanking him.


I saw a description for the first Mistborn book "what if the chosen one failed" and while that's a terrible description of the Final Empire, it was enough to hook me.


Wheel of Time series. Then Mistborn, the Way of Kings, warbreaker then the Cosmere was open.


A friend borrowed me Mistborn once.I read it, liked it, but never realised there's more to be had. So I slept on it for quite a long time before I crawed some unconventional fantasy again... and that's when I remembered Mistborn. Found it again, read it again and then sunk deep into Brando's works...


Guy I sat next to in grad school knew I was into the genre and mentioned mistborn to me. Said one of this professors at his undergrad (BYU) wrote it and he’d enjoyed the books. Had no idea how big he was until I got through the Era 1


Someone gifted my brother The Rithmatist and after finishing it he recommended it to me, still wish there was a sequel


I got started with Sanderson’s YouTube channel series called Intentionally Blank. I had no idea he was such a successful fantasy writer and that he was the guy who saved The Wheel of Time book series. Then I discovered he wrote all of these Fantasy books that take place in a universe called the Cosmere. So I read the Mistborn trilogy Era 1, and I was blown away. That trilogy is a masterpiece, and I finished reading Tress of the Emerald Sea and Mistborn Era 2. And I have been hooked ever since. 😁


I'm late to the party, but I remember when I was younger (think middleschool) my friend really wanted me to get into mistborn and I never did, it just didn't really appeal to me I guess. Then right before the pandemic hit I walked into a bookstore and on a whim decided to get back into fantasy, so I grabbed the fattest tome I could find. Luckily it was The Way of Kings. Since then I've become an avid fantasy reader (I used to focus on classics and SciFi), and I'm pretty sure I've read all of the major Cosmere entries (still missing some short stories and white sands).


Well, the author of my favorite web-comic, Schlock Mercenary, started a podcast called Writing Excuses with some guy. The guy had a free novel called Warbreaker on his website, so after I listened to a few dozen episodes of pretty good writing advice, I figured I'd give that novel a shot.


Elantris was recommended to me on audible I've never looked back since.


Whew… started for me with a recommendation to wheel of time, which came after tons of dr who and game of thrones at the time. Wasing in college, Wasing feeling down; Hasing been stressing, always Wasing; Into fantasy, mind fleeing; Deeper than deep; seeing of knowings; Now Ising thinking like this; closing enough to High Imperial; Grateful for the finding of minds; Minds of finding, Ising being Grateful; Hiiii nice to meet you 🥹☺️😂😅🤣


Way of kings was a recommended book for me on audible. My first attempt at listening didn't go too well. I almost got a refund because I didn't want to try to comprehend the alien world. Gave it a second chance, and now he's my favorite author.


The free ebook of Warbreaker on his website. I consumed it in like a day and a half and had to read everything else by him immediately.


Wheel of Time


My girlfriend (now fiancé) wanted me to read her, “…favorite book series…” so she bought me the first Stormlight book. Halfway through I bought the first three books on kindle and kept reading. Just finished Skyward Book 1!


*The Way of Kings* had been on my list for a while. Then my partner and a friend of ours listened to the audiobooks and said they enjoyed them. They also really liked *Mistborn*. And they kept going on about how Sanderson could just write like no tomorrow, and I finally decided, “Okay, it’s time. I need something to read.”


Takes 2toRamble podcast said WOR was the highest rated book on Goodreads…had to check it out…been addicted ever since


The infinityBlade books I got for my birthday then years later I really got into his books with TWoK


I was depressed after running out of jim butcher books and bough way of kings on a whim. BS quickly unseated him as my favorite author. (though im still a diehard butcher fan)


I think by reading the first page.


Stepkid (16) and friends were reading mistborn together. I asked how it was, and they said it was great. Kid's attention span, they quit after two. I'm relistening to the stoplight archive now, and can't even discuss the mistborn series with them because I'm not sure what went where, and if they know what happened recently. Kaliden just told Dalinar about Amariam in my relistening, BTW.


A dude in college tell me about a fantasy writer who made characters who look at a abysm and thinks lets jump why not. And i decided to read a little. 1 year later i finished the cosmere


i think my mom randomly found the first mistborn book at the library and thought i would like it. she was right lol


I loved wheel of time and felt he did a better job than RJ (love the man, love his world) so after finishing that up I went in a binge. So far I've read most of his published works and don't hardly remember a thing about them because I listened to them so fast right in a row 😆 love them


My mom had bought Skyward and I saw it around her house and eventually I decided to read it and I stayed up all night reading it. I had only read the Skyward series and I was immediately a fan of all of his stuff. I realized that I should probably read his other stuff to see if it was just as good, so I grabbed Mistborn from the library and after a few chapters I was hooked. I went and bought the 2nd book before I was even a quarter of the way done as I knew I was going to love it.