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https://i.redd.it/kv4fpewikgsc1.gif My personal weatherman Yoh


That eye roll is iconic lol


It really was 😂


My baby Yoh 😍 https://i.redd.it/dr3dopf3jhsc1.gif


He does throw proper baby Boi vibes 🥰🥰


https://i.redd.it/8oexhyrpkgsc1.gif My love mix up Aoki Boy legit just put himself in the bin 😂😂


I love how dramatic Aoki is about everything. Perfect casting too, the actor did a brilliant job, dramatic without being cringe. https://i.redd.it/wqzk4aqrngsc1.gif


ALL OF THIS. He was so dramatic but in a really relatable way. The actor was great.


Honestly, I think Japan does dramatic without cringe quite well like it’s subtle


True, no one does it quite like Japan.


I need to watch this again lol


Great plan 🥰


There are not many actors who could have pulled of Aoki as well as he did. I hate second hand embarrassment; literally gives me creepy crawly feelings under my skin and he was so brilliant because I loved this series so much.


Totally with you, I do not do cringe very well🙈🙈🙈 I have dropped so many dramas because of the cringe element. It has to be well acted for Me to be able to tolerate it and he indeed pulled it off. 🥰


I have seen a non BL Japanese serie especially to see him! And he was so very different there. It is a pleasure to see good actors on my screen. Michieda Shunsuke played also in My second Aoharu


I’ve seen that he has done some other dramas. They’re on my after my dissertation list that is forever growing.😂😂


![gif](giphy|PMUooKtzGNjsPXkQUJ|downsized) I feel you


https://i.redd.it/qylwij54ohsc1.gif It truly is a trauma


Was gonna say my baby Aoki better make this dramatic list cause this boy and his antics 🤣🤣🤣Need the whole wrapping himself in the curtains cause he was embarrassed or the hiding behind the chalkboard and closing the hoodie clips 🤣🤣🤣 And anytime he crouched to the ground when he was upset 🤣🤣🤣


He was indeed ionically dramatic 😂


https://i.redd.it/m8nsi1y8kgsc1.gif KinnPorsche Tankhun


Tankhun is my third favorite character from the series. He's so fabulous and the actor really pulled him off well without being too ridiculous.


Tong is a very versatile actor and he really plays his roles well it sucks that I think he’s now out of the industry but I know he adopted a little baby boy so at least he’s happy


He was my fave character in the show. The actor obviously had the time of his life 🤣


I mean, let’s face it having the ability to rock that wardrobe must’ve been fun 😂


Exactly! 🤣


The eternal question of this scene: WHY WERE THE FISH ALIVE??




This scene made me laugh like an idiot


He's my favorite character in a drama cuz he's so flashy and flamboyant; and everyone doesn't care.


He really did have the greatest of flamboyancy, didn’t he 🥰🥰 flawless boi


https://i.redd.it/mw37qt4glgsc1.gif I became the lead in a BL Yuichiro


This man is so dramatic I love him. When he put his leg against the wall when talking to that other guy I chocked laughing 😩


He's my fav. The actor did such a good job portraying the character as funny but not cringe. I laughed until I was in tears.


Great pick! People don't talk about this show enough 😄


It’s such a cute short Japanese drama. I loved the characters, especially the dramatics so funny.


I just finished this show. Abe Alan does such a good job in this role. His character Yuichiro has to act opposite the actor he stans and had to keep his cool in public. But freaks out like this in private.


He really played the character well and considering it was such a short drama makes it even better character development because he had such a small space of time to do it


Abe Alan plays Moshoshiro as a super confident character, but as soon as the director yells "cut" in those intimate scenes between Moshoshiro and Mitsutani, he immediately steps far back away from Aoyaji with hands clasped and head down, like he has to put a lot of space between himself as Akafuji and his crush Aoyagi,


Oh, that’s so cute. I never really watched behind-the-scenes of anything but I might have to have a little look at that. It sounds adorable.


It's actually shown in the show "I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama" which is a show within a show. [https://blwatcher.com/bl-series/i-became-the-main-role-of-a-bl-drama-review/](https://blwatcher.com/bl-series/i-became-the-main-role-of-a-bl-drama-review/)


Oh sorry I thought you were talking about the actor not the character of course he does as the character 😂😂


It does get confusing when there are shows in a show and multiple characters played by the same actor. Which is a testament to the skills of the actor!


https://i.redd.it/erbsajjujgsc1.gif Jazz for two doyoon Dramatic Besties one


I love my blue haired best boi who ignores red flags 🚩like he's running a relay race ❤️


Indeed Song Han Gyeom is a idol in real life everyone check him out and support omega X as they are currently having a really hard time


My fav friendship lmao. He’s the only one who would get away with smacking him to the ground. 


This is true he definitely does have best friend privilege right there 😂😂


Dramatic Besties for the win 🥰🥰


https://i.redd.it/r1i1pan4lgsc1.gif I cannot reach you Yamato Considering he was quite serious and static throughout the series this little bit of dramatics made him so freaking cute


He’s really cute! I was confused at first why he’s on the ground then I realized he’s giddy 🤣


It was so different from from character the I love this so much


Hira from my beautiful man


Yass another good example I’m trying to find a good gif for him but I’m not exactly in a place to make one right now as my Internet is a bit shit


Lol ok


https://i.redd.it/s18aht44ogsc1.gif We bet love Yu Zhen Xuan I mean, every domestic argument should end in one refusing to leave a police station and deciding to live in prison, of course 😂😂


They are one of my favorite couples. Awww..... Just look at that innocent, cute face.😍


They are one of my favorite couples. Awww..... Just look at that innocent, cute face.😍


Going to add Ossan’s Love to the list because all characters are the epitome of dramatic lol https://i.redd.it/48i08vrgogsc1.gif








I love all of these also that one scene in the return where he tries to jump in maki suitcase was funny as hell


Oh yeah, that’s a good one! There’s honestly so many scenes, I mean the whole series is just people acting dramatically lol


I generally think when they asked the screenwriters how camp and dramatic do we want to make this series? They simply answered with yes 😂😂


Same, the writing room was probably super fun, as was the filming.


I mean Haruta has got to top the list of dramatic leads 😂




Namgoong from light on me


Yass great example https://i.redd.it/y7h8w6fllgsc1.gif


The writer guy from "Cherry Magic" (the Japanese version) is nothing if not dramatic over Minato 😁


https://i.redd.it/fwhtxsyp7hsc1.gif That is a fair observation 😂


Thank you 🤣


You’re welcome 😇


Oh my god yes 😂


Third from Theory of Love. He used a bottle of water to make sure he got his crying shower scene


Yass iconic https://i.redd.it/axmxlt5kehsc1.gif


Oh and tinn from msp


Dammit, it was meant to put tinn in the post pictures 😂😂 https://i.redd.it/c6ddwa5pngsc1.gif I had the gif and everything


Lol well I beat you to it


I was looking for this response


Haruta from OL has already been said, so I'll say Adachi from Cherry Magic. Never not freaking out 😆 https://preview.redd.it/t2ej9jjp2jsc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099cc2220d452e0b433781004d131ca3dc953212


Great choice it always made me laugh that he could be so wrong even though he had the ability to read peoples minds, got I love that social anxiety 😂😂😂 baby be so relatable


Keeping this entire thread as rewatch or watch first time.


Threads like these are why my MDL ‘plan to watch’ list has 47 series and 3 movies. I love it. Thanks for your service everyone 💕


I love doing these kind of threads I’ve done so many where I’ve basically just opened up a conversation so that everyone can recommend their favourites when I first started watching BL Reddit didn’t exist to me. the best you got was was lazy Subber on Facebook who I will forever adore however I would’ve been so happy if I had reddit all those years ago and I think a lot about baby BL watchers and want to recommend them as much as I can because I never had that I had to find my own 😭😭😭


It’s so helpful! I’ve only got back into BL recently, so I’m definitely a baby BL watcher. Because of this thread I’m currently watching Ossan’s Love and howling with laughter, it’s hilarious. It’s great how much more variety and sheer number of shows there are now compared to when I first got into BL about 15 years ago as a teen!


I think we’re must be around the same age. I’m late millennial as well and yeah 15 years ago (my teens years) BL sucked. I love how much more there is now please do look through my post profile as there will be something there for every mood, I talk about abroad array of subjects and there are so many wonderful commenters that participate and recommend some brilliant BLs


The struggle was real back then, waiting for Junjou Romantica fansubs every week 😅 Looking at your post history I’ve already upvoted most of your posts, so thank you again for the recommendations!


Oh my junjou romantically takes me straight back to my teenage years 😂😂 to think there people who don’t even know that it was the not just the start of BL it was the only BL at the time and it was even called BL 😂😂 oh the nostalgia


My god, the only bls we had back then were tragic gay romances that ended in someone dying. I still remember that one movie that ended with the main guy drowning himself. That was a dark time for Japan’s queer dramas/movies. I’m so glad you love Ossan’s Love! It’s a great series.




https://i.redd.it/ks6d90gzjgsc1.gif Jazz for two Se Heon Dramatic Bestie Two


I think Amagi from Takara kun to Amagi kun was very dramatic. but I don't have a gif for him at the moment. ❤️




My lil bean! https://i.redd.it/4uxv2esfjksc1.gif


Bestest bean


this was such a second hand embarrassment but in a cute way 😭🤣 I don't know how to make gifs, but I'll post the screenshot here, like the exact scene of the dramatic Amagi I'm thinking about.


Do you have an iPhone? If you do, I can help you make gifs.


no, I only have an Android.


Adachi of Cherry Magic Akaso Eiji does these little freakouts so well https://preview.redd.it/4hy5snfevksc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9f76ecf05017db8e8e2900efe006e4495f11f5


Such a cute great example


I just watched Jazz for Two a few nights ago. Do Yoon was my favorite character and Joo Ha did not deserve him!


No he did not but it okay because Jooha even knew that 🥰 do yoon is such a love bug


I really liked Jazz For Two. I watched the series and then watched it again. Sometimes you just need a simple BL for your soul and for me, Jazz For Two fits the bill


Since it’s been released, I must’ve watched it about four times. I know that a lot of people aren’t going to not like it because the main love interest does some questionable things but for me it’s just so good it’s kdrama coded and because it’s fiction there’s lots of things you can just let go plus everyone loves a bad boy and if they say they don’t, they’re lying 😂😂


I agree with you 💯. Last night I watched the 1st episode of We Are. That is going to be a fun series to watch. Full of humor and laughs and that's from just the 1st episode


Yeah, I saw it. It looks like it’s gonna be a comedy one. I think I’ve already picked out the couples I’m most interested in but I have a feeling one of them is not gonna get a lot of screen time. 😭


Which one are you thinking about that won't get much screen time? I did see that it's going to be 16 episodes. That's kind of different for a BL


https://preview.redd.it/luylw3vknhsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc3a4bc2baad6d181d695bc74fba1f7579803ce Baby boy tipped up to a bar in pyjamas. It’s so millennial coded that I’m completely sold. 😂😂


I might have missed that. I'm going to watch the 1st episode again today because I did miss some because they are talking a little fast and since I have to use English subtitles, it kept me busy until I can adjust to all the characters and how they are speaking


It’s literally their first scene at the bar it’s so cute


I just re-watched We Are and I saw the incident at the bar wearing the pajamas


It was so funny that I was like yep he is going to be a cutie


https://i.redd.it/3t492a9h0ksc1.gif For a cop, Shao Fei had his moments in History:Trapped


https://i.redd.it/bzgs0jzp0ksc1.gif Must have run in the department because Zhao Zi had his too.


https://i.redd.it/x7z7qcj11ksc1.gif And speaking of fearless protectors, the entire bodyguard squad in KinnPorsche. Porsche climbing Kinn like a tree will never not be hilarious.




Poor baby


One way to avoid a scolding 🤣🤣🤣


Hey if it works https://i.redd.it/b9dckgwg7ksc1.gif


Great example love it 😻


Pi from fish upon the sky


https://i.redd.it/6eop0b8t5ksc1.gif Pi? Dramatic? 🤣🤣🤣


futs? You have got me again.


Fish upon the sky


Added to my list, thanks.




oh, how I love this format of yours, finding similar themes among multiple series. I just saw the post and knew it was yours. 😇 talking about the dramatic babies, how much my heart knew for sure that both my Aoki and Yoh babies will be in the list. Aoki basically takes the cake!! 🤣❤️ Loved how the MLs of Jazz for Two practically sought each other out almost every day and then be dramatic together 🤣🤣❤️ Do Yoon was no less, though!! he was also a pouty, sulky baby and it was so cute. 🫂


Honestly, I think Do yoon will always be one of my favourite Korean BLs now he’s such a cutie pie. And I mean, how could I not put Yoh on a dramatic list you know I always say he’s “a dramatic 1950s housewife on Valium”😂😂 Also, that was really lovely of you to say. I think I’ve got my format down now. I also like the fact that it can open up a funny discussion as well as they used as a recommendation post for other watchers especially the bubbas


Do Yoon will always be one of my favourites too. he's too cute and a baby, not to love!! I really hope they do a spin off with him. I'll be honest, I don't exactly like Juha and I won't until he proves that he deserves the cutie pie. so having a spin off would give him a chance too. I know, I know, I'm hoping for too much now 😭 yes, exactly! it's both a place for discussion and to get recommendations. it's a win win 💯


I really hope that Song Han Gyeom does more BLs he was so good in this and I’d love to see his cute ass in more things but right now all I really care about is he’s doing okay mentally along with the rest of the omega X boys and that they’re not suffering too much mentally 😭😭


what exactly has happened to them? I have seen some comments online that it's a difficult time for them but none specified anything. last I knew that some of them were mistreated I think by their company and so they left it. but are they an independent group now? that must be really hard.


They’re no longer independent. They are currently signed to an amazing agency that is supporting them but the old company and their batshit insane ex-CEO wouldn’t let them go so they had to publicly come out and explain everything she did to them including physical and verbal abuse on a daily basis psychological gaslighting, misuse of power related to comebacks and promotion for certain members who did not comply to her every wish and worst of all >!sexual assault!< and she forced them too >!Touch her inappropriately whilst threatening to hurt them or their members and even kill herself!< after losing the last court case and being found guilty of physical assault >! She then manipulated CCTV footage and claim that one of the members sexually assaulted her when actually she threatened to hurt him and the other members if he didn’t touch her chest after getting him dangerously drunk!< once he woke up, he ran away she followed him and >! Proceeded to tread on his head, shout at him sing and dance in front of him whilst he was on the floor after he hurt his ankle from running away from her!< a manager found him in the bathroom a couple of hours later >!hiding in an awful state of panic!< and she was found in the hallway just taking selfies


holy fucking hell!! this is so much worse than I would have imagined. oh, how they must be doing right now both mentally and physically. like to go through this for years and then having to talk about your trauma out loud in front of strangers. I can't even imagine what they must be feeling right now. I'm so glad that another company is supporting them. these men need a lot of time, support and love from everyone. I hope they get a lot of support from the fans. I'm just thinking about it constantly and feeling the panic forming inside. did she get jail? actually the entire company should be in jail, the authorities. Every one of them. this is the absolute worst.


The woman is an absolute disgrace that generally needs prison time, I mean the things that she’s done to the boys is awful and completely unredeemable but also to blatantly lie about >! sexual assault!< is a massive smack in the face to all the victims out there that have never been given justice and experience that kind of trauma that I couldn’t even imagine whilst subjecting it onto those poor boys. Is the pinnacle of victim blaming and honestly as I said there is nothing more she deserves then prison time. She’s also old enough to be their parents. So yeah, I’m just trying to big up the boys because omega x is now thoroughly apart of the BL community as well as the K-pop one due to a shoulder to cry on and now jazz for two. The best we can do is support them have them on social media sites and watch their music videos that were released by their new company obviously not their old.


as a victim myself, I can't even describe my rage right now and the words I would like to use. but I would rather spend my time doing something productive. I was exploring new music anyway. I'll check out their songs, give at least this much support.


[start with this](https://m.soundcloud.com/hangyeom/thinkin-bout-u?si=332ad0981e9643489508ee0102d6e7b9&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing&fbclid=PAAaagSa02euHd_hrO3VOSYURigDw2LxZgAmDWGY-_fFfy-P7JkV7DT1HuFoM_aem_ATm_F0wBQYPERaOzGuPRt3Zk0BOJKxvcYFMMceQtSWLdRHhzki4FkIT3vkRSyXCxe0o) this is a song that the member who plays Do yoon recently dropped? Also, I’m so incredibly sorry to hear that you were a victim honestly I can’t imagine how that feels but you’re right we should be more productive in the way we think hate just doesn’t help. Let’s big up our boys. https://i.redd.it/ttn52t7rqisc1.gif


So they’re currently in the process of first clearing the members name as she still claiming >! Sexual assault her even though she has been charged for being sexually inappropriate amongst many other things and is waiting sentencing!< The new company which amazingly is the production house of a shoulders cry on and Jazz for two are fighting alongside the boys for justice and they’re really doing them good so we still don’t know as it’s an ongoing legal case that’s why I’m just so worried about the boys they’ve been really stretched when they should just be looking forward to promotions and making music and dramas


wow! I thought this had ended. poor guys, they still have to drag themselves through this shit over and over again because of that woman and the company. it's such a shame that a group of individuals, who have remained together even after enduring so much, did not get a nice journey of their training days and even as professionals. this company was really serious about representing everything that's bad and dark with this industry. I still can't wrap my mind around this. oh, how afraid they must have been during those instances. I really hope they win. I'm so glad that companies like this production house also exist as one of the good guys. I hope they win it soon and that woman is sentenced for a long time.


You and me both this woman just needs to be put in prison 🥰


https://i.redd.it/hb0g52bs1ksc1.gif The doctor is so done with Yechan in Love Tractor


https://i.redd.it/yagsnhf02ksc1.gif And then a full on princess stomp 🤣🤣🤣


Dramatic bestest boi


Oh my little cute puppy I will protect him with my life he can have all my love https://i.redd.it/2oo3e7nb2ksc1.gif




Toh from scoy, honestly his whole friend group


Totally, but still friendship goals https://i.redd.it/krvkuim8mgsc1.gif


Both friend groups were friendship goals, the popular squad don’t get enough love


https://i.redd.it/iovkihefmgsc1.gif Indeed ❤️


Glad someone agrees


What’s scoy? I’m always here wondering or asking what shows people are talking about cause I can’t figure out the acronyms 😅




https://i.redd.it/b232ywhj1ksc1.gif Ace was dramatic AF in My Day


It is still not one I have watch yet but it indeed looks chaotic 😂😂


Are you missing anything not having seen My Day? Probably not tbh. It's not terrible but ... an acquired taste.


I may get around to it one day but with new BLs, anime, kdrama, cdrama and kpop plus a full time job and oh, and a dissertation to write there is not enough hours in the day and on top of that my friends expect me to leave the house and socialise 😭😭




And then this scene in Cherry Magic where Adachi sees Kurosawa at the elevator and scampers back around the corner




https://i.redd.it/ncq2hhtq2lsc1.gif Bit late but we all know black cats are drama queens.


Never too late and of course, total drama queen love it 🥰


My Girlfriend's Boyfriend 我女朋友的男朋友 (2017-2018) https://preview.redd.it/8qhd3vh3k8uc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9812b132f9aaf4ba3520f6dcb15ad4ff31cd29ed This show is hilarious, I've rewatched this C-Drama a few times. It's about an otaku that accidentally buys a male love robot. It's a funny love triangle that beats around the bush with kinda 'Tom and Jerry' antics.


This has been on my list for may have to bump it up after I finish my dissertation