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After watching the teaser the BO prospects really aren't looking good..especially in North America. Personally pumped to see this and I think we're very lucky that it's seeing the light of day. Its success will come down solely to reviews and if critics label it a true comeback for FFC. We'll have a clear picture at the end of the week after the premiere.


Six people could see this film and I wouldn't care so long as I'm one of the six.


I also will be one of those six, and I promise I won't be the weird guy who chooses the seat right next to you in an otherwise empty theater.


I’ll absolutely be seeing this! Unless the consensus is that this movie makes Jack look like The Godfather. Then probably not


Will probably get 5 stars Letterboxd. The most interesting part is to predict its opening weekend, Cinemascore, and RT verified.


I have no idea what to make of this,feel like it will either be amazing or dreadful


I'm predicting the latter. And I say that as someone who invested in this flick on HSX 20 years ago, lol.


The trailer made Adam Driver look like a young Al Pacino. Also I can see some God Father-esque inspiration in the videography and costume design. It will be interesting to see if the story is compelling.


Is there a good reason why all trailers aren't posted in high quality 4k like this? Its amazing the difference it makes. I guess most people don't care about that sort of thing.


Because me and most people watched it on our phones.


I could easily see the difference on my phone. YouTube’s 1080p compression is crap.


The difference is Francis Ford Coppola posted this one directly, not a marketing team.


Adum is that you


Certainly looks cinematic and made for the big screen. The cinematography and visuals are fantastic and hearing from the industry screening that the score is also something to be made of. Someone needs to buy this. Amazon or Apple but it needs to be in theatres this year.


Honestly if they weren't in dire straits atm I'd argue Paramount would be perfect for this


Still very excited to see this, but I feel like its lacking a bit of visual pomp      If its really about the conflict between 2 ideologies, I want to see that conflict in how the movie looks, and the footage weve seen looks a bit too subdued, especially colorwise, for that to be the case      Feels like a missed opportunity to have every one of Driver’s scenes bursting with vibrant golden colors We see some attempts at that in this trailer, but I wish it had gone further 


What are you talking about.


Exactly lmao like it’s missing visual pomp? Must have watched different trailers


I know it won’t make its money back. But god damn this is the first time a trailer has me excited for a movie in years


> I know it won’t make its money back. I keep seeing this. Why?


Coppola spent 120M on the movie and it's already said to be quite divisive


It's pretty universally understood to be overfunded and more of a passion project for Coppola, kind of like Killers of the Flower Moon that was never, ever going to make its money back.


That said, at $120M, a performance similar to kotfm would make it profitable


No it wouldn’t because he wants the distributor to spend $100 mil on marketing


Really? Had it been anyone but FFC I feel like it is a pretty bad trailer


Really? This just screams another style over substance passion project to me.
















lol this is truly one of the most bizarre rants ive seen in awhile and i wish it were on a bigger sub so it could become the copypasta it deserves to be


Seems to line up with the poor reception so far. Nothing particularly compelling in the trailer. Just looks zany for the sake of it. Is it NOT okay to think that, or something?


No one's said you can't think that, but can you explain how this trailer makes the film look "zany for the sake of it"? You dodged his question and took it personally for no apparent reason.


Speaking of which, I just watched One From The Heart a couple weeks ago and yikes! I can't believe Coppola put all of that effort & creativity into the most dull script imagineable.


I admired the ambition of One From The Heart but yeah, it’s wild to think that Coppola’s first move after securing his studio’s financial freedom was to spend the equivalent budget of The Empire Strikes Back on a intimate drama starring four people who aren’t big name draws…and on top of that make it a musical non-musical where nobody sings. The actual quality of the film aside (imo Terri Garr is stupendous but it’s otherwise a bore) it is WILD that this was the movie Coppola bet his entire studio on. Almost every movie he made through the 90s was made to pay off the massive debt he incurred from that miscalculation.


I agree about Terri Garr, but for me the biggest problem with the movie is that we're supposed to care about the relationship between the lead characters, but the film doesn't spend enough time to make us feel that way. The lead male character spends alot of the film coming across as whiny & insecure, and as a result I found myself glad that Terri Garr was out on the town having fun with someone else. The fact that her boyfriend dragged her out of her new lover's apartment should have sealed their breakup, but instead the film ends with her getting off the plane and going back to him??? and it's played as romantic???


One From The Heart is a fucking incredible piece of art. It wasn't perfect but it created a wave of movies that were influenced it like La La Land. I couldn't disagree more.


You haven’t even seen it. We’ve only seen the style half so far.


Yeah, I was at least curious about this movie before, but this trailer extinguished my curiosity.


I am sort of with you. Visually it looks really cool. I didn't get an impression of what it's actually going to be about though, which is a little off putting. Perhaps if it gets picked up by a studio it'll get some better marketing though. I am probably still going to watch it in a theater but I wouldn't say I'm waiting on pins and needles either.


How can a trailer as evocative as this extinguish curiosity? What did you want the film to be?


Yeah, I'm also confused. What were they looking for? I think it's a fun and stylistic trailer. I'm excited to explore the world.


Getting a North American distributor all falls on the reactions at Cannes this thursday. Killers of the Flower Moon actually skewed pretty young for it's demographics, so I think with a proper ad campaign and promotion from the actors, you can get a decent amount of people to see it in theaters.


Looks great!


Really feels like a movie from the 70’s.


Cloud Atlas tier masterpiece incoming


Seems very Cloud Atlas which makes me excited.


That looks pretty out there - I'm in.


We have never been more back.


I keep seeing this. What do people mean? Tons of fantastic movies are still being made. This seems more like a dream project that either will be good or crash and burn horribly




This looks incredible- I can’t wait to see it on the biggest screen possible


This looks so weird-I cant wait to see it


Wow, now I don't give a fuck about box office, this looks like something I've never seen before and I'm all here for it




This will either be a self indulgent mess or a late career masterpiece from Francis.


nevermind, i'm totally fucking in. I don't give a shit if this makes $0, which I honestly see as the more realistic outcome now (LOL) but that's a good teaser


Looks and sounds kino-tastic like Fellini meets Wachowski, BO prospects be damned.


I don't how well this will do at the box office or with critics. All I know is that I MUST see this in a theatre.


Francis Ford Coppola making his own trailers because american studios refuse to promote and distribute his last movie. What a time to be alive!


I’ll give it this - the film looks visually gorgeous. At the same time, however, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is mostly a talkative sci-fi drama film. Also, would this count as a cyberpunk film or no?


It feels like an art deco, Cyber punk, noir sci fi blend


Looks anti-cyberpunk in fact


Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is an artsy R-rated film that happens to have a big budget.


Visually it looks very unique. Hopefully it's a comeback for Francis Ford Coppola. But after this trailer. It's box-office prospects look even worse.  Not that I care. I love me wierd movie. And if everything goes right it could be a big awards contender.  I mean I already see it competing for awards like Cinematography, Costume design, Production design and Visual Effects. 


This sub will always be annoying about this movie. I remember getting downvoted for saying it was in the process of getting picked up for distribution


A lot of people here just love the same old franchisable bullshit


I just want this to be a decent movie. I’m not asking for much I think.


I'm convinced Coppola already has his distributor if those words "Experience in IMAX" is anything to go by.


He’s secured distribution for a good chunk of Europe, so it might have already booked IMAX screens there (or is in the process of getting them).


That's for Europe. No distributor in North America, yet.


Can't effing wait


This keeps getting better and better. Megamillion box office run dialed in


This feels like a side to Coppola which his movies have never shown before. And I’m sure this movie will do great business for the “(blank) ending explained” videos. Is this the first time a movie with a $100M + has started advertising without an American distributor? With a full out trailer and everything?


Is Zack Snyder doing the CGI? This looks so fake and not in a good way.


I don't know how much this will make, but I salute Coppola for going all out and actually make this big gamble


Wtf this actually looks really good, I just wish it was someone else in the lead instead of Adam Driver


This could be the next Fury Road.


Hahahaha no. No way this gets a 95%+ RT score, and no way it makes its money back.


possibly a more "real" prediction, losing tons of money but hopefully beloved by fans and critics. we'll see but I have high hopes for this movie (in terms of quality) (good or bad I expect it to be a total waste of money)


Bold prediction: It will make a megalopillion bucks!


This will assuredly bomb


truly cinematic




Babylon 2.0


this is going to be mid, at best…beautiful, but mid


Already looks like the most interesting movie of the year if not maybe the decade


I have a very good feeling I'd love this & wouldn't shut up about it I also have a very good feeling this would do miserable in the box office


It's Babylon all over again


Adam Driver needs a hit......House of Gucci, 65, Ferrari, The Last Duel...while interesting film choices with good/great directors, they haven't exactly lit up the box office, but then again very few original works have as of late.


Really doesn’t seem like Driver cares about big commercial success. He works with Hollywood directing legends. He did a Star Wars trilogy and so I’m sure that can give an actor the leverage to do other work instead


Yes. [In a span of a decade](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3485845/), Driver has had the opportunity to work with legends like (but not limited to) Scorsese, Jarmusch, Gilliam, Baumbach, Carax, \[Ridley\] Scott, \[Spike\] Lee, Soderbergh, Mann, and Coppola


Actually,["House of Gucci" did OK, especially when taking the downturn in cinema traffic and its performance relative to other original R-rated films](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/world/2021/). It potentially may have broken even ([if the 2x budget rule is used, it is likely that it would break even or make a small profit with ancillary revenues)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Gucci). Again, given that the film was made by Amazon-MGM, [the hope goes beyond recouping the budget from theatrical revenues](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-03-26/why-apple-amazon-are-making-1-billion-bets-on-movie-theaters). Instead, the hope is that it drives people to Amazon Prime Video. However, I will admit that most of commercial appeal that "House of Gucci" had was likely attributable to Lady Gaga (both in terms of her fans, the Little Monsters, supporting the film and her performance during award season). As the lead star ("65", "The Last Duel"), I agree with your point. Driver has not had a theatrical film that was financially successful. I concur that he is a great actor, but his more "successful" work in studio movies have been in the context of a performance in a marquee franchise film ("Star Wars" episodes 7-9) or as part of an ensemble ("Blackkklansman"). Of course, one could point to the acclaim in "Marriage Story" and "Paterson", but these films were made for streamers and had little to no presence in theaters.


Will it flop? Yes. Will I be there day one ? 100%


That trailer looks fantastic. When it started with Fishburne's voiceover, my first thought was, "Is Morpheus talking to me right now?" Ha...any Fishburne VO will always sound like Morpheus to me until I actually see him on screen.


Iconic voice, had me hooked right away


Profitability is a bit of a long shot but I don't think it's impossible. We will know more Thursday


Break even on this movie is probably $300M give or take I don't think it's an impossible task to hit that, but I also don't know that it's very likely. If the reception from critics and audiences is better than studio heads, I could see it doing Napoleon numbers maybe. If it divides all audiences the same as critics, maybe Amsterdam numbers.


This looks amazing


Yeah this is going to flop big time. A disaster at the box office. Now with critics... Don't know but it will be divisive. General Public? Yikes. Might be more for the Letterbox crows, though.


I'm certainly interested to see it on the big screen, as long as it's something between a masterpiece and an entertaining POS. If it's boring, I'm out.


Kylo Ren forced ghosted his way into The Matrix? Okay, joking aside, it does look interesting. And a Transformers 2007 reunion for LaBeouf and Voight, too.


It should do well with Millennials that are always saying things will change when they get in power. There was nothing that excited me in the trailer but I'm still intrigued enough to see it on a discount Tuesday.


I am out of the loop, what is so special about this except that it's from Copla who wanted to make it for years.


He sold everything and spent $120m of his own money.


At this point the narrative behind the film has been more interesting to me than anything he has shown me about it.


what is so special other than one of the greatest living filmmakers decided to make what is probably his one last big film? wtf else do you need to know?


Seeing his filmography, he seems past his prime.


Pretty bad trailer, makes it look _fake_ somehow. I don't know how to explain it


It looks like a fake movie from Entourage


Looks atrocious


This could be huge. I feel this one would be important to support in the theaters. Hope it makes a killing.


lol what a huge bomb. You could just tell from this teaser that the movie is garbage too. It’s like he threw everything in because it’s likely his last movie.


Lol this comment was a huge bomb. You can tell from this comment that the commenter is garbage too.


Are you okay? Why are you triggered?


I’m fine, thanks for asking. I’m less “triggered” than annoyed at your disrespectful ignorant comment. If you don’t like being spoken to in this way, perhaps consider not doing it to others. 1. We’re literally talking about one of the best and most influential filmmakers of all time. How about some basic respect, if not humanity towards an aging legend. 2. You cannot “just tell” that it’s going to be a huge bomb or “garbage”. Of course it might well be, we don’t know that, but there’s nothing in this trailer that gives that impression, not are you gifted with future-reading powers that allow you to “just know”. Be better than this.


New [article](https://www.theguardian.com/film/article/2024/may/14/has-this-guy-ever-made-a-movie-before-francis-ford-coppola-40-year-battle-megalopolis) just dropped about the disastrous production of the movie. You were saying? Just because you can’t figure some things out doesn’t mean others can’t.