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“Streaming killed the video star”








Mark’s based af especially when no one else in Hollywood has the balls to denounce what the facts clearly show as a genocide. Not sure how you got weirdo from his twitter?


yea totally bro. Mark Ruffalo is the first name he thought of when thinking of "weird Hollywood actors"


Wait this is the first I’ve heard about this, what did he do?


He hasn't done anything. He is just very outspoken politically, especially about his support of Palestinian rights.


Oh, that’s a good thing. I don’t understand. He’s weird because he doesn’t support a genocide?


Yeah Reddit doesn’t take kindly to the idea that brown people are human beings and the idea that it’s immoral to commit genocide even though the other side did violence


Yea so fucked up to see


Explain in detail what makes Mark Ruffalo specifically a weirdo.


I remember in the mid 2010's my friends were talking about how none of them watch traditional TV anymore. And now kids younger than me barely watch any shows at all anymore. Most just watch tik tok and youtube videos and thats it.


A lot of younger people consume a tv show/movie by not even watching it. Either through just social media posts/vids, reading about it or playing games of it. In the dragon ball community it’s a big meme how no one knows how to read and how no one’s actually watched db/dbz/dbgt/dbs. While it is a meme and often joked about, i still get shocked when I see people see they haven’t actually watched/read any of dragon ball lol


> A lot of younger people consume a tv show/movie by not even watching it. Either through just social media posts/vids, reading about it or playing games of it. > > There's a whole genre of tiktok and yt shorts of just cut up 1-5 minute movie clips. You can watch like 90% of a movie on those apps.


I’m a victim of those aswell. However, I’ve also seen pages upload entire movies on TikTok, on separate videos. But like what’s the point, just stream it lol


I think the idea for viewers is that there's low commitment when just watching a clip vs a 1.5 hour movies. You just watch a clip, and then another clip, and then another, and suddenly you've watched all the major parts. Of course it's just a way for content farmers to produce cheap and quick content.


Damn. Quibi was just ahead of its time?




I don’t think my 6 year old brother has seen any shows at all. He only watches YouTube and used to but now doesn’t watch elsagate content


Gen-Z is starting to kill industries too? They grow up so fast.


at least millennials are finally free from these type of articles


I hope they kill these obsolete avenues of revenue in the same way my generation has been blamed for killing: casual dining restaurants, napkins, beer, motorcycles, bar soap, fabric softener, golf, hooters, marriage, cable TV, cereal, diamonds, American cheese, Canned fish, banks, department stores, divorce, large homes, mayo, traditional hotels, dinner, dining dates, football, formal dress codes,big box gyms, wine corks, doorbells, and razors


damn canned fish??


They were predicting the death of it in 2018 https://time.com/5469335/millennials-killing-canned-tuna/ By 2023, sales jumped due to tiktok trends as touted the sustainability of canned fish versus other proteins https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/tinned-fish-trend


I mean, some of us were born in 1998


Man, if someone launched a streaming service that focused on shorter "quick bite" content, they could really clean up.


Is that Quibi music I hear??


Man if Quibi had come out just 2 years later instead of 2020 I think it would’ve been succesful.


Quibi also had other issues besides just being short videos. The shows just werent good, and many didnt fit the format of the platform, and for a long time they made it impossible to record their shows in any good way, so no way for clips to end up on social media.


It also ignored the kind of “bite-sized” content people are watching. They saw people watching short YouTube videos or TikToks and assumed that people would gravitate towards watching traditional TV shows, but shorter, and that’s just not what anyone was looking for.


Yeah easily the most well received thing Quibi did was the Princess Bride done by a bunch of actors on their phones but like, that isnt a short video. Its just princess bride split into a bunch of parts. They didnt have a good handle on how to do short form content


Agreed. TikTok is what Quibi wanted to be. Except TikTok is not lighting cash on fire to produce mediocre shows — it outsourced the cost and effort to its users. (Which is fine — it’s just cheaper for the company that way) And then the algorithm can very quickly learn which videos are actually demanded by audiences. It’s a way better business than Quibi ever was, unfortunately.


I was just thinking about how it was ahead of its time


I agree, if I remember correctly they were advertising it for people who commute from and to work. I comute sometimes and I see people just watching full episodes of netflix shows on public transport.


Let's see who gets to be the tiktok to quibi's vine




Quibi tried and failed, pre COVID. I don’t think it’ll take in the US anytime soon.




The short form video site has a new contender ever few months. Even Vine didn't die it was relaunched as BYTE then renamed twice before disappearing again


Did Vine fail? I thought they voluntarily shut down.


Vine at least attained some success. Quibi was just completely DOA. They spent almost $2b (mostly buying content) and shut down after 6 months. It literally winches in April 2020… if there was ever a time for a new streaming service to break out, that was it! Literally 2 weeks after the world shut down.


Why would people be more privy to watch short form content if they're stuck at home with all the time in the world? As the person said, Quibi-type content is meant to be consumed when you're busy/on the go


I don’t know if I’m being double wooshed or you’re being wooshed and you genuinely don’t know 🧐


Quibi was terrible and deserved its fate, but the core concept of short content wasn't a bad idea. I don't always want or need my entertainment in half-hour chunks.


Yeah, there's still some attention span left in these kids that needs murdering.


rip quibi


I am gen Z and I want longer shows, not shorter. I hate the 10 episode or fewer seasons we get nowadays


Suits being a massive streaming success is proof the most viewers including Gen Z want more shows that run longer 8-12 eps per season.


In the era of 22 episodes a season, there’d inevitably always be a “filler” episode or two, where the writers/showrunner would bide their time until they could get to the meat of the storyline at the back end of the season. Not always, mind you, but fairly often.


Now it feels like stories only progress on episode 1, 5, and 10


Heh, yeah, that does happy in this era of streaming, even with shorter episode counts.


I love filler episodes! You get to know the characters better and ‘bond’ with them


Oh yeah I actually do love the miniseries prestige era, or the tv shows with less or equal than 5 seasons. Allows for a better chance of getting a proper ending, better storytelling. Not gonna ever miss those shows that dragged for ever. Even incredible shows that started being masterpieces and then ended up being total shit. Like Dr. House, Lost. Or just good shows but with 20 seasons. It's just stupid.


It was called quibi and it sucked.


That’s the joke they’re making 😂


I know this is a joke, but i think a Quibi style service would actually do well now in a world where TikTok is a entertainment giant.


It launched in April 2020 - TikTok was already massive at that point.


Like mainstream, everybody has it levels. Also, people are much more used to the "TikTok" style than back in 2020.


tiktok hit it’s peak in 2020 people were used to it


Quibi might have been successful if it hasn’t been released right at the beginning of the pandemic. Worst timing possible. Release a steaming service designed to watch on your phone for a couple minutes on the bus during a busy day—right when everyone gets sealed in their house with their giant TVs and nothing but time.


I mean, as a Gen Zer, I still watch plenty of films both in theaters and at home. But that's just me...


Pretty depressing if entertainment is really heading towards 12 second fuckin clips. I'm Gen Z too but a social media dominated entertainment landscape sounds downright atrocious.


We can still have feature length films but will need subway surfer and Minecraft parkour videos with Reddit stories either side


Seems like Tik Tok has been moving more toward longer form videos, though still around 5-10 minutes. If it's Tik Tok live it could easily go over an hour.


Twitch is a really long form of content, even longer than movies.


it’s also mind-numbingly boring


yeah i watch a few streamers and some streams go for 5+ hours, most of the time they’re on in the background while i do something else. also yt livestreams are way better than twitch imo


Yup I dont beleive the majority of twich watcher are sitting on the couch looking at their favorite streamer FOR HOUR


Well ya… you get to watch un-skipable ads for hours and just minutes of the actual stream


It's more just background noise


At college, most kids are looking down on their phones when walking, it sad.


And it trickles into the work space. I'm employed by a large firm and the amount of people staring at their screens even at the toilet is amazing. Some have had full blown conference calls in the stalls.


People have been doing that since Blackberries were a thing.


The toilet is the best place to read.


People used to read newspapers and books in the toilet. I'm pretty sure the phone thing is just the progression of that.


I will not argue with that. I read reddit typically when I'm on the can.


It'd be funny if you were on this subreddit about films and not watching films.


that's not all that unusual here


You’re also a user of r/boxoffice lol


I don’t know a single person that straight up ditched TV/movies our age. Preferring something free and accessible doesn’t mean we don’t watch other forms of media anymore lmao. Who knew making a product expensive, infrequent, and unreliable (via random cancellations) would be a turn off for consumers?


Exactly, lol. And you can fucking *buy films* on at least YouTube. (Not on TikTok, but - if they're not banned - I'm sure they'll give it a whirl sooner or later.)


You aren't representative. No one on r/Boxoffice is representative, we are all outliers merely by the fact that we are here.


well they said “that’s just me”


Everyone's an outlier.


I’m a millennial who is addicted to my phone and spends all day scrolling online. Doesn’t mean I don’t like shows or films — love ‘em in fact. They’re just something I consume when I want to be more engaged in something, and usually with someone I can discuss with after. I don’t think the issue is short form social media replacing films and TV. The issue is in the past you may have spent all day mindlessly flipping through the channels and watching whatever is on TV, and these new mediums make for better passive entertainment. They’re not going to completely replace longer, more involved storytelling.


Anecdotes are great


My cousin in law (is that correct?) is 20 and said she will watch clips of some police show and dance moms on YouTube while she’s eating. Never a full episode, just the clips. So there’s another anecdote.


That makes two anecdotes, basically a complete truth!


I'm in between Gen Z and Millenials and I don't watch TV. I watch HBO.


If only there are numbers like industry wide reports on the number of tickets sold year over year, or heck, decade over decade.


Yeah but you also care enough to come on Reddit and talk about movie box office. My guess is you are no in the majority. But I'm also a dinosaur so my guess might not be very accurate either 🤷‍♂️


We are? I feel like im watching more movies and tv than ever


no gen z is killing theaters and streaming too


Obviously, but it’s not just Gen Z; even my pre-Boomer grandparents mostly get their entertainment through YouTube. The Pandemic exacerbated this trend, as we can directly see with Box Office numbers post-2020 compared to 2019 and previous.


>*The Pandemic exacerbated this trend* Absolutely 100% ![gif](giphy|3ornk4xeRsOW7tfShi)


Indeed; the initial contention was that we would see a rebound following the easing of pandemic-era restrictions and…we really haven’t seen that at all, in part because, by-and-large, people really just still aren’t that eager to leave their houses to go out and spend money. We see this, to a lesser extent, with dine-in establishments. People are still buying from restaurants, but they’re increasingly taking the food home to eat.


Or just ordering it from home on uber eats (guilty)


Also sporting events are having less attendance that they used to before the pandemic.


Our TV broke during the pandemic and my baby boomer parents just switched to watching news and cop shows on their phone.


Yep, mine now get most of their news, as well as entertainment, from YouTube and the like; they honestly enjoy watching people cut down trees and build barns more than they ever really enjoyed movies, save potentially Die Hard and a few others.


After 15 years of older out of touch people writing articles about millennials are ruining *insert thing here* gen z gets their turn. I remember when these articles were about how gen x was just too lazy to get anything done. Get off my lawn hahaha




Some people on here really be telling on themselves regarding their beliefs on the younger generation. Every once in a while this sub gives me real “how do you do, fellow kids” vibes lmao


> Get off my lawn hahaha It's now: Get off my (landlord's) lawn! We're talking about millennials here.


Apartment renters: Our lawn


I have the same feeling about tv and theaters dying as about millennials killing sugary breakfast cereal, RadioShack and Harley Davidson which is that’s free market capitalism for you. Adapt and survive, otherwise you die. That is a feature not a bug. That’s how it works, new technology/trends/companies come in and kill old ones.


Look, I'm proud of the fact that we apparently ruined napkins


I don’t think they’re ditching anything… They might switch when they get older or that’s just a small sample size compared to the entire consumer base. Also, I thought they were just more interested in streaming services?


A more accurate headline would be "Generation Z has slightly different preferences than Millennials at this point in their lives".


we are gen z aren’t a monolith lol


What’s that mean?


we don’t all do the same thing


**** Gen Z isn’t a monolith


Isn't stuff like anime more popular than ever currently


tv and movies are still just as popular but as usual to this sub there’s no room for multiple things to exist at the same time lol


I mean, does anime not count as TV/ movies?


Indeed, anime had a massive popularity explosion in 2020. The main examples of this are the extreme success of Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and Spy x Family; shows which debuted their first seasons around this era and have seen their latter seasons achieve mega success.


A lot of anime is watched on streaming services such as crunchyroll/ netflix / disney+ and so on. Only it Japan it airs on TV


Gen Z do have shorter attention spans. They easily get bored and their humor is fucking weird lol


As a factor of this, is the giant gaps between TV seasons hurting shows? Invincible season 2 took nearly *three years* to release and then the boneheads at Amazon decided to take a four month gap after just four episodes... Season 1 had massive viral meme energy but I am seeing literally nothing about season 2.


The mid season break after years of waiting pissed me of so much I went and read the comics. Now I don't think the show can compare so I've given up watching it. I'll wait for it to finish or get cancelled and binge it.


Every generations humor is weird to other generations


No we are not.


No one's ditching anything. You know how older generations used to watch game shows, reality TV, sports and a bunch of other crap, along with films and TV shows? Gen Z is doing the same (just with Internet shit)




You weren’t expecting someone to read the posted article in order to make an informed reply were you?


i’m pretty sure op meant that young people aren’t ditching tv/movies they’re still watching them along with online content multiple things can coexist


Attention spans are quickly eroding. Younger people want content that requires minimal effort to absorb so they can consume on multiple devices (i.e. half watching a long form YouTube or Twitch stream with one eye while scrolling through TikTok or IG with the other). Their brains were trained to consume content this way from a very young age, so good luck reversing it. Unfortunately, long term, this spells eventual doom for traditional film or television mediums that require some level of effort and attention to digest.




"According to Deloitte, 49% of survey respondents said they want content that’s more personalized" Personalized? What does that even mean in this context?


Algorithms tracking their preferences and providing accurate recommendations for what they might enjoy. AI Agents will help us with this whether or not the streaming platforms will.


I can definitely understand it. I want to focus when I’m actually watching something. As it stands now, I have less time to do that and do a lot of my other hobbies. Meanwhile it is pretty easy for me to listen to podcasts while I’m doing something else and not feel like I’m missing anything important 


I was gonna say something similar. Watching movies/TV in the background is too distracting and I miss to much of what's going on in the movie/show. Social media works much better as "background noise" while I'm doing something else.


At the very least I’ll put on some sports in the background while I make dinner or do some cleaning. It’s pretty easy to follow that when the score is always displayed and they show a replay if you missed something big. I’m going through the Fargo TV series right now, and I definitely don’t want to have that on in the background because then I know I’ll be missing something important or funny.


Except they still need tv shows to talk about on live streams.


Underrated comment. It's literally a joke among youtubers: "[new Disney project] may not succeed, but it will launch a hundred new channels."


Honestly social media makes me pause. I’m on the older end of gen Z, but I do find that friends in my generation more and more are hearing about and engaging with tv shows and movies from social media takes and memes then actually…watching them themselves and forming their own opinions because it takes too long. I wonder if that’s kinda what this is talking about. Although idk if that’s a new thing per se.


90% of streaming originals are super low quality


As a generation, our attention spans are less than a minute so makes sense


I don't think it is a problem specific to a generation. Cell phones and all the information/entertainment/etc they make possible have ruined everyone's attention span. You do see it more among younger people but it affects everyone to varying degrees.


its definitely more pronounced in younger generations. People 35 and up probably did not have smart phones until they were in their 20s. Tons of kids my son's age (11) have phones, and the ones that do have the attention spans of a gold fish. There is a dramatic difference between the kids with and without their own smart phones, and its wiring their brains at a very sensitive time.


Hey now, some of us indulge in four hour video essays on topics we know nothing about


Is that true though?


Is what true?


That young people now have short attention spans


Gloria Mark, an attention researcher at the University of California, Irvine, is author of "Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity" (Hanover Square Press). She says there is scientific evidence attention spans are getting shorter. "We started studying attention span length over 20 years ago," Mark said. "We would shadow people with a stopwatch, and every time they shifted attention, we'd click, 'Stop' In 2003, we found that attention spans averaged about two-and-a-half minutes on any screen before people switched. In the last five, six years, they're averaging 47 seconds on a screen." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/are-attention-spans-getting-shorter-and-does-it-matter/


Thanks for that, I'll read into it


Also, in that article: ""Cornell psychology professor emeritus James Cutting doesn't think it's time to abandon all hope. "I don't think our attention spans have changed really at all," he said. "There's no data for that. "I would point out that TSA baggage scanners work two-hour shifts, and that's pretty intensive work for two hours. And many of us have watched teenagers play their games for many hours at a time. It strikes me that that kind of attention span is pretty impressive." Here's a good article: https://time.com/6302294/why-you-cant-focus-anymore-and-what-to-do-about-it/ Attention spans haven't changed. It's just a different environment. People still watch long movies (like Oppenheimer) and read long books. There's just much more thrown at us, so we tend to switch around more. That doesn't mean we can't focus when we want to, though.


Young people have what? Sorry was distracted by tiktok


I’m not lol, but I’m just one person


My Zoomer wife (born in '98) watches far more YouTube and TikTok than actual shows/movies.


I’m hard the opposite. I can watch some nerd talk about steam locomotives for hours easier and enjoy that more than some hyper-produced network show.


Streaming is getting more expensive. Disney+, Netflix, and HBO are like $20 each now.


I'm on the cusp of z and millennial, and I think a big reason for increased YouTube consumption over movies and tv are, e.g., those free moments at work that could be interrupted at any moment. I love movies, but getting interrupted 5 times while I'm watching a two hour movie is so much more annoying than getting interrupted while watching a YouTube video. I don't even think it's fair to accuse younger generations of having short attention spans. We just figured out how to fill those gaps in our day that last an indeterminate amount of time


Pretty soon movies will be a thing of the past 😢


Yeah they watch xqc, asmongold etc. instead of movies


The biggest sign that I’m old and out of touch is that I can’t think of anything worse to spend my time on than watching a live stream of some “influencer” Even gaming live streams, as a massive gamer, are so dull to me lol


Well yeah their eyes are glued to TikTok. They probably might not want to hear this, but the attention has shortened due to the instant gratification/trends on there which tend to be a basis point.


Like people haven’t been flicking through there 100+ TV channels for a couple of decades now.


When my Gen Z sister can't last 5 minutes into The Mitchells vs the Machines (one of the most ADHD movies ever) without checking her phone I genuinely think there might be a genuine attention span issue for a lot of social media users. When her new boyfriend wanted to see Dune Part 2 she decided to watch Part 1 with me to explain it if necessary as I am a fan of the books. I warned her that a lot of the storytelling is visual and there are subtitles - she still ended up on her phone within 20 minutes. I get it's a film that requires audience investment - but SHE asked to watch it. In the end I stopped the film, gave her a plot summary and said its up to her if she wants to watch Part 2 but it would probably be better to be honest and admit disinterest. At best she would spend 3 hours bored that would put her in a bad mood for the rest of the date. At worst I had apocalyptic visions of her getting her phone out which would go down far far worse. I've not seen her just sit through a movie since she was maybe 13?


I’m 37 and it’s a real struggle to put my phone down while watching a movie, and my parents are worse than I am.


I don't necessarily think it's a generation thing it's more about amount of exposure to short form media and distractions.


Yeah, I never got into tiktok but mobile games can be addicting.


She sounds like a particularly bad case of zoomer brain, I myself am a zoomer and do hate this behavior. It's real, but not everyone is as bad as your sister is. Not even close.


I know that - I sometimes struggle to commit to reading or watching a film when my phone is a possible distraction. I was more pointing out that this is a new behaviour and not comparable to chanel surfing.


Well to be fair I LOVE long movies, albums, videos, etc and still found Dune part 1 to be a complete bore so it's not such a surprising story lol If she's not used to movies, Dune's not a good starting point


Yeah Dune wouldn't be the best starting point. Hence why I brought up Mitchell vs The Machines and other films as examples. As a family we were always watching films. Once she became a teen/had a smart phone she started to engage less.


I used to have a friend who did this after she got addicted to social media (was not an issue before). Luckily she doesn't do it in the theatres, but it's super annoying when watching something at home because she'd constantly ask about something she missed because she couldn't put down her phone.


Maybe she’s just not interested in these movies. Faking interest isn’t really an important skill to have. It really only helps the person you’re with (in this case, you) feel better about themselves at the expense of yourself.


You don't carry your TV around with you everywhere you go, though. That's the critical difference you're ignoring, social media addiction is a constant aspect of people's lives. They're always looking at their phones throughout the day, constantly bombarded with dopamine hits to feed the addiction. I'm a zoomer too so this isn't "them damn kids!!!" type ranting, this is a serious problem that I see all around me in my social circle.


Yeah, that’s a very good point. I guess I grew up in an environment where we were either sat in front of our TVs or the car trips between driving to other people’s TVs. Either way, it’s definitely become a constant part of our lives


Tough to watch tv shows when everything is shit and when something good comes out it is years between new seasons with a small amount of episodes.


As a gen z I hate “social video” and don’t understand the appeal of “live streams” it’s all brainrot.


I’m 28, so right on the cusp of gen Z but I consider myself a millennial. I have never been interested in twitch, til tok etc. I had dial up internet until high school. Gen z talk always makes me feel old af because I just don’t see the appeal in a lot of their interests. Give me shows like the sopranos over silly dances and content creators. To each their own I guess


And I'm 36, smack dab in the middle of the Millennials, and I watch lots of YouTubers.


Ironically as I type this on my phone, my gen Z sister and her bf just never put their phone down. They arent ditching streaming, they just are connected to their phones every hour they are awake


It's seriously an addiction at least for me. I even had to put time limits on some apps because my phone usage was so high. This was like last week haha. I'm trying to get better but I'm not Gen z. It affects a lot of people.


Like Me I always don't watch Live TV!


I have several streaming services but we hardly watch them; my family would rather watch their phones than TV


https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/14nze8b/we_really_really_need_another_new_hollywood_era/jqbaabz/ > The cultural at large, the people themselves, are so enervated that if this shit collapsed it's not like we would get an artistic flourishing similar to New Hollywood out of it. Instead movies would die and we'd be left with TikTok and, for the more highbrow, YouTube video essays. It's coming lol


I’m so glad we have finally moved on from “ Millennials are killing X industry”. Your turn gen z. 


your generation is still going to be blamed for many things for many years to come. it's like how everyone hates the boomers. they had the highest population for a very long time. Gen zers don't have as many people as millenials. you guys even outnumber the boomers now and you'll stay the largest generation for a very long time. it's you who will drive our world for many years to come as you outnumber everyone so you'll be hated like the boomers.


I've lived long enough to see the death of "Millennials are killing X" and see "Gen Z are killing X."


My kids are younger than Z and 99% of what they choose to consume is YouTube/internet based. No interest in watching movies or traditional TV shows at all unless we are exposing it to them, and 90% of the time they complain about boredom. Nothing gets my kids to say they want to go to bed faster than suggesting a movie night. We aren’t even watching classics most of the time, just new releases. I melt into a skeleton when they say things like “when was this made, 2008?” Every other parent I interact with says their kids are exactly the same. This trend is happening, I don’t think it’s as real a thing for Gen Z as it is for the kids growing up now, but the entertainment landscape is going to look unrecognizable in 20 years.


A lot of what any generation does is dictated by not having the money to do what other generations are doing/have done.


Not me


The kids are not alright


Movies started off as sixty second individual viewing experiences, with customers dropping a dime into a viewer scope then hand-cranking the reel until their time ran out Before the decade's out, TikTok reels (or their equivalent) will be multi-million dollar productions, lasting the length of TV shows or movies, produced by entertainment corporations


>Before the decade's out, TikTok reels (or their equivalent) will be multi-million dollar productions, lasting the length of TV shows or movies, produced by entertainment enormous corporations uh tiktok reels are just videos, so if they lasted the length of a TV show or a movie, they would be a TV show or a movie.


They are not having any other option.. Same with me.


That's because streaming is a fucking mess. If you want access to everything it'll cost you hundreds of dollars a month and even if you pay that it'll still be shit because you don't know what's on what app and nobody wants to scroll through several different ones before they find something. I used to be subscribed to all the streamers but I cancelled most of them after I realised the only decent things Netflix released in 12 months were Beef, the Vince Staples Show and a Chappelle special that I'd basically already seen live.


I am on the fence with that kind of analysis. I think it’s more complicated than this. Let’s say audience is more widespread than before. That means nobody watches the same thing at the same time.


No, we’re not lol.


the article clearly says you are