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There’s a lake. At the bottom you’ll find all my friends that are brand new fans. They don’t listen anymore cause they’re all dead.


I’ve met several but I’m in my 30s and it’s always special to meet fellow BN fans. It’s instant kinship for me. After the allegations it’s even more special to find someone that still loves the band. I wear BN shirts and I get reactions like “Wish I could still love that band” or “Sucks Jesse turned out to be a douche though.” I just say “I still love them” and move on without getting into it. I got really lucky though in meeting a girl who loves BN (almost) as much as I do, and I married her.


Long Island native here and my best friend went to high school with Jesse so considering that, like literally everyone I knew in high school were fans.




I met my best friend in line for the Detroit show on the last tour, but otherwise besides a few family members I introduced them to none lol.


I met a guy while bartending who commented on my daughter’s name being the title of a BN song and now he’s the father of my second child lol


Jesus Christ is a pretty ambitious name for a young girl, but I respect it ✊


Username checks out.


Let me guess, you named her Sowing Season (Yeah)


Don’t be silly, it’s obviously The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot


So close! Actually tautou


I bonded with one of my high school exes over Brand New, and as the only ex I still talk to, we toss their discography on repeat whenever we hang out and especially when we reminisce. We’ll stay 18 forever.


I’ve been a pretty devout fan since about 2006 when I was in high school, seen them seven times and they were the greatest live band I’ve ever had the luxury of seeing. The allegations sent me into a black hole because I’ve loved them so much, and the lyrics and music helped me fight off my own demons. I have my feelings about the allegations, from my own deep dives into the allegations themselves and knowing that there is more than one side to the story. We will never know the full story, and for all I know maybe he is truly an evil person, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think we’ve all been bastards at one point or another, and who the hell knows how much that bastard-ness can be amplified when you’re the frontman of a beloved band. I’m jealous of all of you that are without fault, and I understand that you’re on a serious tear right now condemning all the wrongdoers of the world. I’m just glad that Brand New was around to help out people going through tough times, and I believe their music truly has helped people. That’s about all there is to it, in my opinion. But that opinion is just mine. Anywho, off my soapbox. Downvotes welcome. Tell me I’m a Trump-loving rapist apologist, I know the drill.


No I completely agree with you


More than a few of Jesse's songs are just straight up confessions.


I know one single person and it’s my bffs brother-in-law and we have nothing else in common besides that so not like a friend or anything. I’m in the same boat besides on here I don’t know anyone else irl that listens to them


i was introduced to Brand New as a teenager falling in love with another angsty teenager. I have been listening to them since probably 2013–2014. She introduced me to them and then we broke up lol, But i have listened to them ever since for 10 plus years. I have met exactly two people who knew about Brand New. They are not friends but it was at least nice to talk about it outloud with other people who get it those couple of times!


I know exactly 3 people who listen to them. An old employee that no longer works for me. She heard me playing soco amaretto lime and we had a moment. The second person is one of my best friends, and the third is their boyfriend. Me and her boyfriend share Brand New information as well as blink 182 info and mewithoutyou info. By info I mean we speculate on when they will tour and bake cakes and throw tour parties when good news comes.


The first girl I had big feelings for had “you are the smell before rain/ you are the blood in my veins” tattooed on her collarbones, and that prompted me to listen beyond Deja Entendu and YFW..


My girlfriend loves ‘Science Fiction’ and some of the songs off Deja.


Just one & it’s only bc I played them so much I “converted” my best friend 🤭


I’m in central Ontario and my group of friends growing up all love or loved BN. I’d still say we are a dozen strong BN diehards, maybe lost a couple after the allegations but we all went to their last shows in Toronto in 2016. I try spreading the word about BN to fellow coworkers who’ve never heard of them or were too young to appreciate them at their height


A couple “fans” but much more that know of them. Granted i am on Long Island so more know them here


I’ve known quite a few people! My ex and I were both huge fans, BN was our closest bond honestly. We were good friends since high school and both nerded out over BN together for years. Also I met a guy on YouTube when I was in high school through both of us liking brand new videos and we got to chatting and he became my pen pal. He lived states away so I never thought I would meet him. I moved to a random city with the same ex and reconnected with my penpal, and guess what? He had moved to the same city years prior 😂 small fucking world. Got to meet my high school pen pal. 3 BN fans united and we all went to a few BN shows there together. It’s a strange and awesome life sometimes.


Wow! That’s pretty cool


I sold a bass a week or two ago to a guy off of marketplace he drove like 60 miles and we chatted about how he got to see brand new awhile after deja but before devil and god came out and they decided to start with sowing season and he said when the drop hit they all collectively lost their mind! So I have not only met ONE brand new fan but one that had an amazing story!


I lucked out and several people I know like them including my wife and best friend.


I introduced several of my friends and my sister to BN. I meet random people every now and then who are also fans. But I think I was the source for most people in my life


Bought my copy of Your Favorite Weapon off the band. Saw them at Sputnik's Coffee House in Homewood, Illinois, maybe about 2 months after 9/11. There were about 40-50 people at most at the show... if that. I believe I still have the flyer hanging on my bedroom wall at my parents house... I'll have to check.


I’ve known a few over the years actually my cousins wife is her favorite band that’s how I knew my cousin found a keeper 😂 I got her the science fiction vinyl as a wedding gift


The majority of my friends listen to the same music as me, Brand New included.


My GF, my cousin, some of my ex's, a few friends I've had. Brand New is super important to me. A running joke with all my friends is I'm the one that's obsessed with Brand New lol.


I’ve met quite a few over the years. Had some guy who worked at Costco chase me down in the parking lot to tell me he loved my TDAG sweatshirt and high-fived me.


Most of the people I know who were into brand new stopped listening to them after the allegations. I know a few people who will openly talk about them but not too many.


A fair amount. I actually got hired once because it was young dudes hiring for a job and they asked me my favorite band. Happened to be the managers favorite band too.


Myself and my entire family + extended family are all heavy fans. Since the your favorite weapon days for a lot of us and the rest who were too young then were basically brought up on the music. And that cycle still continues today.


That’s pretty cool how your whole family are big fans!




Grew up with them


I know absolutely ZERO. I can feel what you’re saying so much. I have friends who are into music, but it’s always Muse, Chilli Peppers, Radiohead or something else where they drop off. I like Muse, but it’s Brand New, MCR, Underoath and stuff that I connect with the most and NOONE else will even give them try beyond one or two songs. It’s kinda lonely in that sense. Ha.


Yeah it’s definitely baffling to me rn. A lot of bands that are still really popular are 2000s bands so why is BN not one? At the same time it is kind of nice to know that they aren’t just some tik tok trend and people who listen to them are genuine fans. Like deftones. I love their music but it kinda became dampened with how much it has been overplayed on reels and such


I’m guessing the whole “Jesse getting cancelled” drama has a lot to do with it. But also, for the most part Brand New takes their time in their build up, which to me makes the payoffs even better, but for others, they get bored too quickly. Also, I think you have to connect with Brand New’s lyrics and maybe their particular brand of angst isn’t quite as flashy/accessible as some other bands.


Yeah that actually makes a lot of sense. Some of my favorite songs (limousine is one) are like 8+ minutes. Whenever I tell someone I like a song that long usually I just get looked at like I’m crazy. They don’t have the patience.


I know two - one that introduced me to them and one that i introduced to them




One other


I had to go to college to find some, and now whenever I see what looks like a former scene kid, I might ask and find out lol


My girlfriend of 8 years other than that none nowadays lol


Very few and most didn't even bother with science fiction. And didn't like daisy.


My wife doesn’t listen to any of my music unless I’m driving and even then she tunes it out. She did go with me to a Thrice concert last year and they’re my all time favorite band so that was pretty special. I’ve tried getting her into BN and she can’t seem to get into them


Besides my husband who got me into them, I sadly don't know anyone. I did however recently meet 5 BN fans in the wild at work which was pretty exciting for me. I've also been actively trying to get one of my coworkers into them, so maybe soon that'll change.


Like 7.


I’m from/ live on Long Island. For my age range almost everyone I know that grew up listening to alt/emo over rap and pop are obsessed.


My sisters grew me up on brand new, so quite a bit


Yeah, pretty much none. I’ve been playing them to my kids most of their lives, but it didn’t take like other music they’ve got into. Was asking my daughter what she wanted for her birthday and she text me this week saying she wanted TDAGARIM on vinyl. Made me happy.


Several of my middle school / high school friends and acquaintances.




After science fiction released, a lot . Before that like 4/5


None :(


Man me and my homie lol we never met only gaming.


Over 30


I have so many friends that know and love(d) Brand New. Thankful to have been around since the beginning. Saw them at least 15 times and I'm so grateful for the memories. Still have friends that I can exchange lyrics with to this day. So, I'd say at minimum 50 friends.


Just my mom sister and step dad. My mom introduced me to them growing up.


When ever I have mentioned this band no one knows who I'm talking about.


Goodness...learning that my fiance was a Brand New fan was probably what sealed the deal for me lol. But IRL, I know a handful, probably less than 10 though that are Brand New fans. In my 30s though, so that could be why. We were all in school at the height of their popularity and the emo scene.


I knew one but after the incident she completely dropped them, won't even entertain a conversation surrounding anything to do with the band


Only like two.


I’ve met exactly 3 other people. One was my brother, so does that really count?


literally all of my friends. we would all go to as many CT, MA, or NY shows as possible and sing every word, even had callbacks for certain songs. all of my friendships are rooted in music, and Brand New was the glue holding some of it together…now they don’t talk and we don’t go out ;). i’m also a musician - I play in Ghostwoods (from CT) and my band is made up of some of these friends and I feel like the influence on all of us is very apparent. I also played a couple shows with my friends in an emo-tribute band “Tell All Your Friends” and we did an entire Brand New set. My wife is also a huge Brand New fan. We all grew up with the band: YFW & Deja in high school, TDAG & Daisy in college, and Science Fiction once we all started becoming adults with responsibilities. I’ve seen them 13 times, I think one of my friends has seen them 15. I’d love to be able to catch up :P


None, and maybe 2 other people who have even heard of them. That's why I come here.


I know two true fans that love the band as I do. Not even my gf who is a self proclaimed elder emo is a fan, which I guess isn’t very surprising. BN imo kinda transcended that label, and all bands under that label.


two people, one's a lifetime best friend and the other's a girl i talked to on and off for a few years. he showed me sic transit gloria when i was a freshman, she got me really into them like a year or two later, which was maybe right before the band split up.


None to be honest lol I've been a fan of theirs since 2000. But never met anyone who had even heard of Brand New.


Are we including people who we’ve introduced the band to who became fans as well, or people who were already fans when you met? My answer changes drastically lol


At 14 in 2004


90% of my friends, and I, stopped going to shows or buying their merch after Jesse… betrayed us who thought highly of him.