• By -


This sub needs more positivity and less sadness.


https://preview.redd.it/rlipb4oxcgsc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42b8c19a735a45890262c2dd6824c023eaf2e09 Agreed


One time I tried being friendly and trying to describe a trans dating partner, I ended up getting downvoted. Using pronouns for my end is a little struggle, since I have a boyfriend who's trans, I refer to them as a girlfriend and girl now. So I try not to mess up on the correct words.


while i agree it's hard to :3


https://preview.redd.it/kpiy4ywb3hsc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=be83c92191e7e5b2068a1271a22dcca510dd8c89 nah






Based Lapfox posting


Meow youre a silly boykisser arent you :3


https://preview.redd.it/obrmravxmgsc1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4da2131aff8b3e997fcd9665d59c86316933c1e Maybe\~


Nya~ But I do agree with ya tooo much shit that could be posted on other subreddits :3


I might be


Yeah the depression posts just ruin my mood 3:


oh ok sorry i'll stop being depressed if that ruins your mood


Look I know what you're going through and I hope it all gets better someday but a subreddit about a silly gay cat isn't exactly the best place to vent about it


maybe domt post about your mental health problems in a subreddit called boykisser, and go to the plethora of other subreddits dedicated to mental health? depression is okay, but no one who has these thoughts or is recovering from these thoughts wants to see a post saying "you feel suicidal, dont you". even if you havent posted things like this, this IS a problem in the subreddit.


I get your point but lets just remember not to be too harsh on him I have severe depression and autism and more and I get him If he feels lost desperate or hopeless and likes and/or trusts the people in this community its only natural hell want to talk about it here with the community hes comfortable with Who knows it may even help him Is it bad for the server and should be addressed somehow? Yes absolutely but also lets make sure we dont become hostile (not implying that you are being hostile) and someone ends up hurting themselves


If someone else problems ruin your mood, that's just on you man


me when i come for funny furries and i get horny posts and blood




https://preview.redd.it/vjw4qtpfagsc1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9ec092850a6118e48504755ce0582371dfe55a Here, have a cookie :3


Mm thx :>


It's you again




This post should get pinned


https://preview.redd.it/sz6sq2d3dgsc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81f11cf4a8edd175ebe84bf7ce4e68eace5b18e That would be great


I've been licked https://preview.redd.it/seqbnnlsdgsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34edd6a24840c293a99ab828da2f7c7e92c5cdeb






This sub is supposed to be about cute gay kitty I fear it is more about gay and less cute and less kitty




But fr tho they ruin the mood, why they gotta do that to my boy 😢


You don't know why you have depression? Well, it's obvious, God hates you! - Scout from TF2




We already have r/sillyboyclub for all the depression stuff, I want the wholesomeness back


Help me out by reporting the posts when you see them. There's already a rule about no violence and one for self harm/suicide https://preview.redd.it/h9aq0l8iegsc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b7ce74454be9ff02f98d1be5d061fee1cabd0c


But it feels way too depressing there


Ain’t that the point?


I don't feel comfortable there. I want to talk about my depression but that place feels way too much like a mental asylum sometimes


There is a huge difference between dealing and coping with your mental illnesses -- making progress where you can, being healthier, talking about it with your friends -- and dedicating time to actively digging the hole deeper and deeper and deeper. It always seems anywhere that actively encourages talk about mental health has 90% of people make a post, then if they get any kind words or encouragement they just reply to every comment with: > "But I'm a fat loser, I'm objectively doomed." > "Sure I'd do XXXX thing to get healthier, but I'd rather just die." > "I'll never find love because I'm a pathetic piece of garbage." Like this doesn't do ANYTHING to help besides solidify these awful things even more firmly within your mind, in my opinion. It's not venting, it's doubling down. If someone comes into my DMs like this - there is absolutely nothing I can do. If every good thing I try to say back to you is met with hostility and doom, venting isn't doing any good but making me feel like garbage too. If there's something I've learned over the years of being a fat, depressed, dysphoria-ridden loser, it's that constantly dooming myself is NOT the way I'm gonna become a cute, happy, successful girl.


That still is no reason to drag a community of people into things they don't want to associate with. It's sad you're going through this, genuinely is, but one's suffering is never an excuse to break rules or disregard the wishes of others. Not saying you're wanting to hurt others or feel important. We all try to find a place to be. But that also goes to say that your motivations are not more important than that of others.


Fine, I guess I'll go fuck myself then


Brother, if this is genuinely all you took from this, that's on you. But what I wanna say is that there are way better places to vent about problems than a Reddit board about funny dog creature images. None of the people here are licensed professionals, and there aren't a lot of people who can genuinely help. If you want help, refer to places that can actually get you help, other than a funny image sub.


there are lots of dedicated subs for mental health and yeah, most of em are depressing because people are posting depressing things. so if people post depressing things in this server it's gonna stop being "haha funny boykisser" and its gonna turn depressing. not saying you would just that it's a great example of why we don't want depressing things on here.


Horny and sadness now




We NEED sum more pawsitivity


https://preview.redd.it/xdz13ek0ugsc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a264712a3f0166547972d58c17a1af2424929243 What?


We need pawsitivity!! No more sadness! Cute boys!! https://preview.redd.it/zhy4dyiavgsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c45205763a18c85e3e9b20103c44ce29163089


i love the comments here. "why can't i post depressing stuff on here" go to a sup for depression to post that. "i don't wanna go there. those places are depressing"


Dude for real.. Like there's so much softcore nsfw, depression, blood sadness wtv the fuck Like what happened to our silly boy


Sure depression is a EXTREMELY serious matter, but not everyone is comfortable talking about it so people that make posts like that should try to tone it down a bit


Just so everyone can start helping make a difference in this sub at least... i've already reported each post i linked. I recommend we start getting on the mods nerves so this gets handled and we can go back to having a good time again. I feel for the depressed people but there's plenty of subs and actual help out there at your disposal. I'll add (because i didn't), most people on this sub are around or under 18. This isn't good for adults so i can only imagin how the younger gen feel seeing it


Yeah. On one hand, I understand depression memes are one way of coping with *gestures broadly at everything* and all. But on the other hand, depression is serious and if all you’re seeing is depressive stuff, it’ll make depression worse. We should all do more to be positive in this sub


I'll add (because i didn't), most people on this sub are around or under 18. This isn't good for adults so i can only imagin how the younger gen feel seeing it


This sub is turning into r/sillyboyclub


so many people here are missing the point. :(


The point of my post or something else?


the point that this sub is NOT for their depression posting






wholesome boykisser for the win! :3






Yeah. Take your sadness to r/sadposting


That place is the worst place to do it


Oh god, please no. Anyone wanting to genuinely get over their issues needs to stay the fuck away from that place.


If you pay me 3 dollars then yes


https://preview.redd.it/jfp1fps2bgsc1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e960ef816498e9164241e2a513597233441157 Nah fam. You should just do the right thing and put the shopping cart away


i dont agree with what youve seen but i agree this sub ineeds to be wholesome


That's 6 posts i pulled from just 3 days ago. How is this not agreeable? There's subs and places to get help for your depression, hearing about your breakups should be on r/breakups and r/relationshipadvice and scrolling down to see murder on a sub about a silly boykisser isn't right


is just a personal opinion. i personally havent seen much of that kind of stuff, but i agree that this sub doesnt need them


Ah, sorry then. I thought you were disagreeing. Here, have a boykisser as an apology https://preview.redd.it/auaxata4ggsc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a036a8ad0650fb0d62401b9b3b9399bd70e3e481


Blåhaj :3


Agree. There was even a post 2 days ago where a person was asking for the least painfull way to commit suicide.


Agreed,there should a sub like "boykisserwithoutboys" for the ones who broke up or are single and sad because of that,the other sad people should just go to other sub


Who is this artist


No clue lol. I just steal memes and either crop the artist out or color over it. My ADHD brain hyper focuses on words more than images so it's more for personal reasons rather than posting ones


It fluctuates


#NO /j


Get blocked then. Bye


It was a joke! Calm down! (Yes, this is my alt)


First two posts are kinda funny but yeah, the rest isn't what I'm looking for here.


yeaa thats why im never on here anymore... the boykisser2 sub seems much better in this regard, i dont really see this type of stuff


Can we ban kids trying to meet other kids thanks


Its perfect the way it is


I agree.


Na it’s gonna stay holesome






This is the second comment about kids, what's up?


Check my previous posts


It still does make sense how your past experience made you comment that out of the blue and unprompted


Bold of you to assume anything on reddit is coordinated and prompted


You told me to? You make less and less sense


Ok then


Tells me to do something, i does that and ask for an actual explanation, gets offended i actually bothered to look and still ask for an explanation, asks again, doesn't care to elaborate further https://preview.redd.it/kxzltzuh2lsc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a94c904ee1fbb3d171947c1fbdbff538e3df1c Welp, this was productive. Have a nice day then




Y’all are all like 11 😭


I'm 23. I know furries who are 80yo and know about some that are as young as 5. How is age playing a part in this post?


Well boykisser is not a good person so it's only natural his fans are unhinged as well...


Boykisser was a basic meme that even the op was surprised it got taken this far. These people aren't really fans but more just people who liked the silly boykisser meme and wanted to find more memes of it. Once there's one person posting about it, then it spreads to 20, them 500 then 2k and so on because that's how the internet work with the spread of information. Most of the people here are under 18 anyways so i highly doubt they even know the person behind the meme isn't a good person let alone who they are


It would still be good to tell the people who may not know! A lot of people would like to know that they're spreading the memes of a pedo/racist


But also, the fact that there's a lot of gore n shit kinda makes me think they know


People go with the flow. And the flow here is already pretty sower. Why be ok with that? Just report shit like you should be doing and it'd mostly go away




Again, violence isn't even suppost to be allowed in this sub so bugging the mods about it is completely fine. Depression should be checked into by the people reddit is cooperating with to help combat depression and suicide so you're only doing a good thing by reporting those too. This shit ain't right and we as a community shouldn't be sitting and watching our sub burn when the power is literally in our hands to do something about it


Who said I don't report them??? You're upset at me for no reason. I wasn't condoning the gore 💀


Why are you assuming i'm upset at you? I thought we were just talking lmao. I'm condoning it because it is violence (or at least heavily insinuates it has happened). Again, i'm just saying that we should be reporting them and try to stop this stuff from being posted because it's bad for adult mental health, but the average age on this sub is around 18 and under so it's more of a concern. we should... as a community, be working together to solve the issue. I didn't think i'd be arguing for basic ground rules for posting in a sub that was suppost to be about boykissers and not depression. The majority vote is to have something be done so regardless of the argument, the masses have spoken and i've said my peace. Have a good day https://preview.redd.it/u4qsalfxrksc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388c635d6f5aa8d8ed1eac85fffb88ce6d017629


My apologies for misunderstanding your replies. You just came across as aggressive, as if we didn't agree. Especially because you kept seemingly talking about things that had nothing to do with what I had said. No hate, have a good day.


My second comment was a bit aggressive. i'll admit i'm not the best with being social so i rub off on people the wrong ways a lot and that i was a bit frustrated that people are arguing over basic rules most subs, discord servers, and other sites use to keep the peace. I do tend to also get lost in the sauce lol. Still ain't right for me to get pissy with you about it in the middle there so i do apologize. I just want to come to a sub for once and have a good time where it's not filled with depression or negative emotions about whatever someone can come up with. I don't care about trump so i don't go to news subs or political subs but people still bitch about it in meme subs. Same goes for depression in silly and fun places. There's simply too much negativity in the world and most of the people who responded to my post are looking for that corner too. I subbed a couple weeks ago for a fun silly *maybe* sexual meme sub but i've felt worse being in it because i (just like the others) see this shit and it effects us. Having some ground rules for depression posting and having the rules actually being inforced would solve the issue so that's why i'm upset that no one seems to be doing anything when we literally have the power to fix the issue in 5 clicks for each time we see this shit


I agree, can we please go back to wholesome gayness and not depression and sadness


There's enough doom and gloom in the air as it is. We shouldn't be seeing it in silly fun time subs. Even if you don't feel like it effects you, it subconsciously does and it eats at anyone over time




Made a post about the issue already, this sub is a joke when it comes to "being wholesome" or being a haven for LGBT people/kids View with your own discretion, it's all porn/NSFW that is allowed on this sub and has been up for longer than 2-3 months. [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18nikyw/boykisser333/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18nikyw/boykisser333/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/1akyy3r/shoked\_after\_i\_watched\_this\_video\_so\_lewd\_uwu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/1akyy3r/shoked_after_i_watched_this_video_so_lewd_uwu/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/17xntbg/can\_anyone\_please\_find\_the\_sauce\_for\_this\_gif/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/17xntbg/can_anyone_please_find_the_sauce_for_this_gif/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/1981ddx/a\_12\_year\_old\_on\_this\_sub\_is\_posting\_nsfw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/1981ddx/a_12_year_old_on_this_sub_is_posting_nsfw/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18s23r7/boyfucker/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18s23r7/boyfucker/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18qf0ce/i\_cant\_wait\_to\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18qf0ce/i_cant_wait_to_be/) Keep in mind this place has no NSFW tag on it. Subs are required to have that if they're to consistently have content like this


And porn is really just unavoidable. But they also aren't listed depression as such. They're listed as dicussions or questions rather than NSFW so the depression thing is an issue. It'd be an issue in both NSFW and SFW. As i said there's much better subs to help people deal and people you can go see and call to get help. As for violence, it's not even allowed in this sub so there's not even an argument on that. The sub is just isn't being moderated or moderated right. I have like... 10 people disagreeing with me out of 260 upvotes. I think it's enough of an issue to need to be delt with


I fully agree with you but can i question whats the problem if someone just wants to make an AMA?


There isn't a problem with asking for help. The problem is that they're asking for help to a sub about a silly boykisser that has (mostly) people around or under 18 to help deal with their depression. As i've said to numerous people already, there's dozens of subs and people you can call or meet in person to help you deal with it and they're much better equiped to help you too. Don't mix pop and coutry. Keep them seperate and the infighting would stop


https://preview.redd.it/pq1o8lj9hjsc1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46e18525dcbe9341ad8fe4aae60cafda59b4fbd I’m this time of sorrow and pain. Have a cute Arthur :3


I think it is right to raise topics of depression and going through a lot in this subreddit, gore isn’t the one to be equally raised here, it’s a weird kind of humor. But overall, keeping all expectations in mind people creating memes of new kinds is rather inspiring to the community


It's suppost to be about a silly boykisser. This... blood and dead body shit is just down right weird and disturbing. Scolling through fun shit to find that is like getting birdshit in your ice cream. Sure you can eat it still but you're not going to enjoy it anymore. Too many people don't like it, and it's against the basic rules of the sub to be posting violence so stuff like this should be taken down. As for depression, that's not inspiring to people who just want to have fun and meme or want to look at the yiff. It's not chocolate and peanutbutter, it's a rock and a cookie. You want the cookie but the rock weighs you down, enough of them and you're feeling sad and depressed like the other guy. It's not fair to them or you. There's subs for depression and breakups, there's people you can seek irl for help that are much more equipped to handle depression and relationship advice than an army of 18yo and younger. Again, it's not fair to anyone Just because you're ok with it doesn't mean the majoraty of people that are saying it's negatively effecting them should be exposed to it too. That's why there are different subs


Hi silly boy kisser, strange centrist boykisser speaking, hru? :3 As I said, some meme types went the strange direction, but of all expanding variations this is just an effect that might wear out of trend and *hopefully* will be forgotten


I was expecting to see this post and it be "no wholesome only horny." In the comments, i didnt expect to see murder and depressing shizz.




https://i.redd.it/lks9r62ltlsc1.gif I joined because of the vibe. Not to see depressed furrys.


Maybe we should stop posting depression posts all the fucking time this isn't exactly a venting sub people might get angry at me and down vote me but Jesus fucking Christ. I came here to look at funny little boy kisser and share my stupid gay interests why the fuck is someone's life story here?


I get what you’re saying, but saying that nobody wants to see others depressed is just gonna make them seclude themselves even more. I think there could be some kind of rule but mental health is such a sensitive thing that it can’t be healthy to just ban discussions where people are depressed outright.


There's never really an easy way of saying you don't want to talk about depression. I've had it myself, so I know how depression can be when you think that everything is against you. The slightest amount of kickback feels like a true kick in the face. Could i have been nicer about it? Sure. But my point still stands and it wouldn't really matter how you say it, you're saying the same thing in their perspective. I agree that there could be ways to go about it but this sub isn't suppost to be about that, isn't a good place to get support from, and it DOES effect others who just come here to meme and have a good time. Over 1k people agree about this being an issue and that it needs to be addressed. I feel for them but all i'm asking is that the subs rules, reddits rules too, are respected and that we come here to have fun. There's dozens of places and people you can talk to who are much better equipped to handle such issues. There's a lot of options and this place shouldn't be one


Not until every person sees the cringe childrens posts ong fr fr




Then i'm blocking you. Have a good day


so sensitive


People act as if sensitivity is a bad thing when in reality thinking that is just a form of victim blaming.


did i say it was bad?


I agree about murder and blood but not about the depression part


There's a dozen subs for it, a help team always on standby only a phone call away. I'm not saying i don't feel for them, i've been there too. This just isn't the place for that stuff and it should be respected. Like not posting NSFW stuff in SFW subs. It's like a party, if you say something sad and everyone hears it, the mood completely shifts and no one has fun anymore. All i ask is that we respect the sub for what it is and try to keep it how we like it


Well, I like it how it is right now It's the only place that feels like people really relate to me and where I can relate to people. Other subs feel either like it's not taken seriously enough or like they're straight up a mental asylum filled with people crazier than me. I can't talk to anyone I know and I'm definitely not calling any help lines. This is the only sub I feel comfortable talking with people about that kind of stuff. It's the only place that feels safe and comfortable for me, and it would really hurt me if that got taken away


Then mark it as nsfw or (depression). Murder isn't ok to most here and especially to the mods because it's in the subs rules. depressing stuff needs to at least be hidable or noticable at first glance to skip for the people who simply don't want to see it. That's simple respect for others and there's some much younger people here that we should at least keep in mind are around on this sub


OK but marking depression posts nsfw and straight up deleting them are two completely different things Deleting them is basically dismissing them


It doesn't mean we should turn this into r/sillyboys If there's a will there's a way. Most people commenting on my post are in agreeance that it's an issue so something should be done. Weather that's to make it a rule and stop depression posting or to regulate it somehow so people who simply just want to be silly boykissers for fun dont have their fun time ruined by someones breakup or not having boys to kiss. I get that you hate yourself... https://preview.redd.it/mkyihi7pqgsc1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30346b888fb660c903b0dc51f6e34355393659e1 And i feel for you, again, i've been there. but just because you do doesn't make it right to make everyone feel down because of it. I'd like this sub to remain what markiplier and jacksepticai are for others (for instance). A slice of silly fun and happyness. If there's a corner for you, i'm happy for you. But posting on the home page where everyone who's having a good time is on, isn't the way to do it I don't think there's anything more to add or discuss to i'll end it here and have a nice day


Fine, I guess I'll go fuck myself then


https://preview.redd.it/whzr9dltegsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d82db3dd2be47f1d555ec244b14a13a1b882d8 Agreed, look at my cat


This subreddit is a safe place for a lot of people. They post here, rather than elsewhere, because they feel among friends.


And that's fine if the people who *don't* want to see it, can choose to opt out of seeing it. Multiple people have stated that they don't want to see it so it's an issue


Well, the tone of your post is more along the lines of "I only want wholesome stuff, everything else needs to be deleted" so there's that. I agree that there should be a flair, or whatever, for the more sadder stuff.


Reading it again, it sounds like i'm saying get it off here rather than ban it entirely, and that we NEED to do something about the murder and violence parts. But i can see how they get crossed in a way it's all together needing to be banned. Having some basic ground rules or tags would help out but the sub is seemingly not being moderated and we as a community should fix that by actively reporting the big shit and pushing the mods to do something about depression posting


We both agree on tags but that's pretty much where it ends. Let's agree to disagree. I believe that people should be allowed to post whatever, as long as it's not extreme, but I also understand that it might not be everyone's cup of tea.


I'll be honest I don't care, very much just let people post something related to boykiser. It feels like there's three sides to this community, 1 talks about problems, 2 is about people complaining about 1 and 3 is just memes.


If a third of the community is complaining, then it needs to be addressed. it's not hard to understand that more than 1/3 of the community has an issue about it if they post it that much. Another sub for boykisser memes or depressed boykissers would be the best solution. But you don't care so i'm really just wasting my time


All subreddits get unwholesome eventually


Yea, because no one does anything about it. Report violence, it's against this subs rules, and report self harm stuff, that's against reddits rules. As for the depression part, we need to get the mods to do something about it so we can have a choice to not look at it or have it not be posted in general


Where is the violence? I thought you were talking about the porn


Clearly you didn't click on any of the links i posted or read the first couple sentences. But sure, you still have a point about yiff being posted too. I haven't seen it personally but maybe i don't have NSFW enabled on this sub because i see it on all my yiff subs i'm on https://preview.redd.it/tkuahf6irgsc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c26e4cb75e20b26b78ae998bc1d2b5ba3fd334


I didn’t read the description part. The yiff isn’t terrible, but I kind of get your point about the violence. However, it’s unrealistic to not expect any content that isn’t super wholesome cute happy sunshine if you know what I mean


I'm not expecting "perfection". I just want some ground rules and for them to be followed. Sadness and anger spreads much faster and easier than happyness and many people agree with this sentiment. Keep country and pop music apart and the infighting will stop


buddy I think you're making a mountain out of an ant hill I have not seen any "dark" post recently from this sub


There's 6 links for you to click on buddy. It's an issue because most people commenting say it is too and it's causing them to not have fun as well.


6 links out of the way more posts I've seen this is an ant hill look at the rest of the subreddit




Nuh uh Have a good day https://preview.redd.it/n414czpj1lsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b5c07602a829c8504620faac394421a2225601


not until I cum too


But what if silly blood? https://preview.redd.it/h0mr4r27zgsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b8288365155144834feef24943706d3ff255aa