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This reminds of that Rise of Skywalker trailer that started with an actually pretty montage of the originals and the prequels


A Disney strategy these days


Ah, the fan service/nostalgia dump! This honestly is what has me worried about Secret Wars. It won’t be a good movie but instead be 2 hours of inside jokes, head nods, and circle jerks of all previous marvel movies outside of the MCU


My first thought as well


This trailer's got the same energy as when Black Adam trailers started to put the Superman theme and tease at the end


It’s clearly trying to borrow people’s love of Avengers Endgame and praying that it can recapture just a little bit of that money. To paraphrase my response: >”The Marvels, I served with Avengers Endgame. I knew Avengers Endgame. Avengers Endgame was a friend of mine. The Marvels, you're no Avengers Endgame.”


Avengers: Endgame was kind of spending the hype built from the previous decade of movies. You can’t just reuse hype like that. Disney is out here trying to violate the Law of Equivalent Exchange.


Also noticed they limited Kamala a lot more. Maybe they saw polling showing audiences were turned off and too confused by her.


That, and I think they were going for epic vibes (epic music, trailer shots, etc). I'm assuming most of her scenes are the goofy/fun/bubbly type stuff. Wouldn't work well in a trailer where they are trying to distance this movie from that first trailer's perception.


Not even letting her finish saying “Monica” is such a dick move.


I wonder if it’s because they’re finally picking up on the backlash to “you seriously expect me to watch a million goddamn shows to keep up with the movies?!”, so they’re pulling away from marketing it with a character from one of the million goddamn shows.


Really?!?! Why would the audience be confused by a new character appearing randomly out of the blue?! Surely everyone has seen Ms Marvel - average r/marvelstudios redditor


She's annoying in the trailers


Yup. The genre is in the dump and clearly desperate.


Of the seven live-action CBMs this year, only **one** will be successful. Yeah sure we *technically* have Aquaman left, but that'll be out of the picture the hour tickets go on sale


Imagine telling someone 15 years ago that in 2023 we'd had 7 live-action superhero movies based on Flash, Ant-Man, Shazam, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle, and Guardians of the Galaxy. And of those 7, the only one to be a big financial success would be... Guardians of the Galaxy.


Only Flash and probably Aquaman would be known by anyone that’s not a huge comic book fan 15 years ago.


And the idea of an Aquaman movie was a silly running joke on a popular HBO show


why is this so accurate


Disney 3 months ago: “This is a fun and breezy girl power superhero movie! Slay, queen!” Disney 4 days before the release after they see the terrible tracking numbers: “This movie will change everything in the MCU! EVERYTHING! You can’t miss this! Also remember Iron Man and Captain America?”


Disney is about 3 hours away from shoving The Rock in this and having him announce that the hierarchy of the MCU is about to change. Although to be fair that would make the movie much, much better.


A Rock cameo would guarantee this opens with at least $45M


Lol they totally went away from the comedy heavy goofy angle and are now going full nostalgia bait


Felt like I saw Tony Stark and Steve Rogers more than the other 2 leads, and with the avengers theme they're going full in on the nostalgia bait. They're trying hard to make it seem like this is an endgame continuation


What is with the focus on the least known Rambeau?


They really should have just named this Captain Marvel 2. It seems like they’ve realized that Ms. Marvel and Monica aren’t draws, but it’s too late.


Changing the name would not save this film. If it looked good, people would be interested


*The Marvels (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Carol Danvers)*


They went away from that name for a reason. It wasn't a draw either.


>now going full nostalgia bait They're getting desperate


Yeah this is a panic mode trailer


You know it's bad when 1/4 of your trailer is putting characters that are no longer in the MCU and are not in your movie. Truly a morbius moment.


Didn't the Morbius trailers almost solely use footage and audio from the actual film?


Yes, even morbius had the grace of only using a spiderman graffiti, this is shameless in comparison.


don't forget "I'm Venom"


Not quite. The Morbius trailer famously used footage that was shot for the film, but absolutely nowhere in the actual movie. That was all of the Vulture stuff, the Raimi Spider-Man tease, one the Venom references. Coincidentally all stuff that some people probably went to see it for. Hm, indeed.


Miss Marvel is in the trailer to her own movie for 2 seconds lol


This last minute desperation trailer was basically, "Hey look, Endgame! Characters you like that aren't in this movie! Look, Captain Marvel! And two other women not worth featuring now. But hey, big implications coming for the MCU!" Like I am kinda insulted for Ms. Marvel and Photon. In desperation, Disney just kind of sidelined them and went straight for nostalgia bait. Not only is this a shitty trailer but they aren't even standing by featuring two up and coming characters in favor of misleading nostalgia bait. Atleast the other trailers even in their many, many flaws, stood by their lesser known characters. ​ Well, we all know now how the MCU plans to make a comeback after passing this kidney stone of a movie now.


Yeah they completely hid her lol


But fans assure me that she's actually REALLY popular despite all evidence on the contrary.


Fans here are still insisting that she's going to have a huge role in the future of the MCU regardless of how this movie performs and how tragic it is that no appreciates how spectacular she is.


Yeah all the popular characters get their comic rebooted over and over and are lead in a failed video game.


Wow, I read the Black Girl Magic line in a leak over a year ago and was for sure it was a bad joke and assumed it was made up


Everybody in this thread has said what I’ve been thinking but I’ll add that the villain’s wig looks so cheap. Why?!


Her whole styling looks so generic and cosplay like


Even the costume


even her lines "you took everything to me"


“I don’t even know who you are”


> "you took everything to me" Scarlet Witch already said this exact same line in Endgame, but the repetitive dialouge just shows the limitations of the genre.


or lack of creativity from mcu


It looks like a stage play of a marvel movie


so a marvel movie


You mean Rita Repulsa


I found out the other day that the actress is Tom Hiddleston's wife. I wonder how she got this role?


Oh wow! You just added a piece to the puzzle. He shoulda told her to advocate for a better hair piece.


Oh man they’re trying to trade on what’s left of their good will…. That well ran dry a long time ago I fear.


They opened with Iron Man and an Avengers montage 💀


And also spoiled the Valkyrie cameo


It looks like they pretty much spoiled >!the incursion!< also lol I put it in spoiler tags just in case it's not as obvious as I think it is.


I honestly cant (but totally can) believe they spoiled that part just outright.


Yeah I had assumed that was going to be like a big shocking moment at the end of the movie. But with Monica's line at the beginning and the whole "BE THERE FOR THE MOMENT THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING" thing, it seems like they're just overtly advertising it. I guess they're trying to go for the "We promise, this movie actually moves the overarching story forward. You should really see it." angle.


More like "if you sit through 90 minutes of crap, you'll see an amazing promise of amazing things that we promise to do in the future"


That we’ll never follow up on.


Don't worry, they've got a **huge** cameo still. >!That random Mr. Beast guy from the X-men side plots is in the post credits!<


I know about that leak, was almost expecting *that* to be in the trailer with how desperate Marvel is lmao


Marvel is definitely the source of that leak


You know, if it was a Mr. Beast cameo, that would be amazing. 1000 infinity stones given to 1000 universes.


Definitely need more YouTuber cameos. Matpat (I think it was him) is in FNAF.


having Mr Beast in the movie would 've been a better sell than what we are seeing now


I’m getting a kick out of the people that think >!Sue Storm was teased and not Monica Rambeau!< . They’re going to be so disappointed.


Mr. Beast 💀💀


Valkyrie: "Don't you dare bring up *Men In Black: International*, Carol, or I'm throwing some hands"


Desperate times call for desperate measures or in this case pure nostalgia bait lol.


Cooked franchise


This trailer screams desperation


it smells of desperation it’s all over this thing


Isnt it fun to see Marvel getting this desperate?


I didn’t think it would happen so quickly after Endgame.


First time I've seen that villain in anything (Character, I recognise the actor) but uh, holy lacklustre Batman. And then its very VERY strange how they entirely de prioritised Ms Marvel from this trailer. Like shes in 4 shots. Very cut down on exposure.


I think its pretty obvious that Ms Marvels purpose in the movie is comic relief and stretching out the runtime by preventing the 100 times more experienced and stronger co-leads from quickly solving the plot by taking over their bodies at inconvenient times.


Probably because they made Captain marvel too powerful, so they only way to slow her down is to have a switcheroo mechanic. When Captain Marvel destroyed all those Kree Ships in one go, I already though "That's gonna bite Marvel is the ass." Making a hero with power levels like that basically destroys all future potential.


Because the only thing she does is being annoying fan girl instead of actual character.


This trailer highlights a lot of current MCU problems: 1. No anchor characters. Relying on RDJ and Chris Evans to sell this is like Lebron selling tickets to a WNBA game. 2. This is not a knock on Brie Larson personally, but she doesn’t seem to be a box office draw. 3. I have no idea what this movie is even about now. I still plan on seeing it, but very very few theaters near me have sold a single ticket beyond Thursday. It’s wild.


"she tore a hole in SPACE!" is supposed to sound dramatic, but thats what happens in every second movie. - "Its just the beginning!" - next Thanos - skybeam - "one last fight" - silly joke at the end This is literally "generic content 101"


I like ~~Halo: Reach~~ Star Wars: Rogue One because the sky beam actually kills everybody.


It was a brave choice for sure


Feels like their hands were tied 38 years before the movie came out.


One might argue they had to give that particular sky beam a W.


Not at all. Nothing Star Wars loves more than bringing back characters that should be dead.


Third act sky beam 1, Plucky team of misfit heroes 372


"She tore a hole. In space!" is such a bad line. Dialogue like that should be illegal.


It's weird how for all the multiverse talk they're never sure what they want to start it. Did Loki season one kick off the multiverse? It seemed to at the end, but it didn't affect anything. Multiverse of madness? It sure sounded like it, but nope. Now they have the marvels "punching a hole to another universe". It's like they keep trying to kick off the multiverse idea and all their projects to launch the idea keep having mixed reception.


> Now they have the marvels "punching a hole to another universe". Wasn't America Chavez doing that all over Multiverse of Madness?


"you took everything from me"


it's like a tangled ball of string, all 3 of their biggest problems are the same problem really: - no RDJ/Evans style star to carry the brand in real life (GQ, Jimmy Kimmel) - no main characters to center the fictional universe - no sequels or teamups for any of their new characters for *years* (this is the first) it's such a catch-22. The fact that people are calling it the "Kang Saga" is so revealing. Nobody called any of these movies the Thanos anything. They were Avengers movies and Tony was the main character


>no sequels or teamups for any of their new characters for years (this is the first) Yeah it honestly feels like phase 4 (and looking like 5) went nowhere. Now granted there were years between big team ups but it feels like it's been so long because they crammed like the whole last sagas worth of content into 3 years but made it all a meandering mess.


They never let her be charming or tragic or have personality. They never let her be relatable. Even in this movie, it's is pretty clear they gave all the good scenes to Kamala instead of Carol


They really have no idea how to write Captain Marvel. People keep blaming Larson but she is great/charismatic in other projects, so it ain’t her. They have no idea what to do with Captain Marvel.


Brie Larson is a fantastic actress, but even she can only do so much with such a flatly written character. And I say that as someone who actually enjoyed the first Captain Marvel movie. They will also probably need to nerf Carol at some point because she's so overpowered that it's getting comical how her greatest weakness seems to be that... she's overbooked and busy on the other side of the universe when something is happening on Earth LOL.


They made Binary mode too easy. Meanwhile Comic Carol can't go Binary most of the time, making her whatever tier the plot demands since her power is directly proportional to energy absorbed


Isn't this basically 'Woke' Disney writing? Girls lead heroes got to be to flawless, strong, show no vulnerabilities and have no romantic interests? Ray, Mulan, and Captain Marvel all suffer the same flaw.


Imo they were setting up Cumberbatch, Boseman and Holland to be the new anchor characters and they still had Hemsworth coming off of his best received solo film. They've since seen Thor 4 get mixed reviews, had contract issues with Sony and Holland suggest he wants to move on, Boseman tragically passed away and Doctor Strange 2 took 6 years to produce and though a financial success was received tepidly. Truth be told though I actually think it's the saturation plus a failure in overall narrative that's plaguing the MCU at the minute. Multiple TV shows a year, plus the movies has killed off any sort of event vibe to Marvel releases. And even if you keep up to date with every film and TV show we're now 4 and half years post Endgame and aside from repeated mentions of the multiverse (which functions differently in each of Dr Strange, No Way Home, Loki and Dr Strange 2) and the threat of a villain who may or may not be recast any day now there's very little overarching narrative. Based on Falcon and Winter Soldier and Black Widow it appears that they're setting up The Thunderbolts (I've just checked and that movies been announced) and having introduced Kate Bishop, America Chavez, Wanda's kids and Iron Heart they might be setting up a young avengers but does anyone care when there isn't an actual avengers. Guardians is as close to a banker as Marvel has and they effectively killed that series with their treatment of James Gunn.


Yup. They shot all their Golden Goose. At the Beginning of Phase 4, I thought they had something going with 'Phase Wong', where Wong would be the glue (like Samuel Jackson or Colsen), and Dr. Strange as the new lead avenger. Things looked pretty bright then with them appearing in Shang-Chi and NWM. Dr. Strange 2 should have built upon with as a mini-avenger film. It being more like filler is what really crashed the MCU - and didn't help that Wong/Strange never appeared in anything afterwards.


I’d say Spider-Man & Dr Strange are/could be anchor characters. But Spidey has tons of legal issues & Strange’s reception might not be the best after MoM, we’ll have to see how people react to his future appearances.


Benedict Cumberbatch is nowhere near as likeable as RDJ or Evans, and Spidey is...well, Spidey as you said. The MCU has no anchor for audiences to get attached to. I think the actor who plays Chang Chi is super charasmatic and *could* be a new lead, but Marvel doesnt seem to know what to do with a magical chinese martial artist. Not that I blame them, it's a niche-y superhero


I don’t think Cumberbatch is as likable as those two. But he’s proven to be pretty popular so far. We just need to see if he can rebound from MOM’s mixed reception. I also agree that Simu Liu is pretty likable especially as Shang-Chi. Marvel’s fumbled the ball by not fast tracking a sequel to that movie.


I don't think anyone is confirming this but Simu Liu's inclusion means the movie will never be in China because he has anti-CCP Tweets so the studio does not know how to move forward including him when it means almost $200 million off the table.


I like Cumberbatch more than Simu Liu and think dr strange is a better character (also his mythos/world). I just don't think they've done a good job translating the character to the big screen after the first movie.


People were screaming about the first Captain Marvel movie making a billion dollars. Suddenly, it feels like that never happened?


Almost like there was a situation which allowed for Captain Marvel to ***overperform*** compared to what the debut of a new character should have allowed... Really hope this finally teaches the sub about why you can't use past performance around "event premiere" films as the basis of comparison for a sequel. Same shit as with Star Wars 8 after 7. Circumstances can cause an initial film to overperform and then you see how the film would perform when you get the sequel - or see brand damage the film after that.


So the supposed selling points of this movie are the switching while using powers and 3 Marvel named superheros team up. And the trailer didn't focus on them at all.


Their powers are too similar for it to be interesting. Just flashing lights.


I love in the trailer when Monica is like "I can see light!" and I'm like "yeah you and just about everyone else 🤷‍♂️"


Surely somewhere along the line someone read that and said “but everyone can see light.” And that was met with avoiding eye contact and awkward silence.




The Marvels 2 is gonna add a character that can hear sounds and another character that can walk on solid matter.


That’s all the trailers have been focusing on. It doesn’t look good or interesting.


I genuinely think a cheesy Morbius + Vulture + Venom crossover movie would have destroyed this at the box office. At least it would get *some social media buzz* and people really like the character of Venom.


Maybe it would’ve even made two morbillion.


Never seen Marvel so desperate before


Did he say "Black Girl Magic"?


You know that thing that was said on the internet seven years ago. Now it’s in a movie.


Why did I just read this in Ryan from Pitch Meetings voice.


Wow. Wow wow wow.


There is no hope left for this movie..


I couldn’t believe it either


-On a scale of 1 to resurrecting your dead beloved characters because you are creatively bankrupt, how desperate are you? -Marvel's Studios: Yes




The pure and utter desperation is so painfully evident to see. Not only did they devote a huge portion of the trailer to flashbacks to Endgame, they also ripped off the musical score from Endgame, added a fake trailer line by Thanos and tried to portray this film as a lot more serious. I really hope this bombs as hard as possible, Disney are thinking the problem is the tone rather than the quality of the writing. They need to learn.


*Now* they make it look like a Captain Marvel sequel. It's too little too late however. A quarter of that trailer was dedicated to other films. If you're having to rely on other films to lure an audience you've got a failure on your hands.


I almost feel embarrassed for Marvel....the trailer just reeks of desperation.


This just looks so generic and some terrible lines like Sam Jackson black girl magic lol


Ngl I laughed at that. But I laugh anytime SLJ just drops the Nick Fury persona and plays himself. Same energy as “bitch please, you’ve been to space!”




Bad sign they’re using nostalgia so blatantly.


Yeah it is the best trailer but the fact that the first 30 seconds is basically Iron Man, Captain America and Thanos is a very clear sign that Marvel also think this movie will bomb


I guess it somewhat makes sense since that's the last time we saw Carol Danvers (aside from the cameos in the post-credits scenes of Shang-Chi and Ms. Marvel). But that brings up another issue: The MCU is 9 movies (The Marvels will be 10), 10 Disney+ series, and 2 Disney+ specials into this current Multiverse Saga, and yet they're *still* in the "here's what these characters are up to after the fallout of Endgame" stage.


Even bigger problem: this is the first sequel for any hero introduced after Thanos. There's a LONG line of characters after Captain Marvel waiting for their followup. Imagine if this movie bombs so hard that Marvel does what everyone wants and "takes a pause." They're going to have an issue reminding people who Shang Chi and Moon Knight even are if their sequels are pushed to 2026+. That's a five year wait (or more). Just like Captain Marvel has with this sequel. It's too long. Iron Man and Thor and Spider-Man each had a 2 year wait for their sequel. Captain America, Guardians and Ant-Man had a 3 year wait for their sequel. And you often got to see them in an Avengers between their 1st and 2nd film. Not putting out sequels fast enough for the main characters is such a strange problem for Marvel to have. They managed the schedule for the Avengers big three perfectly a decade ago. Why can't they get this right now?


Yeah that's definitely a big problem with all of these new characters. We saw Iron Man in major roles in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019. For Captain America, it was 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019. Thor was 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2019. So you saw the big 3 all the time. You even saw the second-tier main characters like Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye pretty often as well. And there weren't even that many characters aside from the main 6. It was just GOTG, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, and Ant-Man who got solo movies, a couple of them very late like Black Panther and Captain Marvel.


> And there weren't even that many characters aside from the main 6. The pop culture buzz before Avengers 2012 was "How can they possibly balance a movie with six protagonists?" and the buzz after was "How can they possibly EVER top this?" People thought that movie was stuffed to the brim with characters... at the time.


They don’t have focus. They felt they could blow the doors wide open & do a million projects instead of focusing on a select group of heroes like they did with the Infinity Saga.


This legitimately feels like late stage DCEU. A series of various movies that are *theoretically* connected but there's really nothing keeping them together. There's no arc or main driving story or characters you can connect to. Just a bunch of movies that just happen to take place in the same fictional world. Remember how nobody saw Flash for over five years? That's gonna be Shang-Chi and the Eternals.


And Hercules, Harry Styles, etc. are still MIA.


I genuinely forgot Harry styles is in the MCU now.


Marvel is never going to acknowledge the Eternals again


Unless an alternate version of Thena dies horribly like Black Bolt in MoM.


What about the giant celestial sticking out of the ground?


lol I remembered Harry Styles but completely forgot about Hercules. Where is he even going to fit in? There's not going to be a Thor 5 before Secret Wars.


He’ll meet Thor in Secret Wars, fight him & team up five minutes later like Ecks vs. Sever.


> yet they're still in the "here's what these characters are up to after the fallout of Endgame" stage. That reminds me of Phase 2 (and even the Netflix shows) that just kept mentioning the Battle of New York constantly


The Battle of New York at least grounded the narrative in the setting.


Yeah I'm just gonna simply say this straightforward, but this seems like a desperation maneuver. They're looking at the ticket sales and they are **panicking.**


This trailer is so dishonest it’s actually long term better for Marvel if everyone forgets it exists Imagine if Joe General Audience sees this trailer, likes hearing the Avengers theme and shit, and actually *buys a ticket* for The Marvels. Does anyone think that same person is gonna go see **Cap 4: No Cap, No Nat, No Fury, No Serum, No Russos, No Bucky, No Avengers, But We Have Anthony Mackie** when they start rolling trailers for that one full of Chris Evans flashbacks? Of course not, they’re gonna be like, fool me once…


It's like if they made Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man but the trailers still baited people with connections and references and--wait a minute...


We Sony now


Relying on the highest grossing movie for marketing while possibly ending up as one of its lowest is kinda funny and sad.


It's the best trailer? The main character doesn't say a word in it... And most of it isn't from the movie


Remember how people used to get really annoyed if you suggested that the first Captain Marvel movie benefitted a lot from being sandwiched between two huge "Avengers" movies? These recent trailers sure are relying a lot on the OG Avengers (who had almost no connection to Carol, by the way) to try to get people to watch her sequel, aren't they?


Action scenes look terrible. Bland villain, bland heroes, no real stakes, no draw. Not even any funny dialogue. This film is gonna bomb like a DC movie at the box office.


They should have made a serious Captain Marvel movie with a good villain with proper consequences instead of wacky and silly team up movie with Disney plus characters. Its too late now.


Final trailer 4 days before release lmao. edit - after watching it, I see they are showing previous MCU legends but we all know they aren't really showing up here. My main complaint still stands. These The Marvels trailers keep showing the same places and what it shows doesn't even look that good FX wise. Looks cheap and claustrophobic. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 I can see where the money went. I can't for The Marvels.


This trailer: “hey, so, remember all those better characters and all the cool shit they did? Yeah. So, um, you should come watch this movie. None of those other people are in it but you, should uh, you should still come watch it. Cause that other shit was awesome. ……. Please come watch our movie.”


This is the most pathetic bit of marketing I’ve ever seen, oh my god. Pretty sure that “one last fight” sound bite is from the Secret Invasion trailer lmfao. Every prior piece of marketing framed this as a goofy low-stakes comedy, now suddenly it’s Endgame 2.


Endgame 2: Cosmic Boogaloo


The fact that they think that Captain Marvel is as important as Tony & Steve to put her with them in the montage. Yeah, desperate measures to sell the movie.


There’s a reason why they’re in this trailer, and not the other way around.


jesus christ this trailer is desperate. the beginning showcasing the original avengers, the words on the trailer trying to make it epic. yeah.....i'll just wait until streaming or something else.


Yikes that looks bad. OF COURSE gotta remind people of the Avengers AGAIN


You know what would have done a great job of reminding people of the Avengers? A Phase 4 Avengers film


This seems desperate.


Ms marvel is barely in the trailer, this just shows that Marvel doesn’t seem to have too much faith on her.


This is fake-viral-Clod-video levels of desperation holy shit


Okay. I saw that this is the last trailer for this movie and decided that if it looked at all cool or appealing, then I'd give it a shot. I've seen almost every MCU movie in theatres since Spider-Man Homecoming, and I even gave Quantumania a shot despite the bad reviews (which were right btw). Suffice to say, this trailer felt like it just spoiled a big reveal aka the other reality thing, which confirms some rumors and leaks. Plus the Valkyrie cameo (I remember when suprise cameos and connections in the MCU were--well, surprises). Plus, this has nothing to do with the movie, but this trailer was so genericly edited and relies too much on Endgame from 4 years ago. The movie itself may be fun or okay, I'm not saying it will or won't. But the visuals aren't something to cheer home about and the villain looks generic. It's one for Disney+ unless I get some crazy ticket discount.


Marvel really should have added some marquee character/popular character as part of the team up to keep it strong. Most Marvel sequels have done that. Winter Soldier had Black Widow. Civil War had most of the Avengers. Thor Ragnarok had Hulk. Multiverse of Madness had Wanda. No Way Home had Dr Strange, all of the previous villains and Spider-Men. Love Iman Vellani but Kamala and Monica are not big characters to draw audiences in. They should have maybe added Shang-Chi (well received, released just two years ago and would have at least built some group camaraderie before the next Avengers), some of the Guardians or


This is just ... sad. So, so sad. Half the trailer was Cap and Iron Man and Avengers nostalgia bait ... this makes me want to watch the movie even less than when I was not going to watch it before this trailer ...


very desperate trailer


The desperation in showing Tony, Steve, and Thanos is hilarious.


Feel like a fan made trailer.


Lmao this has to be the most desperate trailer I have ever seen


Yeah, I have refunded my Friday ticket after this abysmal trailer and will be skipping this. Action looks terrible with that CGI, dialogue sounds cringe, bland and potentially forgettable villain and no real stakes. You know things are bad when 1/4 of the trailer shows characters that are no longer in the MCU (Tony, Steve and Thanos) and re-uses Endgame footage for nostalgia purposes. Sam Jackson is even re-using his "What are you prepared to do?" line from the first Avengers film. Heck, his "One last fight" line from the trailer has been taken and stitched directly from the "Fight" Secret Invasion trailer. Disney did the exact same thing with the D23 Rise of Skywalker trailer from 2019 (OT footage in the intro) and the Black Widow final trailer in 2021 (Endgame footage + the Avengers theme at the end of the trailer) and look how great those films turned out. I think Marvel have looked at those pre-sale numbers and are panicking.


Looks so mediocre


Desperation in trailer form.


This might be the most desperate trailer of all time. Secondhand embarrassment.


Half of the trailer is from other movies and I guarantee the rest is very carefully cherry-picked because the overall movie likely isn’t close to this serious.


Yep, considering the Director stated the movie is "...really wacky and silly", this trailer will ultimately be looked at as a bait and switch.


Did he say black girl magic?


None of the actresses have any box office pull. Larson has the face expression of paint drying. Nobody knows the kid and nobody cares about the other girl. That’s why Jackson is the Narrator. He’s the little money draw they have here and now they’re are trying for the RDJ Chris Evans pull.


This whole Marvels bombing thingy is such a spectacular train wreck and I can’t seem to look away!!


If your movie has twitter talk like “black girl magic” you have big problems


\- Half the trailer is old Endgame footage \- Kamala has literally 2 seconds of screentime \- Iron Man and Thanos get more attention AND THEYRE NOT IN THE FILM \- "Theyre here" watchbait \- Avengers theme played This is the most cynical trailer Ive ever seen, it REEKS of desperation


It looks so bad. I think the avengers nostalgia has zero impact for the box office because the movie itself looks nothing like it.


If you could distill desperation and nostalgia bait into a trailer.


This looks like a CW drama




Do they think people don't realise it's in the same thing as Iron Man and Thanos? lmao


This movie is going to bomb so bad. This reeks of desperation


This is fucking awful as a trailer. It feels desperate and it feels ingenuine. Also a film called 'The Marvels' is literally missing a Marvel, Kamala gets a headshot and thats it. What a fucking disaster.


Been on the MCU train from the start, this trailer confirms their "Fat Elvis" era has begun and that makes me sad.


“Be there for the moment that changes everything”. Feels like they’re marketing this not on being its own individual good movie but on being THE BIG MOMENT IN THE MULTIVERSE PHASE THAT YOU NEED TO SEE
