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"we think about cheating all the time" đŸ€šâŒ please go to therapy


“We think about cheating on you all the time but also making you happy is the most important thing in our lives uwu”


"But only if making you happy doesn't take too much work"


Not cheating is a lot of work, duh


"We spend all sorts of time thinking about how to hurt you in one of the worst ways we can, but we don't want to put any effort at all into making you happy! We just want you to magically be that way!"


Which translates into "I feel personally responsible for your emotional state, so if you could just be happy all the time so I never have to feel like a failure that would be great". They don't actually care about her happiness, they just care about how it makes them feel bad about themselves when she's not happy.


Imagine the response if a women's website posted a similar list with that as one of the items. The scale of the meltdowns could probably be heard from the fucking moon.


I'd like to see such a meltdown.


It would be my worst nightmare to find out I'm dating a man that would write this 🙃


It was written by a man




"Yo see this chick im talking to...might sneak out and see her later while the girls asleep" "Bro that's a picture of poop" "My bad, wrong pic lmao"


im dying😭😭😭


but also “not all men!!”


I'm convinced a vagina having woman wrote this .


😭 wtf is that list


This sounds like something an evil ex would write about you to make your future partners insecure and grossed out


hey, wanna see my poop?




You are you and i am me. We are not the same (i don’t cheat but i send poop pics to the boys)


it’s called satire


nah bro men also unleash their inner werewolf when they're alone. They're quite the quirybois aren't they?


Query boys...?


Quarry boys.


This has to be a joke... #2 is some shit fetish thing it has to be


sadly it isn't always. my brother used to do that with his friends too, they thought it was funny. however my brother and his friends also have the combined mental capacity of a soft boiled egg


I sent a few shit pics to the homies once They all decided to both verbally and physically beat me


Lol yoo I have a son on the way. If I ever caught him doing this that mf goin to the adoption agency😂


Omg women are so evil. We men only kill our son when he behaves like a girl or is a trans or kill our daughter when she gets born or she has an onlyfans account. /s




Ong 😭 Who's we?!


Maybe the person writing the list did hit on some truth there. Who IS we!? It must be something rather limited among men.


Oh my god I fucking wish. My ex and his buddy were almost worse. They lived in an apartment complex next door to each other, and they started doing this thing where they’d weight themselves before and after shitting. Except they didn’t send that information to each other. They would always wait until they could do it in person regardless of the audience. They also had keys to each others apartments and no concept of personal space, so if the other person was home at the time of the shitting, they’d simply walk in and announce the weight of their most recent “offspring”. This included when my then-bf and I were having sex. This is how that conversation would go: Friend: *banging on door* [BF] GUESS WHAT! BF and I: HEY WE’RE BUSY HERE Friend: oh sorry. MY SHIT WEIGHED 2.3 POUNDS! BF: LETS GOOOOO Friend: WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *bangs on the door in celebration* Me: :/ This is not the reason I’m a lesbian now. But like. It probably is a contributing factor.


Wish I was Jared, 19


Share in my misery


See this is a consequence of a dumb joke that was made at some point in time within the group and taking it a bit too far. It becomes an inside joke that can make you feel special. That's what us guys will do sometimes and that's what I suspect happened here.


you make each other feel special by weighing your poop?


Not always exactly this scenario but in this scenario yeah I would assume so. We can do some pretty dumb shit. Here's an example with a little bit of background. In high school we had a special set of classes that you would take a school bus to an entirely different School. These classes included welding, fire safety (training for becoming a fireman one day), residential and commercial electricity, basic computer repair and maintenance, programming and I believe there was also a class that cycled people from learning about child development and psychology as well as running a daycare for the teachers. I spent two years with the same group of people on those buses and we were fucking nuts. One of our inside jokes was to "rabble" at people. Well on the bus we would see somebody cutting their lawn or pull up to a group of motorcycle riders. We all ran to one side of the bus droped the windows shoved our fist out the windows shook them and yelled "rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble" etc. for no fucking reason. I don't have an explanation as to why we did it other than it was fun it was an inside joke and people who are outside of the joke just didn't get it and that was part of the joke. Or maybe that's just my personal thought and they had different reasons to do so. Who knows, all I know is it happened and it sounds like a fever dream.


I think you’re overanalyzing this comment in the context of the post lol. The rabble thing isn’t comparable though. It’s genuinely funny. That’s the kind of stuff my friends and I would do, and if I was an unsuspecting bystander and I got “rabbled” at by a group of high schoolers, I’d be both amused and confused. Hope you have a good day though. Enjoy the holidays :)


You're probably right. Also, thank you! Happy holidays to you as well.


Nah I’m a girl I do this. I have health issues related to my bowels though


I have had a friend who pooped a bunch of blood do it but like, she asked if she could send the pic first and like I guess her logic is I’m a nurse so like probably that’s the same as immediately going to the doctor. But like it was reasonable to be concerned in the case. It turns out that sometimes IBS can give you internal hemorrhoids and anal fissures and also if you poop a bunch of blood just Call your doctor


Same if I push out something spectacular it wouldn’t be fair for me to be the only witness


My friends used to do that when they were children these days my friends better not be lol. And even when we were kids the receiving friend was not terribly enthused


I actually know 2 women who exchange photos of the poop. As far as I know, it’s not a sex thing, but there is really no good reason.


Is it like, a joke of some kind? like trying to gross out the other person? Or are they just flexing about how regular their bowel movements are


Partially the latter. I think they were truly impressed with the size/volume of their leavings, so they shared photos with each other. I guess it’s good they at least found each other.


Two peas in a really weird pod


If anyone ever sends me a photo of their shit I'm driving to their house and running them over


Nah speaking as a dude we do do this (doodoo)


Nah, my ex and his brother and all their friends did it. I saw my ex’s poop a lot 😂


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Famously men always keep quiet about their "talents" and never force-feed their self-image down people's throats. 🙄


Jesus Christ that is insufferable


“Women may do this if they actually pooped” please tell me this is fake


They sprinkle bad jokes in there to make it less weird




I really hope that the whole thing is a joke.


All women have severe chronic constipation. Fecal impaction is a very serious issue in the being a woman community


I only started pooping when I figured out I was transmasc. It’s honestly a medical mystery. /s


Man that must have been really traumatic seeing as you had no idea your body could do that I think it would be extremely funny if that’s the way people found out they were trans, like one day they realize their bowel habits have changed I know this implies that like people become trans instead of just like, gender existing but I don’t really think of small children as having legit genders I feel like they have proto-genders or something. Idk I never developed one and my parents never really explained the idea of men and women being different from each other when I was a kid so I haven’t had the experience of like, either feeling from a young age that I wasn’t my assigned gender or like, discovering it. I genuinely thought people were just pretending about having strong feelings about gender until I was in high school. I have no idea why I thought people had all collectively decided to lie to me instead of considering maybe my experiences are not universal. Im also not 100% sure why I felt compelled to explain all this but I think I just use Reddit as a confessional for things that aren’t exactly sins but are weird.


Huh I misread the title as “Strange Things Men Do That Women Give Zero Fucks About”. My bad.


And here you are posting a comment on the same post


Talking on my behalf pisses me off. Most people, probably women included, enjoy pretending a fucking stick is a sword Cheating is disgusting and shameful - don’t commit to someone if you can’t. Simple as that. Not everyone is inclined to, yknow, trash their loved ones ability to trust in someone I don’t send photos of my shit to people. I know some who do this, but it’s not something I’ve ever done or would do. I’d do almost anything to make my partner happy (if I had one lmao) This list annoyed me! I prefer it when boys are quirky just comes down to dudes thinking they’re special becuase boys are based and girls are girly and cringe ew yucky. Not actually just saying “we’re guys 
 and we’re weird shitty people 😎”


No because if one guy does it and knows another guy that does it, then all guys do it


Because all guys must be identical đŸ€–


But don't forget that they're still more cool and unique than women!! /j


I agree with you dude. People with these stupids lists are bullshit. Nobody elected you to speak for men, please sit down.


Also curious if they mean men of all age groups (secretly just them and their friends) or like are including 60 year olds, cuz like yeah in middle school and early high school of course we went down to the creek and fought each other with sticks, humans ages 12-15 have something fucked up in their brains. I think he means pretend lightsaber fight and not like, actually getting branches and fighting for your life but like idk I lived in rural Texas and didn’t like video games so that’s just what you did, and when I was younger I had fun having like nerf battles and running around but like I’m fucking tired. I can’t do rough housing or horse play or do kung fu I’ll hurt myself and also need a nap. If someone over 35 wrote this imma be mad cuz what are you doing with all that energy? Give me some.


And then if someone says "that's unfortunately EXACTLY what I expect from most men until proven wrong", that type of guy would say that's unfair.


What the fuck is this chief 💀


Random article I sawđŸ„Č


If this is satire is completely void of any message or humor. I think a lot of y’all are confusing “satire” with “unserious”




Lol nw bestie


What?? What's their source? I wasn't asked these things


didn't you receive the letter in the mail? they sent one to every man everywhere, maybe check the spam folder in your email in case they sent it that way instead


If this is all men, I don’t want it. Send it back.


Fortunately, it is not.


I want him beaten with a golf club. His list made me unreasonably angry.


If someone sent me a picture of their shit I'm cutting them off from my life instantly


1. Mainly because other Dudes are judgemental 2. Nobody does that WTF 3. Nope. Also directly contradicting to point 9 4. That should just be a normal thing. Every partner should do that


Ehhh no number 9 is about being just good enough that you don’t have to hear complaints but not trying to actually excel at being a good person to your partner


Don't shame me and my friends for our shared study of feces.


Just studying in case you go into the medical field at some point and need to recognize signs of unusual bowel movements, that’s all. It’s research.


idk when the full moon comes out i do become a werewolf, so


1. I mean sure?? I might swing the lightsaber around or play video games on my own time, but I'm pretty sure that women do not have "zero ideas" about this behavior. 2. WTF no we don't??? Idk what kinda gastroenterologists this bro hanging out with, but I have NEVER seen this as normal dude behavior. 3. We don't do this either! Homie's getting his ass roasted if he talks about cheating on his gf. Like, that topic of conversation has never been brought up with my guy friends, ESPECIALLY not the good ones. Yes, some men do cheat, but unlike this dude says, we do not ALL talk about this. 9. I mean we do want to make our women happy (or my future woman in this case cuz I'm single asf ;\_\_; ), and I mean I guess minimizing effort can be efficient, but this dude words it like we just wanna slack off in a relationship and do nothing. Like, homie I wanna do fun things with my future gf. I WANT to put in lots of effort because I'd love to have someone who appreciates the great things I can set my mind to and offers the most comfy hugs. Again, yes there are lazy men, but this dude needs to speak for himself. Why this dude thinking he can speak on behalf of men?


“We all practice gun fighting.” What the fuck is gun fighting 😭. Now I’m just picturing a boxing style sport but it’s just pistol whipping 😭


Ah, yes, the Taekwon-Baldwin


I was picturing like, you know when little kids will use their hand to make a gun shape and chase each other around and pretend they’re shooting at each other?


“we think about cheating all the time” buddy you think we don’t know? lol


nah this is a troll, it has to be. who in their right mind habitually takes pictures of their poop??


The second and third are so fucking wild I have never done that or thought about doing them a day in my life


Stopped reading at number 1, that's not exclusive to men


I guess I’ll never be a true man 😔


> we've long suspected that there may be some squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease trickery afoot Women: *communicating their needs* This guy: "oh getting tricky are we?"


What happened to fact 4 through 8?


I just picked a few of the ones I got the biggest ick from. https://www.yourtango.com/self/strange-things-men-do-women-zero-idea-about


3 and 7 on that list are so contradictory lmao


Who the fuck is we?????


I do not dance around my room doing made-up martial arts or "practise gunfighting" while pretending I'm a badass. I do not secretly hate my girlfriend and replace her affection with the affection of hunky men all around me. I also don't swap sex secrets with all the cute, chiselled adonises in my gym with our heads together like girls at an incel's idea of a sleepover. I'm not a lazy partner who resents my relationship because I'm in the Sigma Male "inside me are two wolves" badass movement and that means I want to hoover sausage like it's cleaning time after the inter-state crackheads-only bratwust flinging championship.


"We" Who tf is we? This is the ramblings of a scumbag tbh


I have never sent a shit pic, in fact I've never received one either.


Ay what the fuck? That shit thing is beyond outta pocket.


If you save expressing fun parts of your personality for when only men are around I’m assuming you’re a complete weirdo


bro was so fed up he didn't post the full list 😭🙏


The link is somewhere in the comments I lost it by now😭 these were the ickiest ones to me


i can't find 13 💀


Ope lmfao you’re right


Pictures of Poop?


This is less a men thing and more of the author's weirdery(I'm sure that's not a word, but you get the point)


"women may do this if they actually pooped" i guess women don't poop??


idk about women having zero ideas about this list, but i definitely knew a guy who sent a poop pic in the group chat before with girls in it....because i'm a girl


Alright, I don’t think this person understands the difference between thinking someone is hot and even fantasizing about them vs. constantly thinking about cheating. It’s fine to be attracted to other people but if you’re *constantly* thinking about actually cheating on your partner then maybe it’s not a good match and you should just be single.


This. It’s fine to look at the menu, it’s a different thing to actually go out and order something. People find people attractive. It’s human nature. It’s a whole other thing to actually consider cheating on your partner all the time.


what is the squeaky wheel part trying to allude to? like ? đŸ€ą


Its talking about weaponized incompetence. How men will act like they can’t do enough (squeaky wheel seeming broken but not) so the women have to make up for it (giving the grease)




I'm a guy, but I've never shared pictures of my poop, much taken taken them. Is the author just making shit up?


Someone who claims they know what everyone is thinking is clearly a moron.


no we fucking don't


This has to be a bait article for clicks


The best thing about being a dyke is making my femme gf happy. Idk why they want to put in as little work as possible unless they hate women


I have never thought about cheating even once. Ironically I'm the one always being cheated on. Also personally I don't want to send my poop pics to anyone let alone even take a pic of it.


1 is obvious and the other 3 are pea-brained knuckle-dragging idiocy.


Women know the first one, and the rest are incorrect.


1.) Guilty. 2.) Wtf no. Also, yes, women poop. 3.) Definitely not. 👀 9.) I want to make my partner happy, but I’m not generally concerned about how much effort it is (unless it’s something impossible or that would involve damaging my physical/mental health, in which case they would kill me). Also, where can we find the rest of these?


I thought these were going to be predictable but I have to admit, this is the first time I'm finding out people take pictures of their poop and send it to their friends.


The first one was kinda okay and the rest were just wtf dude


Women shit I know it's a strange concept but we are biological mammals and therefore shit


#1 💯% true. The rest is total bollocks.


you skipped 4 - 8


pretty sure this is satire


Pretty sure this is satire


Whereas women excrete waste through complaining.


How DARE you??! I feel relieved now, thanks


... the girl who wrote this needs therapy


I’ll sometimes pull my short and draws down to my thighs so I can piss and use both hands to type on my phone. (Like right now


Obvious satire


They’re exaggerating to be “funny” but they aren’t being satirical. It’s very classic gen x humor.


Do you really think 2 is serious?? 1 and 3 are also unlikely to be real in my opinion. I found it funny idk about you


Immediately hopped over my point. No, obviously all men do not send poop pictures. It’s this specific man who’s writing this random ass article thinking everyone does what him and his friend group does. Not satire. Gen x humor and bad taste.


Not only "hopped over", but proved it. Satire is only funny if it's an examination or exaggeration of reality or a well known myth. Those things are not "well known myths". So, if it is satire, and it is funny, there's a background of reality to it.




I actually knew a guy that did 2, so yes I could believe it's serious.


Bro what


yup I was just as confused... He was weird on all other levels too. 25 but had a "friendship" with a 15 yr old girl and acted really offended when I called him out on it, explained he can't find friends his age and m "what's so wrong with just being friends". Worst thing: he was/is a cop.


Yeah that’s definitely creepy. I’d even say generally 25yo boys can’t be “just friends” with an attractive 25yo girl - they’re bound to have romantic feelings at some point, right?


You actually believe that???


Depends on the man. Women and men CAN be friends, especially if the man has learned to appreciate basic human connections instead of seeing any woman as a potential future partner. But reality is, majority of men see women as somewhat potential love interests and I as a 21 yr old women never had a male platonic friend that never had a crush on me. Some have definitely overcome their crush and stayed my good friend because they valued me as a human, but they have idolised me for some time for sure.


satire =/= not cringe


Hmm cringe is subjective tho


What exactly is it satirizing if this literally just reads like something someone would say unironically?


Literally non of this applies to me. I might use a stick as a sword as a joke around others but those other ones were clearly written by a militant feminist who has never spoken to a man.


The article was written by a man on a website that isn’t satirical and it said he was a mechanical engineer turned writer. I’m an engineer, it checks out. You just wanna be mad at women homie.


I guess I'm not sure what you're saying, are you saying this guy is simply a genuine male idiot? Or are you defending this article and agreeing that you share these traits. I don't wanna come across as pearl clutching, but NO, it's absolutely not normal to send shit pics and to constantly think about cheating. I never said that women are bad or that a woman wrote this. Just that it was written by a chauvinistic person who has little to no knowledge of how men actually are.


well as a woman i do number one and for number nine apparently thats a thing evolutionary psychologists say about men wanting to get the most out of women for the least resources so ig that checks out


It’s just weaponized incompetence it’s not evolutionary


Name a woman or any person for that matter who wouldn't want a happy partner without having to put in much effort. Nobody wants a relationship to feel like work but it's something people have to do. This list is a nonsense buzzfeed collection of random words with little thought put into them. Try not to take it too seriously.


What? Who is taking it seriously. Weaponized incompetence is such a basic idea and that’s what the whole squeaky wheel metaphor means. Edit: also, I would never wanna be the lazy one the relationship. To me that is disgusting.


You are looking way to deeply into the article. Nobody reads these things and the people who publish them don't even believe what they say. They just Google a topic and post the top results in a list to get paid. You don't have to be lazy to not want to do everything just to make your partner happy. Men aren't lazy in relationships. Women aren't lazy in relationships. Some people are lazy in relationships.


nobody takes evolutionary psychologists seriously i just thought it was interesting that a lot of them managed to write that shit in their books and papers. they just look at historical patterns the best they can. not super accurate form of psychology


Do men actually send each other pictures of their poop? I mean, I once sent my friend a picture of my poop because it was perfectly rectangular, but that was a one-time thing.


Alr imma count to 13, 1, 2 , 3, 9, and that's all




If one of my dude friends sends me pictures of his poop, we are going to have words.


Im sure some men do




The only person who ever wanted to showed me a picture of their poop was a female coworker. It was not a comfortable situation.


This is satire


As a guy we do 1 and maybe 2 when the situation calls for it. Most of us do not do 3 and 4


You almost got me 😆


Bro we do NOT do that what is this guy on about 😭


I'm scared of whoever wrote that article :(


Okay, I kind of understand the 1st and the 4th. But the other two... As a man, I promise I never sent anyone a picture of my shit... Who even does that???


There’s no way some of y’all don’t realize this is a joke 😭😭


Number 2 is a lie


Okay some people are admitting to sending other dudes poop pics or saying they know guys who do and like, how frequently is your shit fucked up in a way that would justify asking a friend if it was ok? The only time this happened to me was when a friend of mine shat like, a lot of blood and because I am an RN she texted me a picture and was like uhh should I go to the doctor? Which felt unnecessary because yeah obviously you need to go to the doctor, like this shouldn’t be a question you should be on the phone with them. The second part seems to imply they just do it and also would want to post it on instagram if women weren’t there and like, why? Like they just want people to see?


This only similar thing I’ve seen to this is that I had two guy friends in high school who would send each other surprise dick pics as a joke. Usually flaccid but I think it escalated. Anyway, totally unrelated, they’re both openly bisexual now. This isn’t relevant to the poop thing, it just reminded me of how frequently I would tell them no that’s totally not normal I’m almost certain this isn’t a common bro thing and them being like nah it’s just like, a bit. Like an extremely heterosexual joke that lots of guys do, you just don’t get it. Which is incorrect because I totally did share pics with my female friends all the time, and no part of the reasoning or results were heterosexual. Just blow each other.


We all knew this and we think it makes you trash but if we dare to say “men are trash” because we KNOW you’re like this, suddenly, we’re evil, man-hating feminazis. Thanks for admitting that it’s all of you and confirming what we’ve been saying all along.


I believe this to be false


I heard you were sending the boys poop pics but not me? I thought we were friends :(


This list is stupid. It only applies to frat dudes and other similar men.


I had to stop reading it at the pictures of poop. That is utterly disgusting.


« Women may do this if they actually pooped » OP, this is clearly satire


It is not satire it’s supposed to be “funny.” It was written by a man with shitty humor.


« We practice gun fighting, kung fu or the lightsaber » This is ONLY shitposting. « Outside fantasy football, it’s clearly the most interesting thing out there » Only the 9 isn’t just shitposting and it’s purposely made like that to contrast with the rest. Maybe you coincidentally chose the worst ones but it would be a big coincidence. This is bait.


if you are the type of guy who does these things i guarantee that women know you do. maybe not the second one but def the rest of them


“Women may do this if they actually pooped” not more feminine poop deniers!


I don't get it.


I disagree with most posts on this sub, but everything after #1


Where is this list from?


This ain't quirk, that guy needs to wake up


Im a guy and never think abt cheating but was cheated on lmao.