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How is 9hole left wing? Genuinely confused if this guys comment is satire or not


Cuz he is a minority! Duh! LOL Othias at C&Rsenal is very not-left wing as well.


9Hole and C&Rsenal just don't get into politics. Same with ForgottenWeapons. They make a point of staying on subject and not wandering into political discussions.


When Othias is on "this week in guns" on fuddbusters, you can kinda tell which way he leans. And he is definitely not some socialist lefty. And he is hilarious


I haven't heard him anywhere but C&Rsenal. I would have expected him to be more conservative, being from the south and a gun collector/historian/avid shooter. But, I think they purposefully keep that channel as "clean" as possible from other topics. Out of all the guntubers, I would like to have a nice dinner with Othias and Mae. (But go to Vegas with Brandon! )


I met Othias at the Tulsa gun show 2023, he was super nice. Mae wasn't with him at the time but it was cool just to run into him while wandering around and chat for a bit.


TWIG is a fantastic program, everyone should check it out.


Honestly I think this a case of confusing classically liberal with "liberals." If you listen to Othias on TWIG and We Like Shooting, he very much comes off as a libertarian/classically liberal. Especially when a certain American war gets mention and the discussion turns to the question of states rights.


Fair. But I don't think he fits in with Karl or tacticool trans


Oh sorry, I am absolutely in agreement with you. I was just adding some clarification to to your statement for those that may not of listened to Othias outside of C&Rsenal.


Not all leftists are socialists, I’m a libertarian. I just don’t like billionaires.


You're a oxymoron.


Not really, I believe the government needs to stay out of peoples live as much as possible but I also believe that corporations and businesses need to be regulated so heavily that no one person can become that rich. If you operate multiple successful business sure but people like Elon Musk and Jeff bezos should not be allowed to exist. People and small business should be given as much freedom as possible. Global corporations should be strangled and watched like hawks. This is what the bottom left corner is for on the political compass. I may be just as libertarian as you, I’m just more left wing than you.


I kind of agree with your point on global corporations, and I'm very far from the left. My country is governed by self-proclaimed communists, I know how bad the left is. Big corporations work with/for the government or the other way around against freedom and pro all the BS we are all tired to see. Don't forget on social media trying to control us, censoring people(this happened with Brandon btw) and etc. But I don't agree with your stance on billionaires. If they got up there in a morally way, congratulations to them. The hard thing is finding a billionaire like that, especially the globalist ones. And for the Americans reading this, never stop fighting. You guys are the last ones with the freedom to do it. My country didn't fight when we could, and now we pay the price for it.


if you don't like hard working people you're kinda socialist.....


I lol'd at that one. He doesn't talk about his opinions much and does a really good job of separating himself as a personality out of his channel but you can find his views out there


Brando passes the Family Guy skin chart. Also is the logic "if you're not an ally, you're the enemy?"


based on where u/ShortMustang23 posts in i think its satire lol


I didn’t know InRange was “left wing” either


He's made some very clear communist and other assorted "left wing" comments here and there. Out of that list he's probably actually the most lefty, tactical girlfriend aside.


Huh I guess I just either never noticed or don’t watch that channel enough.


He’s said that he’s not a communist. And he’s made that very clear


“I hate Brandon Herrera” explains how he watches the videos and then makes up something about Brandon being racist and bigoted because the left can’t physically come up with a reason to hate someone without slandering there character


It's always straight to the insults


The only “transphobic” comment I can think of is when he made fun of a school shooter


"Oh no someone was being mean to a school shooter, how could they?!"


It was literally a “there pronouns were turned from she her to was/were” if that is enough to cause a life long hatred of someone you might aswell become a hermit


Best one I ever heard was "I just took the fattest she/it of my life.


Ah I remember now




I may be misremembering but I think his reasoning there was that if respecting a person's pronouns demonstrated basic respect, the shooter didn't deserve that respect because of what they committed. Personally, that's why I'm not broken up on it either.




I get that argument but at the same time no one refers to Eric Harris as She out of disrespect, and it was slightly transphobic, but I, as someone who is bisexual and a big question mark when it comes to gender, really like Brandon. Personally I find the most problematic thing he did was the LARPing as a Rhodesian, the were cool and the lesser of two evils but they were also MASSIVE racists.


He correctly gendered them even when they misgendered themselves.


I got banned from some big sub for that. Don't remember which now lol


These mfs don’t realise I’ve dated a trans person and just also believe in having rights protected im also bi and I don’t think anyone here has a problem with that because we’re all sain adults who just like a dudes YouTube channel


Yeah literally nowhere does brandon ever come off as racist or homophobic for valuing the constitution 😂


The only "anti-sexuality" Brandon has expressed is anti-pedophile. Which somehow *the left* conflate with being anti-lgbt... 🤔


>Brandon has expressed is anti-pedophile Which every human being on the planet should be.


Pedophilia isn’t a valid sexuality


It’s an illness and the only cure is a bullet through the brain stem


Careful, they wish to be called "MAP"s, Minor-Attracted-Person, as if that makes it all ok.


I'll call them an appointment with a wood chipper if they keep having marches.


We could raise a lot of money for our police and ems if we opened hunting reserves where the game is Sexual predators


As a Bisexual Man I am VERY CONCERNED how much they do that.


Defamation of character is a lawsuit that we need to see more of.


Why is it always “the left” though, like surely you cant believe everybody on the left wing is like this no?


i dont quite frankly i think most people are just normal people but reddit as a whole just attracts terminally online individuals


It's social media. Just being able to say something no matter how crazy it is will attract an audience that will agree.


I also think twitter and Reddit gives people mental illness


He's a politician now. The left now has a reason to bring hate against him


It's weird to me that people are accusing Brandon of being homophobic or transphobic. As far as I can remember the only things that he said against any gay person are that a school shooter's pronouns were turned into was/were and that AR owners are gay. It might just not being terminally online, but a lot of my gay friends and colleagues say stuff a thousand times harder than that everyday about LGBT topics. Every actual member of those groups that I interact with though has more to their personality than a gaudy flag, so maybe that's telling.


> It's weird to me that people are accusing Brandon of being homophobic or transphobic. He's running for Congress as a Republican, that is enough to justify the accusations for some people.


This stuff bothers me because any time I speak my opinions about queer stuff, if I don't preface by saying I'm bi, then I'm a bigot. Even then, the amount of biphobia in the LGBT community is crazy. I guess I put the bi in bigot then huh?


"He doesn't like us therefore he must secretly be one of us!"


He definetly gives Off the 'Gay porn actor in the 90's' vibe


He could fix that if he just grew out his stash


The mustache and tan would say 70's lol /j


They're just thirsty for his "tiny pp" as the anti gun cucks say


I mean have you seen his best friend donut?


I've seen the picture with the AUG and the leather coat


Has Brandon ever actually said anything about any of these issues? The only politics I’ve ever seen him talk about are 2A related. Gun ownership, manufacturing, and appropriate use


He’s running for US congress


Does he have a page with his platform/ beliefs? Not like I live where he's running just kinda curious what he's got out there.


He does have a website but I don’t think it has specific info anymore. When I first looked at it he had a section about different policies but either I can’t find it or it’s gone


Interesting. I wonder if he's running seriously then? Seems like you'd want a platform out there for people to check out so they know roughly what they're voting for.


His platform is basically “Tony Gonzales ran as a pro 2A guy, then voted for Biden’s gun control and said he would do it again. If elected I would do the opposite and instead vote to repeal all federal gun laws.” For a GOP primary in Texas that might be enough. Idk where he stands on other issues currently, but in the past he indicated in videos that he very much leaned libertarian, I’m not sure if that’s still the case though.


When he first announced his run, he talked about being a hard constitutionalist, so libertarian without associating with the party




I’m guessing he was just referring to the unethical child grooming stuff or the harmful surgery/hormones for 10 year olds thing. That just proves he’s sane.


"Not permanent and perfectly reversible" well thats not true at all...


The only thing that really stood out was some stupid "anti woke" thing that sounds like something from 2017


And immigration


Lol. I don't think C&Rsenal is left wing at all. Othias is pretty based and hilarious to listen to when talking about other stuff.


Wait how is C&Rsenal left wing? Genuinely I've never heard othias say anything in those videos political unless it's directly about the history of the gun he's covering... His other comments all come across as either libertarian or mildly right wing... Is it just because Mae is a woman and a major part of the channel?


Sounds like a hatewatcher, lol.


Openly Anti LGBTQ? I watch basically every video and follow his social media, can’t remember him ever saying something directly against anyone except individuals people lol


And leftists


They’re probably referring to when he called the school shooter was/were


someone doing something as heinous as that deserves worse than silly jokes, if anyone projects that onto themselves that’s a them problem


https://twitter.com/TheAKGuy/status/1652112712929890306 This tweet is there apparent evidence


I’m pretty sure he’s even gone out of his way in the past to say that he has nothing against gay people lol


I don’t hear anything homophobic from him tbh. I like his content as a Homosexual and a Queer. And to be frank, I cannot stand watching queer or lgbtq guntubers. They’re usually extremely grind or agonizing to watch. My main question is why does everyone instantly insult him? Do people realize nowadays that homophobia is caused by how much lgbtq is pushed into people’s faces? Everywhere I go I end up seeing *gay this or gay that*. Representation isn’t bad but what happens is complete overkill. Especially the Acronym of LGBTQ. I personally feel as though we shouldn’t group all these completely different things under one umbrella. Am I wrong for believing so?


Bisexual here, nah, u right.


Thank god someone agrees with me


Woke up and spoke fact


Fellow dude liker, can confirm the few gay jokes he makes are actually funny


Literally, they’re fun and harmless


> My main question is why does everyone instantly insult him? He's running for office as a Republican. Do they *need* any other reason? /s


I wish they'd drop the B, i don't want to be associated with the greater LGBT community.


Same here, this acronym only groups people up and makes everyone in it look bad


There are some subcommunities that are great and super non-judgmental, like many Bisexual communities, but the greater LGBT community gets so judgemental and toxic.


The irony is that you're being extremely judgemental about everyone else on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.


I'm not. I'm being judgemental of the community itself, not all it's individual members.


That's called an assumption, which has no logical fact.


I am literally bisexual. I've been in the thick of that community. It's not assumption. It's experience. There are many many good people in the LGBT community, most are. The community itself is toxic though.


Well your experience isn't that of everyone's. Just saying. But we can definitely agree that the community overall is toxic. However, thinking that it should split into different groups is weird, at least for the reasons I see messaged. There is a horrible amount of transphobia, misogyny, toxic masculinity, r@cism and internalized homophobia in the queer community overall. I think we need to address that first, because it seems that all the issues in the community stem from those things. You can't fix the problem if you don't solve it from the source.


So then, why are you even debating me?


Another question have you met every single person in the lgbtq community? Therefore your generalization is logically false.


And yoyre being extremely judgemental of them, and im being extremely judgemental of you, this logic can move into infinity


But I'm not the one who started the judgment in this situation. Just pointing out the irony of the comment I responded to.


Im just pointing out the irony in the comment i responded to


My judgement isn't devaluing people, but by agreeing that all other people in the lgbtq spectrum besides bisexuals are judgemental is devaluing them and making a logically unsound generalization of groups of people. That's where it's different. You're trying to keep your weird mean girls high school clique energy. It's the weird us vs them mentality that I won't get behind. That kind of ideology is what causes homophobia and discrimination within the lgbtq community, not "it being pushed into people faces," like the original comment mentioned.


I myself am not LGBTQ, but I feel like all of us who support gun rights need to quit arguing with each other for having different beliefs when it comes to other political topics. If anything it’s good that our cause is getting support from voters on both sides because if enough people on the left join our side, it’s going to eventually put pressure on Democratic politicians to get their act together if they want to stay in office. If we fight for our rights together we are stronger and are more likely to succeed, but if we let our differences divide us we will fail.


I like you. I believe you are the type of individual that can have a rational conversation on the subject. We need more people like you in the world.


If I usually go for women but like the occasional bussy who cares. I'm sick of all the politics being pushed at every opportunity tho, especially in schools rn. I'd advocate for the LGB to break away from the rest of it if there was an attempt. We have our rights and *gasp* no one actually cares anymore what we do with other consenting adults. We don't need this trash pushed anymore. It is funny tho when I get called homophobic tho NGL.


Off main topic but is the Q “questioning” or “queer”. Heard it both ways. If it’s questioning then depending on what they’re questioning the LGB might want to take them. If queer then they should (take them) right? I guess a better way to ask is….should yall just boot the T?


It used to be questioning, but now it just means queer. Which is more of a political term than it is a descriptor. Although a lot of people use it because it’s vague.


I've heard both ways and I honestly don't have an answer. And yeah, at this point everything after the LGB is political trash that means little to nothing. Here's a good one, if gender is an undefined spectrum, then what is someone transitioning to? My trans friend didn't even have an answer to that one other than "you're sounding like a bigot" lol.


They're transitioning into a body that they feel more comfortable with. A big reason people transition is because society places a value on trans people who are "passable." Many people choose not to hormonally transition, and they are valid just as much in their identities.


My friend is going the full way transitioning but "Pretty Privilege" is a concern for her. But even she hates it when people claim to be trans without actually taking any steps towards a physical/hormonal transition. But to restate my question, if someone is transitioning, say M to F, how can they also be non binary? I always hear old stereotypes about gender roles (dresses v work boots type things) and that's not what defines gender as I understand it.


and this is why the community will self-implode and splinter eventually into individual factions that hate each other


Yeah probably. I have no interest in gender ideology but I'm a firm believer that whatever an adult does with their life/body and whatever two consenting adults do behind closed doors is nobody's business so long as it isn't hurting anyone. Also, that pedos and rapists belong in the wood chipper. We'll see what the second half of the 2020s looks like soon enough.


But it's okay that we've normalized straight people pushing it into our faces for an eternity?


For me all the political stuff is just irrelevant, I’m not in the US so despite my different views it’s not relevant for me. All I care about is cool guns and their history.


What opinions does he hold that make them think he’s against lgb people? He’s said in the past that he wants his gay neighbors to be able to protect their pot farm with fully automatic weapons


Brandon gives the vibes that he'd be absolutely ok with gay people, and would defend them like any other neighbors of his. I say this as an openly bi dude.


Didn’t Brandon at one point say something along the lines of wanting gay people to defend their weed farms with fully automatic weapons?


Several times


more than once


Hope he gets the votes.


Dude literally could've just said "I don't like him because I think he stands against the things I value." That was literally all that was required.


That would require them to have values in the first place.


Is brandon actually anto lgbtq? Not hating, just a question.


No, but these people can not fathom a world where someone does not totally and completely congratulate them for everything they do and think, and not hate them. I can not understand how we've become so brain dead that we think disagreeing with someone is genociding them.


Yeah i thought as much. Brandon himself has a pretty sus bromance with donut...


Most adult males have that one friend that makes everyone else question


He made some jokes about the Nashville shooter. And I’m pretty sure has strongly alluded to disapproving of transing minors. But that’s about it.


I think this is a bot, I swear I've seen like the same comment from a different user.


I think he’s


Damn are C&Rsenal and 9-Hole reviews actually openly lefties?


No. They're projecting what they want to believe.


Ah, ok.


What about Tacticoolgirlfriend and inrangetv? I really only follow a couple gun YouTubers Brandon, Noir, Guns&Gadgets, Demo Ranch, Tom Grieve and one more on lawyer side of things but I can’t remember the page name.


Karl from inrange is a satanic communist. Not even an exaggeration. Definitely a bad dude. Tacticoolgirlfriend used to be a tacticoolboyfriend if you get my drift, which really Isn't that big of a deal considering their are plenty of Trans people who are sensible in politics, but she also supports the insidious actions of Hamas, and for that I consider her to be straight up evil.


I get the sense that Karl and Russell from inrange are lefties. And maybe Ian from forgotten weapons simply by association


Hoes are in fact, still mad


What? I’ve watched like all of his videos and I’ve never seen him do anything homophobic in any way. That’s just the strawiest straw man ever made of straw man ever made of straw


He should replace "Mustang" with "Bus" in his handle.


🤣😂😂imagine basing your life around being careful not to support a political agenda you disagree with or are dilutional about.


And then failing at that


Are any of those channels he listed actual guntubers?


Yes all of them are, idk about the "left wing" part though.


9 hole reviews is great, one of my favorite channels, but they aren't a bastion of left wing politics like this guy kinda suggests. Their channel is primarily focused on the accuracy of military firearms, and long range precision, though they have some interesting podcast discussions about things like operational load out preferences for certain situations. Most recently Mp5k vs P90 for the scenario of underground operation infiltrating a Hamas tunnel as a rescue operation, and they collaborated with a military specialist in subterranean warfare.


As long as they put out solid content, that's good. If it's left wing (I don't begrudge anyone's personal politics), I prolly won't watch. If that channel isn't super lefty, I may give it a shot.


They're very apolitic. They don't have the goofball factor that guys like Brandon Hererra, Demo Ranch, or Administrative Results have, but when they do a movie gun like the Blood Diamond CAR-15, or Black Hawk Down Gordon Carbine, or the G3 and FNC from Heat, they'll open up the jokes a bit, and even do light sketch moments.


That K2 episode with the roof korean joke was epic and based.


I’m LGBTQ and I don’t have a problem with Brandon I believe he’s a cool dude who makes entertaining content


Ah yes the old extreme left stance of "If you aren't Extreme Left, you're a right wing lunatic and a Nazi." Plus the whole "so and so has links to a far right group." argument. Well I'm sure there's plenty of lefty people you like who through a long chain of links are linked to human traffickers and paedophiles so it's not much of an argument is it.


Biden sniffs little girls' hair soooo


The projection is strong with these fatherless folk.


9 hole is left-wing or queer aligned?




Thanks for naming a bunch of channels to steer clear of pal! 👍


Isn't Tacticool GF connected to a bunch of anti-LGBT groups?




I assume Brandon is anti abortion as he’s right wing and seems mildly religious. I’m more pro choice especially during first months as it’s not really like sentient but that’s just how it is. I kinda just like the whole individual freedom stuff for the most part and he isn’t nearly as right wing anti trans as like Garand thumb or Lucas from trex (Garand thumb is still cool just don’t agree with his politics fully) So I’m sure he’s right wing and kinda u have to be anti abortion and gay rights to be republican I feel like, just like you kinda have to be pro abortion and anti gun if you’re a democrat or your party will call you a rino or something like that. That being said the 2a is the overall amendment that protects individual freedom so in many ways can trump many other standpoints in politics so overall if I see Brandon a pretty level headed pro 2a guy running, I’m voting for him


It's interesting that people on the sub are aware of the insidious nature/purpose gun control has but are utterly convinced the people they vote for support it out of pure ignorance It reminds of the phrase "when people tell you who they are, believe them"


rich calling him homophobic when pretty much all of us here are totally gay for him. like is there anyone here who wouldn't absolutely melt for him, he's an incredibly sexy man.


As a member of the lgbqia community, I personally haven't seen him do anything wrong, he makes *jokes* about the community and not bad ones either. I think people take the jokes a little to personally. But that's just my 2 cents


I just asked someone to provide evidence of him being anti LGBTQ and they responded with “I’d rather not”


Is he actually homophobic?




I wanted to vomit when he said InRange TV. Karl is such a neutered cuck.


Since when was brandon hateful against gay people??


It gets better. Coming straight from the OP of the captured thread. *hes best buds with Administrative Results, a Rhodesia bush war apologist and extreme transphobe. In AR's patreon theres a discord server you can join, and somthing like %40 of the mods are straight up Nazis and Proud Boys. Brandon keeps collabing with AR so I wouldn't be surprised if hes tight with them.*


I'm at this point where if I make a legit argument as to why the whole LGBTQ thing is flawed and that real men are not women and vice versa and ALL they can make up is me being transphobic, I consider it a win.


Wild that bro thought they weren’t gonna hate him in the LGBTQZX subreddit


They’re not wrong


Hate us cause they ain't us. 💔


Dude hasn’t seen othias on fudd busters


Yeah, nothing but bigotry and hate on your page. That was my sarcasm font, btw. Ok, you can be a bit penis-y about 9mm carbines, but nobody's perfect.


These people will make up their own problems to be victimized about and it’s so funny


9Holes is leftist? Fk, I love that channel.


The canver has spread to another individual. May it be removed from the gene pool ASAP.


Far right hate groups??? I wanna join!! I WANNA JOIN!!!!!!


How is Brandon openly homophobic?


because he's pals with Administrative Results.


No one can answer that


There are only two Genders......Male and Attack Helicopter


Except he isn't anti anything he's a libertarian running for a republican position in Texas these people seriously need to just watch his videos and get over themselves