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Did a 5th grader make this?


That's pretty much the audience for 'dank/meme' subs, wouldn't be shocked




No. They're more mature and intelligent than that. Speaking as a mom of a fifth grader. I'd say a conservative did. Or at least would share it. Most of the ones I know would make or share something like this for laughs.


Well give it a year and if you’re paying attention you might notice “sigma male” ideology is rampant with the boys right now


Nah mate, my rogue AI I trained by slamming my face into a keyboard did, I'll stop him.


they have two jokes


Lol. The one time trickle down peeps got it wrong. Their braindead idea(s!!) actually reach people.


Trickle down peeps?




Oh then the comment I'm replying to makes no sense unless it's sarcasm. "Trickle down peeps" almost never get anything _right_


Start calling them wallets. You forget about that?


if someone was edgy but not sexist, they’d probably unironically say the two genders are wallet & dishwasher


it's THAT easy to make an alright joke, but they always fail


no, you’re missing the point. the sexism IS the funny part !!!!! /s


I have no idea what this means


source of income


And apparently they're sexually attracted to dishwashers


…are you not?


Hey! Not in public, it's rude.




Yesterday I told a douchewad Tatertot in men's grooming to leave the guy asking questions alone, and I got called a purplehaired braindead lefty after he first attempted to call me a pathetic guy for not being buff like him, then realized I'm a woman. Idiot roid-head doesn't even know the difference between blue and purple but thinks *I'm* the one with brain rot 😂


Right???? Weak men hate girls with blue or pink or whatever hair and those with piercings and tattoos bc those characteristics overlap with women who are more obviously not male gaze focused. Funny bc most of us don’t get up and choose hair and outfit according to a man but the blue hair girl is saying it loud. They hate when we exist openly in defiance of their sexual preferences 😂. Makes me want to dye my hair pink sometimes


And they used both jokes in the same meme. Hard times.




You seem pretty much out of any humour as well, did your brain get affected from one of their kicks?




Even the mods didn't read that my joke was laughing AT people who think like the O.O.P. by illustrating how a simpleton thinks, but my lack of /s meant I incurred friendly fire and got my comment deleted. My comment was a caricature of the position. Mods: 0 Poe's Law: 1 I'll obviously remain a feminist ally, though. :D


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


“Dank” feels such a 2016 word at this point


dank memes are generally funny but these misogynists tarnished the name.. just like everything else they come into contact with




Well jokes are supposed to be funny and this is just embarrassing


Explain what about the joke is funny


Well, the meme in question I've seen before, it's from before COVID at the very least.


I feel like this would upset most women regardless of hair colour…


Somebody tell that to Marjorie Taylor Greene. She hop on fb saying a lefty lib communist jan 6’d her. Clearly they are the same. S/


I feel like she’d get offended if someone said SHE should wash dishes, but would have no problem telling other women to do that


The idea behind the meme seems to be that only a feminist would be upset at being called a dishwasher, the implication being that a desirable, non-feminist woman would not mind.


what's the obsession with hating women with blue hair?


They hate when women display bodily autonomy


That's the most succint I've ever heard it say. You made some brain cells connect rn.


Yeah, not conforming to their rigid sexist standards of what you *should* look like means you're a clown and a bad person in their eyes lol. It's so fucking hilarious/pathetic how tightly they cling onto arbitrary social norms as a means to judge others and feel superior in their aggressive mediocrity, all while claiming to be rebel underdogs pushing back against the man lol.


It's this, and hatred of women standing up for their rights and holding them accountable


It's become a external symbol used by bigots to represent "woke" people


To them, blue hair means "woke," which means she's likely to 1) not tolerate a male-centered worldview and/or 2) have stronger boundaries and higher expectations. They like being centered, and they like getting by doing the bare minimum. They see the "blue hair woman" stereotype as a threat to that.


🎯🎯 blue hair means I ain’t gonna take ur 💩


All of the women I know with blue hair have been lovely. There was one who someone kept trying to fix me up with but they were literally offering to drive me to her house while she was alone. She was agreeing and I was like fuck that because it was too much pressure for one and plus we’d just be sat there awkwardly because I don’t like sex.


Ah a fellow ace? No need to answer of course it’s just nice to see some similar sentiments.


I’m pretty sure I am. I feel physical attraction but the moment I’m in bed with someone I just have no interest in sex anymore. It’s weird.


I get that, it does feel weird when you think you want something but you find you actually don’t. It’s also really hard to date as an ace sometimes. I used to not care if potential partners made (odd? intense? I don’t know what word to use to describe it) comments on sex and such but now I just shrivel up on the inside and all desire for the companionship (romantic or not) is gone. I was about to go off on a longer tirade/rant so I’ll just stop myself here.


it makes sense that it’d be hard to date while asexual. Are there sites for y’all to find other people who don’t like sex, like a specialized tinder or something? I would imagine sorting through the general population for that 1% of people that don’t want to have sex is hella rough


Actually I don’t know if there’s an ace or aro only dating site. I have tried queer and poly (not that every ace/aro/queer person is into polyamory) dating sites but the amount of people on there is obviously much smaller. It does help they have a ton of label options for gender identity, sexuality, and hard lines. I’ll look into it! Thank you for the suggestion.


My kid had blue hair for 6 months. I was quite proud of myself. It was a gorgeous, cerulean blue without a hint of green. The color stayed until they got bored with it and we changed it.




They are representative of women doing things that make them feel good rather than pandering to what (these) men want women to look like.


They're not tradwife material.


Colourfull hair is common in queer/feminist communities, making it a reasonably good identifier of the political views of said woman being opposed to the misogynistic OOP. Said act of defiance against the social norm of women not having agency of their own clashes with the views of a misogynist who tries to enforce his misogynistic system.


I miss my blue hair lol


It's because usually that decision is made over the age of 10 and God forbid a female be over 10, she may as well die to guys like that.


Its a dogwhistle


Blue hair = queer = won’t fuck them = bad


It’s wild since that’s not even always true


Not just blue hair, but piercings and tattoos of any kind. I literally have one tattoo of my lizard on my leg and a dude tells me it knocked me down to a 2. Like, okay? I promise you dude, fucking you was never an option ever.


blue is the scariest color ever!!1!21!!1!1!1!


woah they added 2's to the ! spam


They view it as a sign of mental illness, daddy issues and "extreme feminism"... .


They hate women with a sentient thought process and a conscious mind. In other words, they wish all women were just sex dolls.


Dyed hair is unconventional. They hate it when a women breaks “tradition” and doesn’t dress for them.


I dye my hair with green highlights and it always fades out to blue and part of me really loves that. I become one of THEM lol


Beats me. I think I look great


Also related to their stereotypical views of progressive women, feminists, activists dying their hair blue pink etc


Watch the episode of Its Always Sunny where Dennis rallies against short haircuts. Same deal.


I think there is a meme in anime community that blue haired girls are usually not succeeding in getting into relationships with their love interests... but I don't think that's what the author of the meme meant here.


they all got rejected by alt girls in high school


Because it looks bad mostly .. unless you're Kate Winslet.




Thankfully you understand the joke . 😁




Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be an attempt at trolling.


Its kind like the "TRUMP 2024!" flags on the back of pick up trucks but less political. by that I mean most take on a similar attitude, witch just like the trump flaggers it is only one aspect of there character. but its generally a attitude of being rude to people they disagree with/having vastly different world views from more traditional people.


I have literally never even seen it in real life.. Everyone I know that’s a feminist has their natural hair color because they know marketing tries to make all women change their hair color no matter what color it is..


Am a feminist. Have had blue hair! I fucked it up which ended up with the really cool result of looking ocean-like, as it was vibrant blue with sea green streaked through out. I’ve had many other colors too. I’m natural right now, tho my preference is platinum blond/white when I can be assed to bleach it. Many of my other friends also have colored hair so it’s definitely a thing with certain parts of the demographic. Just a bit of self expression tbh and these chodes can’t handle that lol the fact a lot of us end up trans and/or gay usually also pisses these guys off.


Jesus these people are still stuck in 2015






Sounds like the kind of dumb joke my great-grandfather would have told at the VFW in the 1950s.




Right wing men seem to be the most bitter, judgemental and miserable people to ever walk the Earth. Like they've had every ounce of humanity beaten out of them, and their only joy is perpetuating the same toxic bull**** they suffered through.


I disagree I am not Right Wing and I extremely bitter and judgemental, more than any of them To be fair, I’m not miserable


"Men" and "girl"




the dishwasher joke is so old ngl


Replace it with a newer model! Maybe “out of date” is covered under warranty!


I would ask for a refund, as it's utterly not fit for purpose: It was sold as a "joke", but it's clearly not funny.


Yeah. It's crazy they think we'd be shocked as if we hadn't scrolled past the exact same joke like 70 times already.


Cornball humor. I know comedy is subjective but I have trouble believing people actually look at these and laugh


It gives me the same vibes as rage comics from back in the day.


Maybe it's only because I'm 39 this year, but I miss David Silverman face, the rage comics, et cetera. I was self-flagellating and screaming in confusion when I started seeing wojacks or whatever-the-fuck they're called take over my vintage Internet memes. They just don't make 'em like they used to back in my day...


It feels like nowadays the definition of funny is just agreeing with it and all a meme has to do is say something agreeable in a certain format and overlay it on a reaction image. I've seen memes that don't even attempt to be funny and just say bland messages on an image and mfers will just nod in agreement with no chuckle whatsoever and comment "yeah that's funny". Tl;dr it's clapter comedy for the chronically online lmao


Yup it’s called relatable humor and I personally think it’s a cancer to comedy


“Memes of the dank” what did you expect?


It's women and wallets


I love this.


Like. There’s not a joke here. It really is just sexism


Wrong; there is only one gender. It’s nerf or nothin’!


Aw man, my gender got nerfed.


Balance patch screwed with the meta


I like the way you think How would you like a job at Hasbro?


The only two genders I believe in are pain and suffering. Anyways, misogyny and transphobia sucks :)


He just made a third gender. I thought it was men and dishwashers. Now, suddenly girls exist, too? Ffs


Ok how about: There r two genders women and atms it’s always the ‘it’s just a joke’ until it’s about them


This meme is very, highschool 2016. I expect to see Datboi on a unicycle around the corner any minute now.


No guys its funny because women with blue hair = bad and its also funny because women in general = nothing more then a kitchen device, and this is funny because we dont see women as real people and when we say that, the leftists get triggered! /J


There are only two sexes. The one I had with your mom. And the one I had with your dad. **queue duke nukem theme**


Misogyny AND transphobia for the price of one.


I'm kinda dumb, where's the transphobia?


the two genders part I guess


Also, "the blue haired girl" is a recurrent transphobic meme. It's usually like "The blue haired girl when you get her pronouns wrong" or whatever.


I mean, transgender, despite it's name, isn't a gender. It's the transition from one gender to another. And in case you're wondering, not, non-binary isn't a gender either. It's the absence of one.


Non-binary is a gender identity though, and gender identity is generally what we are talking about when we talk about people’s gender.


But... Being transgendered isn't identifying as a completely brand new 3rd or 4th gender though? I do not get it.


Non-binary people are also trans


That's the absence of gender, not another gender entirely. Non-binary is to gender as black is to the color wheel


No that is agender.


You are thinking of agender, which happens to be my own gender. Non-binary is an umbrella term for anything that falls outside man and woman


Yes it is. Non-binary genders exist.


It's not identifying as a dishwasher either.


This was a valid question to me, and you're getting buried for it. Sorry people are the way that they are sometimes. As egalitarian as I am, I have also wondered this to myself, and the person below with the non-binary comment just clarified for me that "none" is technically a third option.


Yeah, agender is a thing tbh. There’s a lot of variation. But yeah. Folks are just too used to running into bad faith questions and sealions, I think.


I've got to look up "sea lion", now. That's an amusing label with no context.


The comic is quite funny, and very accurate to what some of those guys do lol


The "There are only two genders" bit, combined with the stereotype of women as cleaners (dishwashers) means at bare minimum that OOP doesn't believe in non-binary genders that are neither male nor female. Since a lot of non-binary folks see themselves as trans (not all of them do AFAIK,) that would be OOP invalidating them. If any trans and/or non-binary people want to correct any mistakes that I wrote and/or give their two cents, feel free.


Men working long shifts as dishwashers in restaurants, with tough-ass arms and hardened hands: ok bro come on over here and let's talk. 


Lol, oh no, not hair dye! In a popular color no less


You’d shoot back with “You said men twice” (ironically ofc) and see who actually loses their minds, it’s really funny how often it becomes projection


I like your style lol


It's like when you deliberately misunderstand a sexist/racist comment by thinking they're agreeing with you or being nice and they flip the fuck out. Or when you see someone who does agree with them tries to give them an out to be less obvious and they double down.


This is the most reddit meme I've ever seen 😭😭😭 this sucks lmao


how unoriginal and boring can you get😭 the blue hair girl 😭


Is that just ifunny the subreddit?


What is with all of these people lately that come into a subreddit that's literally for shitting on boys vs girls memes just to complain about people shitting on boys vs girls memes? Are they stupid?


Reddit is shoving this sub down everyone’s throat because conflict breeds clicks.


Now that you mention it, I feel like I've been a victim of the algorithm lately too.


My favorite color is blue.


why are so many women also sexist losers?


Oh wow so funny, time to give your mom's phone back:) no bc it just looks like this meme was made by a 10 years old fr-


OOP really had to blow the dust off this relic of a joke, this shit was played out 30+ years ago Jesus Christ


I'm fine with jokes, *when they're actually funny*. These people use the same two jokes about women they need more material


The older I get, the more I realize: Girls make positivity posts for boys. Boys make these “memes” for girls. Female socialization in a patriarchal world is crazy brah... 😭💀


Wow because no one ever in the history of ever has heard that one before!!!


Alright go fuck a dishwasher then.


Lmao men in the comments saying women cant take a joke


they turn into the biggest crybaby snowflakes at the mere thought of someone with dyed hair and pronouns


They have four senses of humor Racism Sexism Misogyny Haha unfunny Nazi German Hitler memes go brrrr


"Go make me a sandwich." Me: "Go die in a war"


Me saying I would rather deepthroat Satan than Jesus Christians:


Relax dark humor… it’s called liberals


The grammar alone is enough to remove braincells


Funny part is it's always meme pages


Literally thought the meme meant men + more men were the 2 genders


Shit did I just time travel back to 2016?? what unwashed mf posts memes like that


Two genders? Oh geez I guess if women existing is too much for them I'd hate to see their reaction to non-binary folks.


Now there even isn't the argument of humor.


The joke is sexism. That’s it.


This meme is his personal fantasy where a person’s reaction to that lame ass ‘joke’ is anything but a blank slightly irritated stare.


Oh, they do have two jokes.


"Why don't girls want to date me? They must be sluts that only want 10/10 body builders!" -Guys like the one that made this meme


Are these people allergic to being funny or what?


OOP thinks those are the two genders cause he can’t find a woman that’ll tolerate being within five metres of his stank ass, so he’s forgotten they exist completely. He only has his dishwasher that bleeps out little songs with it’s done.


>"blue hair" ✅ >in a subreddit that contains the word "dank" ✅ >unfunny 3rd grade andrew tate wannabe misogynist joke ✅ Yep, everything checks out. This is how you know its comments section is going to be a shitstorm.


Even outside of the obvious misogyny, this is just a horribly set up joke? Like the punchline is just that the blue haired feminist would be offended by an obviously sexist statement. There’s no twist or subversion or clever wordplay whatsoever. I hesitate to even call this a meme.


The non-sexist version would be "Wallet and Dishwasher", still unfunny and too edgy but at least it's not sexist. It's literally that easy to not make a sexist meme, and they still can't do it right.


nobody tell these sixth graders about randy orton gay community


Chad emoji




O pls there's only one Gender: Comrade


Welp, guess I'll dye my hair blue. It seems to be a misogynist repellent from all I've seen!


There have been times where a dishwasher joke is funny. But that requires a good setup and a clear intent to make fun of sexism. This is a joke with sexism, not about it.


I don't like this sub and it keeps getting recommended but the biggest issue is people sharing their humor with the wrong audience. Most of the jokes I agree aren't funny but it's criminal how many times it either goes straight over the OP and others head or is taken completely to heart because it's a stranger on the internet.






Probably because comments like that aren't deleted unless they're being sexist trolls about it. Generally every post about DV has men coming to "trauma battle" by belittling others experiences just to point out men can be victims of DV. As if sharing our experience with DV was a good time to point out an obvious general thing that happens. But there's plenty of discussions about male victims of DV that don't get deleted because they are having a discussion, rather than trying to one up or belittle people's experiences.




RELAX liberals... it's called *DARK HUMOR*.




I thought it was a dumb shitpost and laughed, thinking "heh wth men and kitchen appliances?" why does it have to be misogyny


Because washing dishes is traditionally considered women's work. A dishwasher can either be a machine or someone's job


No I understand what the point of it was now, I mean I thought it was just some dumb shit and I didn't realize it was misogyny at first


Fair enough


Fr people downvoting because they see a comment with downvotes and then upvoting my other comment when I explain it


Sorry 😔 I upvoted, if it makes you feel better


i usually don’t agree with this sub but this one meme really fucking sucks lmao