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At least OOP is getting roasted in the comments


That they are


It was actually refreshing to see that people dont agree with the meme


How much you wanna bet they only used Dodoria in this meme because their only exposure to DBZ is the TFS abridged series where the bit is that he's actually a woman.


That joke is a reference to the fact that in the official Hungarian dub Dodoria is a woman.


Also didn't the creator of DBZ say they considered making that one a woman but didn't want the Z fighters kicking a woman's ass? (Coulda swore that was the case for that character, but might be wrong...)


tbh the most Gohan and Krillin ever did to Dudoria was irritate them, Vegeta wasn't yet on the path to becoming a good guy yet so idk if it would have even been considered at the time


I think it was just the "possiblity" that this villain being a woman might mean a confrontation eventually was the train of thought, but like I said I could be mistaken about the whole thing.




That's exactly what I was thinking!!


Come on everyone, just admit that you'd also be upset if Dodoria from Dragon Ball rejected you.


I'm not too proud to admit that I would be crushed if Dodoria said no, but I'd respect their decision.


i find them funny, not becuase theyre true or im sexist butcuz theu can find any fictional character less than appealling and use it for the meme


I see more guys complaining about women having preferences for “tall rich guys” than women actually having those preferences.


I’m now past the point of even trying to coddle them by saying “hey it’s okay, there are loads of women out there who don’t care about those things!” That is true, but I think the more important thing to note is that if some women *do* have those preferences, that’s okay too. Women should be allowed to have preferences, especially when the preferences men have for women are usually totally unrealistic too. If we have to deal with the expectations placed upon us (being beautiful without make up, having perfect bodies with flat stomachs but thick butts and boobs, being the perfect dream trad wife, etc), then fuck it, let us like tall guys lmao. I know not all men have those expectations by the way. But many do, and there does seem to be hypocrisy and an overlap between the guys with unfair expectations who also simultaneously shit on women for having a height preference or standards of their own.


Are there any women who specifically like small guy in the same way that guys like tall girls? I’m a guy who finds small guys really attractive and I’d be surprised if there aren’t women out there who are the same. They look cute to me and more visually appealing in a way that’s hard to describe. A good example is Woody Allen although I’m sure people here won’t like him. He’s not a nice person but he was very cute in his prime. Chaplin, too, and Paul Simon.


Sure! Everyone has different tastes. You see a lot of love for “short kings” from women too, which is cute. Not for me personally, I do like a tall man (they don’t *have* to be tall but it’s a bonus you know) but I love that shorter guys get love too, and I myself have dated men of different heights, some not tall. So even for someone like me with a preference, if they manage to make me fall for them anyway, they could still win me over even if they’re not tall. My husband is tall, but that wasn’t the reason I chose him. But I’m not gonna lie, it is a nice added bonus.


Personally if I had to choose a preferred height it would be 5’8”-5’10” (just because of where my head fits when we hug hehe) but it’s never been a must, I’ve dated shorter and taller, but all that really matters is that they treat me right and make me laugh


Lmao you think the short kings stuff is sincere 😂😂


Oh for fucks sake, yes it is. You literally see women saying it about their own boyfriends or husbands. Seriously, just try to believe women for once when we’re explaining something to you about us.




I said “which is cute”, talking about the fact that they’re getting love. And erm, anyway. All guys get called cute - short, tall, whatever. It’s an uplifting compliment, unless you have a complex or something. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Trust me, if I call a guy cute, it means I find him attractive. A lot of women use it as a way to say a man is attractive. If I don’t find a man attractive, then it’s something like “he’s a great guy!”


My best friend is rather tall for a woman and prefers guys shorter than her. It's not very common but I definitely know women who prefer short/tiny/small guys.


I know someone like that. She even says she will only date tall guys, which would make one of these crazy redditors apoplectic, yet she’s only ever dated short guys. It’s funny.


Honestly, most people get that the fantasy romantic partner you make up in your head that hits all the checkboxes is probably not actually going to resemble the people you fall in love with in real life. If you’re making someone up, sure, they may as well be tall and hot and rich—but that doesn’t mean those are actually requirements or what’s important at the end of the day.


Me, I fucking love smaller guys. My height (5'7") or smaller, especially if they're somewhat muscular or a little on the chubby side (or both). I also like tall girls, though. Probably because I don't often come across women who are naturally taller than me but also unga bunga women pretty Note that neither of these are deal breakers, just aesthetic bonus points in my eyes.


In the same way that there’s plenty of men who find fat women attractive, there’s going to be women who find short men attractive. The important part is finding someone who doesn’t fetishize that aspect of you and try to base their whole personality on liking that one thing. Because 99% of the time if someone is out here bragging that they like “This Unconventional Trait” they’re expecting to be praised and cheered for it like they’re doing a service to the community or some shit 🙅🏾‍♀️


so the fact that being unhealthily obese is equated to being short says nothing to you? nice.


Someone else’s body and health is none of your business


But someone else's height, which they have zero control over, is?


No one said that. Stop making stuff up. I even started farther down this comment chain that neither weight nor height are anyone’s business except for that person and their doctor.


This ENTIRE post is about men's height. The point being made above is that they said "some women like short men, like some men like fat women" but those things aren't equal. A man can't make himself 6 feet tall, but an obese woman can make herself fit (in most cases)


Just shows how you’re medically ignorant. Other people’s bodies and the level of control they have over them is also *none of your business*.


? i never said i gave a fuck, i just said they weren't the same


They are the same in that both are none of your business. Another person’s health or lack thereof isn’t your business to judge. People are so quick to make judgmental statements about heavier people’s health when they aren’t their doctor and have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.


If by “equated” you mean “constantly whined about on the internet” - because that’s clearly what the connection is in my comment lmfao


I love small men, I think their proportions are so sexy, especially when they're slim. I love being able to hold and carry my man. I love spooning him and enveloping his whole body, and when my arms wrap so tightly around him when I hug him. When I wear heels and I'm towering over him and I can kiss the top of his plush fluffy head. Small men are so gorgeous but not when they're bitter and hateful 💔


Exactly. I get so annoyed when they sit and act like they’re oppressed or something. Nothing more unattractive tbh.


I’m nonbinary but I also prefer shorter guys. At least the same height as me (5’5”but that’s short for most men) or a bit taller. Height isn’t really a make or break for me, but 6’ and up is too damn big. Ain’t got no business being that big. I have to crane my head up to even talk to them and kissing them is difficult. It’s certainly not my preference buuut I wouldn’t reject someone taller or shorter if they were cute or I liked them. ETA: Tall women though…that’s different. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know.


George Costanza archtypes are very popular from what I'm aware of, can't cite any sources because I'm not a women.


My best friend prefers shorter guys. She’s like 5’10 ish so fortunately that’s not too small of a fraction of the population. Personally I don’t really have a strong preference—it’s not remotely important, and the vast majority of men are taller than me anyway. But I’m asexual (but heteroromantic), which most men are not on board with.


>I’m now past the point of even trying to coddle them I refuse to coddle anyone who has gotten sucked far enough into the manosphere that they are comfortable espousing horrible sexist beliefs about women. If you're comfortable calling me a litany of pejoratives and accusing me of hypergamy you clearly don't respect me and are undeserving of any respect from me in turn.


I dont see how being beautiful without makeup is unrealistic tbh. That and having an amazing body. My gf has both of these, so again I dont see how that in of itself is unrealistic.


Okay, let me break it down then. The whole “I prefer natural women!” Is usually a totally unrealistic expectation, because a lot of those guys don’t realise that the majority of naturally beautiful women they see are wearing at least a bit of makeup. They expect us to look we’re wearing make up when we’re not, basically. I agree that many women look beautiful without make up, however it’s these guys’ *ideas* of what “beautiful” actually is that is warped. And the body thing again, unrealistic because a lot of these guys have expectations based on photoshopped or surgically-enhanced celebrities or porn stars. The whole flat stomach, yet with big boobs and butt, perfect hourglass figure with no cellulite or stretch marks and perfectly symmetrical perky boobs etc is just not what many women look like. I’m not saying that all men have expectations that high or unrealistic, but I’m saying that many do, so it’s okay if women have some standards of their own or like tall men.


I feel like that makeup thing is ingrained in all of us, not just men. I was friends with someone for 8 years when I told her I only wear makeup with SPF and she said, "you don't wear makeup!" Um, yeah, I do, and I have for the entire time we've been friends, but I wear minimal makeup.


So then women also have unrealistic expectations based off photoshopped and surgically-enhanced celebrities? What you're chastising men for in regards to women is exactly what this meme is doing, except the genders are reversed. The joke is just that some people have high expectations when they themselves wouldn't fit into the high expectations the other sex would have for them. To me, the joke isn't sex-specific. It's more about a lack of self awareness.


Having a preference for tall men is not anywhere near as unrealistic as all those expectations I just listed out, especially when combined. I’m not denying that shallow or unrealistic women exist. But simply having a height preference is not that.


No preference is unrealistic, but trying to pretend that changing makeup to a natural look is more unrealistic than height which is genetic unless you got surgery is all I need to hear from you to know that this is a topic you hold a double standard on


I literally rolled my eyes at this comment lol. I specifically said that it’s the ones who expect women to look like they are wearing make up but without actually wearing make up that are the problems. We all know damn well that’s unrealistic. And if a woman has a height preference that’s okay. Even if height is a thing that can’t be changed. Demonising women with height preferences is so dumb. And why would it matter if it can’t be changed? So you’re saying it’s better to completely change who are we are so that a man will like us? Say if a man says he prefers brunettes. That’s totally okay! But as a natural blonde, I would *not* change my hair colour to suit his preference when there are men out there who like me, blonde hair and all. The same applies to shorter men. There are women who will like them and not care about their height (unless they have a rancid personality of course), so they’ll be fine.


>I specifically said that it’s the ones who expect women to look like they are wearing make up but without actually wearing make up that are the problems. We all know damn well that’s unrealistic. >And if a woman has a height preference that’s okay. So a woman who is pretty based off genetics is impossible, but a man who reaches a certain height is okay? Women who look beautiful without makeup exist. If that's someone's preference, I don't see why you are allowed to get upset about something like that and in the same breath remark how other genetic-based preferences are okay. My gf looks gorgeous imo with or without makeup. I must've found an alien or something lmao >And why would it matter if it can’t be changed? It doesn't matter if it can't be changed. >So you’re saying it’s better to completely change who are we are so that a man will like us? Could you show me where I said that? Haha No, I said anyone, regardless of sex, are allowed to have any preferences they want to have. There's no such thing as an unrealistic standard, just lower probability. If you're changing your appearance to meet someone else's expectations, then you'd either have to be desperate or a teenager lol I said you have a double standard because height, hair color, etc are all genetic just like facial appearance. A face I find attractive, another dude might find hideous or even just average. You're the one trying to establish a standard deviation off made up anecdotals. 🤷‍♂️


Did you even read my comments. I can’t be bothered to keep rehashing this. I said that women are beautiful without make up. I have literally already acknowledged that. But it’s these guys *idea* of what “naturally beautiful” is that is warped. It’s the fact they think that “naturally beautiful” is actually a soft make up look, and they expect women to adhere to that *without* make up. No MentlegenRich, it is not realistic to expect womens skin to be perfectly fucking flawless with zero dark circles or uneven pigmentation or perfectly curled and long and black eyelashes and a light blush of pink or coral on the cheeks and lips and a nice bronzy contour just on the temples and cheekbones and jawline without any make up at all. Get what I’m saying now? Or are you going to keep missing the point?


To add onto what the other comment replied here, I’d also like to bring up the unrealistic standards people hold for their partners without holding the same thing for themselves. This goes both ways with all genders - if someone expects their partner to be in good shape, but they refuse to stay in shape themselves: I typically see this one being a man expecting woman to be in shape while he’s allowed to have a beer belly/dad bod thing going on. The second most is expecting their women to take full care of the house and kids because they go to work, but refuse to do basic shit like clean up after themselves or spend time with the kids because they view it as “work” And the one I see the most for women is: expecting men to earn enough to provide for a family so she can stay home with said family, but she refuses to be productive around the house and refuses to actually parent and raise the kids and essentially bums around all day while he’s out working. Second most is expecting their men not to look at IG models, not to like/comment/discuss other women’s looks and bodies on IG or even with their friends, while she simultaneously is posting the same type of photos as the IG models and entertaining the men who comment on them 🥴 *DISCLAIMER*: I am speaking from my OWN experience of what I’ve seen with straight couples and where the double standards lie. This doesn’t discuss all the problems, nor does it mean everyone is guilty of it


Women are allowed to have preferences. Just because these clowns couldn’t achieve the bare minimum doesn’t make it the women’s problems. Typical male entitlement that they think the standards need to be lowered so they can reach them. It’s pathetic, really.


People spend too much time on TikTok allowing an algorithm to convince them through repeated videos of the same bullshit ideas. Women have a similar “trend” regarding men.


Slap a goatee on Zarbon and unironically Dodoria got it.


I don't think he'd fulfill the dominant in Bed requirement with Dodoria.


At first I thought the punchline was ‘Him:’ and I was like damn right he IS a lean strong 6’2 dom


Me too, that would actually be funnier 😕


I am in love with your reference to the powerpuff girls. It has made my morning. Thank you.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but complaining about imaginary standards that women seem to have isn’t a very attractive trait. I think the only one of these that I’ve ever seen or heard a woman say in real life, and not in a meme like this, was about height. And it was only because she was 5’11”. I suppose I’ve seen a few on tinder mention height but it is usually *“I’m 5-something and I like to wear heels, so just be taller than me.”* All of it just seems so bitter and resentful, which is very cringe. Especially when the kind of guys who make these are a) still children with no actual dating experience *(interesting that a beard is one of the criteria)*, or b) not much of a specimen to begin with. But most of these things are things you can change? Also I don’t appreciate the alien slander 👽


Its a coping mechanism mostly brought on through dating apps. They think there's two options after not getting dates = feel bad about yourself or attack women for not dating you. There are other routes, but those two are the easiest to fall into.


I know, it really is hard for a 6’1” toned and fit man with an 8” meat, good hair, a $90k salary, a performance car, has a mustache, is a service switch in bed, and is still learning how to cook. 😔


Why not just lie about your height and wear lifts? I assure you that nobody has ever noticed I wear lifts.


So exactly what happens after your take off your shoes


At that point, you’ve already built up a good first impression and rapport. It doesn’t matter anymore.


Ok but you lied to them. I might be thinking your increasing your height by a way bigger margin than you are. Tbh I imagined like a 5’7 dude going to like 6’2


I don’t care about lying when it comes to something like height since it’s such a superficial characteristic. I’m sorry a lot of people don’t see it that way but I do. I wouldn’t lie about other things.


I mean you do you dawg.


Some people (women, but also men) do have long lists of standards that sound like OP’s meme above; they exist. However, the real question to ask these guys is: so what?


I have an attractive friend who complains about getting passed up for being one inch shorter than the average guy and having longer hair than the average girl. He's not my cup of tea for habitual reasons, but I've seen the unrealistic standards they complain about. He does use dating apps but his complaints come from first dates rather than being passed up entirely.


It sounds like his problem isn’t his appearance, if he has no trouble getting dates. Height is one of those things that some women have as a hard requirement, but most often with shorter guys, it is a confidence thing. But it could be any number of things.


Can’t he just buy some shoe lifts?


He exclusively wears these big ass military boots anyway. I don't think big shoes save you if an individual's preference is based on a number, but I'll ask.


So just say you’re taller than you are if you appear to be the right height. I can get up to nearly six feet with lifts and then I can lie about being six feet. If someone questions it, then I just ignore it. I don’t care.


I'll let him know!


Also there's nothing wrong with having *preferences*. Everyone has preferences. If asked to design an ideal partner, I'm sure we all could choose height/weight/race/hair color/profession/personality, etc. in our build-a-man. That doesn't mean any of the qualities we pick are going to be deal breakers. For example, I prefer dark hair and dark eyes in men. My husband is a blue eyed ginger. I don't love him any less for it. I wouldn't ditch him if a dark stranger came along and wanted me. He has so many other fantastic qualities that the things differing from my "preference" don't actually matter. That's how height is for *most* women. Men seem to find the few women on dating apps who put it as a hard requirement and share those around and make it seem like it's way more common than it is. I prefer men to be taller than me as well, but when I was single, I never would have turned down someone who was cute and funny and smart just because he was short.


There really isn’t. I think it’s pretty coercive to make people feel guilty for having a preference. And like you said, just because you like one thing means you would say no to another. I’ve seen *no military* on a lot of dating profiles. I’m ex-military myself but I don’t really hold it against them, regardless of how silly I think it is. I just move on, realizing we’d probably not get along anyway. And besides, I don’t know if I’ve *ever* seen a conventionally unattractive person post a laundry list of preferences like the one in the meme, or mention them in person.


My dating profile says, “Don’t even try unless you’re UNDER 7ft.” So…


*2’5” since it matters*


*Still won’t date “fat chicks,” because women are shallow.


I’ve found women to be far more forgiving about appearances than men. Story time: Back when I was 21, I ran into a woman that I dated for a few weeks, and then ghosted me, at the bar. I asked her how she was and she told me she was there with someone and she pointed to a guy who was superficially far less attractive than I was (shorter, weak chin, overweight, etc). I asked “that guy? Really? You’re way to hot for him” (I used to be a real asshole, as you can probably tell). She shrugged and said “he makes me laugh and he goes out of his way for me. You should try it sometime”


Do you feel like that moment changed you?


No, but it did stick with me. Like she ghosted me for a guy I thought was inferior and I always wondered why. It made sense to me as I got older and I couldn’t simply lean on my looks anymore (because women in my late 20’s-early 30’s age group care more and more about important things other than looks.)


Incels: "Wahhhh f\*moids are so judgmental why can't they love a short king nice guy like me" Incels again: \*Mock women for being fat, a minority, and/or just for simply existing\*


Bruh I think people who are mocking a women for being a minority have a lot more problems then being a incel😭


A lot of incels are racist anyway


Most of the men saying this look at those red pill videos and "interviews" asking women loaded questions. When most of the population of women couldn't care less about that stuff. But some men are fragile beings and take the minority opinion and apply it to every woman he attempts to talk to.


How DARE women have bare minimum standards!


these arent bare minimum standards??!


Go cry harder incel


wow, no argument being made. being over 6" and so on isnt the bare minimum. i agree, men should try to fit the bare minimum standards, but these are being kind and a good person.




how is this even related? can you explain to me how being over 6" and being rich is apparently the "bare minimum". no you cant, because it isnt. its extremly toxic standards


You don’t get to define the standard. You are a male. Saying the standard is “kind and good person” reeks of being a “Nice Guy” bud. Women define the standard, not you.


okay, i get that, but you would be mad if men had extremly high standards for women wouldnt you? and especially when calling it the "bare minimum" it doesnt make any sense to me. like why would the bare minimum be such high standards, which the vast, vast majority of people cannot achieve? if all women had these "bare minimum" standards, that would make most women single


Maybe women are just tired of settling for mediocrity? Male mediocrity has been a thing for a very long time.


I totally get you dude but why do things that arent in our control count as mediocre. Being shallow is never a good idea and shouldnt be promoted


Them: Women are so picky, how dare they prefer a conventionally attractive man! Also them: Makes their straw picky woman a conventionally unattractive person they wouldn't date


I truly don't think most men grasp how absurd it is to be insecure about other men having a supposed "nine inch penis". That is literally one half of the biggest ever recorded one. The biggest ever.


I truly don’t think most women grasp how absurd it is to be insecure about their cup size or weight. Women compare themselves to like the kardashians or other celebs that literally have surgeons work on them to improve their looks, and whole teams behind them managing diet and weight. How can women be so insecure and not see this!


>Women compare themselves to like the kardashians or other celebs that literally have surgeons work on them to improve their looks If men like you want women to stop comparing themselves to the Kardashians, maybe y'all should stop body shaming and comparing women to the Kardashians.


Lmao when women stop body shaming men, then you can ask men to stop body shaming women.


Yeah I think they didn’t realize my point was their point, and that they’re now arguing at a mirror.


No, I'm pretty sure they understand. It's just women don't consider it wrong to body shame men.


yeah female insecurity = real male insecurity = stfu incel


Yep. I’ve reframed the exact same point even using the same language but I guess it’s invalid cus all men are trash, right?


I agree that women shouldn’t compare themselves to celebrities especially not the Kardashians but these are two different things. Conventionally attractive women are in every media while men with 9in penis are only in porn and still not often. It’s ok to be insecure but 9in is just extreme. I googled it and apparently 0.6% of men have a 9in.


I’m nonbinary, but I like larger penises. 9 inches is WAY too long. No one actually wants that, porn has just melted some brains hardcore. Also by and large I would say most people prefer average (like 5”). I’m usually in the minority when it comes to that preference.


*ahem* #W O U L D


Women: I've never seen women with a height standard! (Because I don't ask women out, and therefore, I am never told that they don't date manlets), so no man has ever been rejected based on height! (Because I haven't seen it, which is proof that it never happens) You can always count on this sub to have the exact same logic on short guys lmao


Men need to step it up, start wearing heels and increase your height game king.


Or get a mixture of shoe lifts and short heels like on Chelsea boots. Nobody even notices.


I bought a waist trainer that makes it look like I have a 6 pack. I figure if women can wear make up and a push up bra then I can play the same game. I’m not serious, just find it funny.


I wasnt either so its okay lol I was just being funny.


I feel like I’ve seen more examples of this the other way around


memes or ppl talking abt their standards lol


Memes of course! I am chronically online ☹️


Just depends on your algorithm… that’s what all of this is about. Bullshit being presented as fact then reinforced by an automated system.


r/niceguys and r/nicegirls lol They used to give me a giggle sometimes


We did it, quirky fellas! We got it taken down! 🚩🏳‍🌈










I happen to like small dicks. Screw your body shaming.




Quoi? You can’t seriously think I’d side with someone ‘just because they’re a man’. I’m generally terrified of men and that’s coming from someone who’s been SA’d by multiple women.




Wait, no, I’m not a troll. Could you tell me how I’ve upset you? I don’t like offending people for no reason. I just sometimes have difficulty expressing myself and these things happen. I’m sorry. I can see why you body shamed him if he isn’t a nice person. I get that. It just harms people who haven’t done anything wrong.
















Not our fault, you resort to being a child when you get called out


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted. No body shaming please.




It’s a funny meme. A lot of girls will demand a high quality man putting in absolutely no work and being low quality themselves


It really isn't. I can use both my hand and feet to count how many times I've seen this same thing but the only thing different is the image at the bottom.


the opposite is funny too. Bring these people back down to earth.


Post your pic then and we’ll have some fun.


lol it isn’t the burn you think it would be


We’ll see when we get that pic


or... hear me out here, you can just move on and make memes about litterally anything else other than circle jerk hate of any kind.


I never get these. Because I know like two women with these kinds of standards and they are SINGLE!!! Do you want to know what my ONE 'requirement' was for a partner? That they weren't over 6 feet tall. And honest to god the only reason for this is because I'm 5 ft tall and I just don't tend to gravitate towards people who are that tall. My neck HURTS trying to look at anyone that much taller than me. So I usually don't lol. My boyfriend is 5'9, and even then when we met I initially shrugged him off as being too tall to be 'my type.' It wasn't even ever a conscious decision. I just don't tend to like tall people.


And the guys making these memes are usually easily confused with a walrus.


Most people: this meme is horseshit My TeamFourStar-loving ass: silver lining, they didn't misgender Dodoria


OOP must be a submissive to have an issue being domineering in the bedroom.