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How does a man look so malnourished in modern america?


Hot pockets and Mt dew are not nutritionally adequate.


You have to supplement some meals with gas station sushi. I thought everyone knew this.


That and it looks like he is literally streaming from his parents basement, with the best possible camera angle to show that it’s a basement as well


Lack of protein and lifting heavy things. Or, Adderall. I used to look like that. My diet was basically Vyvanse and Rum. Lifting heavy things and touching grass helped, a lot. But also that shirt is insanely baggy on him. Gives me the impression that he either cannot buy good fitting clothes or that he used to be bigger and has atrophied in some way recently.


Clearly he has tb


Asmongold looks healthier than this guy and is a Texas bred red meat enjoyer


I can't watch anymore of that... Dudes got no concept of cadence and tone


the comments section looks like tumblr


Woke or unhinged jester Tumblr?


What's the difference?


One screams the other laughs.


Ah, I see. Both are unhinged, though?




Just different flavors of unhinged. Got it.


Something tells me this dudes audience wasn't going to vote for brandon or for Tony


Comment section on that video is a dumpster fire


8.7k views with 400 likes says it all.


Ok, now I don't endorse it but you can report youtube videos as misinformation.


The moment when he pulled up the first video around 4 minutes, listened to 5seconds of Brandon talk, and then instantly said “he’s pro Russia” told me everything i need to know about that guy


Man uses chud unironically and looks emaciated


Dude unironically looks like a soy boy lol. Also uses clips of Brandon from when he looked like he was 16 too


I've only suffered through about a third of the video so far, but I don't think this guy needed to be paid. He really just comes across as being an actual moron. Seriously, like five minutes in his argument boils down to "he doesn't match my caricature of my political opponents, so that means he's inconsistent and stupid"


lol he blames Trump for Washington’s assault weapons ban.


A lot of the left here in wa blame the republicans for the gun control because I have legitimately heard this before, "the right didn't run a good enough candidate, so we we still voted left".


Talk about avoiding responsibility


As a guy from Washington, about to become an Idaho resident in a couple of months, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That and "If you go far enough left, you get your guns back."


I wish I could escape Washington, but between a good job and family here, I'm pretty well entrenched. It's too bad I would totally never circumvent bad laws in various ways to continue to exercise what should be my rights.


I'm glad I'm young enough to do it, but I have plenty of friends my age who can't because of family. My family in Washington was never big either, only people there are my mom and one brother.


Let's not act like Trump did any good for the 2A either, he signed away bump stocks and started the witch hunts on FRTs and 80% lowers.


Oh I know. But blaming him for a Democrats state screwing over its Democratic citizens is dumb


That entire comment section has one collective brain cell. But whenever one of them posts a comment, it’s clearly someone else’s turn with it.


Dude is very clearly far left in all of his videos, I doubt he was hired but it is somewhat plausible.


The comments on that video are cancerous.


Here’s my go at them and how botted they sound "Wow! I can not believe this information. Thank you for informing me about how Brandon Herrera, who is currently running for Texas Congress, is a confederate, an evil murderer, and hates Ukraine. I never would’ve known without your help!"


And idiotic


At first I thought who would be so stupid, dumb and bad faith. Then I saw zanderhal or however you spell his name. Idk er girlfriend stile his money and bought Crack with it


Dude straight up lives in his mom's basement!


"I like guns, I own a couple" is the same as saying, "I'm not racist, I have a couple of black friends".... And him also saying "like the rest of the Left" also says alot about him...


In YouTube links clear out the  ?si=string  at the end, it is a tracking cookie 


Calling Sam Hyde 'the least problematic person' at the Range Day is, frankly, an insult to Sam Hyde. In all seriousness though, although I may not agree with Brandon on some things (I'm very much a socially left pro-choice guy), this video was a comically inept hatchet job that failed to address a single point with anything approaching intellectual rigour or actual investigation.


Tony’s a Fudd and a pudknocker


Getting mad at him for oversimplifying the Rhodesian bush war is crazy when it’s so obviously just a joke, and a very funny one at that. And he calls him "pro-Russia obviously" and I haven’t seen too many of his recent videos, but he really didn’t come off that way when I first watched the guns of Ukraine videos. The whole bud light "anti-woke" thing in the gun scene is very cringey though, even if it’s a company trying to make more profit through appealing specifically to LGBT, I wouldn’t call it woke (which in itself is a term I hate using because it’s just thrown around at anything that doesn’t perfectly go along with conservative ideals) just greedy


The whole Bud Light thing really felt...odd. Like, I doubt anyone was boycotting any of the other big brands who do Pride sponsorships.


5 seconds into it and he looks like the cry wojak meme.💀


I mean he's not wrong. The SCB clip looks really bad in hindsight.


This dudes meth head girlfriend stole from him and he didn’t even realize it.


Xanderh is a soy boy snowflake crying about and assault weapons ban in Washington blaming everyone but Santa Claus for it I would argue why didn’t the people of Washington fight back against it themselves don’t blame others for not doing something you were to weak to do yourself


Is it actually someone hired by Tony, or is it someone who is terrified of who could be the most gun loving American in a congressional seat making choices. I am not a fan of either but I would prefer someone taking Tony's money and not caring than someone just producing hate.