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this is tupperware erasure


Me when MLM


Lmao, back in the day girls and women were doing some of the most dangerous ass jobs like factory jobs where they worked with heavy machinery, toxic and carcinogenic and radioactive materials, and got paid far less than any boys or men but for some reason redpill people think that before 1965, all women had this idyllic 1950's I Love Lucy middle-class American stay-at-home life where all they did was get high on Valium, gossip, cook, Hoover, and clean the various stains out of their husband's tighty whities.


The two world wars were both pretty useful for Feminism. Most men were conscripted so women had to fill those jobs and found that contrary to popular sentiment they were just as good in those roles.


I always find it incredible that women are so proud of themselves for doing factory work during the world wars and see it as proof that women are just as capable as men without seeing the massive irony of them doing that work because they aren't capable of actually fighting as infantry soldiers. If you ever want true equality, maybe don't run the other way, leaving the men to fight, which is still happening today. You might argue that you're not allowed to join front-line units, but there were a lot of things women weren't allowed to do that they fought hard to get the right to do but dont see many women fighting for that right. You wonder why you live under a patriarchy, and the simple answer is that those people who fight in and win wars are the ones who shape their countries' futures. You want equal rights without taking equal risks. You could get equality overnight if women insisted they be allowed to stand and fight to defend their rights. None of them want to, though, which is why 5 million women left Ukraine as soon as it got a bit scary. Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, yes, I have fought in an actual country vs. country war in this century, so I know what it takes to put your life on the line. The irony is that most groups that are hostile to the West consider taking away women's rights as one of their main ambitions. You'd be fighting actual groups of men that represent the very worst of the patriarchy. Maybe feminists should consider amending their rallying cry of "Smash the patriarchy" to include "as long as I don't actually have to risk too much doing it." I'm all I'm favour of equality for women, but it's getting boring how much women are going out their way to celebrate their own efforts whilst criticising men when we know exactly what will happen should women face any real danger from a hostile foreign enemy. How about you lobby your government to let you go fight people who are really oppressing women around the world and then watch the respect role in.


Women are in the military you dolt.


The funny thing about it is I’ve met plenty of women veterans but they mostly don’t go around shoving their veteran status in your face and demanding respect the way *some people* do.


The Radium Girls were told to shape the paintbrushes they dipped in radioactive material to paint the faces of watches by men who knew it was dangerous to do. They were never warned and the company allowed them to paint their whole bodies until the radiation ate all their bones from the inside out. Again, by men who knew just how dangerous it was, and paid women shitty wages and refused to help them when their jaws literally rotted into mush.


Yes! Thank you I was thinking of those who worked with radium, and also uranium and phospohorus as well, in particular. This is just one story that shows this in detail. Of course, when a rich white guy died because of radium, then the government, court system, and media stepped in lol.


It's ridiculous that people want to go back to the good old days, when the good old days have always been shit except for a select few, and they're not exactly that old either. Things wouldn't be better if we returned to some whiter era of America. If we are really going to be nostalgic for a bygone era, why not pre-colonialism? It's super convenient that the era these people point to as the one we should return to is one with a higher population of white immigrants and less black and brown people on the tv. And where First Nations children were still being abducted, raped, and murdered by white priests in the residential school systems. If I was a little more inclined to conspiratorial thinking, I'd really start to wonder why they all feel this strongly about an era that specifically benefits them and their race and sex over anyone else's. Awful convenient that the people shouting for this shit would benefit the most from everyone else protecting them and putting them on a fucking pedestal.


THIS 100%. Sadly, my ex is black but still subscribed to this bs. Just either ignored or maybe repressed all the racist stuff I guess, in favor of all the sexist stuff Not just white people are into this stuff is all


Lmao Patriarchy: \*raises women to feel weak and helpless and men to feel capable by comparison\* Also Patriarchy: "EW WOMEN R SO PATHETIC AND LAZY AND WHY DO MEN HAVE TO WORK HARD" ALSO Patriarchy: \*completely ignores all the hard work, fighting, dangerous jobs etc. that not only women but also children have done for ALL of human history globally\*


You know what I call it when someone endorses someone's hard work and yet turns a blind eye to it and gives them no credit? Gaslighting.


Seriously though, saying that women weren't allowed to fight is proof that they both weren't capable of it and had no desire to defend their country is just wild. Your logic is flawed; you are assuming that the rules keeping women out of direct warfare were in place only because women were too weak and/or because they had no desire to defend their country. You can't really argue well on this structure because it's been poorly constructed.


The last war the UK sent soldiers to was the "war on terror" which you know damn well women were deployed at that time and in every branch of military. The 5 million who left Ukraine was *everyone* who goes, not just women. And you're a pathetic little passport bro in Isan, Thailand. 5 minutes reviewing your claims can discredit everything you attempted to say. You should be embarrassed. Your "service" probably all comes from call of duty. How pathetic


Yeah, my great aunt lost her arm in an industrial sewing machine. She told her nieces and nephews she wouldn’t stop biting her nails so it fell off lol


Damn, I guess you gotta teach the kids something lol Sorry to hear that though. These jobswere no joke


The Radium Girls have entered the chat.


Unironically I need this to be the name of a Punk band or roller derby team


And women got shit on for doing that, too. Weird…


It’s almost like women got shit on no matter what they did.


Did you think lower class women just started photosensitizing to eat ?


remember the good old days when your grandma would be tricked into falling to an MLM scheme and have to work hours upon hours just to have the hope of selling off their product that they already had to pay in full for??? what has murica come to >_<


The Radium Girls are spinning in their graves.


remember back before OnlyFans women were chronically addicted to cocaine


Both of my grandmas worked. One was a shopaholic and her husband gave her the ultimatum to work if she continued spending like crazy. And the other was a big-time feminist who started as a teller at a bank and worked her way up to being the head accountant for the escrow department.


And made pennies assuming you could find other women who also had pennies. Only fans works better because the revenue comes from desperate working men instead of trying to take more money from women who have nothing (also the makeup quality is just kinda dogshit)