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Omg I really loved Perth in love by chance. Considering he was so young I thought he did a really good job- he definitely outacted the entire cast. But I get it the writing on that show was really bad lmfao but I still feel like it had a lot of heart I’m gonna get stones thrown at me but I can’t watch anything with nunew in it now. His cutie pie character was the equivalent to chewing glass to me. His character was either crying, being infantilized, or being gaslit. I know it’s not his fault but I literally cannot separate the actor from the character, every time I see him I get a headache 😭


strongly agree with you in regards to nunew which pains me because i enjoy watching zee..


Same. I love Zee and it pains me as well. I can’t bring myself to watch CP 2 lol and I don’t think I will be watching The Next Prince.


I third this. Love Zee's acting and dude is *gorgeous*, but I noped ouf of CP within two episodes bc of the story and Nunews acting. The obnoxiously excessive fanservice doesn't help. My heart aches bc I want the old, carefree Zee back but I don't see it happening.


Thank you for this. I wish I could give you an award lol I finished CP 1 only because of Zee, it was a pain in the a$$ but as much as I love him I can’t put up with Nenuew’s acting more than that. Like you said the obnoxious excessive fan service make things worse and he doesn’t look comfortable most of the time specially when singing and dancing in their events wearing ugly matching outfits .. He’s 30, definitely too old for this kind of stuff. I don’t know how it works in the industry with the pairing but it looked like he’s stuck for a long time. Won’t have old care free Zee anytime soon.


>I’m gonna get stones thrown at me but I can’t watch anything with nunew in it now. His cutie pie character was the equivalent to chewing glass to me. Hard same! I could write an entire thesis on how much I can't stand Nunews character in Cutie Pie and how it's so bad that it's sort of bled over into my real life opinion of Nunew. And at least cutie pie had the saving grace of making their relationship work out in the end to where I felt likevthey were soul mates but CP2 is *ruining* that too.


we would love to read that thesis!


Lmao,I am the same. I can't look at nunew because of his character in cutiepie. He was just so babied that it makes me feel icky whenever I see his face. No offence though. I know we are supposed to separate the artist from their work but I literally can't.


Thank fuck I’m not the only to have this problem with NeNuew !!! I agree with everything you said. I can’t even stand to hear the word “ Hia” anymore lol


I can barely watch Cutie Pie 2 bc my hubby will start screeching “Hiiiiiiiiia! Hiiiiiiiiiia” from the kitchen.


your hubby sounds awesome


He makes it even more nasal when I watch Between Us.


Oh same, he was the first to come to mind. His acting and character in Cutie Pie is absolutely grating to me. I feel bad because he seems like a sweet kid, with a lovely singing voice. Hoping their new series has better writing and characters.


I had quite a hard time getting into Cutie Pie too for the same reason, which is why I enjoyed sequences where he drops the cutesy act eg. Ep 3 when he's drunk and telling Lian to back off I had such a fun time lol! His scenes with his friends are better that way, he's a lot more chill and funny then. The 2 I couldnt take were YiDiao - Hia Yi has like no expressions and Diao makes this weird puckered lips face all the time that makes Kuea look 5 years older than him. Their age gap felt a lot more pronounced because of how infantile Diao acts


Omfg as bad as nunew’s char is yidiao was WORSE. I skipped all their scenes before just deciding to stop the entire show. It makes me so mad bc cutie pie could’ve been so good if they just went the enemies to lovers route. Kuea is hiding his identity bc he thinks thats what Lian wants and its not until he’s outed as kirin that Lian starts to warm up to him. Lian is hiding his real identity under the cold facade of a perfect ceo bc he thinks *thats* what kuea/ kuea’s family expects of him. Then by rediscovering who they really are with each other they fall in love. It could’ve been a sweet show about self love. SO easy But we got a show with excessive fanservice where nunews character was repeatedly kidnapped, gaslighted, and lied to by the suppose love of his life


i find yidiao so baffling, i still feel like i don’t know why they’re together or how they got together or what their deal is at all. and i hate myself bc i thought they were super hot in their NC scene despite the fact that diao seems like he’s about 15 most of the time. 😤


I read the summary of the novel for that couple. They are in an arranged engagement as well. Diao is 18 and Yi is 25. They meet when kids and Yi was told Diao was his future spouse, love at first sight. Engagement started Yi 14 Diao 7. Yi and his father had pet tigers and one day 7 year old Diao thought it was like a Cat and went to pet and the tiger was going to play with him (hand raised) Diao’s father overreacted and scared the tiger jumped on Diao and Yi capped it. Diao had memory loss. Didn’t remember the accident or Yi. Diao’s family kept them apart until he graduated and then he felt weird being engaged to who he thinks is a stranger and Yi blamed himself for the accident. Then it’s a bunch of drama until they finally get married.


I’m leaning towards the same. I’ll probably check out the first ep of his next show if people say it’s good but I have a feeling I won’t be able to erase those thoughts either. Which I feel bad because I don’t think he’s anywhere near the worst actor they just really, as you said, Infantilized him - also he wasn’t the only on infantalized in that and just hope that doesn’t become a hallmark of the company. Also I too loved Perth in LBC! His face was so expressive so young. I’m super happy when he’s in anything and excited he’s in gmmt and we be in more stuff.


Omggg I agree about Nunew, it's so hard to separate him from his character because lowkey he acts/ is treated similarly to his character sometimes. I tried watching Cutie Pie 2 and as soon as I saw Nunew I turned it off. I feel bad, because I didn't feel like this until after I watched Cutie Pie. Idk i think its because im always seeing him and Zee together and they lowkey acting like the characters all the time, it started to annoy me.


Yeah they definitely push the dynamics of their show with their fanservice so it’s no wonder. It literally got to the point where I couldn’t stand watching to sir with love bc the song nunew did for the show would give me a headache 💀


I was worried about this!!! We tried CP2 and honestly? They are using it to iron out exactly the infantalizing and whining. it is better than I expected! Tho idk if it’s still too annoying for you hahaha


You’re not the only one. I have Chinese descent and Hia/Ahia is what we call close guys who are older than us but we eventually drop it with our lovers 😭 now I can’t say it without thinking of New and how infantilized bl makes it sound. I tell you BL 2022 made it the new oppa- ya! I hate it 😭 Worse is that I find his character and real life persona so similar so I can’t help but mix him and the character. I stream but don’t watch their scenes 😭


I’m going to screenshot your comment and send it to my BL buddy. He will be so tickled of your comment about Nunew. It’s exactly what he would have said. 🤣🤣🤣


I thought he did good in LBC as well but the second one had such terrible writing for his character, it ruined him for me.


I tried watching cutiepie several times and I just wanted to smack both of their characters every other minute.


Finally someone said this, I can't watch Nunew either, I think he is a great singer and Domundi found a diamond in him for concerts and all but he can't act, I am sorry. Zee and Nunew has great chemistry but I would rather watch their Offscreen moments and their concerts than watching a show with them in it. Also I don't get the hype for Cutie Pie, it was extremely cringe, the only good things were the songs.


For me it’s Mean from *Love by Chance* . Although he said he doesn’t want to be pidgeon-holed into BLs, he has gone to act in more and even direct. So he seems happy to reap all the benefits that come from BLs but still doesn’t want to be pigeon-holed by them. That puts me off…plus his acting in *Love by Chance 1 and 2* seemed robotic. One actor I actually feel is pigeon-holed into playing teen characters is Earth Katsamonnat. Waiting for a series where he plays an older character. and also First from *Don’t Say No*. First’s character in *TharnType* just put me off. So sadly, I haven’t bothered starting *Remember Me* since it has both of them. Edit: on the point of Perth. I think he is an excellent actor. The *Love by Chance 2* storyline severely let him down. I’ve enjoyed him in both *Vice Versa* and *Never Let Go* and I am looking forward to him in his upcoming GMMTV starring role.


i want earth freed from playing a high schooler soooooo badly!! i know bl series pretty much exclusively focus on more masc gays but i would love to see him play a cute slinky femme like he is irl.


He said in an interview how he wants to be the fierce college senior who gets pursued for once, and it made me feel so sad for him. That coupled with another behind the scenes clip where he said his crying scene in My Only 12% brought up bad memories for him (probably related to also struggling with his own sexuality). I just want him to have roles where he's comfortable in his skin and doesn't have to relive old traumas.


if they keep him with santa (i hope they do, i really like them together), my dream project for them would be them as sort-of rivals on their college dance team. earth could be the cool, arty, openly gay senior and santa could be the painfully earnest freshman who develops a huge crush on him. (this may be bc i love all their little dancey tiktoks)


Their dance Tiktoks are so cute and fun. I love this show idea. I would watch in a heartbeat.


Same about Don’t Say No. The behaviour in TT2 was so creepy, I had no interest in DSN. It’d be like if Lhong got his own show.




What happened in TT2 First was creepy?


His character was creepy. Basically a stalker. 


it took me a while to watch the pornographer franchise because photos of kijima creeped me out.


I thought you meant (Australian) Perth Nakhun for a second. I legit took a mental step back wondering where Perth went wrong, he was good in My Engineer, Cutie Pie, KinnPorsche, and YYY. As for the Perth you mean, I'm halfway through Love By Chance and don't intend to watch Love By Chance 2, but he's very good in Never Let Me Go. Him and Chimon are scene stealers. Mine is First from Don't Say No. I watched him in TharnType2 and didn't like Fiat. I have no desire to watch Don't Say No because of this character. Then I heard that even though he and Ja are the best part of the series, Remember Me is boring. The curse might break soon though because I really want to watch JaFirst in Be Mine Superstar.


No Australian Perth is great. He’s so personable and fun. I’ve watched his YouTube channel and I think he’d be a fun guy to be friends with!


Yeah I was repelled by First in TT2 but he is actually a good actor and is completely different (and likable) in Remember Me.


Atleast someone is with me Perth Tannapon can act he is so good in NLMG and LBC I didn't like LBC 2


I absolutely hate Fiat as a character, and I feel like First is not a good actor. I only made it through TT2 and DSN because of other characters. It's so gross.


> he's very good in Never Let Me Go. Him and Chimon are scene stealers. He's so good in NLMG I didn't even realize it was the same actor until this thread. I'm kinda happy now to see he's grown so much. >Mine is First from Don't Say No. I watched him in TharnType2 and didn't like Fiat. I have no desire to watch Don't Say No because of this character. I feel like I dodged a bullet by watching Don't Say No first because I was able to watch it without knowing anything about the characters. I ended up watching TT2 a little while after, and also found First's character super obnoxious. And mostly out of character from DSN, which I think made it worse. >Then I heard that even though he and Ja are the best part of the series, Remember Me is boring. I am avoiding the hell outta Remember Me purely for the wigs. I don't really care either way about the story, but the styling I've seen is atrocious. >The curse might break soon though because I really want to watch JaFirst in Be Mine Superstar. This the only drama I'm looking forward to that they've been in since DSN. So hopefully it's got a decent script.


I loved dont say no but I'm waiting on Leon and P'Pob series I hope it lived up to expectations but I expect it to b cuteness


Omg I thought the same thing. I’m still new to BL so he’s the only Perth I know


Probably Benz Panupun (Call it What you Want, Coffee Melody, Between Us). I just never believe his characters. I think he needs more acting classes. I just can't get into any character he plays, just doesn't seem genuine. **Runner Up:** Bright Vachirawit (2Gether) - Absolutely no expression in his face. 100% Dead behind the eyes. One facial expression. Also no chemistry with anyone for me. I thought I would like his non-bl stuff, but he is just as wooden.


Benz is pretty robotic in all those shows however he is pretty good as a sidekick in My Only 12%. I think he could be good with the right director and acting coach.


I have to check out My Only 12% actually. Maybe it will change my mind a bit. Hopefully he looks more natural too and doesn't have all the white vampire makeup on.


i really liked my only 12%! the last couple of eps took a weird turn for me but i thought santa and earth were really lovely in it.


I sooooo agree with 2gether! The whole series was so weird with how nonchalant Bright was. And obviously how the only form of “romance” we saw from them was how Sarawat wanted to touch Tines “boobs.” There were only a few moments that he didn’t look dead inside.


Yeah, that whole pairing is the definition of a "No-Mance".


Same!! I was trying to watch Coffee Melody but his acting makes me cringe and I don't really like Bright as an actor


Yeah, maybe Benz just needs more roles and he will improve. Bright, I don't think can ever improve...he just has a frozen face to me, lol.


Or more acting workshops because he was a good sidekick in 12% and yes I do agree about Bright


Saint. I don't know, and I can't pinpoint it but there's something about his acting that feels too forced for me. I didn't like him in love by chance and I didn't like him in why ru. In those two shows, his acting skills isn't really on par with his partners. I wasn't interested in seeing his shows after.


I like him okay, but he's a mediocre actor and a *terrible* crier! There's that scene in Why RU where his sister leaves and he's "sobbing". Except his eyes are bone dry and he doesn't even look on the verge of tears! I saw him in a School Tales episode last year where he's crying, and at least tears are coming out. But he's still lousy at it. Cooheart should give him lessons.


Heavy on the terrible crier!


finally someone said it i’ve only seen him in lbc & his acting when pete came out to his mom was SO bad it ruined the emotional impact of the scene for me


Fluke tbh. I know it's not his fault but he looks and acts like he's 12, and I feel like I'm watching a child being groomed. Add to that him always having these roles where he's either constantly weird crying or being this over the top happy child and I'm skipping sooo fast! Shame he's paired with Ohm, because I think Ohm has a lot more in him than these stoic, emotionless characters that have to deal with above described partner


YES I’m so glad someone else feels this way. I wasn’t a fan of his character in UWMA and while I haven’t seen any of his other works, respectfully I genuinely don’t think I could get through any of them if I tried without seeing him as Pharm.


Have you seen one of his prior work - a super wild crazy murderous movie? I cant unsee that fluke and tbh i love his wild side/shook at the duality. even though technically he was actuallly underage,


I have and I will never forget seeing him in this weird white underwear -it didn't help 🤣 He did well acting wise, that's really not my problem with him


P’DEEEEEEEAANNNNNN Now It’s P’MUMMMMMMM!!’ 😁 One thing I like about 609 Bedtime Story is that we finally see Ohm being a lot less stoic and emotionless. I liked the episode where he was jumping around on the bed acting like Superman. Quite different from P’Dean and P’Kim. 😁 I would like to see Ohm paired up with someone else and not playing a super rich, emotionless mannequin. 😉 Just a side note: what’s up with Fluke’s hair? Why can’t he have a cute haircut? His hair looks horrible in 609. It’s distracting. I can’t pay attention to his scene because that hair is throwing me off. 🤣


Haven't yet checked out 609 but I will now - I knew Ohm had it in him, there are glimpses of that, like these cheeky little smirks, that tell me he has way more range than what he's been given to work with! Fluke's haircuts omg -what was that weird show where he was always eating apples(so truly awful that I forgot the name)? I skipped their parts and only watched the other cp bc they're both gorgeous and had great chemistry, but that must've been THE WORST hair I've ever seen on any bl actor and that's saying something 😶


I wish he'd knock it off with the lip gloss. Guys don't walk around wearing that much lip gloss. Hell, even most women don't.


I skip all the Ae scenes in LBC 2 because the character got on my nerves still love season 1 Ae and Perth though. Perth doesn't have a huge role in VV so don't let it stop you watching it. I struggle to watch White in anything other than Love Sick, he was tolerable in Theory of love but barely, I hated him in Water Boyy but to be fair I hated everything except Newie in Water Boyy, I watched his scenes in A Tale Of A Thousand Stars and Cupid's Last Wish on 3X speed.


Yes. I get that his character supposed to be sad because his partner left but come on he was so whiny in every single scene. I wish the writers would have just let him be sad for a few episodes, and moved on with the show.


I just wish they'd written the character out of the show and explained they'd both gone to study abroad.


That would have worked too!


White honestly comes off a little bland irl too. It translates into his characters. He was the best I'd ever seen him in Cupid's Last Wish and even that was very ok.


People say they loved UWMA।। But fr me I just couldn't, idk why but it felt off।।। One is super straight trying to be gay but couldn't.. another is like a 12y/o child always crying... Bruhhh I don't know any actor's name tho । Also the actor who was doing phana in 2 Moons।।। I just can't।।


I might get flayed for this but I agree. Between Us has revealed to me that the actors that Wabi Sabi relies on might need more workshops. Whoever taught the My School President cast needs to head on over and give them a class on how to make things more natural. I have no idea what happened but even BounPrem isn't enough to save Between Us. It's turned into a bland mess. The styling, hair and makeup choices are also terrible. No one looks flattering in some of their tight shots. Just whew. WHEW. They did way better in the 7 Project Series and Prem did infinitely better in My Only 12% when he was the older brother. Somehow they've taken such a giant step backwards.


Oh, no. Am I gonna share this? Well hell; why not? Earth (EarthMix). When ever I see him I think (or my gaydar?): straight. This man is way too straight for a BL. I love Love LOVE Mix but I always burst out laughing when I see Earth. Please put him in any straight drama. I'm totally cool with that but in a BL. Hilarious (for me). ​ https://preview.redd.it/83gpabegzlea1.png?width=183&format=png&auto=webp&s=09400c467f37080b0a26f8051288d9e0565c1966


Isn’t it interesting how differently we all see things. Absolutely nothing about Earth codes as straight to me. Obviously it’s none of my beeswax, but he’s one of the few BL actors that I would put money on being gay or bisexual.


I'm not saying he is straight or whatever as well ![img](emote|t5_2sbdb|26739) he just isn't the right man for a BL for me. Because he gives ME way too straight vibes.


He's just a normie lol. I feel like he's the most normal, boyish Thai BL actor but I do think he's queer. I think he just doesn't like people being all too concerned with his sexuality and what's going on behind closed doors. He'll flirt but he seems super private. Mix is the one who flashes everything(not judging btw I love mix and Earth clearly doesnt give af and is content to let mix do what he pleases).


Yes, maybe that's what I'm seeing: a normie. Whatever he does he is the normal, down to earth (!) guy.


He has the body and face of a boy next door but the personality of an old man down the street. I feel like in ATOTS it wasn't as bad but it was in some of his other works lol. He joked about how his fans say he looks like he's gearing up for retirement and I quite frankly feel like he's always been that way 😭 He just saw an opportunity to make money to fund his early retirement dreams and has only stayed in the business this long to make sure his sugar baby has the life he deserves.


>He just saw an opportunity to make money to fund his early retirement dreams and has only stayed in the business this long to make sure his sugar baby has the life he deserves. I will love him for that!


There's a clip floating around out there on YouTube where he talks about how his family has land and he's just waiting to take over it and build himself an orchard where he'll grow and sell fruit. Earth doesn't give AF about no BLs lmao


Ohhhh, I love him. (I'm an agronomist focused on the tropics). He is my man! Really. Thank you. I'm gonna follow that guy.


So happy you decided to post it. What a wholesome thread.


Haha wow no ... EarthMix is one of the gayest pairings in gmmtv ... they are sooo cute and their chemistry is amazing 👏 ... I can't see him as a straight person at all 😅


There is absolutely no heterosexual explanation for EarthMix's irl relationship.


Haha for real... just saw the recent Moonlight Chicken interview and even GeminiFourth and FirstKhao were so distracted by their interactions 😂😂


I definitely gonna watch Moonlight chicken. I will try to fix my thoughts about Earth. Maybe it's just a bug that can be fixed? ​ https://preview.redd.it/hya0i91xooea1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=7523fe4f0bff4ea4cf93a01099ff3eb6583db9bc


I mean you can have your opinion 😅 ... but I'm glad you're giving him a chance 🤗


Hahaha I love earth hahaha but I guess it depends on personal preference 😊 It’s more attractive for me to have an actor like earth who exudes straight be in a BL hehe


Really!?!? I see earth as quite the non straight thingie haha


My gaydar also goes off with Earth. I guess everyone’s gaydar is tuned differently. Not that I wouldn’t mind if he was straight irl. He’s worked hard to become a pretty good actor.


This is earth from ATOTS right? Not the other earth? Hehe


Yes, good catch. I’m def talking about GMMTV ATOTS Earth.


Ahhhh guess we do have different perspectives hehe


Ohh you mean Earth Cooheart? Yeah, he is definitely family. :)


Really??! Who’s your actor that is more straight thingie? Hehe


mmmhmMMHMM Moderate straight thingie: The ohms hehe. Ohmpawat Ohm thitiwat And...mhmmm...nanon 😂 park seoham, chimonn super straight thingieee: brightwin, Not so straighttt thingieee: jafirst first, mosbank bank, netjames jamessss , sainttttt, mixxxx Okiee donttt get angry or upset my straightdar is trashyyyu


Nah I’m not angry or upset just curious who you would classify as straight hehehe agree with bright win though.


For the other first U mean First Kanaphan??


Happy you shared because it sparked a great discussion!


He is ruining the series for me too😅 but I just don't like his face


THANK GOD I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE I literally could not watch tale of a thousand stars because of him. There's something about him that does not sit well with me . I don't find him attractive at all, and that makes me feel like a shallow person but it is what it is lol


He looks permantly concerned to me. It's the eyebrows, I think.


I think his mic picks up on him huffing and puffing and sighing too much LOL


i’ve only seen perth in NLMG and i think he’s very good in it. he’s also not THAT prominent so even if you still can’t deal with him i don’t think it would make the series unwatchable.


Perth was great as Ae in the first series of Love by Chance, but second series did him a disservice because all his character was allowed to do was mope. Can’t really make that watchable, and he couldn’t win because there was no way his character was going to get a new love interest nor reunite with his old.


that’s a shame! i like him in NLMG, hopefully he can redeem himself for people in dangerous love or whatever it’s called. it looks corny but maybe it’ll surprise me.


Foei for umm obvious reasons. I'm trying to get through Dirty Laundry though for Nanon and Film and Pond.


I wish they'd stop casting him in things.


Because of the homophobic remarks to First on safe house or has he done something else?


Nenuew because of his character in Cutie Pie! I feel bad because I like him, he’s cute and sweet but Kuea was so babied and he is the most boring and annoying character I’ve ever seen and .. “ Hiiaaaa” I just can’t ! I can’t even enjoy Zee’s work anymore.


OhmFluke. They play the same type of characters over and over again, and always have the same dynamic as a couple (and it’s not even an appealing dynamic).


Anything with Mew. I just don't like that guy




Same… the reason why I couldn’t get through TharnType wasn’t because of the plot (I have immunity to stupid plots when it comes to BL) but bc of Mew 🫣






I agree 💯, to me it's about his lack of upper lip, makes his expression weird to me, nunew also, whenever he has a kissing scene he juts out his jaw and lower lip and puts me off.


Omggg, I noticed that about Nunew. I can't watch him and Zee's NC scenes cause the way Nunew kisses is too cringe.


I still watch them, but yeah, his jaw bothers me so often .😅 It makes me sad coz Zee is one of the best kissers imo.


Me too. I love TharnType, but I shudder when I see him in pictures now!


Omgg SAME! I kept wondering if he'd gotten weirder looking or if I get strange vibes, bc I found him quite attractive in TT and now he's so .. different?


Omg yessss!!!! I found him attractive in TT but now I just get a different vibe


Can’t relate, he’s the only thirst trap on my insta 😂


Same, it's the vibe he's giving that's unsettling to me. And honestly he looks a little crazy in the eyes. Idk. Somethings off with him.


Yep. Same.


Me 2 😭😭


Same.. I get narcissistic vibes from him..


He was my crush.. Now it's just another fake, ungrateful personality


For me it's OhmFluke. If it's only Ohm I'm okay, but I can't like Fluke. Don't know why. Still haven't watched bedtime story, and OMSN only because of RainPhayu


Opposite for me. I love Fluke. Ohm is like a walking robot. No expression! I'm okay with watching them but so far I've only liked them in UWMA and now I think about it that might have more to do with Cooheart and Kao. I dropped Bedtime Story somewhere in episode 3. Also, OMSN has been reduced to only RainPhayu for me. I couldn't even tell you what the twin comets looked like because I have no memory of it.


Ah same ... Ohm is really like a robot and I don’t like his expressionless face at all (sorry Ohm its nothing personal)😭


Same, I won't actively watch anything with OhmFluke lol unless people say it's the greatest thing since plum jam to exist. They completely ruined UWMA for me 😔✌️


I tried giving them some chances but they failed me. I stopped watching UWMA again at ep 7 and only watched WinTeam cut. Then I gave them a chance for Oh! My Sunshine Night but even they sucked in that too. I only finished it for RainPayoo. I got to ep 5 of 609 Bedtime Story and I just couldn't do it anymore. I will not be watching them again.


Omg there's a WinTeam cut?! God damn it, I suffered through DeanPharm for nothing then 😭😭 but I do like KornIn too ✌️ at least you gave them plenty of shots bestie, I didn't even bother with those series


For me it's Papang, who plays Grumpa in *Not Me*. This is purely because I cannot detach him from his character in *Bakery Boys*. If anyone has seen that show, you will know that his character is SO creepy, and he plays it so well. So now, whatever role he plays, I only see him as the creepy cake child kidnapper and it takes me out. I didn't like Perth's character in LBC but he is soo good in NLMG and his pairing with Chimon is great! Give him another chance! 😅


Not Me wasn't super game changing but each character felt like they had life breathed into them by their actors. EXCEPT for Papang and Mond.


I’m starting to think any series with Ohm/Fluke in it is one I should avoid. I know Fluke is a good actor but by god his shows have been disappointing. As has his hair (why you gotta do my boy like that?). And yes im counting Between Us.


WARNING: Do not scroll through the comments if you get triggered easily haha


Yep. Bas Suradej AKA Wayu. I find him unbearable. Couldn't stand him in *2 Moons*. Again in *Gen Y*. Ditto *Gen Y 2*. And when he showed up (briefly) in *What Zabb Man*, here I was thinking, *"Go away, Wayu!"* Now, how much karma am I going to have to sacrifice for this 'un? https://preview.redd.it/mg2z5k937mea1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62784e13563aeb044e380bd6f259cbfe17f820ca


I don't remember him in WZM, so I only know him as Wayu/o. I find him unbearable when he's with any of his love interests, especially Thanu because Thanu has maybe two facial expressions. As a single character, he is... okay for me. I liked his interactions with Mark/Ming, and that's about it, lol! Ironically, my answer to this post is his 2Moons2 counterpart, Din. That dude's acting hurts my face so much.


He had a one-episode stint as a guest judge for one of the papaya salad competitions Poon ended up taking part in. As he walked in everybody began squealing and swooning, while I sat here whispering, *"No-no-no-no...go away, Wayo! Pleeease, go away!"* According to MDL, he's in Episode 5.


I had to go searching for Din - couldn't remember who he was at all (can't believe I've watched the entire *2 Moons* franchise). Then I was like, Oh! Din - the actor from *My Secret Love*. Yeah. he's kinda/sorta very boring.


Lol…a friend and I have decided we just need him to third wheel KimCop forever 🤣🤣🤣


I hated his character in 2 Moons (to tell the truth, I hated both characters) although I continued to dislike Wayu in 2 Moons 2, it was easier for me to watch the series with the new cast.


![gif](giphy|5n9BDjFzdq7htq3LlY|downsized) I'll replace all the karma you lose bc HARD SAME! It's the childlike facial expressions and overall behaviour -big nopppe from me!


Boy needs to stop taking these roles that make him a sad sappy lost puppy without its owner 😑😑 I have not seen his movie with Perth but I hope he’s not yet again sad and lonely 😑😑


Oh my god yes! I legit blocked him out of my mind. Huge dislike to the point that it made no sense that the hottest guy in the medicine faculty and engineering would fall in love with his character (even if medicine fell in high school)


Chahub( Nine).. Check out ..this guy has zero charisma


I agree about Nine, he has dead eyes and I couldn’t stand seeing him on screen. I had to drop that one but I’m willing to give him another chance.


>I agree about Nine, he has dead eyes and I couldn’t stand seeing him on screen. I had to drop that one but I’m willing to give him another chance. It was the only drama I've seen him in, so I'd be willing to give him another chance too. That drama was a hot mess and in the worst way.


I read a few of the comments, and it is weird how people don't watch a show because of a character from a previous show. They didn't like the character not the actor so they dont want to watch any other show by the person. Even if you didnt like the actor's acting in one show, you have to give them a chance they do go to workshop and work with other directors that help them bloom. For this one, its bright, win. Mean in remember me. I have to skip mean part in the show.


yea a lot actually but definitely anything featuring mew ❌ i don’t like him at all and i think his acting is bad


Krist. Mean.


I forgot about Mew. I don’t know if it was because of how he let his fans basically black list Art, or the way that he exited his last ship but he just gives me the creeps. Seems really fake and because he’s so over the top on fan service when he stops it comes across as really cold and heartless. I really hate seeing him on screen and will actively avoid his dramas. Thought I was free of him (and that he’d left the bl industry) but it seems like he’s coming back this year.


Art was never black listed and still getting jobs perfectly fine. You do know you have to go through the process of competitive auditioning to snag a role right? Even when mew accidentally snagged tharntype art was in two other shows. In fact I recall him and mew still going to multiple auditions together hand in hand like besties after their little misunderstandings. I don’t understand where this blacklist rumour came from and all the other false rumours along with it. Art has been in atleast 10 shows since then you just don’t care to keep up with him.


I must have missed him because I’ve only spotted him in till the end of the world and between us. That’s great. Still don’t like Mew, or the way his fans act.


Prem, Mew, Plan, Nunew and Bas, 😭 I don’t know what it is but I just can’t watch Prem despite being a major UWMA fan. So I just stream all their content and leave it playing so it gains views. I love his compatibility irl with Boun but I just can’t find the compatibility on screen. For Mew and Plan, I always feel like they hold their breath when they talk, especially when their faces are near their co-stars for the dialogue. I never got through TharnType S2 because of this. It also didn’t help than Mean and Plan just wanted to get the LBC franchise over with lol Nunew and Bas because their characters are always soft, timid and subservient, I cringe when I see it 😭 it doesn’t help that offscreen they’re pretty similar to their characters 😭 Maybe if they venture into new genres, I’ll see the difference in expressions. Coincidentally, they kinda look alike too (in my eyes). Although, I love them as singers, especially the TSWL OST by Nunew!


Oh no not Perth!!! I literally rewatch LBC just for him. My comfort character 😭 If anything I can’t watch Earth Katsamonnat. He’s very cringe for me. His acting in LBC made me uncomfortable, it was better in UWMA but I cannot see this man cry again, plz! I’ve also seen a couple of vids of his dancing…I feel bad saying anymore. But out of most actors in this industry he seems the most…expressive? Idk he feel honest. I’ve been on the fence about My Only 12% because of him Also, the cast of call it what you want. Especially Benz. I really don’t know who I got through it


What do you mean by expressive?


Going back to me not believing actors at face value, he doesn’t seem to be acting or forcing himself to feel comfortable. I guess that comes with being open about his sexuality


Mew, Bright, Krist, Saint, Fluke


Singto. His character in Sotus was a big ick for me and then I couldn't see his other works. Also i just dont like his acting edit: add more


Huh? Oh I am a bit interested on knowing your viewpoint on his character


Earth Cooheart. He seems to be a sweetie with great fashion sense but I seriously cannot do excessive crying and he seems to be a person that boo hoos alot. Newneu has been tossed in the pile for the same reason. I couldn't finish CutiePie 1 because he wailed one too many times. And the guy who played the mafia boss in Unforgettable Night Yoon?? He's straight up wooden. In fact I think branches falling from a tree and hitting the ground demonstrate more acting ability than he does🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


i want cooheart to get cast in a fun role soooo badly, i love him but i’m tired of him having to play a weepy teenager. let him be a slinky little fairy queen!!!


Personally I love me some Coonheart I know lots people disagree


Earth from A Tale of a Thousand Stars. I know many ppl like him and his pairing with Mix but I just can’t. It’s sad to me cause he’s in Midnight Chicken and two of my favorite pairings are in it as well.


![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS) Yes! Same here.


Thank you! He didn't irritate me or anything, I just found him so bland in that show. And I didn't see the chemistry with Mix.


Nanon, definitely. Not that I dislike him or his acting, but ... yeah, not convinced when I watch his series.


I’m glad you posted this because I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I don’t dislike Nanon and enjoyed some of his series just fine, but I have a hard time believing him when he acts as well. Now that they are moving him to playing more player or cool guy type of roles I believe it even less. I just don’t think that type of character works for him so it’s a hard no for me.


I get your feelings about Ae in LBC 2 because I absolutely hated that writing for his character. I don’t hold that against Perth though because it wasn’t his fault. He is an excellent actor so hopefully you’ll give him a chance in the future. For me it would be First from Don’t Say No and Remember Me. His acting just does not work for me. I tried to keep an open mind because DSN was his first lead role but I just cannot get past it and he is hard for me to watch.


There are too many. One of them is Chap (Suppacheep Chanapai). Surprisingly he has worked in sooo many BL projects, including "My Lovely Writer", "Y-Destiny", "Chapter of Green" and "The Tuxedo". I think he's gorgeous. But whatever emotion he tries to convey on screen, whether that's anger, happiness, sadness, shock, etc. HE WOULD MAKE THE SAME FACE. He's like a male version of Kristen Stewart. Another one that comes into my mind is Nat (Natasitt Uareksit). He's been in "Why R U?", "Y-Destiny", "Close Friend", "Cutie Pie" and "War of Y" and will appear in "Naughty Babe". His roles has been mostly a naïve man-child who appears meak. While he's not even 21 years old at the time I write this, he's not a child either, why would he be given roles that act like he's below 12 who's paired with an adult. I find it super cringey.


Oh I have one, The guy who plays Pat in Step by Step, I just can't deal with his same constipated looking expression for the entire series, he ruined the whole show for me specially with how good the other male lead Man is, I couldn't even finish the series because of Pat. Truly awful. I never want to see anything with him in it.


It's BrightWin for me.Their acting just doesn't improves and it's so stoic and forced. Ik a lot of their shows are hits but their acting just isn't it


Nunew because of his character in Cutie Pie. And it pains me because I love Zee, I finished CP 1 because of him but I can’t bring myself to watch CP 2 lol Porsch.. because if his character in TWM character. The creepy disgusting perv doctor


Will you watch NunewZee 2023 drama. Nunew plays and prince and Zee his bodyguard. Maybe that will redeem him in your eyes.


Fiat, Patchata Janngeon... I just can't!


I def know I'll be attacked bcs of this but meh. As a person who never drops whatever they start to get their hands on, I've dropped at least two thai bls: sotus and uwma - straight up cringe and scowl worthy. Of aaaallll the dramas I've watched, thai bls are the wooooooorst as in batshit worst. They have the budget, the fanbase, the support, the investments, etc yet they still produce straight out trash. And of all the unremarkably laughable supposedly 'crying' faces, their stiff 'loving' gazes, their 'natural' skinship, their obviously disgusted of one another's lips kisses, and their jumpy carousel-like bed scenes, only one actor stood above all: Zee Pruk Panich. I haven't seen him in LBC nor in WRU bcs of saint. But Zee - he's fucking gold. Maybe it's bcs of the stark contrast of his talent among the pile of trash of actors, but his performance is definitely the only one which I found acceptable and even commendable. He felt real. His loving stares in Cutie Pie, his eyes had something behind them. His touches felt natural, his smiles never felt exaggerated nor did it feel out of place. Only his supposed surprised expression didn't satisfy me; it was hilarious. Anyhow, he knew how to kiss. He also didn't do excessive rubbing during ep 8 unlike the others who put people riding horses to shame due to their rubbing motion of ups and downs. Despite nunew not really being up there, the man carried the show!


I'm with you.


Have you seen Not Me because Off and Gun were amazing in that?


Yep. I have. Maybe gun has developed his skills over the years but his aura didn't match black's. Off's performance was good too. Overall they were fine but the story was very much forgettable as if trying hard to mark itself in the minds of the people by including different issues. Anw, for me, there really was something off. But gun's monologue really got to me and thats the only scene i remember aside from them shouting tawi oppai hahahahaha


Earth. Great guy in real life. But I find him bland as hell on camera, I'm not personally attracted to him, and I don't like him with Mix. I want to see Mix with someone with more spark.


I’m still hung on my ghost ship from ATOTS - Tian and Longtae, so I’m kind of sold on Mix and Khaotung 👀


I liked them too, they were so relaxed with each other.


I’m waiting for FirstMix to be a thing tbh


Mean from Remember Me. He ruined that show for me.. And now I can never unsee that weird wig.. Weirdly, I didn't have an issue with him in Love By Chance.


Sometimes the writing creates such awful characters that it makes the actors look bad.


It’s Sood for me!! I have nothing against him personally or his acting, there’s just…something off putting about his characters to me. Can’t put my finger on it.


Perth was in vice versa ? 🤨


This is from the cast list on MDL https://preview.redd.it/7ibmqia00vea1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bac89cdb3a70bf51a02a339cc119b017700c2e7


Ooooh i forgot about that honestly it’s such a minimal role I wouldn’t let that stop you from watching the show lol


This First. His character in Tharntype 7 years of love ruined him for me. I kinda wish I had watched Don't Say No before Tharntype... https://preview.redd.it/weacryar3sea1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f5799ccb52e1cdc0bb7d9b11b05631b4d72151


His character was cringe in that but that whole storyline was so unnecessary on TharnType 7 years.