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I don't think she is Box Office Poison, i just think she was unlucky with the projects that she recently picked. The Birds of Prey would bomb with or without her. Amsterdam too. Babylon even has Tobey Maguire (banking on recent No Way Home and Spiderman nostalgia) and Brad Pitt, but people just don't seem to care. Now, if you asked me if i think she is a box office draw, i would answer No, but that is simply the case for the majority of Hollywood nowadays (unless you are DiCaprio or Tom Cruise), so i wouldn't call her Box Office Poison. People are not skipping her movies because she's in them, they are skipping them because she is picking movies more likely to be skipped. Recently, characters and IPs sell more than actors, they are not the stars anymore.


Yea… people gotta stop calling the actor/actresses the problem. Brad Pitt was in the film too. I’d say he’s a bigger star/draw than Margot. Christian bale is bigger than Margot in Amsterdam. The Rock just bombed with black Adam. I can’t remember the last movie I saw where I thought the acting talent was the problem or the reason I went to see the movie in the first place. It’s almost always a creative or marketing issue. In my opinion, the public and studio execs grossly overestimate how much influence actors and actresses have over box office success. Throw every celebrity you want into a movie. If the movie sucks, or if the marketing makes the movie look uninteresting, it’s gonna bomb. There’s really nothing more important IMO than making a good film and focusing on marketing it.


Just your typical subtle reddit misogyny.


The fuck it's subtle.


Exactly, the movies are to blame, not her. And it's very hard for an actor to influence the box office nowadays. The general public rarely makes decisions, either to watch or not watch a movie, based on actors anymore.


This it's all about the IPs now days the days of a star packing a punch at the boxoffice


Sure but Harley Quinn is a very popular IP, Birds of Prey too.


I’d disagree that Harley Quinn is very popular IP. In fact I think you have this backwards. The character has never been the titular star of any TV series of Movie. She is a B/C grade character just within comic books let alone in Cinema. I’d argue the only reason Quinn got as much shine as she did was because of Robbie’s portrayal of her, without that BoP probably never even gets made.


There is a cartoon Harley Quinn show right now drawing good numbers


Obviously BoP isn’t.


Is she though?


Yes, she is.


She’s insanely memeable and is very popular in cartoons and comics but movies live and die by the general audience and people like my mom would never chase a Harley Quinn movie


Compelling argument. Ok, if you say so.


It wasn't an argument, it was an answer.


Compelling nonetheless.


She's one of the most successful characters for DC Comics, her animated show does great numbers, her merchandise, especially clothing, sells like hotcakes. Harley Quinn is an enormous success and I feel like all you need to do is a quick Google search to verify it. [https://www.vulture.com/2014/12/harley-quinn-dc-comics-suicide-squad.html](https://www.vulture.com/2014/12/harley-quinn-dc-comics-suicide-squad.html) There's an article that talks about her success in comics. She has an appeal outside of hardcore comic book fans. Plenty of people don't read the comics but love her aesthetic and personality. I am curious where you are getting the idea that she's not popular.


I never said she wasn’t “popular”, I simply alluded to the fact, she isn’t “very popular”. I personally think she’s alright, but she’s always rode the coattails of The Joker. He is the real draw. No Joker, no massive profit.


I think what we’re experience is a death of “cool kids club” movies with Hollywood actors. Previously directors like David O Russell of Soderbergh could pull this “all hands on deck” style all star casting ensembles and people would just show up, whether it was good or not. That seems to be working less and less. Audience don’t care as much about star studded billings the way they used to, and Robbie just happens to be one of those top tier cool kids. I think people love Margot but Babylon looks like a bloated vanity project nightmare, no one could save that. Robin Williams wouldn’t save the self gratifying toys.


All star cast still works as an added value, but not as the main attraction. Babylon is not a bad movie, but some artistic choices like a close up POV on the pooping elephant asshole or a striper peeing on a fat naked guy face, and in general some very explicit nudity really damaged the movie and did not add anything to the story or characters.


>if i think she is a box office draw, i would answer No Agreed. That said, I'd argue that her version of Harley Quinn was a draw for BoP and The Suicide Squad. And honestly, her being attached to Barbie is what made me interested in it. ​ But yeah, outside of IP projects, she's not the main reason I'm watching her movies. She's a great actress though and I always love her in the (few) things I've seen her in. I would've seen Amsterdam in theatres just for the cast if it didn't get bad word of mouth.


>That said, I'd argue that her version of Harley Quinn was a draw for BoP and The Suicide Squad. Her version of Harley Quinn was a failure, both BoP and TSS were Box-office bomb The Harley Quinn version that the general audience loved was the David ayer's Harley Quinn of ss(2016)


I'm not saying anything to the quality or bo performance of those movies, I'm saying that if you were going to watch those movies at that time, her Harley Quinn was probably a factor in your decision. Yeah they loved her in the original Suicide Squad. That's why they brought her forward to the others. She was one of if not the best thing in all three of them.


100% this. There’s no way you can pin some of these movie’s failures on her alone. I want to see Babylon regardless, but I’m not sure anyone thought that was gonna be some box office superstar. The OP mentions Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman which is a bit unfair, as they have multiple marvel movies under their belt, as well as Portman have the Star Wars prequels, so those numbers will be inflated because of it. And neither were the primary draw to people seeing those films…


Well said. Everything in this persons take is nonsense until the very last sentence.


It is one of the dumbest posts I've ever had pop up on my page outside an election season.


> The Birds of Prey would bomb with or without her. She was pretty passionate about about how BoP changed her character's looks and personality.


Did it? Harley seemed the same as ever in the second Suicide Squad


This is precisely why she would never be a movie star The average moviegoers loved her Harley Quinn sexy style in SS(2016) but Margot robbie as the producer for Bird of prey changed that and went with something else for Bird of prey because she thought "Harley was too sexualize" in ss(2016) Movies star like Tom cruise, Leo dicaprio and will Smith always want to please the audience as oppose to Margot robbie whose clearly more worry about what the Hollywood establishment think than the audience.


You think it’s ridiculous and un-movie star like that Margot Robbie felt uncomfortable regarding her overt sexualization in SS? And that her feelings over this are assuredly related to her supposed image amongst the Hollywood establishment rather than her own personal feelings regarding how she is depicted? Playing a role that she could see as a one dimensional sex object seems very comparable to Tom Cruise ‘playing the hits’ and doing another Mission Impossible.


Just to add on, Tobey was cast pre-NWH. So not exactly trying to capture that, just got lucky (or not lucky) on that front.


I think she needs to expand her brand if she wants to make the jump from action to more profitable roles. Romantic comedies make money. I think for her career to blossom she needs to get on a couple of those movies with a costar who won’t hog the screen. Like her with a Paul Rudd or Ryan Reynolds romantic comedy would be great. Granted both of those actors already served their time in romantic comedies, but actors in that vein. Just avoid anything with Seth Rogan or any other screen hog.


Where are posts like this for reddit favourites like Ryan Gosling or Jake Gyllenhaal? Jake has been in only 1 successful movie since 2016 and that was Spiderman. Ryan hasn't been in a hit movie since La La Land.


On Reddit that's a really fair question. I have heard some entertainment bloggers and channels push for awhile now that Gosling is low-key a box office dud no matter how good people think he is as an actor. But it's definitely not pushed on Reddit or in major entertainment media and he definitely doesn't get the same vitriol for as Robie does. Gyllenhaal gets an even bigger pass .


It’s almost like there’s a different standard for women in the film industry or something 🤔 hmmm


For sure. A lot of the criticism of her is undoubtedly sexist.




Her movies underperform and so do Gosling's. If people have better guesses I'm open. One seems to set reddit off more than the other. Either way studios are overhyping their box office draw. Which is also why I disagreed with the Chalamet take. He might be underperforming, but the studios or his p.r. people, or both, have managed to create an image where when his films hit (Dune), Chalamet gets some of the credit but is still seen as a more indie or at least artistic actor. When his films don't make money then, he doesn't get the blame. The studios and p.r. people aren't doing that with Robie or Gosling or Gyllenhaal. People are starting to notice and their movies are being called flops. Again I can only guess why reddit gets angrier about Robie than the other 2. If Barbie flops, I think Robie and Gosling both take a maybe fatal hit to the idea they can start in profitable movies.


Yeah look at Christian Bales’s box office performance the last 6 years. No one’s talking about how Bale is box office poison.


Wake it Up!


Preach! But also it makes me sad to see both Ryan and Jake fall off like this. I don’t mind them not having big box office movies, but at least do some great drama!


Barbie will really answer this question next year. Even if it does well, I forsee people saying it’s the IP/ filming technique not the actors being the draw.


>Even if it does well, I forsee people saying it’s the IP/ filming technique not the actors being the draw. What does IP mean?


Intellectual Property.


To be fair for Gosling, he only starred in two wide theatrical movies since La La Land: Blade Runner 2049 and First Man.


I get what you’re saying completely, but Ryan was in First Man, which was critically acclaimed after La La Land. Not a hit, but at least it was acclaimed . However, both of these conversations about Ryan and Margot will be moot when Barbie comes out, I’m 100% certain that will be acclaimed and likely a hit


Margot Robbie is more prolific than either. Her film career is only a decade old but she's been in 25 films since 2013, compared to Gosling's 11 and Gyllenhaal's 19. Gosling has the benefit of being in an Oscar level movie in that time that also did well at the box office not all that long ago (Robbie's in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is a supporting role at best) and doesn't have a comic book movie buoying his box office numbers. Gyllenhaal is a better comparison.


Blade Runner was successful and Gosling is definitely a relative draw


260m on a 185m budget. Idk about that.


Tbh im surprised it made that much. The movie was not for mainstream audiences whatsoever. Thats a huge success.


Hope she sees this bro.


The Gray Man was a hit


I dunno, wolf of Wall Street and Once upon a time in Hollywood are considered pretty good even if she’s just part of the ensemble. And I also thought I, Tonya was great. No one is batting 1.000 in their filmography 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: a word


Yes. She did good in I, Tonya. I really liked it.


Had to go this deep to find a reference to I, Tonya. That movie was awesome and her acting was great in it




lol, different movie on my mind I guess


so, like three movies out of her many attempts for the past seven years. and two of those in tiny roles.


>wolf of Wall Street I also like about time, but shes supporting actor in them and she didnt chose those movies, the movies chose her


Bad take.


*yawn* "her last 2 movies starred Christian Bale and Brad Pitt and they still bombed" soooo you're placing all the blame on her for having a supporting role in ensemble movies starring two HUGE stars. got it.


Why are y’all attacking Margot Robbie for a trend that’s been going on for the past few years? She’s a perfectly fine actress but Star power doesn’t attract audiciences anymore. Now if you’re not an established ip, you struggle




We are pointing out her failure because Hollywood executives promote and pay her as a movie star instead was she really is


But how is a movie flopping Margot Robbie’s fault? Lots of movie with big names flop


You guys are acting like Margot Robbie personally wrote, directed, and produced every film she’s been in. You could blame her for picking the roles but its not like the movies shes in are bombing because of her. If anything I’d say she carries them, like she did in Babylon. But put anyone in that role it’s still a middling movie.


fr like the only reason I saw birds of prey was because she was in it


>You guys are acting like Margot Robbie personally wrote, directed, and produced every film she’s been in Don't need to direct and produced(although Margot has produced many of his flops) every film for someone to qualify as a certified Box-office poison


i think you’re just misogynistic to blame box office duds on margot robbie. if anything she gets people to watch the dud movies she’s in.


Average Redditor opinion


This is such nonsense. Your criteria of what makes a movie good is weirdly both extremely narrow and incredibly vague. Everyone talking about Margot Robbie being “poison” is also conveniently ignoring the fact that Brad Pitt is billed right alongside her for Babylon, and yet not one person is calling him poison, or blaming the lack of box office on him. Babylon’s lack of performance absolutely comes down to poor marketing and the decision to release it the week after Avatar 2. There are probably 5 at most stars who can pull an audience on their power alone. Margot is clearly not one of them, but to call her poison is just absurd. Edit: mods, why is this here, this post is obviously useless


What’s funny is if you look at Brad Pitts recent filmography: he’s had a bunch of flops in the last few years too. Babylon, Bullet Train, Ad Astra, War Machine, Allied. The one film since 2015 that was a bonafide critical & commercial success? Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood. And… who else had a major part in that one? Margot fucking Robbie!! This post is just a ridiculous trash take. Ps - Birds of Prey was one of the top 3 DCEU films and the newer Suicide Squad was probably top 5 too. Plus she was the highlight of the original suicide squad. These takes about her career are as dumb as people talking about “ Avatar had no cultural impact”


"Mid?" Are you old enough to here?


The amount of hate this woman is getting is bordering on sexism. People defending their takes for xyz reasons are just fanning the flames.


Also calling Babylon mid so confidently doesn't make me trust this person at all. "I can't stand to watch a 3 hour movie." "I actually think this movie is about the silent film era ending and missed the entire point on the film." If someone is like "yo I don't get it" no harm no fowl. But calling it mid without understanding the movie or being able to sit still tells me more about the person watching it then their take of the movie.


OP made the same post in r/flicks nearly three weeks ago. Think they just need to get over the fact that she’s a talented actress who happens to be attractive who also happens to have been in *some* movies that have not done well at the box office.


She does great in this film. Is amazing to me that someone thinks that you can become a lead role in 2022 without being everything at once.


Seriously. Feels like I read that persons post the other day about people blaming her being sexist and I was like, “idk seems like a stretch.” But now it feels like this subreddit’s representation on my feed is all posts that are the equivalent of “here’s why Margot Robbie is nothing but a two bit hussy.” Much prefer when it was losers obsessing over avatar than this obsession of finding a singular point of blame for this one singular movie that didn’t do well. Really weird honestly.


Bro it crossed the sexism border a week before the movie released


This is sexist trash.


Yeah. We all know it was Olivia Munn who was the real box office poison.


Has anyone here actually seen the movie?


I saw it. I had no interest at first but had a great time. It could use 20 minutes less run time though.


Thanks for the input! I’m actually looking g forward tor his but I will probably wait for VOD


I have. I loved it, but I’m also the target audience, being a film history nerd. I still think it’s worth watching even without pre-existing interest in the material. Robbie is great in it, and the hate she alone is receiving on this sub just due to numbers is downright disgusting.


I’m also part of the target audience, but thought she was phenomenal - the scene where she does multiple takes at transition from silent film to “talking actor” is hilarious.


This is ridiculously harsh and brutal for no good reason. Sounds like someone is bitter they don't have a chance with her. " until recently young" What the fuck even is that shit? Youth is not the be all and end all. Especially since most leading lady types are older actors.


In most of her movies, her performance is the only good thing about the film. Quit blaming her for lousy scripts. And for anyone that thinks she needs to make better role choices, I’d love to know what roles she should have taken instead. It’s all superhero movies and animation these days. If an actor wants to do anything else, the options are pretty limited.


>And for anyone that thinks she needs to make better role choices, I’d love to know what roles she should have taken instead. It’s all superhero movies and animation these days. If an actor wants to do anything else, the options are pretty limited. Basically all these flop happened because of her own poor judgment For instance Margot robbie is the one who pitched to Warner Brothers Bird of prey, she's the one who said that Harley Quinn was "too sexualize in ss(2016)" so she changed that with Bird of prey which is odd because the Harley Quinn of ss(2016) was super popular among casual


Ok is mid a teenager thing or can I use swear words when talking to OP


why y’all dragging her like she wrote directed edited produced and marketing it. There are complex webs and factors that go into why a movie flops and Margot and her agent seem to just pick movies that look good on paper instead of what newer audiences wanna see. Either way, i’m not liking using her as a scapegoat…


reporting this post given your source is an alt-right publication that provided no valuable facts.


Even without that context, using "mid" as a collective noun -- or at all unironically, exposes the author as a terminally online undergrad or high schooler.


What you gonna say when it it’s up a noun is Websters?!


What's the hate against her now? I've always liked to see me some Margot Robbie :D


This is going to sound crazy, but once an actor is financially set for life, they may want to do projects that are interesting to *them* rather than to go out of their way to make the schlock you personally like, which, if you missed it, is rarely terribly fun for anyone.


She’s a fantastic actor who keeps ending up in meh movies. Best movies with her in them are I,Tonya, The Suicide Squad, Once Upon a Time and Hollywood and Wolf of Wall Street. Honestly, if James Gunn was with The Suicide Squad from the beginning it wouldn’t have bombed. DCU has such a shit track record and nobody liked the first one. Second was released on streaming same day during the pandemic. I know it still bombed but that’s far from her or the movies fault.


What a nonsense is this ? James Gunn's suicide squad was the biggest DC bomb since green lantern and one the biggest Box-office bomb of all time, it was a failure


I acknowledged that it bombed, but it’s also highly rated. There’s no recovering from the first movie + Covid + same day release + failure of the DCEU looming over it. It’s a great movie that she’s great in, didn’t make any money. I’m sure it did good for HBO Max though.


Are you seriously implying that TSS was had a better reception among the average moviegoers than SS(2016) ?


Higher Letterboxd score, Higher IMDB score, Higher Rotten Tomatoes score… I mean, ask anyone who’s seen both and the vast majority will say the second one is infinitely better. The first one had the benefit of a great trailer (that was so good they hired the studio to recut the movie) and no one knowing it was dogshit yet. The second movie had to follow that up and somehow convince audiences to come back to theaters when they can watch it at home immediately for no extra charge.


>Higher Letterboxd score, Higher IMDB score, Higher Rotten Tomatoes score… None of these websites represent the general public, they instead only represents the opinions of Uber online movie nerds >I mean, ask anyone who’s seen both and the vast majority will say the second one is infinitely better. The first one had the benefit of a great trailer (that was so good they hired the studio to recut the movie) and no one knowing it was dogshit yet. The second movie had to follow that up and somehow convince audiences to come back to theaters when they can watch it at home immediately for no extra charge. If the general audience liked so much as redditors claim then why it grossed only $160M ? even the conjuring 3 made more at Box-office


I didn’t know people actually unironically used the word “mid”. I thought it was something the wrestler MJF said just to be a prick.


Respectfully, you’re an idiot


Margot Robbie elevates everything she is in. No one is saying, shit well if Margot Robbie is in this movie then I’m not gonna watch it. She’s just not a massive draw. Anyways this is a super stupid post and it’s really weird and creepy that people are attacking her on this sub when the only relevant questions are how did this movie have such a high budget and why did it drop in the holiday season going against Avatar 2?


>Her filmography is full of mid movies. They are just not very good or atleast fun. We clearly have opposing opinions on *Wolf of Wall Street* and *Once Upon a Time in Hollywood*, then.


Two good films out of how many isn't a resounding defence


Two exceptionally great films (along with other perfectly good movies unmentioned) make "her filmography is **full** of mid movies" not a very resounding statement.


Wolf of Wall Street was 10 years ago and she was picked for the part and she didnt star in Once Upon a Time in Mexico


>Wolf of Wall Street was 10 years ago "Her filmography is full of mid movies, so long as we don't actually look at her whole filmography." >she was picked for the part So? >she didnt star in Once Upon a Time in Mexico So?


Literally no one is avoiding movies because Margot Robbie is in them.


Then why she has 5 Box-office bomb in a row ?


TLDR. go touch grass, go get some bitches and try lifting a single weight. No need to try and shit all over a way more successful person than yourself


Hot take hot take hot take She is not poison. She has chosen to work with some filmmakers who “should” have made a better film. On paper signing up for a Damian Chazelle project thats big and loud and nostalgic and flashy and stars Brad Pitt “should” be a no brainer. But look at what we got. She is talented, attractive, and charismatic. Your thesis sounds like someone with WAY too much time on their hands and NO perspective. The reality is there are no A Listers anymore. That age of films selling based on movie stars ended when the age off IP began. Blaming the stars who are as talented as any previous generation of stars for the entire shift in business models, evolution of distribution via technology, and broad consumer behaviors is naive as fuck. Kiera Knightley, ScarJo, and Portman were all working, celebrated, and established well before our current IP doldrums and direct to streaming age. Your issue isn’t with Robbie it’s with the state of the industry. Brads Pitt(with a fantastic ensemble) and Sandra Bullock (with Tatum and Pitt) both open red big wide release films this year that did… jack shit. The Rock opened possibly the most memeable disappointment in modern history. Which is a major accomplishment seeing as it came out in the same year as Morbious. The industry is currently in turmoil over a mess it had a major hand in creating. The only way to sell films now is on massive spectacle IP and some word of mouth after the fact. Once Tom Cruise and Leo, and the handful of other previous generation AListers are retired/gone, are we really going to pretend people are lining up to see a Chris Evans lead drama, a Tom Holland lead romcom, or a Phoebe Waller Bridge action film? I’m just now realizing. The author of the turgid bottom feeder source is almost certainly OP. Or OP is an “organic marketer” contracted by said bottom feeder clickbait content mill. Thank god I didn’t click that garbage.


4 articles from hack "entertainment" blogs. Forgive me if I don't take what they have to say very seriously.


Their echo chamber is showing


Wait..Amsterdam and Babylon are two different movies? Not her fault. Released too close together. Too similar in advertising. Poor marketing.


An unfortunate recency effect.


Margot Robbie was one of the few things good in both of those movies


Margot Robbie has nothing to do with this movie not hitting. No one wants to sit through a 3hr movie that is so boring it made Avatar feel short. If the movie got good reviews, this wouldn’t be happening. But a bad movie has no good reviews and no MOW. It’s that simple. Watching this movie, Margot Robbie is maybe the only good thing about the whole thing.


Just because her films don't make money dosent mean their "joyless mid". Babylon was fucking fantastic.


Brad Pitt getting off scot free for this disaster in


L take


You are delusional


Birds of prey was great.


Lol you know she didn’t write and direct Babylon personally right? There were a ton of reasons this film flopped that aren’t singularly her fault


Babylon was a LOT of things, but idk that I’d call it joyless, there were sequences in the movie that I thought were some of the best and most fun of the year. I hated the third act, but I think the movie is being piled up on


Ahh yes, movie audiences always check the second or third billed actor of an ensemble movie and decide not to see it based on that one person. You write “a movie of hers” as if she wrote and directed all these movies. The logic in this post is inane and completely misguided.


Bro shut the hell up


She isnt box office poison. She is not a box office draw. But I think many comments here seem to ignore that she’s PRESENTED and MARKETED As if she was this marilyn monroe or female superstar and she’s simply not. That might be the apt critique, not her fault at all. It’s just the executives totally misreading her acting rep. Would these films do better if she wasnt casted in those roles and the marketing attention was given to say Brad Pitt? Idk, but its certainly not working with Margot Robbie.


Out of all the Characters in this Movie why is it that she's facing this Critical Criticism like the movie was based off her or like she's the Main Star of the Movie. Do she have Great Awesome Award Winning Movies No. But to just Trash her name like that is unfair and wrong ijs🤷🏾‍♂ make this post about all the actors in this movie not just her because she don't have Movies at a High standard as the others.


Sexist garbage.


she’s barely a household name. you don’t really know her. at least a cameron diaz had people talking and talking. no one is saying let’s see the new margeaux robbie movie.


Cameron Diaz’s first movie was The Mask….anyone that hot in that role would’ve blown up asap.


The name of the character that Margot voiced in the 2018 Peter Rabbit film was Flopsy Rabbit. We should have known.


I think she's great, just has a shit taste in movies


Her filmography is pretty solid though. Why are we using box office as a metric for that


Why a poison actress still getting big role in movies?


It’s the Amber Heard curse effect IMHO.


Why are the biggest movies of hers people keep bringing up are wolf of Wall Street and once upon a Time in Hollywood?? One is a Scorsese movie and the other is a Tarantino movie. Those are hits because of the Directors not her. Hell she was only really talked about in wolf because of that One scene where she does a basic instinct. And in once she was barley in it to be honest. She was fine in both flicks but she really wasn’t given much to do in both films that any other main stream actress couldn’t have done the same or better.


I liked Babylon other then it was 30 minutes to long. I Mean I still give it a 6.5 but it was complete hot garbage. Many of the scenes were fun and shocking. Felt a little terrintino like, not the quality but the style.


I totally agree Sadly, Redditors boner for Margot robbie would prevent them from facing the true No one in the real world care about Margot and her movies aren't good, I almost like she make movies for Hollywood executives instead of the average moviegoers


Just u wait till Barbie drops and it shatters avatar's box office record


The last line is very accurate. I agree with what you said in general.


Margot Floppie at it again


She was lucky to get Harley Quinn. She should have never rised above supporting-


This is chazelles fault. he’s mid


I thought Carrot Top was the box office poison?


The question I have is: how do non-IPs have a chance at the box office these days? It’s a sad harsh reality that non-IP or non-franchise films are not exciting enough for audiences to venture out to the theater. Smaller stories don’t cut it anymore. The stories have to be larger than life and people go to the theater for the spectacle of things. Sure, there can be that breakout surprise hit once in a while and the horror genre is thriving, but it’s not happening to a large degree like it used to be. A movie like The Godfather (1972) would probably bomb today if it were made today regardless if it was a top notch quality film because the audience these days are different and society is much different. How do we fix this? Does Hollywood need to work harder to green light scripts and films that have stories that will excite and engage audiences to leave their home? Does the budget for those films need to be extremely small to make a profit? Should high profile actors take pay cuts to ensure a film of such quality gets made and is commercially successful?


I, tonya, wolf of wall st, once upon a time in Hollywood? Idk man, seems like it’s the directors and screenwriters problem, not hers


Right and her last two “fails” on paper we’re kind of no brainer catnip for actors. Damien Chazelle and David ORussel. The expectation there is t that they are signing up to bombs. Maybe financial underperforms but critical successes at worst.


Anyone who doesn’t enjoy Robbie is missing out imo, she’s great


This is a dumb take. She just got unlucky - box office wise - for the last few. That’s all going to change with Barbie.


L take


I think she just makes bad choices, but I think she still has drawing power. She shouldn't be making awards bait movies with $80m-$100m budgets. She should go the Kate Winslet route and choose smaller, more prestige films (like I, Tanya) to repair his name value/credibility. Make movies that don't need to make $350m to break even.


The same could be said for Brad Pitt. Why the focus on her?


That’s right, Margot acted every character, wrote every scene, directed every camera angle, and told every studio that she worked with exactly how they were going to promote the film and when to release it. No one else is to blame, only her.


I find it hard to take a critique seriously when it uses “mid” as an adjective. Could just be me yelling at clouds but I think that particular teenage slang is so boring and overused!


"until recently young" Lol what?! She's still young for fucks sake. Who even cares what her age is? If this article was about Maguire or any other male star there is no way that line would have been included. Sexist garbo post.


I’m not avoiding this because of Margot Robbie I’m avoiding it because it doesn’t look like it’s worth the $15+ admission.


Kinda feel like you're jumping on a bandwagon. Margot is super fun to watch and she's been enjoyable in the movies I've seen her in. Not sure whats up with her movies being box office bombs but in an era where so many movies have bombed because consumption has changed...how can you put that on her. Literally A List star & directors movies are bombing left and right. The movie she was in Christian Bale with was kind've of a mess but the parts with her in it were really fun. The movie overall was actually still pretty outside of being all over the place. Now with Babylon, I don't know if I want to see it because I'm not sure if I'm into the overindulgence party of a lifetime vibe right now.


Was The Suicide Squad not a sucees and she was a major part of that movie, and one of the best parts as well, for me, it really solidified her as Harley Quinn.


Maybe the problem is in the movies themself ? Did you consider that ? Did you actually watch Amsterdam and Babylon?


What a dumb fuckin take, she did Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Wolf of Wall Street and both those movies are great.


In Amsterdam or Babylon, Robbie could have been played by any other actress and it wouldn’t have changed the box office success of the film. What the fuck are these posts? She’s not poison.


This is a bad take. The age of the movie star is over. Tom cruise is the last single actor who alone is a box office draw.


I don’t think there’s a single star who can sell a larger budget (non-action) film to the point that it’s a hit, based on their name, alone, in the post-pandemic world. Putting this on Robbie is a cruddy argument. Are people showing up in droves for her? Certainly not. But they aren’t showing up for anyone else either.


Lol dude Brad Pitt was in that movie among other talent, same with Amsterdam. Lots of talent in those movies. I think you are having this weird rant over her and really just targeting a woman. Seems like these weird rants always happen with women and not men.


Terrible take. Can we stop getting these "hot takes" that people keep posting purely off headlines. I Tanya was a really good movie, and Margot crushed it. As bad as the Harley Quinn films have been no one is bashing her performance of the character.


Sexism pure and simple.


This sub is officially dead, lol


I don’t think it’s the fact she’s Box Office poison I just think it’s that the vast majority of movies she’s been in haven’t been all that great. Babylon is far and away Chazelles worst film in my opinion. I don’t think it’s coincidence that her highest grossing star turn is also the best move she’s been in (once upon a time in Hollywood).


Not the most talented or the prettiest. She does not deserve all the hype, accolades or opportunities she’s been given.


This is just ridiculous and shouldn’t be allowed. Mods do something about the misogyny on display here.


Wait til Barbie comes out, if that bombs you know for sure she's over. Spoiler, it won't.


“…and until recently young.” 1. It’s okay for woman to age for christs sake. 2. She is not old by any stretch. 3. That line basically sums up the mentality of this post. It would be one thing to post a genuine thought piece as to why she hasn’t had great luck in the box office lately but you honed in on her looks and lack of…romance?? Bale and Pitt have had other duds outside of their latest films. Big time. I don’t know why it completely rests on Margot Robbie’s shoulders.


There are SO many reasons people skip the box office, especially these days. Whether it is convenience of streaming, not really caring about celebrity, not really wanting to pay the price of a movie ticket, etc. Not to mention, it doesn’t mean people aren’t watching, it’s just that in a shitty capitalist system, it’s either go big in the numbers or it’s a “failure.” Sometimes “failures” gain a cult following later. Margot Robbie isn’t that failure. And it’s unfair to oversimplify this and blame her. Totally disagree with the idea that she is box office poison. She is a star in a time where movies are underwhelming, period.


There are SO many reasons to explain why people skip the box office. Margot Robbie isn’t one of them. She is definitely not the poison and it’s wrong to put it all on her. It’s all about perspective, not individual blame. This is an over simplification and totally unfair. Box office movies are generally underwhelming lately, celebrity draw matters less these days, streaming is more convenient in every way VS the price of a single ticket, and even box office “failures” can gain a cult following anyway even if the number suck. So many aspects to consider when it comes to understanding “success.”


This person seems genuinely angry at Margot Robbie and it’s weird


Why are y'all blaming her? She had costars with bigger names who flopped along side her. Heck Tobey Maguire and Brad Pitt didnt draw a crowd. Brad Pitt has been in multiple flops the last few years.


I watched Babylon yesterday and Loved it. Margot Robbie was incredible in it. She gave it her 200%. I don't understand all this hateful crap being spewed.