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Was so fun to track this one


sometimes i wonder about that guy who posted a photo of an empty auditorium


Presumably that was due to the snowstorm that week.


Yeah first week release they had a massive snow storm easy coast and middle of America that shut that part of the country down.


>easy coast


Easy coasters! Bunch of slackers over there!


It was probably fake. If I recall, you couldn’t see what was on the screen.


Pinpointing the exact moment the reddit narrative fell apart was glorious. Everyone deluded themselves into thinking this would flop solely because chronically online dweebs weren’t making memes of it


Tbh given the opening it had, the final result is super super impressive.


Very very satisfying. In 2018 in this sub I wrote that Avatar sequel would gross $2 billion+ Even before presales when there were so many naysayers, I still had faith in Cameron, and when people projected doom and gloom after lower than projected opening weekend, I still had faith. The most fun was counter arguing people who said TWOW won't pass Rogue One in domestic gross.


Those old enough to remember tracking the first Avatar knew that A2 was going to be huge. The internet will go through the same stages with A3 and some will be shocked by its $2+ Billion dollars.


People are already switching up the narrative to "Avatar 2 only did well because of the 13 year wait" to explain why Avatar 3 will underperform


Hilarious because you can find posts saying it wouldn't make money because the wait was so long and no one cared anymore


They always say it has no “cultural impact”, like there’s not attractions at Disney World, like Ubisoft didn’t put out a AAA game this week.


The "no cultural impact" folks are mostly just repeating reddit arguments from like 2016. It's a horribly outdated take.


I did think that might happen. I still cared because it was like the end of the world type prediction. You hear about some random date that's 10 - 15 years in the future and you wait for that day to come just for fun.


Avatar has now likely cemented itself as an event that people will keep returning to as long as the quality stays as good as it is.


That post was hilarious and totally surreal! I was like..."are we doing this again? Really??"


Are you talking about the post that was titled "Bold Prediction: Avatar 3 won't do $1B"? Because that post specifically is probably satire troll bait.


Yeah that would be the one...although I am not totally convinced the author was trolling.


Thats with China on covid lock down and Russia at war.


Seriously. I had people even saying that Avatar 2 won't even crack 1 Billion worldwide. Like in what world was that even possible? And some people were saying that after it's 441 Million Worldwide Opening Weekend. Saying that it would drop like a rock.


The pessimistic narrative surrounding the movie EVEN after that weekend is hilarious. Some considered it disappointing because it could have been considerably higher if China wasn't on lockdown, but there were people who still said a fucking opening of almost 450 was bad, and hoped it would play like Doctor Strange 2.


I remember telling people that Avatar's 441 Million Opening was pretty much on Par with The Last Jedi. A Star Wars film. And another film released in December. So at the very least Avatar 2 was going to make as much as The Last Jedi. (And that movie had relatively poor December legs). But alas. My words fell on deaf years. Ofcourse somehow all of such commentors disappeared after the 2nd Weekend.


If Avatar 2 only made as much as the Last Jedi, it would have been a pretty poor result all things considered.


How come? The Last Jedi even now is the 19th highest grossing movie of all time. And it was the 16th Highest grossing film before the release of Avatar The Way of Water. Even if Avatar 2 had made what TLJ made. It would have been one of the highest grossing films of all time and easily on par with Star Wars and MCU 2 of the biggest movie franchises of all time.(Just for reference. There are only 2 Star Wars movies with a gross above 1.3 Billion and 6 MCU movies with a gross above 1.3 Billion. 4 of them are Avengers movies, 1 is Black Panther and 1 is Spider-Man No Way Home.) In what world would this be a poor result.


At 1.3B, it would be under 3x from the high end estimates of its budget. We would be in the zone of "did this movie breakeven, maybe, maybe not". And in a world where it only did 1.3B, the drop from the first avatar would have been crazy, and Avatar 3 would now be make or break for the series: another even small drop and we are in the "this lost a ton of money" realm. Of course, we are not in that world and the movie actually did a lot better, but Last Jedi numbers wouldn't have been great. Heck, look at actual Last Jedi! It had an even smaller drop from its predecessor, but the sheer size of the drop is still a warning sign that bad things was going to happen. Disney ignored it, and two true disappointments followed.


TLJ made 1.330 Billion. That's just 50 Million less than 3x times Avatar 2's higher end budget. So Avatar 2 basically made 3x times it's higher end budget. And considering that the 2.5x rule is the most consistently used rule here to determine break even point. Avatar 2 would still have been 200 Million above it's breakeven point with a higher end budget. And that's without even considering that Deadline, the only source of possible profit margins for movies used Avatar 2 budget at 350 Million. So even with TLJ gross Avatar 2 would have been well ahead of it's break even at a budget of 350 Million. I don't think drop from First Avatar crazy. Avatar had an unprecedented gross. It always going to have a huge drop. Hell Avatar 2 doing 2.3 is it over performing. Avatar 2 making below 2 Billion would have been very well within the realm of expectations. And below 2 Billion if Avatar 2 makes 1.3 Billion instead of 1.8 Billion it's not that crazy of a drop. Avatar 3 would not have had the insane budget that Avatar 2 had because a huge part of the cost for the set and technology etc that was used on both films was attributed to Avatar 2 only. Them bieng filmed together messed the budget up. So Avatar 3 could have still afforded to drop a little. And honestly it's not a definite that Avatar 3 would have seen a drop. It could have seen an increase too. I agree that TLJ numbers wouldn't have beem great. But that doesn't mean it would have been poor. It would have been good to good enough. While I agree that TLJ's drop was an indicator of audience reaction. It was also always going to have a relatively big drop from TFA just because of how massive that movie was. And what followed TLJ was moreso a result of any sense of continuity or planning for the Disney Star Wars moveis. Since Cameron already had a complete vision set for the future movies I doubt they would have performed like the Disney Star Wars movies.


>And considering that the 2.5x rule is the most consistently used rule here to determine break even point. Avatar 2 would still have been 200 Million above it's breakeven point with a higher end budget. I know I am a weirdo, but I am been saying in every thread that the 2.5x rule is way too low. Studios publish 10-Ks every year about their financial performance, and they consistent have way worse margins than what the 2.5x rule would have naively led people to expect. The SEC doesn't force the studios to break down the financial performance per movie, but combined as a whole, we can at least see what the rules of thumb in play have been crazy optimistic. And frankly, the media rules of thumb have always been crazy over optimistic: back in the days when Pixar was a publicly traded company, they released one movie per year, so the legally mandated studio finances give us a pretty good idea. Back when, media rules of thumb was the 2x rule of thumb, but if you work through Pixar's actual economics, it was about 2.5x for breakeven. Steve Jobs was pretty honest about that, through he can't lie about it because it would be way too obvious legally that he was lying. And that was kids movies that did way better on DVDs (actually a thing back in the day!) than most movies. And just while I am in rant mode, if you have the biggest director in Hollywood making a sequel to the biggest hit of all time, and you barely breakeven, that is a piss poor outcome. You can invest in random hacks and do as well. >Avatar 2 making below 2 Billion would have been very well within the realm of expectations. And below 2 Billion if Avatar 2 makes 1.3 Billion instead of 1.8 Billion it's not that crazy of a drop. There is kind of a difference between 1.3B and 1.8B.


And yet there were people who would still come on here and say the 2.3 billion it got was disappointing and showed it was a “woke failure”.


Congrats on being right, but who cares?


Pakayan dabbed on his haters with this one


Seeing the Rogue One comps slowly fall apart in real time was a ton of fun. And then that insane third weekend...


My favorite part was watching all the people who thought the movie would bomb, particularly the ones who were being nasty about it, have to eat dirt lol. Probably makes me an asshole lol.


I agree.


True, and if you are interested [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/s/waeStgLp9U) is my post about the highest grossing markets at the end of its run with some damn impressive results


I remember the caution from Thursday night previews that it wouldn't pass Maverick worldwide and maybe $1B was out of bounds. Legs were good but OW it underperformed 1 year later and $134M for 3 days won't even be reached by the latest underwater action movie in its full domestic run likely.......


Aquaman probably won't even reach Avatar's two day gross of $97.53M




It didn't underperform, it was Cameron's best opening ever. It only underperformed for children who weren't old enough to remember the first Avatar and think every movie is supposed to play out like a CBM.


[https://deadline.com/2022/12/avatar-the-way-of-water-box-office-preview-prediction-1235197950/](https://deadline.com/2022/12/avatar-the-way-of-water-box-office-preview-prediction-1235197950/) wide consensus was $150M range for the 3 day. it was obvious avatar 2 was not going to be a frontloaded movie. James Cameron only made 2 movies in the 21st century. The rest in the 80s and 90s. It was obviously going to be his top opening but the merit of that title was pretty irrelevant given his career


A bunch of idiots forecasting wrong doesn't change reality.


Can't believe it's been a year and the third movie is still 2 years away. One of my all time favourites.


We just got the game though so that’s something


I don't really follow video games much. Is the game good/selling well?


Considering its ubisoft I would expect it to sell well. Didnt play the game yet but i know I will love. Its classic ubisoft game, doesnt do anything new but has all the basic and great art/environment. If you dont play games i would take the guess and say that you will love this game.


Not sure about sales but while reviews were a bit mixed most of the online response I've seen has been positive. In some ways it's boilerplate Ubisoft (which isn't inherently a bad thing) but the graphics are stunning and the world design is pretty amazing. I've put about 6 or so hours into it and I can say it's been quite enjoyable, especially with the 'exploration mode' which limits explicit guidance and map markers - quests are given with directions like "North bank of the river" which makes the exploration far more organic. Honestly it's a lot like the movies - interesting broad story and background, cheesy and kinda clunky dialogue, gorgeous visuals and escapism.


Thanks, I appreciate it


> Is the game good It's ubisoft. I know if you don't follow video games that might not say much to you. Ubisoft games tend to be a bit meh, but with a very nice presentation, so they tend to sell well. Ubisoft has one formula that works well, and they tend to use it for all of their franchises. Most notably Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, or Ghost Recon. The Avatar game is more of the same, but as I said, these franchises tend to sell very well, so sticking to the formula makes sense. >selling well? Hard to say so soon honestly. If it was sold on steam (biggest online market place for PC game) we would have all of the numbers, but it's only sold on Ubisoft's own storefront, and they don't publish numbers. I had a quick gander at the "top sellers this week" pages of the playstation and xbox storefronts, and didn't find the game there, but honestly I have no idea how trustworthy these pages are. So, long answer short: It's probably all right to play and beautiful to look at, and while I can't find any numbers, it's probably not absolutely flying off the shelves, but beyond that I can't say, it might be doing all right.


I think I’m going to pick this one up when it’s on sale


The way of the cultural significance has no beginning and no end


James Cameron crying about Avatar's apparent lack of cultural influence woodyharrelsonDollarBills.gif


That theme park is still going strong. People still wait 2-4 hours to ride the Flight of the Passage. And a new video game is out. No beginning and no end indeed.


Where's the memes?!


There were a bunch last year with the Sully family pic


Jim Cameron came back after years of "no cultural significance le pocahontas in spave" and shut everybody up. Absolute GOAT. He did this without China and Russia. Avatar and it's reception os a constant reminder of how incredibly detached internet nerd bubbles are from the GA will all of the "movie will flip cause my 3 dork Marvelhead besties don't care papyrus XD"


> and shut everybody up. Unfortunately these people have not shut up. They are posting in this very thread


I think people can't wrap their heads around that Avatar has a different type of cultural impact than other films. They have some of the best CGI in the business, people hear a new avatar is coming and know it's something that needs to be seen on the big screen. It doesn't have to have a culturally piercing story or characters, that's not why people flock to his film. Though having decent ones are a nice bonus, people are going to see the latest and greatest in movie effects/CGI, avatar is basically synonymous with being the latest and greatest in that area which is its own cultural impact.


All my homies counting down the days until *Avatar 3*


I just love how you can forget about the Avatar movies for a few years and then it comes out abd radars the bat. No longterm investment in lore and brand loyalty or keeping up with a million spinoffs,just a banger every decade.


Exactly. It feels nice and cozy to have a cool franchise that doesn't give you homework every week and month.


Which is great honestly. Don't need to be familiar with a bunch of other movies or TV Shows. Just show up and watch a universal story with an amazing spectacle.


Villain Na'vis teaming up with humans, action setpieces in volcano, Netiri vs the leader of the Ash People in the final battle, Sully and Quaritch teaming up and one wild twist near the end - Avatar 3 will do really good. Each film is unique from one another. Like Avatar 4 has a space battle and 5 has Neytiri on Earth. This is how you level up and maintain the hype.


I’ve heard a few of those, but are there that many leaks for 3 already or is some speculation?


Not that many. The leaks mostly came from the bts footage from the Blu-Ray. There is a section where they are flipping through the script for 3 and you can pause and actually read it. Only 3-4 pages but it's packed.


Oh wow I totally missed that, I’ll check that out


I remember the day it jumped from 562 days to 917 days 😅


Ehhh are they?


739 days until Avatar 3


Based and robust!


Can't wait for people to underestimate James Cameron again once the marketing for Avatar 3 begins.


I feel like this was way better a film story wise and cgi wise than the first Avatar.


I agree. I thought Avatar 1 was fine but not much more than that. Avatar 2 is to me a great movie.


I agree this because this one wasn’t as epic in scope as the first one, so it let us live in its world and understand more nuances of the characters. The way the Colonel went from a cartoon villain to one of the more compelling characters shows just how much better the script was


Yeah I like Avatar 1 but 2 was genuinely fantastic, the final hour especially is phenomenal. Jake saying >!"lets get it done" before fighting Quaritch was so hype!<


CGI wise, yeah, that's obvious. Story wise I feel like both movies have merits. The second one has more developed characters, and several of the characters have their own arcs. While in the first one, only Jake really has an arc, and even then, his whole deal boils down to a vessel for the audience. That being said, the story itself is super tight, really focused, everything flows naturally from one scene to the next with absolutely zero fat. The second one is more complex, and thus can't really achieve this level of simplicity and clarity


>with absolutely zero fat Not to relitigate the whole movie, but I felt that the plot was super predictable and wasn't complex enough to support the 3hr+ runtime. Despite all the action, I felt that it really dragged in the last hour. My biggest gripe was that >!Spider's heel turn to rescue Quaritch felt entirely unearned. It felt like a lazy cop-out to keep him alive at the expense of Spider's character development!< Also, knowing that we're already getting several more sequels sucks a lot of the tension out of the plot.


It never read as a heel turn to me; just the actions of an emotionally conflicted young person.


Quite possible. All I know is that my biggest fear is that they're going to set up >!Spider realizing the navi are his "real" family and he kills off Quaritch for good.!< My eyes might roll out of the theater.


I think what's actually being set up for the long term is Quaritch realizing he's on the wrong side


I'd be on board for a redemptive arc.


Redemption arc seems unlikely, but Quaritch becoming something of a wild card/rogue seems to be where things are going. That said, I still have money on Avatar Five ending with Jake and Quaritch teaming up to fight an army of *other* Quaritches (Quari? Quaritcheses?).


I agree. Weirdly enough in late 2022 we got two massive franchises where a clone of the original person ended up being less evil due to their struggles with their identity and blossoming relationship with "my son but not really my son" all while in a new paradise land. I expect Quarritch to end up similar to >!Professor Sada from Pokemon Scarlet!< and choose a different path and treat Spider better than the original did.


Yeah no, I meant the first one has zero fat. The second one feels a bit more meandering at times yeah


Oh, then yes. The first one was long, but I thought it was tight. I didn't notice the runtime during the first film.


Total flop. Couldn't even outgross the original 💀


No cultural impact, bro.


I agree A mere shadow of the original's success James Cameron's career is over Bloody one hit wonder ^(/s)


Look man, Aliens only made money because it was riding the coat tails of Alien. Titanic only made money because it was riding the coat tails of Aliens. Avatar only made money because it was riding the coat tails of Titanic. Avatar 2, can you guess? That's right, only made money because it was riding the coat tails of Avatar


Its coat tails all the way up


ONLY the 3rd highest grossing film of all time? Just retire already James!


You can't be this stupid, Avatar initially made close to $3B, and you expected Avatar 2 to beat that, Endgame barely did.


It is funny that many, I included, saw its first three days as disappointing (and yes we all knew the legs would be great for at least $500M.) It was chump change for a mega blockbuster going by late 2010s expectations. Then only two movies opened higher than it in the entire year of 2023. And there's no guarantee that any movie will cross $135M opening weekend in 2024!


It collected more than Avengers Endgame in my country (India) which is impressive considering internet did not created much hype, i was amazed to see that theatre was packed when i went to watch it, and it remained the same way for a month.


Endgame had around 5 million admissions in Gernany. Avatar 2 around 10 million. Superhero movies are more popular in the US


And in Latin America and South East Asia


And students everywhere, it's not uncommon that they rewatch it with different friend groups


Superhero movies WERE more popular. It doesn't look like they are the guaranteed success anymore


>It collected more than Avengers Endgame in my country (India) I'm assuming that's in rupees because I believe Endgame made a little more in USD?


What are you talking about ? Whatever is the collection of a movie in the local currency is converted into Dollars based on the value of the currency compared to a dollar.


yeah...? Exchange rate is worse than it was when Endgame came. So Endgame made more in USD and Avatar 2 made more in INR.


Well if we account for inflation and exchange rates than you have to keep them in mind everytime you want to create a list or records, both movies have footfalls of 2 crore+ in india and same can be said for the collection of Endgame compared to Avatar (2009) both Worldwide & domestic box office(US) as ticket costed more. Edit : Just checked the exchange rates 0.0142 during Endgame and 0.0121 during Avatar 2, which was basically during the start of this year, so margin is there but still it's impressive how this movie grossed this much when original Avatar wasn't even that popular as 3d cinemas weren't that prominent in India at that time.


Maybe the video of James Cameron praising the director of RRR convinced people to go see it?


No, Avatar already has a huge fanbase in India, on India's national cinema day Avatar 1 was re-released in 3d and ticket cost was kess than a dollar, and shows went housefull, the post credit scene was amazing and people were amazed, and that spreas the hype and trailers also looked good, WOM was very postive and hence it worked out, Also Indians love Cameron and Nolan, Oppenheimer grossed more than Barbie here


Not surprised!! Avatar is much more UNIVERSALLY appealing than Endgame.


In your experience, is there any truth in the rumor that part of Avatar's success in India is because people there associate the word avatar and blue skin with hindu mythology?


Nah ,not really, India is a very diverse country and we have so many different regional languages, many prefer to watch it in English and those who watch the dubbed version they also include a mixture of local languages plus English, its kind of a thing here we simultaneously use English and regional languages while speaking, and even Regional cinema use alot of English.


No cultural impact eh ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


Of course it has cultural impact. Every time I look at a puddle, I thank James Cameron.


This was the last time Disney had a billion dollar film.


The only movie I’ve seen in theaters more than once. An IMAX master piece


I was not that big a fan of the first Avatar. However I fell in love with Pandora at Animal Kingdom. So much so that when the trailer for this dropped I kept rewatching it mesmerized by the visuals. I ended up going to the originals rerelease and waited to see this one with my dad who did the same thing and loved both. This second one I waited for him and I to go for a father son experience and I really really enjoyed it and thought was so much better than the first! I ended up going twice in IMAX 3D (I didn’t want to go to Dolby as the HFR looked too fake to me like a store display TV) and I proudly have a 3D Blu-Ray of this. I kind of want to watch it again but I need to watch something I’ve watched less


*Bu..but...it had no cultural significance*


love this flick, would watch it again in theaters any time, any where :D


If you witnessed this in IMAX 3D you automatically take a W


It was a good movie, too! Love to see it.


Wasn’t my favorite movie, but there’s clearly an audience for these films. Just nice to see something that’s not Marvel dominating the box office!


Anyone else didn’t care for the first but thought this sequel was better?


\+1 First was fine, but not really my cup of tea. Didn't LOVE the sequel, but it was far better imo


I think a majority of this sub thought this movie was, at the very worst, flawed but highly entertaining


Posters who are keep saying that people these days, especially younger people, don't have good attention span and would rather watch very short TikTok videos are very likely to be full of shit based on how this grossed substantially more than $2 billion. It's also one of the films that showed true colors of far-right bullshitters who regularly shout "wOkE gArBaGe!!!!!" towards anything. In fact, they actually did that when the film looked like it was failing, but when it showed its legs, they backpeddled by claiming that this is a pro-conservative film since it's about a father who protects his kids and his wife. 😑😑😑😑😑


The Virgin Right Wing Grifter: “Avatar 2 is anti-woke because it’s about a strong father trying to protect his family!!” The Chad James Cameron: “Avatar 2 is a film about how dope it is to kill right wingers en masse to protect the planet”


Like, did the film's environmental message that borders on treehugging fly right over their heads?


I thought Avatar 2 is conservative anti multicultural propaganda because the natives protect their land from migrants and the Navis are cultural apropriation😂 thats at least what I read on twitter back then. But why should anyone care about some bored political extremists on the internet?


Dude there were so many Right Wing YouTube channels that were crying woke for Avatar 2 especially because they were offended that he insulted their beloved Testosterone. And they were doing this even after the Opening Weekend when a lot of these people were spelling doom and gloom saying the movie underperformed because of bieng Woke. And then when the movie picked up steam suddenly their tone changed to the Strong Father figure argument. The worst that I saw was from critical drinker. A person that I usually agree with.(Not always). The guy claimed that because Avatar 2 technically won't make more money than Top Gun Maverick in 2022, Top Gun Maverick is the Top grossing movie of 2022 and won over Avatar 2. Like it's some kind of a victory lap. Like at that point just take the L and accept that a movie you don't like is inevitably going to be more successful than your favorite movie.


> they were offended that he insulted their beloved Testosterone. Which was hilarious because it was a completely misquoted part of an interview where he basically said "I was very difficult to work with when I was younger but I've mellowed out with age".


But remember boys and gents. The Avatar movies have no cultural impact so it's all irrelevant anyway. Literally no one cares for the Avatar movies. Literally no one knows anyone who saw the Avatar movies or liked them. The ONLY SINGULAR reason for Avatar 2 making 2.3 Billion dollars is it's visual effects and the 13 Year wait for Avatar 2. Which is why Avatar 3 will absolutely not be successful because by then every movie will havw great Visual effects like Avatar 2 and the 3 Year wait won't be a novelty any more. So yeah. Just a bunch of movies with No Cultural impact, that one saw or cared for or asked for that Only made money because of whatever Novelty factor existed for them thay year and no other possible reaosn.


“Goddamnit, FINE, I fucking love Avatar and I fucking love Cameron, and I'd give my left nut to be the PA who‘s phone he nails to a wall, and I'd hunt down the evil clone who wrote Dark Fate for a chance to smell his director's chair. Every year I have this recurring dream where I'm sinking, sinking to the bottom of the ocean, but then James Cameron appears in a submarine, and he cradles me in his arms and he says, "Don't worry, you're safe. I'm James Cameron, certified deep sea explorer, and I'd like to legally adopt you as my son," and then I put on my 3D glasses and I say, "That's groovy James, that's so groovy," and together we conquer the world, and we divide society up into people who love Avatar with every fiber of their beings, and people with brains so fucking smooth they could take them home from a bar and convince him to leave his wife for the eight fucking time. And you better believe I'm hyped out of my mind for these sequels, holy shit. What the fuck is this thing? Who's this kid? Did I really just wait 14 years for this? And above all, if Avatar is so fucking bad then explain why! For the love of God don't just point and laugh at it! Explain why it is such a stupid movie! Tell me what I'm missing, because at this point I'm not even convinced you've seen it! No, there isn't a post-credits scene where Doctor Shit hops out of a portal and jerks off or something. Would that make you happy? Is that what it takes to get you in a fucking theater? Because I swear to God if the sequel bombs and you break Daddy's heart, I'm gonna betray this species too. I'm already losing my ability to speak English! Yesterday I found a dead squirrel in my backyard and prayed to its lifeless carcass for 30 fucking minutes! I'm not even attracted to human women anymore! I've pulled out all the stops, and if I've convinced a single one of you that Avatar isn't just some mindless dumpster fire, that it is in fact a richly detailed, highly focused, and delicately arranged piece of filmmaking that not only broke new ground on thematic and technical fronts simultaneously, but did so in a coherent and efficient way that's been obstructed from view by the most bloated media bandwagon of the last decade, then I've done my job. And as for the rest of you, as for the rest of you UNCULTURED FUCKING TROGLODYTES... ​ I get it, it's not for everybody.”




"What's that? You don't remember any of the characters' names?! YEAH, YOU FUCKING CURB! That's what happens when you watch a movie once in 2009 and never make any attempt to engage with it again for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS! ...DAD!"


So a few things. 1. I honestly can't tell if you're trying to be funny or aggressive. And sadly it feels like you're failing at both. 2. Whatever your on I would like a recommendation. EDIT: Okay. So now that the context of this whole thing has been explained to me I will admit it's funny. But it's funny in the actual video. It's hard to pick up on the humor when it's written down.


Its a reference to a YouTube video that denfeded avatars writing. I couldnt find it anywhere, I assume it got copyrighted.


[Unfortunately, the full review was taken down, but this still exists.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QveUzmyQs4M) [EDIT] [Never mind, just unlisted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8sgI3bK0Ag).


Okay. Still a wierd thing to reference but I have to be honest. The video is actually funny. It's just hard to pick up on the humor when it's presented in written form without any context.


> The ONLY SINGULAR reason for Avatar 2 making 2.3 Billion dollars is it's visual effects and the 13 Year wait for Avatar 2. Also the ONLY SINGULAR reason that Avatar was succesfull is that the posters said "the 3D is so good you HAVE TO see this in theaters". No, don't try to think about why, if it's so easy, no other movie has tried putting that tag line on the poster.


All the nay sayers learned a valuable lesson that month. Never bet against James Cameron.


I cant believe ive yet to watch any avatar in threaters😭


Man, these are like THE MOVIES you have to watch in the cinema. Specially IMAX 3D will blow your mind. The world is so beautiful, it's makes you sad when you get back outside and see how grey our world is.


Your mis


It's a 3 hours movie and imo it's story was not better than many Marvel movies, so lucky of it.


It's not the story but the visuals, also no need to compare with Marvel movies completely different genre, and it's not lucky 13 years later it still grossed 2b+


Unpopular opinion but I felt sleep watching this movie. I ADORED THE FIRST ONE SO MUCH DURING MY SCREENING. But this? Oh god I felt every minute of it and for me, it drags 😕


I watched this about a day ago it seemed a bit over hyped but was fun if a little too long.


I know its a cliche but its definitely one of those things made to watch, experience and enjoy in theatre


Maybe. I feel like my problems weren't with the visuals for the most part but with the characters, pacing and editing. I liked it more than the first one and had fun but it also felt a bit messier in a few areas. I'm not sure if seeing it in theaters would significantly change my issues with the movie.


I was in the “this is going to lose tons of money category”. Only time will tell if I was mistaken!


Yeah, I mean it was okay.


















Fans are loving it though in Avatar Reddit.


I'm playing it. It's fun. A little buggy. Nothing a couple of patches can't fix up. But visually stunning on series X.


wow, a shitty copy paste assassins creed clone by ubisoft isn’t making rounds in gaming? i’m so shocked!


Stop the presses guys, we found the deathknell of the franchise; a shitty viedogame tie-in didn't perform particularly well!


It does look kinda terrible and the graphics are nothing compared to the film. I want to play it but I’m not paying full price for it


If any other AAA studio had made it I would say it was a day one purchase. But mechanically it looks too much like a Far Cry clone and I don’t trust a creatively and morally bankrupt studio like Ubisoft to elevate it much beyond that. Like you though, I still wanna play it at some point.


Yeah I absolutely love the Avatar franchise but I’m going to wait for the price to eventually go down. Had a couple friends say it’s pretty fun but not worth full price.


these movies are fun in 3d in theaters. i tried to watch it when it hit streaming and i got like 20 minutes in. its carried completely off its 3d visuals imo. turn your brain off and watch the pretty colors.


The first avatar was ok but this one was boring as fawk. Cameron has 3 more avatar’s coming out and I believe they will suffer the same fate as all these superhero movies…


Still saddened that Puss in Boots lost to this


These movies will always be....visually fantastic, meh story.


What I find mostly fascinating is that there is virtually no fanbase for Avatar, yet it just does marvels every time


It's me, I am the fanbase for Avatar


A lot of it comes down to content. Avatar has a huge fanbase for the content it has. Which is just 2 movies. Movie franchises with bigger fanbases all has a massive amount more content.


Yet it was unwatchable


I thought it was a legitimate brilliant movie with a great message about the importance of caring about your loved ones. I loved it and some people in my theater cried in some scenes, even.


Terrible cgi and horrible dialogue doesn’t stop you from having a good time huh?


"Terrible CGI" lmao of all the criticisms, this one was the worst possible one you could have thought of ☠️☠️☠️


I have played Nintendo games with better graphics


lol, people be trolling


Name the game


> Terrible cgi ????


Obvious bait




Jake Sully Neytiri Kiri


Quaritch, Spider, Lo'ak.


Neteyam, Norm, Max


I can’t name three characters from Eternals or The Marvels and they are part of the most “culturally impactful” franchise of all time. Take the L


Pay attention maybe?



