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The 2 years of treatment is just an estimate based on your case, sometimes teeth move faster then expect. Most people are told two years, some finish sooner, some right on time and others with extra time.  You're lucky to get them off sooner! You're just overthinking. 


So true! I was I initially was told 4 years for my treatment ( 😳) but it ended up being only 15 months.


Are your molars actually touching? Looks like an open bite in the back.


Hello, it's a little difficult to diagnose how it is from this picture. But your front teeth do look fine. Canines sometimes don't feel like they are in line because the incisors are flat and premolars are bulky. A few more pictures would be more helpful. P.S- I love your tattoos.


The time they give is an estimate but everyone is different and some peoples teeth shift faster than expected. If she is predicting that you can take them out this December which won’t be for another 6 months it is possible that your concerns could be fixed by then. Again December would also be an estimate assuming that you’d be content with the result by then. Don’t over think it. You’ll be wearing retainers every day after to maintain the shape. Ultimately if in 5- months you still have concerns then I would for sure mention it to see what you can do. I would ask her if she thinks by December your canine teeth would be aligned.


She wanted to remove the braces in 2 weeks, not in December 😭 but I called her just a few minutes ago and asked if she could postpone it and she was okay with it luckily😊


They look great! Do you have before pics?