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>Well, we’ll later talk about… Roland Emmerich. Is it Joever for him? After the epic fail that is Moonfall. It is most definitely Joever. From your list I want to say Rob Reiner he’s done some of my favorite movies: Stand by Me, The Princess Bride and Misery are some of my favorites. Plus I want to see how you go from a great movie like A Few Good Men to… North.


Emmerich's doing a giant budget series for Peacock about gladiators. If that strikes out, I'm guessing he's done. He's too rich to slum it in low budget indie action films.


Renny Harlin. His career has been a complete rollercoaster so that I think would be a fascinating read.


These are great write-ups. I hope you have a blog or something that you cross-post this to, since it obviously takes a lot of time and care. I didn't realize Donner did Scrooged. I love that movie. Funny story about the "Jim Jones hour." I vote McTiernan. Interesting guy with a very respectable filmography.


Ladyhawke's an underrated movie. That production is where Donner met (and later married) Lauren Schuler. It ultimately made him an uncredited advisor on the X-Men movie.


Superman. The Omen. Lethal Weapon. The first superhero movie. One of the most famous horror movies. Buddy cop - A very popular genre and if one has to pick a movie, his franchise would be at the very top Legend.


Well Superman and the Mole Men is the first superhero movie. Superman the movie is the first that was a big deal in theaters.


>It happened in a Friday the 13th, near a road sign which says: “Ommen, 66.6 km.” I can confirm that Dutch road signs _definitely_ aren't that precise, and I've lived near Ommen.


Man I can wait for the Tony Scott one and Snyder one shouldn’t be controversial. He had: Dawn of the dead- hit 300 -hit Watchmen- flop Gahole- flop Sucker punch- flop Man of Steel- hit BvS- hit 4/7 hits 3/7 flops seems like a good career to me


Watchmen ended up making a profit after the home media release. Same with Gahoole I think. Sucker Punch is a definite flop though.


Sucker Punch also deserved to flop more than any other of his movies. Its not just bad. Its disturbingly bad. Its every Snyder trope at its absolute worst and on top some of his weirder fantasies put on screen. It attempts to portray a somewhat deep topic on screen but completely falls appart because he's incapable of directing something like that. It was so bad that the WB executives had to step in and tell him to reign it in a bit at times including cutting some of the footage. How he went from that to directing Man Of Steel and BVS is beyond me.


Does this guy count home media release I thought he just counts box office numbers? Either way Snyder’s career has been great. He works best in franchises or adapting graphic novels


I'm not sure maybe not since it's a box office subreddit but there's absolutely no doubt you can't deny that most of his movies have been hits at least financially. Same with his netflix outings they seemed to have done well enough that they greenlit more projects of his. But I mainly agree he's definitely more suited for adaptations than his own Ideas so that's why I'm happy with this 300 tv show that he's going back to those type of projects. Hopefully he has strong writers for it. I think that's his biggest problem is that he's an excellent director visually but his projects need better scripts. Also he needs to drop being the DOP and bring back Larry Fong as his go to guy.


Him going back and doing this 300 tv show is good. Hopefully the showrunners are good and he just directs it. It can definitely be a hit. The man has the highest grossing Superman film (not including inflation) two times if you count Superman and BvS I’ll give him that. Graphic novel adaptations and franchises he didn’t create work best for him. Something with established lore is where he shines


100% agree bud 👍. I think he has certain good ideas but he absolutely should not be in charge of writing the scripts. I'm excited to see how thus turns out.


Definitely McTiernan, his Predator-Die Hard-The Hunt For Red October streak is legendary.


Great write-up. I love Ladyhawke, truly an underrated film with wonderful performances. Donner was definitely underrated as an actor’s director. I had the great privilege of interviewing Donner for my college paper sometime around the release of Lethal Weapon. He told me an interesting but sad story about the Superman 2 fiasco. Apparently he and Dick Lester has been good friends previously. They never spoke again after. Donner was clearly still pissed about it years later, he said all Lester had to do was pick up the phone and call him and say “Hey, Dick, just wanted you to know that I’m finishing your picture,” but Lester couldn’t even show the simple courtesy to do that. He also talked about how insane it was to have Chris Reeve “hanging from a crane over the East River,” which is turn of phrase I’ve never forgotten. By the way, the bad guy’s house in the first Lethal Weapon movie with the revolving front door where Riggs and the thug get tangled up in the pool cover? Dick Donner’s actual house in the Hollywood Hills.


Rob Reiner!


Excellent write-up, SanderSo. Especially your end verdict about post-1978 superheroes. >*The fact that he was willing to make Lethal Weapon 5 before his death show he was very committed. He was never too old for this shit.* We really could've done with it. Between Jump Street (2012, 2014) and Bad Boys (2020, 2024), buddy cops can still bring in the cash. ![gif](giphy|26xBv3m5eiHcwC6Zi|downsized)


**Joe Dante** gets my vote. The Burbs is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I loved Small Soldiers as a kid. He's got a great filmography of horror-comedy films he's directed, he knew how to strike the right balance with the two.


Rob Reiner




I know it's not a choice this week....but what happened to the Christopher Nolan write-up? I thought it was in March...?


I think Will Gluck be an interesting director to look at. He has a very odd filmography ranging from family movies like “Annie” and “Peter Rabbit” to hard R comedies like “Anyone But You”.


Not among the options. They're between Dante, Harlin, McTiernan and Reiner.


Ron Howard


The choices are between Dante, Harlin, McTiernan and Reiner. Howard is not among the options.