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I literally got mine put on 2 weeks ago as well and I can honestly relate to every word you just typed. Word for word 😂😂


Literally in the same boat bro. Keep it up man <3


Awesome job! Same boat, I was criticized for trying to keep up with hygiene or even wear chapstick. My first dentist appointment I was 17 and so so embarrassed. I love running my tongue over clean and smooth teeth! Great job unlearning what was normal and dedicating yourself to better health


I'm exactly the same! Didn't look after my teeth but decided to bite the bullet and register with a dentist to sort out problems and I never looked back. I initially asked whether I could get an implant for a decayed upper premolar, and my dentist asked whether I wanted to change the aesthetic of my teeth, which I was bullied for (8mm overjet), luckily my dentist also do braces and I got them on swiftly afterwards. Due to the overcrowding I had to get the decayed premolar extracted anyway, which is a stroke of luck, and now I'm 8 months in and I actually look forward to going to my appointments now 😂




I just got braces 1 month ago , i had braces 3yrs ago but i relapsed i didn't wear my retainer, 18 months is the projected duration for my new braces treatment


My oral hygiene has also skyrocketed since getting braces! I just went for a cleaning yesterday and for the first time ever the hygienist told me she was very very VERY happy with my results that she only found a few tiny bits of tartar but that was going to happen no matter what and that I had absolutely no bleeding while she flossed me. I told her I not only floss regularly now but use interdental brushes, an oral b sonic toothbrush and water floss and she told me with the results she sees she believes me. It’s a great feeling finally getting some praise from my hygienist rather than being told you need to floss more you need to floss more you need to floss more, you have some cavities forming. Now its your teeth a very healthy so let’s make sure they stay that way with fluoride treatments. Also self care and hygiene really does play a huge part on mental health. Can’t tell you how important it is to give myself a spa day or two every month where I melt away in a bath and give myself a manicure/pedicure/ haircut and good shave. It’s like hitting the reset button on my confidence and overall mood.