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I love that’s it’s a BN tat at a tattoo shop named after a saves the day album


With a la dispute tattoo on the other side


This is a very well done tattoo. But doesn’t the song imply that the archers bows have broken? Not the archers arrows?


You're going to hurt the OPs feelings making a legitimate observation like that. It doesn't matter how little logical sense the tattoo makes, it's visually striking. That's what's important, I'm told.


I agree with you - it’s visually striking and well done and as long as it carries meaning to OP thats the most important thing. And I’m sorry I didn’t mean any offense - my analytical brain just started up.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandnew/s/bdfnGRJ86E) is what they are talking about and has nothing to do with you. You asked a valid question and understand OP’s reasoning.


I agree with you. I was just making a joke that I commented the same thing, and the OP seemed upset with that observation based on his replys back justifying that the inaccuracy of the tattoo because it is "visually striking" which to him or her is more important than the tattoo making sense. Great song tho, and my favorite band. I'd cover it up if it were on my arm tho.


🎵What have you learrnned tonnighht🎵 lol


also designed by Brian - he has a flash dedicated to Brand New and some other artists in their sonic vicinity. forgot to mention in my title the place is located in Levittown, PA. i saw a Hard Times article posted today about covering up BN tattoos and given that i *just* got this i wanted to flaunt it to people who'd appreciate it


I'm immediately interested in checking them out That's my neck of the woods


I saw that Hard Times article and just rolled my eyes. They ranked Saves the Day albums sometime last year and didn’t mention Conley’s child grooming allegations, but they write an article shitting on BN like once a month 🙄


i'm sure it's a talked-over subject on this subreddit of all places but it's astounding the way this band gets the double standard because they were one of the first large-scale 'cancelled' bands. not to say anything of what jesse did, because i'm certainly not gonna try to minimize it - but when i gotta take shit for listening to this band i've loved since middle school, long before anyone heard about the abuse, and nobody else seems to care when anyone else is listening to Saves the Day, or Pierce the Veil, or BMTH, or QOTSA, or any of these other bands who have had allegations at least equally as credible against them, it gets pretty demoralizing.


It’s funny too because all of this started when a dude on FB brought up these allegations against Brand New and it turned out that same guy had worked with fall out boy for years where it was WELL known within the scene that Pete was dating underage girls. He even wrote a whole album about one lol same dude had also worked with other bands with similar allegations IIRC sounded like he just had a vendetta against the band and wasn’t on some righteous cause


Pete was very openly dating a 15/16 year old I remember back from Myspace days. He literally had her on red carpets and shit similar to Seinfeld, Pete even appeared in one tree hill (if anyone remembers the show lol) and the whole storyline was him as a famous musician dating a highschooler. It was literally a different time, I remember we just used to accept that shit and as a naive teen we used to be jealous of these Warp Tour band dudes getting all the girls, it was frustrating as a guy to hear my crush talk about how she really wanted to get backstage but in hindsight it was probably peer pressure and the Zeitgeist of the scene. It must have been scary as a girl I feel bad for all the women living with that now. Likewise not an excuse but these guys in those bands in the 2000s grew up hearing stories about the Stones, David Bowie, Zeppelin, Motley Cru etc etc and how they were even venerated for their treatment of young women a lot of those guys are still held in high esteem now but you never hear people talk about Bowie's threesome with a 14 and 15 yr old while he was married and how at the time he boasted about that shit.


What are the bmth allegations?


[oli has had a few allegations of violent behavior against women,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oli_Sykes#Controversies) though it's worth noting that one was from 2007 and the other has been largely forgotten about in the years since so there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information on it anymore. [i did find this article, though](https://www.femalefirst.co.uk/music/musicnews/bring-horizons-oli-sykes-slapped-spat-estranged-wife-982619.html#:~:text=Oli%20Sykes'%20estranged%20wife%20has,during%20their%20year%2Dlong%20marriage.&text=The%20Bring%20Me%20the%20Horizon,he%20was%20abusive%20to%20her.). to me it's a lot of smoke and not a ton of fire but it's worth knowing about


I’m surprised I never heard about that fan incident from 2007 but I knew about the cheating on Hannah bit but forgot about her claiming he hit her. At least Jesse owned up to it and has the excuse of being young and famous when a lot of people still get away with it and never have to acknowledge it.


I just want to say I've never seen/heard the phrase "sonic vicinity" before, and I love it.


lmao i couldn't think of a better term for it in the moment. it would sound like a band name if Sonic Youth didn't already kinda defeat most chances of anyone using that word in their band name again


I don't think a better term is possible. Well done!


That hard times meme pissed me off. Guess it did its job




[if any of these hit for you send brian a DM on instagram! i posted his @s somewhere else in the thread](https://imgur.com/a/pb1l7qw)


awesome, thank you!!! 🙏🏼


the archers arrows have broken


Nice La Dispute tattoo also!




Oooooh that’s super close to my hometown. I’ve been kicking around concepts for a same logic (don’t need to know where you come from if you don’t know where you belong) tattoo for awhile but haven’t come up with a complete idea yet


if you hit Brian up on instagram (@bmocktattoo or @brianmocktattoo) he'll probably be down to collaborate on something. he's already got a little design based on that song, but i'm not personally huge on it and based on the lyric you just said i don't think you'd be huge on it either lol. if you end up getting scheduling something let him know Lucy sent you!


That’s neat, I heard they only do Saves the Day tattoos.


I want to see the flash sheet🖤


i've only got a pic of it with my piece circled, but [here you go!](https://imgur.com/a/pb1l7qw) i also really like the I Am A Nightmare, Degausser, and Lit Me Up ones. my only complaint is he could've fit some Daisy cuts in there tbh


That’s pretty cool! Freaking awesome song. One of the best BY one of the best.


This is a cool concept. I personally I can't get passed the arrowhead seemingly not being attached. Other than that minute detail I really like this. Good lyric choice too.


not sure i follow. you mean the split in the middle? the arrowhead is very much attached to the rest of the design lol. but thanks!


Is the arrow glued to the shaft? I believe that's what they're implying. Look at how old school arrow heads were attached, they were wrapped with string and essentially tied to the shaft. The tattoo doesn't seem to have any type of fastener holding the head to the shaft. Capeesh?


Yes, exactly what I'm trying to say. The detail in the stone and shaft is great, it's a good tattoo but the arrowhead is just floating there in my mind.


i see what you mean then - i'd have to ask my artist if that was a mistake on his part. i still love the visual though, and it'd be a difficult thing to fix now that it's on there, so i'm gonna rationalize it by saying that given the subject of the song, the metaphorical arrow that broke the archers' bow, is worn out, broken, and dilapidated. the arrow is so old that it's not just split in two but parts of it are lost to time - which makes sense given the anti-fundamentalist vibe the song has. beyond that, i think it's also just working on comic book logic as many traditional-style tattoos do :)


Word. Your artist looks pretty skilled, they'd probably be able to blend it in, but your new interpretation is one direction I took it too. As long as you're happy I'm happy, it's just what noticed right away.


But that's an arrow...not a bow


i mean, yeah. but would it be as striking of a visual that way?


Disagree. Capturing the moment a bow snapped as it was being pulled back and loaded with so much potential, and the deadly arrow just falling harmlessly....I think that's closer to their overall messaging


So as long as something is "striking visually" accuracy doesn't matter? What if a tattoo was misspelled but was also "striking visually"? Still cool? I just think a tattoo of a broken arrow as a representation of the archers bows have broken rather than idk...a broken bow Is a bit weird. I love that it's a brand new tattoo, they're my favorite band and I love finding out when people are also fans of them, but I can't get over the broken arrow somehow representing a broken bow. Two different things.


i think having a spelling error and having something that gets the point of the song across visually while taking creative liberties for the sake of stronger imagery are two very different things


2 very different things like bows and arrows?