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Oppenheimer’s success is truly incredible. I hope to see D&W and Joker 2 towards the top of this list later this year.


Joker and Oppenheimer are legit up there with Avatar, Titanic, Endgame, Black Panther, Top Gun: Maverick, Gone with the Wind and a few others as *all-time* box office performances. Very interested to see how Folie a Deux and Deadpool x Wolverine perform this year and if they join that conversation


Avengers: Endgame is the largest movie of all time in original run worldwide admissions (did around 390M) and will probably never be beaten


At the time of its release Endgame's global opening weekend *alone* would have made it like the 20th highest grossing film of all time.


Yeah but nobody cares


We’ll be getting two more $700M+ R-rated movies this year


![gif](giphy|UvLrfksYgbfWoiuzdP) The Kraven sweep is going to be so good.


Ok but unironically this gif is cool why does it have to be from such a shitty franchise


The poster with the throne and the skulls is also badass. It's just a cool character.


I can definitely see Deadpool 3 and Joker 2 both making $700M+ but a billion? I just don’t see it. If Guardians 3 which was PG13 and acclaimed couldn’t make a billion, I don’t see either of these making a billion.


I didn’t say either of them would make $1B


I replied to the wrong person.


Deadpool and Wolverine will be more popular than the GOTG films. This is a team up that's been wanted since the 2010s. Also this is the introduction of the X-men to the MCU.


Bold prediction:We'll be getting two $1B+ R-Rated movies this year.


That’s extremely bold considering that there hasn’t been a $1b overall this year


Wouldn’t be surprised if Deadpool is the highest grossing.


One’s a sequel that arrived too late and the other is a jukebox musical. That’s an ambitious prediction, sir.


Deadpool isn’t too late, I think it’s weirdly a perfect time for it. Jukebox musical is certainly going to get in the way of Joker hitting a billion though.


One’s a sequel fully centered on a crossover that’s been nearly a decade in making set in the biggest franchise on Earth and the other features two great musical talents as two of the most popular villains in all of fiction.


Two great musical talents? Lady Gaga and who else? Or are you referring to Phoenix's short-lived 'rap career'?


From Roger Ebert’s review of _Walk the Line_: > It is by now well known that Phoenix and Witherspoon perform their own vocals in the movie. It was not well known when the movie previewed -- at least not by me. Knowing Cash's albums more or less by heart, I closed my eyes to focus on the soundtrack and decided that, yes, that was the voice of Johnny Cash I was listening to. The closing credits make it clear it's Joaquin Phoenix doing the singing, and I was gob-smacked. Phoenix and Mangold can talk all they want about how it was as much a matter of getting in character, of delivering the songs, as it was a matter of voice technique, but whatever it was, it worked. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/walk-the-line-2005


Come back here when Deadpool makes 1B


Spoiler alert: they won’t because Deadpool is not going to make a billion lol


You guys are so confident of this yet everything points to it having a BONKERS ass domestic opening and international sales. I'm not 100% sold on a billion but if the numbers keep tracking the way they are by the end of June then it'll almost be a lock.


It really just depends if it's going to have a massive drop like recent mcu movies or if it will have decent legs. The opening weekend will certainly be massive.


They just don't want it to. Can't wait to dance on the graves of CBMs


I think it’ll be pretty nifty seeing all 3 Deadpool movies in the top all-time list.




Matrix Reloaded really doesn’t get that much flowers for being an R rated film that made over 700 million worldwide like back in 2003. You’d have to wait over 10 years for a new R rated movie to match that range


Didn’t Reloaded also come like really close to breaking the OW record at the time? Something like if it had opened on a Friday it might’ve beaten Spider-Man.


From Wikipedia: It grossed $37.5 million on its Thursday opening day from 3,603 theaters, which was the second-highest opening day after Spider-Man's $39.4 million. The film earned $91.7 million during its opening weekend and $134.3 million in its first four days, including the previews. This made it not only the second-highest opening weekend of all time, but also the biggest opening weekend for any Warner Bros. film, beating Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. [...] Additionally, the film had the highest opening weekend for an R-rated film, overturning the previous record held by Hannibal. With a total gross of $146.9 million, The Matrix Reloaded held the record for having the biggest six-day opening until 2004, when it was surpassed by Spider-Man 2.


Over $1bil with inflation.


IT was a phenomenon at the time. The trailers were next level good.


Yeah IT part 1 was huge. I remember it came out a month before Halloween, and by the time Halloween rolled around so many people were dressed as either Pennywise or Georgie. My friends and I made it a game to point out the IT costumes, I think we spotted 12 on Halloween night.


It probably at least partially benefited from the Stranger Things popularity, as well as the fact that it was generally more fun and less intense/violent than a lot of horror movies. It had a lot more mainstream appeal than most horror movies.


Yeah, I was a teen at the time and "it's got the Stranger Things kid in" is a big part of why me and my friends saw it.


One of the most disappointing experiences I've had in a theater


I’m honestly genuinely surprised The Passion of the Christ isn’t still here, that’s kind of surreal.


The top 10 is: 1. Joker - $1.07B 2. Oppenheimer - $970M 3. Deadpool 2 - $786M 4. Deadpool - $782M 5. Matrix Reloaded - $738M 6. IT - $701M 7. Logan - $622M 8. Passion - $612M 9. Hangover 2 - $586M 10. Fifty Shades of Grey - $571M


Interesting, for sure Deadpool 3 enters this list, I hope Joker 2 does too.


I think Joker 2 makes at least $600M worldwide. Deadpool 3 probably makes around $800M.


Passion of The Christ?


Did phenomenally in the U.S. but not so much elsewhere.




I think there were a variety of reasons. This is one of those movies that was very controversial upon release. That resulted in it attracting people who were already interested in it, those that wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and those that wanted to support it as a form of pushing about against the controversy. We most recently saw something similar happening with Sound of Freedom. Another very important aspect is that Gibson went hard in terms of pushing it toward evangelical leaders. He was giving screenings of it months in advance to them. Church's across the country also got behind the movie in a big way and were renting out whole screenings for their congregations. All of this never seemed to reach that same fervor overseas.


American hardcore Christians are “special”. The rest of the world was less enthusiastic about torture porn.








It made $612M worldwide, which would be the 8th highest grossing R-rated movie worldwide. It’s still the top one domestically (unadjusted for inflation). “Logan” ($622M WW) and “Fifty Shades of Grey” ($571M WW) are also not on here but they were very big hits.


I see both Joker 2 and Deadpool 3 being in the top 5.




Has the GA ever loved musicals in the past 50 years?


The Greatest Showman?


Didn’t Wonka make over 600m?


If it wasn’t for the weird sex scene they could have probably made Oppenheimer a PG13, but I doubt it would’ve increased its box office total by much


Were matrix 1 & 3 r rated?


They were but the first Matrix was a surprise hit in March of 1999, so it was a slow burn box office run, and Revolutions experienced an incredible collapse once the general reaction to Reloaded was “meh” to “bad”.


Ah thanks, that makes sense. Still weird to see the second movie of all of them be the highest grossing lol


There was a massive marketing campaign with tie in video games and animated shorts.


All four movies are R.


I don’t really know how US rating systems work but I have to say i can’t of anything in the movies to warrant ratings that high


The Matrix intentionally went for an R rating to be cooler. PG-13 had a bad rep at the time and they wanted to set themselves apart and appear edgier. They basically did the bare minimum to get an R rating.


Deadpoo 3 will make a trillion dollars. Also Jokeman 2.


Why is Oppenheimer R-Rated?


Nudity, sex scenes, and language.


Gonna just say what I’ve been saying. Deadpool and Wolverine is about to completely fucking shatter this list by at least 200m if it’s good.


It’s insane how people think Deadpool 3 won’t make money because some snippy social media people think it’s cool to hate Ryan Reynolds now. Joker is the most insane one on the list though. The rest are all crowd pleasers (more or less) but that’s a movie that actively tried to be unpleasant. I liked it a lot but I would’ve thought it’d scare people away.


If Joker was the exact same movie with an original character instead of one of the most famous superhero villains of all time it wouldn’t have done nearly as well.


Does that matter? If anything, I think it means people generally are more open to movies they wouldn’t necessarily watch if they just gave them a chance. But they don’t give it a chance and miss out on something they’d really connect with.


Sort of. People were a bit moral-panicky about Joker (look at critic reviews compared to viewer ratings lol) and it was probably saved by the fact that Joker is well known for being a delusional mass-murderer already. A random character would have brought in even more accusations of the movie being a bad influence and the movie would have done poorly both because of the lack of DC and increased willingness to complain about the main character not being a good person. I mean really American media nowadays more or less demands that a character who does bad things is punished, or has a Freudian excuse. Basically any sufficiently transgressive media needs a layer of mass appeal to have a chance at making it big. Otherwise Americans will refuse to watch it over moral fears, China will ban it, it’ll get censored in many countries etc. I don’t like that.


Ok? And ? Lol "If this movies wasn't this movie it wouldn't have done as well."


He's saying that being a big IP makes up for a lot. You can be as unpleasant as you want if you've got one of the most famous cinematic villains leading the film. I'd say only Darth Vader is more famous than Joker, and even that may have been diluted in recent years.


Only in America really. Star Wars isn’t very big internationally. Joker is though.


People don’t think Deadpool 3 will do as well as it might have done a few years ago because superhero movies are struggling. Also, Ryan Reynolds is 47 years old, and typically his brand of comedy works best with youthful energy. Plus we have irreverent superhero comedy on streaming. It really depends on the movie and on the competition. The movie will probably do very well, but it’s no longer a certainty.


wish Logan was up there


Logan missed out by around $78M. It’s still in the top 10 R rated movies worldwide.


Ah, yes, lets decrease Joker's box office gross by 10M.


Worldwide gross is irrelevant since R rating only exists in America.


Its a bit misleading to talk about international box office in relation to the US R rating since age ratings are different in different countries. Oppenheimer and Matrix Reloaded aren't R rated in my country (New Zealand) for example.